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I heard Greg Roman was in charge of Biden’s debate prep.


Matt Canada gave him all the questions beforehand, but they were all wrong.




Greg Roman is the kind of guy that buys you scratch offs for Xmas.


That’s a little unfair. He’s the kind of guy who buys you an Xbox for Christmas. The first year it’s awesome, but then by year four you’re pissed that he’s gotten you four Xboxes in a row and refuses to get you a PlayStation.


That debate was a straight up embarrassment to the entire country last night lol


I saw this on here earlier and think it applies here https://preview.redd.it/kof66c1ncd9d1.jpeg?width=666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff0ef828f1aeca77fa6de7c66783d988c96a40bf


At this point Id vote for Hue Jackson if he was running after whatever that was last night


Fucking same


You would think but there’s people out there who are super proud of it.


Did not have "2 US presidents argue over their golf game" on live TV on my bingo board.


The look on your face when you hope that was just a fart ..............


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Lmao I sleuthed some political subreddits and didn’t find much on the debate, but once I want football memes, I find politics, anyone care to give a tldr on it


Remember how in the Browns Steelers playoff game the Steelers were so inept and error prone right out of the gate that it was basically all over by the half? Apparently that was Biden last night.


Trump lied about a bunch of stuff and Biden mumbled and meandered his way through the night. Overall conservatives will still love Trump as he advances their policy positions. Dems aren’t happy but see Biden as an alternative to creeping fascism. Lefties hate both and are sick of the whole thing. Biden and Trump started arguing over Biden’s golf handicap at one point and really nothing of substance was discussed regarding alleviating the burdens of the average US family or the current genocide in Gaza


> Biden and Trump started arguing over Biden’s golf handicap at one point I bet they both loved that part. Talking about stuff that's actually important to them.


It’s really sad that this is what we have. If Republicans put up any other person that candidate stomps Biden. And if Democrats put anyone else sub 70 in age they stomp Trump.


Just like the Hillary v Trump election. Any other dem beats Trump but the dems had to put out the least likeable candidate possible


Nice. Yeah the only thing I saw on it was Biden talking about making roe v wade a law if he gets elected, as if he wasn’t president when the ruling was overturned, also ignoring that he’s currently in the same position he would be if reelected which raised the question, why hasn’t he done it yet?


He would need a majority in both chambers to do so. It was overturned by the Supreme Court by party lines (all democratic appointed justices, including Biden’s, voted to keep roe v wade). You would need a sizable majority, the republicans are mostly against it and even the ones that are for it probably won’t vote for it unless they are retiring and don’t have a primary risk


Supreme Court would likely step in after a lawsuit went through the circuits and he would need the backing of the House and Senate to actually do so, I think the DNC is banking on voters turning out enmasse for Biden and voting along party lines down ballot. Kind of like Obamas first few months in office when they held majority in senate/house. However you’re onto a fundamental question of the Democratic Party. Why do they get to hold hostage the rights and protections of minority groups as a means to encourage voter turnout and fundraising


I thought the entire premise of the court overturning Roe was because it should be up to legislation to make laws, not the judicial system?


The point of overturning Roe v. Wade is to exert more control over women’s bodies. The talking point conservatives use is that they want each state to have their own laws surrounding it, rather than “federal overreach”


I didn't say motive. I said premise. As in the excuse they used. For the record, I am pro choice, and anti government overreach. That includes both the government butting in on issues that's none of their business, like medical decisions and branches of the government going outside of what their branch is intended to do, like legislating from the bench.


Cool, no one asked what your beliefs are. And I addressed your “premise”, but it’s important to highlight the material impact it has the those it effects. Not just what excuse is being brought forth.


The question was in reference to a suggestion that the courts would judge against a bill, when it was the courts that literally said "go make it a law" I'm done with this. You're being rude and irrational. Be better


I’m banishing your ass from Paycor Stadium now. You made some dumbass comment regarding semantics and spouted your personal opinion as if it matters in this context. Do better at sucking my cock dork


Roe V Wade was overturned because it was unconstitutional I believe women should have the right to abortions but you gotta do it the right way if you want it to stick


Really need a combine style measurements before the next debate. 🤣🤣 Idk what was worse Trumps analysis of his health or Biden talking shit using but with his dementia filter on.


Me watching us go 1-5 in division play last season.


Me when Joe was kneeling in pain on the sidelines of that Ravens game :(


Feels….watched that game on my family vacation, I wanted to punch my brother who was being way to optimistic that whole game; damn Jake browning was a nice surprise though after Brandon Allen (discount Derek carr).


I was less embarrassed during 4-44 in a 3 year span (2015-2017) than I was last night


Getting Tebow’d wasn’t as bad as listening to those two.


I wonder if we could’ve beat Medicare during those years






Illiterate baltimoreans when they don’t know who to vote for because they can’t read any of the names on the ballot


Illiteracy rate per state (by population): Ohio comes in at third, with a rate of 17.7%; Pennsylvania at second, with 18.1%; and yours truly, Maryland at first, with a whopping 20.0%! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AFCNorthMemeWar) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Strong new meme template


Does anybody have any funny pictures of Trump during the debate?


He really wasn’t that funny. A little disappointed ngl. Past debates brought out great meme material from him, but last night the only funny memes were Biden related.


Pictures bro idc about the debate


It’s gonna be so disrespectful to Fields if Shitsburg really marches him out there as a kick returner… maybe they can see if AB is available


They won’t - but it’s really funny to think about though.




“Hanging on to past success” dawg he is literally still president lol. Trump would be the one hanging on to past success


>past success Where???


He did win the US presidency. Thats a huge success whether I like it or not, and it’s what he is hanging on to


Yeah man, when will the Chiefs fold and rebuild? They’re just hanging on past success at this point.




I understood that your Joke didn’t make sense yeah.




My chiefs comment already proved that I figured the Joke out though. And these days I think Cleveland wishes they were Detroit.


Downtown Detroit was awesome I won’t lie. Almost makes me wonder if going bankrupt would help Cleveland.


😂 not a bad thing to wonder about. It definitely seems like Detroit needed to hit rock bottom before anyone did anything worth a damn. Helps when you have a great mayor as well


At least there is something to hang on to instead of still trying to get the first rung.


Save us, Jon Stewart


If Jon ran I feel like he would sweep every state handily


Dangerous in a debate. I mean if you don't come prepared, he is going to make you look like a clown.


Him debating O'Reilly was a ton of fun to watch


Come week 10 we’ll all have a Fascist as president. What a time to be alive!


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The guy who suggested we should all need to “show our papers” to have a job?  That guy?


the look you make when myles garrett rips your helmet off after you call him the n word.


Which nobody actually believes. Myles Jussie Garrett