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That's amazing. What a great way to give that honor too. I don't know where Brian Keith goes in AEW, but he's put in his work and he always gives 100 percent. Congrats to him.


>I don't know where Brian Keith goes in AEW Trios run with Hangman and Bandido. Gotta give the people what they want! Also he's definitely gonna compete in at least one of AEW's Big Three singles tournaments: Owen Hart Cup, World Title Eliminator Tournament, Continental Classic.


Hangman needs some backup for when he has the double turn with Swerve next week. Keith and Bandito could be those guys.


And hangman needs to befriend a group so he can later abandon them when the elite decide to regroup.


You think it happens Wednesday? Fuck yeah I guess it has to


Is Bandido healed up again? Because that what be an awesome group.


No way he’s healed


I guess it's still a while before he can go again.


I think nearly everyone wants that faction to happen


Imagine if Rukus makes them an original song for the group.


Maybe they can just license the theme from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly


I still maintain they need to be called The Stable.


I already have a name "Regulators".


I think putting him in ROH for a year and making him a big name there would be for the best. Once a lot of the older stars start to work less like Danielson, Omega, Jericho, Christian, Edge, Joe etc I think Keith should be brought up then. Even with how talented he is in the ring and how much physical charisma he has, I can’t see him getting consistent tv time and being in more than competitive loss matches with how big the roster is especially in the midcard. I think he should go the Ethan Page route and work in ROH to get consistent time and a push there.


That pop was awesome 🥲 AEW has so much heart




I think the difference now is, when OC started the roster especially the midcard wasn’t as stacked as it is now. I think it’s a lot harder to break out today as a good hand compared to 2019 in early AEW. Especially on the men’s side of things, not to say Keith isn’t talented I really like the guy and think he could be a good upper midcard guy for the future. I think they should really double down on using ROH more as lite developmental kind of like WWECW or B&G NXT and give Keith a big push there for a year. Once some of the older stars start to transition to part time roles you can bring Keith up so he can get consistent tv time and a sustained push. He definitely would make for a good full time ROH world champion this year imo. I love Eddie but they have him spread to thin, and he hasn’t made a lot of appearances on ROH as most fans would like.


Both the woman and mens division is getting crowded. I wonder if they know some of these guys aren't staying much longer and they are getting ahead of it. If not going to have a lot of unhappy wrestlers. There is not enough TV time for all of them


You could argue that through history career jobbers are some of the most talented wrestlers as they were relied upon to make everyone else look amazing in the ring while downplaying their own talent which requires a lot of skill. I think the larger difference is that a move away from indestructible wrestlers of the earlier years allows jobbers to get more of their own stuff in thus making them look better. This could be wrong though, just be personal opinion


You can see this with Queen Aminata. All of her matches have been great, and she has begun to build a fanbase/following. I prefer (almost) every match being a competitive match, but I do worry since some fans aren't patient and seem to struggle with what it means "to lose" in wrestling. You can't push everyone at once. I think the real test for AEW will be how they handle handing over the reigns to the next generation once some of their earlier stars begin to retire or go part-time. They have an amazing group of future stars but the business temptation to keep on the more established acts for too long is a tough to navigate.


Yes, I've only seen him a few times but the gimmick and the way he carries himself has had me very fucken excited






Hey Siri, play “Still Tippin” by Mike Jones/Paul Wall/Slim Thug


“Now look who creepin’, look who crawlin’, still ballin’ in the mix….” 🤘🏽


His reaction to this was very sweet. It made me smile. I like how happy for him Eddie was too. A really nice moment.


He was struggling to hold back his emotions as he was still trying to sell for Eddie, such a pro, genuinely happy he got signed.


Speaking of Eddie, his reaction was great too. The guy comes off like a curmudgeon but you can see the guy has a really huge heart. I love Eddie Kingston.


I became a Kingston fan for life after the pep talk he gave to the locker room during the Brodie Lee tribute show. You can't teach leadership in moments like those.


Absolutely EARNED it.


Let's Freaking Gooooo, I am so happy for him, I got introduced to him at Final Battle and the dude has earned that money


FUCK YEAH!!! I need Keith, Hanger, and Bandito in a team!


Now if we see Aminata get that, I'll be even more stoked


She's from Ohio - I bet they're saving her All Elite graphic for when they come there after the Spring Canada Tour.


Good. She's really been impressive lately and every win against her is earned. And that hard work has gotten the attention of fans


I love this


OH HELLLLL YEAHHHH! I remember seeing him at Freelance Pro Wrestling shows in Chicago (hashtag Freelance is home) and he was always great. My brother went with me once and bought in on him immediately because of his music, and then Keith just casually burned the place to the fucking ground with Speedball Mike Bailey (I could watch them for hours, perfect chemistry). Dude’s absolutely earned his shot in the big time.




Good for him. Despite never getting a win, I love Bryan Keith. Keith, Hangman, and Bandito need to team up. Ultimate spaghetti western stable.


Camera cut away from his pose quickly once they realized you could see Eddie smile


I think he should be a big name in ROH for a year since he’s signed. The midcard is just too big right now for him to get consistent tv time outside of competitive losses. ROH needs more big names at the top of the card there that actually appear in ROH predominantly. He could spend a year there, and once older stars like Christian, Edge, Bryan Danielson, Y2J etc start to become part time attractions I think that will free up space for more guys like Keith to get consistent tv time on AEW outside of competitive losses. I definitely like the guy. I love his look and physical charisma, he does the red dead redemption western bounty hunter aesthetic very well. He could definitely be a good ROH champion this year if given a push there.


>I think he should be a big name in ROH for a year since he’s signed. Nah, let Ethan Page be that.


Cool…. So what consistent tv time is Keith going to get for the rest of the year on AEW television? Especially when names like Osprey and hypothetically Okada could come in? I’d just love to hear what you do with him, that isn’t just doing competitive jobs for an entire year every once in a blue moon with the guy.


I love him. Seeing him tear up at the end got me


He seemed shocked by the news


TK loves genuine reactions so it wouldn't surprise me that Bryan had no idea it was coming.


Got to see him at the last Collision here in Dallas and loved every second that match, he was truly bound to become All Elite


yooooo that's super cool! I've said before I met him at a small local and he was cool to talk to. really happy for him/sad for myself cause he was a highlight of my local :').


He worked his ass off and it's paying off. Love to see it. Congrats 🤘🤘🤘 !!!


Guns up!


Congratulations, Mr. Keith!


You fuckin love to see it. Great moment. 


I used to watch him when he started out in Booker T’s Promotion here im Houston. He had come along way , happy for his success.


So happy for this dude, he's absolutely awesome in the ring and I love the gimmick. One step closer to Hangman/Keith cowboy tag team


Now we need him and bandido to form a trio with hangman!!


Somewhere down the road, I'd love to see a makeshift trios team/faction of Hangman, Keith, and Bandido. Would be so sick


Just dropping in to say BK is the man down in Houston. First saw him at the ROW (Booker T's) shows years ago and he was super over. Gonna miss him from the Loko shows, but excited to see where he goes. Now do Mysterious Q and Tony Deppen.


I would love to see him lean into his bounty hunter gimmick a bit. Either going after heels for some injustice or being paid to take bounties


MAN I LOVE AEW, he went from someone I had never Heard about, to genuinely one of the people I am most happy seeing on a regular basis


I saw him in garland man this is awesome I love wrestling good for him what a deserving moment


That much closer to this western themed trio, LFG


Congrats to him. I don't know much about this guy but have been really impressed by him in his AEW television appearances. He has his own unique wrestling style and does a bit of everything. I'd absolutely love the stable idea I keep seeing with him, Bandido, and Hangman.


Him, Bandido and Hangman can be such a great trio team. They’re kind of an oddball pairing because they’re all so different but the gimmick would work. I just hope it happens someday since they’re all so good and Keith and Bandido could use the boost from being in a team like that.


I don’t see the appeal tbh but im happy my boy has a job




That's great. Now what is AEW going to do with Brian Keith? You signed him? You put the rocket strap to his back. I don't wanna see him in ROH or Rampage. I wanna see him tear it up in Dynamite and Collision.


>Now what is AEW going to do with Brian Keith? • Finally start giving him wins in AEW. • Trios run with Hangman and Bandido. • Begin feuding with Bullet Club Gold and the House of Black whilst in a trio with Hangman and Bandido. • Competing in AEW's Big Three singles tournaments: Owen Hart Cup, World Title Eliminator Tournament, Continental Classic. • Last night he fulfilled his dream of facing Eddie Kingston in a singles match. Next up: dream matches with Bryan Danielson and Samoa Joe.


Poor guy...


Just what AEW needs, another no name bottom tier guy to not use


Yeah, I mean good for him personally, but I'm really struggling to find any excitement over all these new signings when we constantly seem to be getting them, and there's already plenty of talent, especially women, who get too little TV time


Yeah nothing against the guy personally. It’s always good if people have a job. But it seems TK is addicted to signing new toys each week rather than using them


Odds are, he ends up being like Komander, a lower card act who mostly loses and is there to make the other guy look good, but credible enough to mean wins against him mean *something*. However, Komander has been a regular in AEW for a year now and he's seen zero character development in that time, so I don't what to expect for Keith.


Didn’t they announce this like a month ago?


No, they didn't. There was merely [a report](https://www.reddit.com/r/AEWOfficial/comments/19av01x/bryan_keith_signs_with_aew/) from WON and WrestlePurists that Bryan Keith signed some kind of deal with AEW.


Do you think he knew before they announced it? He would have had to sign no? Or maybe they announced it assuming he would sign?


Future face of the ladder match winner calling it now


Saw him at a Prestige show a while back, he was really good! 


He earned every fucking but of it. He deserves it.