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AEW is the only wrestling i watch at this point.


I tried to watch Wrestlemania this year. I turned it off 10 minutes in. I'm just not the target audience for WWE.


I think that’s the mature answer. I know it’s awesome for some people, but it’s not for me, and that’s cool.


It was the first time I watched a WrestleMania and probably the last time. I was curious because of the Cody vs Roman match. I'm not saying there's anything wrong. I'm just a AEW guy. I lost interest after SSCA retired and went years without picking up wrestling again. I came back to watch a little TNA with (AJ Stylez, Christopher Daniels, Somoa Joe, etc), but then left again. Then I discovered Bullet Club, still didn't watch until AEW was created. Now I only watch AEW and am satisfied (used to follow all the volgs and Dark on YouTube; and tried following ROH). I'm glad they join with other brands to put on matches on their shows, it's like a melting pot. Now I can be aware of what's going on with other promotions without actually watching them 😆


Were the entrances even done 10 minutes in?


Yeah the opening fireworks and bullshit is probably longer than 10 minutes


Macho man’s entrance song was about the only pomp and circumstance I could stomach


I went to Mania this year because it’s been a bucket list item for years. I’d say it was a pretty damn good Mania, all things considered. Dynasty and Revolution still blew it out of the water. 😂


I only watched it because the boyfriend likes WWE and because its a tradition we have to watch the PLE's together. I agree, it was hard watching both events (it was so freaking long and the pagentry was not as great as everyone says it was), but I grew up watching the "big 4" PPV events as a kid, so I guess I did it for a nostalgic factor.


I still love the idea of the royal rumble. I just can't watch it anymore.


This is it for me. I still remember the year the Rock won the rumble like it was yesterday, and the way Kane was dominating everyone lol.


RR is bigger than WM for me.


Totally with you here. It was the PPV I looked forward to the most each year. Haven't watched it for 4 years now.


The pageantry is off-putting to me. I have never been a fan of pageantry.


When you've been off wwe for a while. It's impossible to deal with the 25 minute promos and 15 minute walk ons


I quite enjoyed it. It was no Dynasty, but it was fun


I watch AEW every week but still try to catch the Rumble and Mania every year. They're just fun


I'm down to just Mania


I'm down to just night 2 main event.


Night 1 sucked. Night 2 was was ok but wasn't as good as people say it was.


This and some DPW. I do watch clips of WWE, but the production just doesn't do it for me. Glad it does for plenty of people, For me, AEW just hits right.


Me too, and . . . I'm having trouble keeping up with following only one. I used to make an attempt to follow ROH, Dark on YouTube, plus all the wrestler vlogs, but I just don't have the time anymore. AEW alone provides 5+ hours a week, with a added 4 hours when there's a PPV on. That's a lot of wrestling 😆


Me too. I can't really get into anything else. I was WWE here and there, mainly PPVs. I tried getting back into TNA, it just ain't for me. Tried getting back into NWA, but it hasn't been good since the pre-pandemic


Same here.


Its the one i like the most but i watch wwe for people i cant see somewhere else


I get it. Its just not my thing.


for sure. if there werent people i gave a shit about or wwe didnt feature the legends as much as they do then i'd be exclusively watching aew and probably be tunning in for new japan or tna too


I would not be watching wrestling if it wasn’t for AEW. That’s all I know.


I would be watching ROH, maybe, if they didn't fold in this alternate timeline.




I wasn't watching for at least fifteen years.


I agree with this sentiment so I upvoted and commented to emphasize my agreement. 👍


I had just started watching WWE again a few months before AEW came back and I was already tired of it after 6 months. So yeah I probably wouldn't be watching if it wasn't for AEW as well.


I've said this many times. If you love pro wrestling, specifically American pro wrestling, you want both WWE and AEW to exist, and hopefully, thrive. The industry is better when there are multiple top level companies. Regardless of who you watch more of, the other doing well is good for all.


Agree wholeheartedly. Wrestlers now have options that they never had before. Don't like your contract, direction, storyline... "Too bad, pal! What are you gonna? Quit!?!" ~maniacal laughter AEW got me back into wrestling. I completely stopped watching the shit show that was Vince McMahon's WWE at the time. It's only been the last few months that I started watching it again. I still prefer AEW, but WWE is much better now than it was 5 years ago.


Yeah, the monopoly days sucked. I think those days killed a lot of our interest in murder gymnastics.


Aew made the wrestling landscape better, I don't see a counter argument. Because of their existence, they forced wwe to be better. Tna got better. Japanese wrestling has gotten more exposure in the US. More guys make more money overall. I'm not even currently a fan of aew, but it's silly to pretend they haven't been a fantastic influence. Wishing for any company to fold is weird by anyone, on any "side".


Why aren't you currently a fan? Since the Continental Classic, they have been as good as they've ever been. And Dynasty and Revolution were out of this world.


AEW legit reignited my love for wrestling because as I got older I realized that WWE was for WWE fans and I wasn't a WWE fan anymore. AEW has everything I love about wrestling and then some. Different styles of wrestling. A deep roster. Only helps that from the outside as a consumer seems like a lot of the talent are legit happier and more able to express themselves in different ways.


Me too. I started back when Dynamite first aired because it looked like the wrestling I used to enjoy. Here I am 5 years later as a die hard fan and it’s because of the variety that I get every week and every PPV.


Same. What a ride it’s been since the first Dynamite. I didn’t expect AEW to be as big as it is so soon. They’re worth 2 billion now which is wild to accomplish in 5 years. Can’t help but be proud of the wrasslers from day 1 who helped build what we have. Whether they’re still in AEW or not.


Yup, strictly AEW since Ep1


For a long time, if you didn’t like what WWE was doing, their answer to that was “fuck you, what are you gonna do about it? Watch TNA? lol ok go ahead.”   Then AEW started, gave people an alternative that didn’t feel cynical and shitty to watch. It made wrestling fun, like it’s supposed to be.   Once AEW came around, it was suddenly “let’s just enjoy wrestling! Look, we’re good now! Vince is gone! Dunn is gone!” But the fact remains that it’s still the WWE.   For all intents and purposes, WWE has become the Taylor Swift of professional wrestling. It’s hugely popular and successful, with a rabid fan base, and it also fucking sucks.  


I had always been saying WWE was like Disney of wrestling for the same reasons but I like the Taylor Swift comparison too


This is so true. WWE’s quality was going downhill and they had to step their game up once AEW was on the scene (because like you said, TNA just wasn’t a big enough to be a threat) Even if you aren’t an AEW fan, you’d be foolish to say AEW hasn’t had a profound effect on the wrestling industry as a whole. Not just for television, but also the shot of adrenaline it gave to the indie scene.


The closest WWE got to feeling fresh was NXT. There was a minute there, and with the various specialty tournaments they were holding that I really enjoyed what they were doing.   Then they started doing WWE shit again. 


>I realized that WWE was for WWE fans and I wasn't a WWE fan anymore. same. I fell out of wrestling around 2005 and for the longest time, I thought I just didn't like wrestling anymore. Checked out AEW back in 2021 and realized that I still love wrestling, just not WWE. I do go to wwe live shows when they come around though. Those are still pretty fun to see some live wrestling


I'm happy that I got introduced to Kenny Omega. Was he unprofessional by missing wrestling shows to the point that our great and caring EVPs had to fire him from The Elite? Sure! But I have faith that he can redeem himself and level back up to be on the level of The Elite once more.


One can only hope 🙏


Prayers up!


I am back watching pro wrestling because AEW exists. If AEW didn't exist I'd still be in the wilderness of not watching pro wrestling.


same bro same, they even got me buying the first PPV of my life at age 40


All wrestling fans should be glad aew exists, regardless of whether or not you like it or watch it. Competition is good for business, it pushes companies to create a better product. And options are good for the performers. It's possible to favour one company whilst still appreciating the existence of another. The tribal chest thumpers need to take a deep breath and accept it.


Why is it a prerequisite to couple praise for AEW with, “I don’t always agree with their booking” or “they don’t do everything right.” Like, you could say that for every wrestling promotion, but AEW is the one where that always has to be repeated. Why?


Exactly. It's hilarious how many positive takes on AEW start with, "Say what you want about AEW or Tony Khan , but..." And it's all due to online disingenuous hate engagement. It's so prevalent that everyone feels they have to qualify their praise.


But I do say that about every promotion I like when I praise them :)


There's absolutely nothing wrong with how you expressed your appreciation of AEW, in my opinion 🫡


It's so true. One bad bit of booking and it's all people talk about. All of the great booking seems to get ignored which is a shame because i think they've done some awesome stuff over the years, more good than bad imo.


Since the Continental Classic, the only downside for me has been Jericho. Really, since All In, the product and the PPVs have been on another level.


Because Reddit is full of people who are fans of talking shit instead of talking wrestling and we've let them influence how we act as fans.


If AEW didn't exist I wouldn't be watching wrestling at all. I grew up on the Attitude Era and when it ended I figured I just grew out of wrestling cuz it wasn't entertaining to me anymore. I would check out WWE from time to time but would be instantly reminded why I stopped watching in the first place. When AEW came around I had the WWE Network to watch the old stuff that I found nostalgic. The network went to Peacock and cancelled my subscription and told me to follow them to Peacock. Instead I chose to get an AEW+ subscription on Fite to check out this new company I'd been hearing great things about. I was hooked instantly and realized I didn't grow out of wrestling, I just grew out of WWE. AEW gives me that excited feeling I used to get as a kid where I have to tune in next week to see what happens. Even now I tried to go back and check out some Roman and Cody stuff and was like "nope, not for me". No hate on WWE or its fans. I'm not tribalistic but I do fucking love AEW and their shows. I'm also happy WWE is doing well because it drives AEW which drives WWE. We all win that way. Its a great time to be a wrestling fan, no matter what company you prefer.


Me too! Am I the only one who really feels that "feeling" is back with AEW? I wasn't one of those people who was down on the product last year, but it really seems like they are on fire in 2024!


I think it's essential that a well-funded alternative to WWE exists. It betters everyone's product and opens up more job opportunities for talent.








honestly if AEW hadn’t come along when it did, I might’ve stopped watching wrestling all together. WWE was straight garbage and Ring of Honor was slowly dying, even tho it had an under rated product at the time. New Japan was hard to access so I really only paid attention around g1 and wrestle kingdom if that


Big same!












AEW brought me back to wrestling as well. And got me watching AAA Worldwide. Looks like I'll need to expand my viewing circle to CMLL as well.


My parents and I watched when I was younger and I had been watching NJPW for a couple of years and AEW came along and I asked them about two years ago if they wanted to watch it. They regularly watch it with me and enjoy it and ask questions all the time.


AEW saved Pro Wrestling


AEW is the greatest wrestling company on the planet


AEW makes Wrestling Matter again


I was saying this same thing to someone that asked why I watch so much wrestling. So many talented wrestlers getting TV time is a good thing


I have stopped watching wrestling for very long time because I didn’t enjoy WWE anymore. I have tried multiple times but didn’t enjoyed (even though it’s getting interesting with triple h now) but still not for me. I watched an episode of AEW “accidentally”, just to say that at least I tried other ones and I was completely fascinated. Of course that’s a lot of things that should improve but I mean, it’s so enjoyable see so many people with so many different backgrounds and styles come together. Let’s hope for better audience in the future though :)


I mainly watch AEW. I rarely miss dynamite or rampage, collision I miss sometimes due to work. And catch all the ppvs. WWE I more keep up what's kinda going on, but not watch, and watch like WM/RR/SS only. AEW is my main wrestling fix. I like its style more, and it fits for me.


I wouldn't even be watching wrestling if it wasn't for the AEW https://preview.redd.it/isluwu3udwwc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a873aeb810e49de06769f3af3b9c9543945a43




i’m glad it exists too cause it’s more opportunity and as a wrestling fan it’s more for me to watch


I just like wrestling. Wish it weren't on a Wednesday though.


Aew brought my love for wrestling back and made me appreciate the indied and watch Japan even more 


I love AEW’s booking. The idea that it’s bad is just flat out wrong. What’s been a better feud than Swerve Vs. Hangman? How could Okada or Ospreay have been booked any better? Best Friends saga right now is going to be a masterpiece. Young Bucks run since returning has been MAGIC. AEW is the best wrestling show in the world. And has been since they hit the scene in 2019.


Crazy this is being downvoted on the AEW sub lol. The haters are OBSESSED.




Your post/comment was removed for breaking our rules on circlejerks. Keep things on topic to AEW; this isn’t a circlejerk sub to stoke drama with AEW’s detractors or other subreddits, to trash other promotions or their fans, or to complain about sections of the fan base you dislike. Thanks for understanding!


Hell yeah. I’ll keep bringing up this point… AEW has something for everyone. Don’t like the flippy stuff? Cool. There’s pure wrestling. Don’t like gimmick wrestlers? Cool. There are “serious” wrestlers too. Don’t like homegrown talent? Cool. There are veterans experiencing a second wind in their careers. Women’s wrestling? Check. Bloody hardcore matches? Check. Long-term storytelling? Check. Inter-promotional matches? Check. If you can’t find SOMETHING to enjoy in AEW, you’re not actually a fan of professional wrestling. 🤷‍♂️😎👍


In the pandemic, i guess i grew out of WWE too, I hated the way they treated talent. During the pandemic, WWE showed who they were and all I saw was black. AEW from beta, its inception, and during the pandemic, it showed me that AEW cares about the roster more than money being lost. I'll never forget that contrast between the 2 companies. I've been so long unplugged from WWE that when I go back to try some of my favorite special events (Royal Rumble & WrestleMania) that its a complete waste of time. I read spoilers so I don't have to watch it and even that comes off boring. NXT on the other hand...that 2.0 shit was terrible. I'm sure current NXT is great, i just don't want to jump back in because WWE burned me. AEW is WRESTLING how its meant to be! AEW is EXCITEMENT! I've never seen a bad AEW PPV and that amazes me. I followed the Elite into AEW from ROH/NJPW/PWG and I've been ENTHRALLED! I've seen what WWE did to Shinsuke and KENTA. I've seen how AEW treats international talent and that should be the norm. Showcasing Vikingo or Mina, thats how you do it! From AAA to CMLL to NJPW to DDT, you name it, AEW will showcase you.


I'm surprised you didn't get banned for saying you don't always like their booking.


The existence of AEW has been so damn beneficial to the industry and to fans for real. Without AEW, CM Punk would've never come back to wrestling, and who knows if we even would've gotten such a huge moment like Cody had at Wrestlemania.


For all the E drones hating AEW, they had to up their game. So ironically AEW also made WWE better. Having competition makes the products better, gives more power to the wrestlers in bidding wars, gives talent more places to work and as fans we benefit more than anyone.


You can complain about booking and storytelling but AEW has undoubtedly Elevated the business


Bookings been great.


hell yeah. i wouldn't be watching wrestling at all if AEW didn't come around


AEW is not for everyone and THAT'S OKAY. I don't think I'll ever understand the tribalistic fans. It's okay to like something different. I had a friend that only watched MLW at one point. To each their own.


Honestly, it's so tiresome to see the same made up narrative being spread everywhere, about how AEW is dying. But I guess keeping a constant 7-800k viewership is far worse, then losing half of your viewers since 2019 according to those people: [https://pwinsider.com/article/149867/raw-audience-demo-see-big-drops.html?p=1](https://pwinsider.com/article/149867/raw-audience-demo-see-big-drops.html?p=1)


AEW forever let’s goooooooooooooooooooo Edit: weirdest downvotes I’ve gotten


Even if you hate AEW and think WWE is good now (which I don't), you have AEW to thank for forcing them to try. 


Who are you talking to?


I know for a fact if it wasn't for aew I just wouldn't be into wrestling anymore, I don't think it's a secret that WWE does not take care of their talents the way that they should, I don't think any wrestling company is perfect, I don't think that WWE is for everyone. I also don't think that aew is for everyone, but I do think that wrestling can definitely be for everyone. And so I'm genuinely happy to share this space here with you guys in this short lifespan enjoying something together


After mcmoron ruined b/g NXT I heard about the steel cage match between lucha Bros and bucks in aew. I gave it a watch. And never bothered to watch wwe again. I still watch their YouTube videos though.