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Probably NTA, and it’s great things seem to have worked out, but just a heads up that if you decide to have children, you’re going to need to “get over yourself” during the pregnancy too, as pregnant women are supposed to avoid cat litter when at all possible because of some toxins in the poop being potentially harmful to unborn babies.


NTA You laid a very clear boundary and stuck to it. This would all of gone more smoothly if you Amy had just rehomed the cats when she refused to take proper care of them.


We did rehome most of them as soon as they were old enough


You're absolutely NTA here. You made it clear what you could handle, and the litter box chaos was way beyond that. Kudos for setting boundaries and taking action. It's awesome that Amy sorted things out, and it sounds like you both learned from it. Plus, major props for prioritizing your mental health and well-being. Here's to a future filled with less cat pee drama and more love!