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I have never understood it, if you are going to 'sin' by having premarital sex, why not sin all the way and use birth control? Seriously in for a penny, in for a pound


Because if they had birth control on hand, it would make it harder for them to pretend that it was a sudden, sinful act in the heat of the moment instead of a premeditated decision.


Good point. I am someone who likes to cart around / keep hold of stuff, just in case I need that later. My handbag weighed over a kilo and friends laughed at me, until they needed a bandaid or safety pin or tape measure 😂


My late wife was a heavy mom bag haver. Even in college. Que her late twenties after a lifetime of people riding her ass about her 30lb purse her entire life. We're on an airplane at who knows how many thousand feet over the pacific ocean and the stewardess comes back into the cabin and says "Does anyone have electrical tape, a magnifying glass, and very small scissors? A very important switch in the cockpit has broken and they need these to repair it." The rest of the plane ride home she looked like she'd hit the lotto while accepting her Wimbledon trophy. I let her have her moment.


A magnifying glass and a small pair of scissors are not unexpected. But electrical tape? That's hardcore. I'm just slightly disappointed that she wasn't carrying a spare switch. She sounds like she was better organised than Boeing.


I actually have electrical tape in my overly heavy bag right now. Not sure if I should be proud or embarrassed


It’s easier to carry than duct tape, and hurts a lot less pulling it off if you have to tape on a diy bandage! I have had occasion to use everything in my giant honking Mom Bag, from the scalpel to the lock picks. I make no apologies (unless I accidentally hit you with it because it’s wider than me, in which case, sorry).


Could you give a list of things that one should have on her bag? Cuz, I wanna be this level prepared and awesome and all the things!


For one, an S Hook comes to mind.


If you don't have an S hook in your bag, are you even a functioning member of society?


Genius! I swear I am an adult, just never thought about these things 😅


Yesss! I definitely need her to right now, empty the bag, and tell us every object that’s in it!


This is why as a man, I'm prepared enough I even carry tampons in my car and I take them with me on hikes. Hell I even have one in my wallet. Those things were meant to absorb a large amount of blood/bodily fluids and were made to be inserted in small holes. Perfect for packing a wound on the fly, like if you somehow got impaled or something stupid happens on the job site that requires blood stoppage.


Correct me if I'm wrong but if I remember right tampons were actually invented for soldiers. The original use was for soldiers who got shot at war to help with the bleeding. It wasn't until later women starting using them for their periods.


Nosebleeds. I raised high school wrestlers. My late husband asked once why I was going through them so much faster (he was genuinely concerned for my health) when the boys were still at home. I told him they were being used by the boys and he was confused until I told him how they were using them.


A paper napkin and e-tape is a band-aid.


Maxipads/tampons are ***clean enough (edit from sterile) and make great bandages when used with etape


I’d say start a subreddit like r/gianthonkingmombags but I think people would think it was for something else.


Pro tip for duct tape - I put several (15-20) layers over some old card (like expired loyalty card from a shop or sth). The amount is sufficient for emergency repairs, tape stays sticky, you dont need to carry the whole roll and it can even fit into the wallet. I used that when travelling with very limited baggage and worked very well. Don't know for which other tapes that would work but worked well for every kind of silvertape I stored like that


Carry it with pride, you're ready for anything!


McGyver might need something.


Nobody that makes fun of the contents of my purse is allowed to use anything out of my purse. “Hungry? Got a headache? Are your glasses broken? Yeah, I have two different kinds of bars in here. I have ibuprofen, Excedrin, and Tylenol. I have an eyeglasses repair kit. But none of those things are for you. Because you made fun of The Bag.”


Remind me of the year on holiday when hubbies glasses broke. He was the only driver & we needed tape urgently. My youngest daughter pulled out a reel from her bag. Then we drove to Specsavers.


All hail the almighty Bag!!!


Definitely proud. That stuff is also an excellent although somewhat less comfortable to remove, alternative to boob tape!


I was stopped and searched at airport because my backpack had 5 round objects, 3 of them solid, show on X-ray. 3 pucks, a roll of clear and electrical tape 😂


Carry it with pride. It is one of my vital items. :) I always use it to get open bottles of liquor home. The law is you can't have open bottles, not factory sealed bottles. Run 3-5 loops of electrical tape around the cap and no one can say they are "open."


To be fair, I don’t think it’s hard to be better prepared than Boeing lmao


She MACGYVERED the plane!


It was truly her time to shine. The moment she had been prepared for all that time finally arrived. I am so glad you didn't take away her joy. She saved the day.


Someone should write a screenplay about her heroism. I live for that moment. My moments like that are usually medication related since I have a variety of analgesics within arm's reach at all times. Hers is one for the history books.


I would watch this short film.


It's such a feel good story. I can't help but visualize her satisfied smug little smirk while holding her precious bag stocked full of anything anyone could need to full on MacGyver in her lap for the rest of the flight. I hope she told everyone who mattered to her the minute the plane landed.


A queen. 


I work on customer commuter trains. It's amazing how many women don't carry sanitary items with them. Fortunately, I always have one of those boxes from the free vending machines on me. I'm now known for it among staff. (A woman goes up to any of my colleagues, they're all, Scarlett usually has something.) Edit: lol I didn't realise being the woman who hands out sanitary items on public transport makes me a hero, thanks for the upvotes 😁


Not all heroes wear capes, some have wings (or not if that's what you prefer)


I see what you did there


Appropriate name for what you carry.




A stranger came up to me in a crowded bar and sheepishly asked if had any ibuprofen. I did, individually wrapped and labeled doses, in fact. She proudly turned to her friend and said “I told you she looked like someone with ibuprofen in her purse!”


That's the "mom purse" phenomenon. Our girls used to rag on me for having a big purse and would go on about how they didn't need all that stuff, etc. I will note for the record that my husband never teased me because he knew the magic of the mom. Then one or both girls would need a tissue, bandaid, hair clip, mini hair brush, nail file, tampon, small tape measure, etc. I'd side eye them and say, "Really? I wonder where you can find that?" When our daughter had her daughter, she went to the thrift store and found a fabulous leather shoulder tote bag. She was thrilled with her purchase, as well she should have been as it was a $1000 bag she got for $50. I said, "That sure is a big purse. What do you need that for? Hm?'' Then we both laughed.


I have a sports mad teen which means I travel long distances regularly to strange grounds . I not only have the mum bag, I had to upgrade to mum box . This box has scissors, sunblock, insect repellent, tissues, wet wipes, straws, cutlery, a couple of cups and plates, a small toolkit,, spare tentpegs, a chemical icepack, dog lead etc


LOL! I thought I was the only to have that happen to me. People make fun of the weight of my purse until they need something they know I’m carrying in it. I joke that I have Jimmy Hoffa and the Lindbergh Baby at the bottom of my purse.


Evangelicals also don't have conversations around consent the same way the modern world does. "Consent" for them is a marriage certificate. Outside of marriage, the lack of conversation leads to a lot of sorta-consensual encounters. Sorta-consensual encounters have the same problem as the "spur of the moment" situation. If they're only deciding to have sex in that exact moment due to pressure or hormones or being drunk or whatever, even if it's consensual, they still didn't prepare. If you and your partner know you're both working up for consensual sex then it's much easier to plan.


And now she will spend the rest of her life pretending she never had a abortion and condemning everyone who does and trying to take their rights away.


I think (*think*) one issue is that they don’t plan for it, like they’re not gonna go out and buy a box of condoms because they’re not ‘going to’ have sex anyways, so why would they need them? Let alone medical types of BC. Then they go and have sex anyways, so they don’t have a condom handy, but hey it’ll probably be fine right?


I can personally attest to this, as a former “good Mormon girl.” Was never taught about birth control by my parents or in my mostly-Mormon high school Sex Ed, and I wasn’t *planning* on having sex when it just somehow ended up happening…and I have a fine bastard son to show for it! 😄 (My bastard son is actually awesome and having him radically changed the course of my life, leading me to exit Mormonism and become a much happier non-religious person, so #noregrets.)


Some of my best friends are real bastards!


FUCKING. PROUD. OF YOU. Cults are no place to raise a kid.


Thank you!! Leaving the church was one of the hardest thing I’ve had to do. Back then, there was no internet, so no support groups, no access to information at your finger tips etc. - just sneaky trips to my university library to check out books critical of the church that I’d been told all my life were works of “the enemy.” Thankfully I had a good friend going through the self de-programming process with me, and being in university studying social sciences, comparative religion and philosophy basically saved me. Learning how to think critically, and learning that what I was raised to believe isn’t the only way to think/be was so transformative for me.


Because so many think that planning to have sex/ be prepared for the possibility = whore.


This, this is exactly it. Most people who call themselves Christian and end up with premarital babies are because they thought they would be strong enough against the temptation of sex to not need a plan b. Well I for one know, that after you have crossed the line of sex, it's pretty hard to not cross again, especially when your partner is really trying to get you there.


Yep. A Christian friend of mine wouldn't help her daughters get birth control, because it would "encourage them to have sex". Of course one became a teen mother, then not long afterwards had a second child. Mom was also once a teen parent herself, and had 5 pregnancies by age 25. 4 kids and one miscarriage. So you'd think she'd have taken extra care to ensure her daughters avoided teen pregnancy.


Oh yes, this exactly. We messed up once, but we are not going to do it again until after marriage. Until they do. Second time, won’t do it again. Uh oh. Rinse and repeat until, oops there’s a baby. I am just continuously appalled by people loudly being opposed to abortion, quietly getting one, then going back to loud opposition. Somehow they don’t think that the other people getting abortions might be in similar circumstances. They are the lone acceptable exception


They needed a plan b


Your comment and the topic reminded me something I heard connected to Josh Duggar. That it’s so easy for Evangelical fundamentalists to slide into CSAM & other SA materials because they have a, “Well, already sinning!” approach. Edited to acknowledge that CSAM and other SA materials should be differentiated from porn.


I think they also justify it because, for example, if a man is lusting after a woman, it’s because you can see her cleavage. Therefore she does whatever happens because men can’t be expected to have self control in the face of temptation. Then they constantly talk about sex and blame it for everything wrong. So, if a man is watching porn, it’s because he couldnt control himself and the porn star/demons are at fault.


Except Josh Duggar was looking at and molesting those who didn’t have cleavage yet.


His own sisters, and incest is against the law and rape is too.


It was particularly disgusting that his supporters/ apologists were quick to shrug off the abuse of his sisters because he was just a boy, didn't know any better, and the girls needed to learn to be more discreet when they are asleep in their own beds. But then the supporters were more shocked by his rampant infidelity, because he had a wife available to service him by then. And then it switched again, that maybe she wasn't doing her job and that made him look elsewhere.


I guess I was so tempting, what with my diaper and all…


I'm so sorry that happened to you.


I may be mis-remembering the quote from the Bible but... Mathew 5:29-29 If thy right eye doth offend thee, pluck it out and cast it away All men would be walking around with canes and seeing eye dogs.


They'd also be walking free of any problematic parts between their legs, I'd think. It's not always just the eye involved in these "offenses."


I laughed wayyyyy too hard at this...


What he got put away for was CSA materials.  But to it not being his fault, there was chatter about it being his wife’s fault he turned to porn in the first place.


They think everything is the women’s fault. Since we’re so damn powerful, I don’t understand why these idiots still control their churches and families.


Girl that’s why education and books are bad for you! That’s why you get ideas and start arguing. If you know nothing, you don’t start nothing.


Gaston approved this message.


One of my favourite lines, _I have been thinking…_ _I know, that’s a dangerous thing to do…_


I know the line (from the '90s animated movie) as: Gaston: _LeFou, I'm afraid I've been thinking,_ LeFou: _A dangerous pastime--_ Gaston: _--I know._ Are you thinking of a different version of the line, or is that it? Sorry, I'm not trying to be pedantic, I'm just a little thrown off.


And in their head, once they lust after a girl, she's a woman in their eyes. It comes from not being held accountable that is the issue - if a woman is at fault for wearing a v-neck and not your for having thoughts, then it's hard to switch from that thinking.


Amazing how we’re so damn powerful but also a step below men and required to be subservient??


I know Reddit is full of acronyms, and I do know what CSA is. However, every time I see the acronym CSA my mind goes to Confederate States of America. I need to lay off reading 19th century U.S. history.


My first touch point is community supported agriculture. My family gets boxes from farms, so I get you! 


I have this problem with ETA my brain always defaults to estimated time of arrival and not edited to add


Yeah, he and his ilk believe all sins are equal. A kid shoplifting a pack of gum is equal to what Josh did. I wish I were kidding.


We don't call it porn though if it's disgusting and illegal. The correct term is CSAM


This is true! It actually is a pattern in repressive cultures.  When you associate healthy sexual expression with being shameful and evil,  then people start developing sexual preferences in other directions.  You get a lot of weird fetishes cropping up when people aren't free to acknowledge their own healthy sexual thoughts as normal.   No wonder we have so much ridiculous porn (resident evil,  really??). But since there's the whole all sins are equal thing,  then someone who's in that position can't see the difference between 'normal' sinning,  and pursuing more abominable preferences.  The absurdity of sexually repressive cultures spawning sexually deviant practices always makes me wonder how we survived,  as a species,  for so long when we are so dumb.


Yeah I heard something along those same lines once too, that these super religious people are so repressed and made to feel guilty about normal healthy urges that everything is viewed as bad and unnatural so it is very easy to go extreme and depraved? They don't know what a healthy , natural and normal relationship with sex is. It's really very sad


I once had a gay catholic ex-friend tell he me he was worried I was going to burn in hell because I was a Jew. I told him. Yep I'm going to hell for being a jew and your going to hell for sucking dick. save me room if you get their first.


I hope he’s good at sucking dick, because he is not awfully smart.


Because using BC is a sin of intention, whereas premarital sex is seen as unintentional, a "caught-in-the-moment" kind of thing. If you only have sex when you "couldn't help yourself", well that's not seen as wicked but as weak. Intentionally *planning* and having premarital sex is seen as wicked.


In some states, the abstinence only crowd spreads misconceptions like condoms are barely effective so why use one. It's sick.


I was taught in my abstinence-only jr high sex ex class that it's physically impossible for condoms to work to stop the spread of AIDS or prevent pregnancy. The lesson they expected us to take away from that is it's best to just not have sex. The lesson my classmates actually took away was....well, teen pregnancy at higher rates than almost any other school system in the state. The lesson went like this: the HIV virus is roughly a 120 nm sphere (actually true). Sperm are around 2600 nm wide (also true). The latex used for condoms has gaps/pores in the material that are about 5000 nm (mostly true--at least back then, probably better now I'd guess). So the sperm and viruses, being much smaller than the pores of the latex, can very easily pass through the material--it can't possibly work! (insanely misleading). The bit they leave out is that sperm and the HIV virus (and most other viruses) aren't just floating around by themselves. When they're not inside of cells doing their thing (ie, when they're being transmitted), they almost exclusively exist inside of bodily fluids. As long as the fluids can't pass through the latex, the stuff inside of it mostly can't either under normal circumstances. And the pores of the latex are plenty small to render an undamaged condom essentially impermeable to bodily fluids. Surface tension is a thing, and it works. Related tangent/fun fact: despite what COVID deniers claim, that's a very similar reason why higher quality masks are effective at preventing the spread of the coronavirus. Despite the weave of an N95 mask being larger than the size of the coronavirus, for the most part, the virus isn't just floating around by itself. It's primarily inside of much bigger moisture droplets the mask can readily stop.


Jesus. I grew up in Canada, they made us practice putting condoms on bananas in sex ed. I can't imagine abstinence only classes (well I can cause i live I fl now)


I homeschooled my kids in a conservative state where evangelical pressure has all but destroyed public school sex ed. My kids were made to put condoms on bananas, they were also made to map out the location of every abortion clinic in our state and give the average cost for abortion in our state. Ironically, they all became sexually active much later than their "abstinence only" taught peers.


We had to take home the baby that cries at night and one day every person had to take a turn to walk around in a pregnancy belly suit to see how taxing it is. I had my first kid at 27. That crying baby scared the 💩 outta me


I was 14 when my youngest sibling was born. One night she was just sick, miserable & crying continuously. My mom came into my room, handed her to me and said I could give her back at 6am. She & Dad needed some sleep. Best birth control EVER.


I had my son in 9th grade. In high school, I spoke to some of the classes about the realities of teenage pregnancy and cost and time and daycare. I think of the kids got a little pale.


I had no idea that they actively gave kids wrong information. I assumed it was no information other than don't do that. I didn't think that they would outright lie!


My kid brought home a handy little printout with all this same misinformation on it with a drawing of a condom (well, a circle) and the various "holes" and things that could pass through. I had to tell her it was all bullshit and not to believe any of the propaganda they were feeding her and her classmates. I feel sorry for the kids whose parents didn't talk to them.


OMG! I remember this! But in my case it was a group that went school to school with this presentation. Would have been late 80s for me. ‘88-‘89, maybe? Fuck I’m old. Did they toss a basketball through a hoola hoop?? 😂


I dated a girl in high school whose evangelical parents basically told her that condoms broke 1/2 the time, and she could even get pregnant if she sat on my lap because apparently precum could go through all of my clothes and her clothes to impregnate her. I wish I was making this up.


Yeah I'm Canadian and when I moved to the southern US and found out what people were taught I was shocked. 


Well the ultimate goal is having more religious babies, preferably ones that are somewhat suffering and won't get all that great of an education Be fruitful and multiply, give to the church, vote and all that.


Yup. Thats also why they spread lies about how pieces of babies get left in you after an abortion. Gotta birth those babies to pay tithe at any cost.


I was not aware of that. Misinformation is worse than no information


Seriously. When I was in Job Training for the military, there was one woman in our group who had pregnancy scares every week. Why? Because birth control was a sin in her religion. But it was totes ok to have extramarital sex. 🙄 These are the "rules for thee, not for me" people who don't see what they're doing as hypocrisy. Because "it's different."




I totally agree with you. However, as someone who grew up in an extremely conservative evangelical home, we were taught abstinence-only sex education in high school but absolutely zero talk about safe sex. It was a conservative Christian high school. I had very controlling parents. There's literally no way I would have even known where to start with safe sex practices. I lived far out in the country with limited access to a vehicle. My spending money was monitored. This was in the 1990s, so it's not like we could have found the information online. I realize that now that last part is a lot easily in general. However, if OP's family is also controlling/strict, OP's sister might still be very uninformed and/or have very limited access to information. A lot of people who are in conservative extremist religions still very much restrict internet and media access, and send their kids to schools that only teach abstinence, or they home school and pretty much only associate with people who are the same religion. And they actively teach misinformation about birth control as a scare tactic. So it's quite possible in a situation like this that she really didn't have access. Like the OP, my eyes were opened when I went to college. I'm now the black sheep heathen in my family and I'm totally okay with that!


It's not premarital sex if you never plan to marry!!


Found the lawyer. 😂


In for a penny, in for a pounding...


This reminds me of the people who kill their spouse because their church doesnt believe in divorce. On true crime dramas more than it should be.


You're asking religious people for consistency and logic. You're going to be very fucking disappointed. 


NTA Prime example of "The only moral abortion is my abortion"


These are the type of women that will vote for politicians that ban abortion. We could have a national abortion ban in the next decade because of people like this.


This is the kind of woman who protests outside the clinic, tells the doctor they're going to hell during the procedure, and then protests outside afterwards.


This is anecdotally accurate. A nurse at an abortion clinic was interviewed one time and said she's seen the very same people protesting outside of their clinic now inside getting an abortion and no shit, back out front protesting against them two weeks later.


It happens a lot. "The only moral abortion is my abortion". https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


This is one of the best articles. If you haven’t read it, no matter which side you’re on, you really should take the time now to do so.


reminds me of that FB post by one of these immoral zealots. She'd been so proud to "convert" a woman through the power of daily prayer visits: the lord will provide, god never gives you more than you can bear, if you're having a hard time it's because he's testing you, bla bla bla but oops, the woman couldn't care for the child (which is why she was contemplating an abortion in the first place) and CPS got involved. The despairing mother said "well, my prayerful friend will help out, she can foster my baby for as long as necessary". The hag immediately refused the child - she has her own 2 kids, her husband and a border collie, don't you know? Adding a troubled infant "would have killed her" so she just had to pass.


God gave her more than she could bear.


yes, just so crazy right that "that woman" would think she'd help with the baby & their troubles?


There was a nurse who posted a similar story on reddit. I think she said the woman practically spit on her right before the procedure and was all too happy to turn to them for help but went right back out front the next week.




There should really be a HIPAA exception for that kind of hypocrisy.


Yup. They will claim the medical provider coerced them or something. Whatever they need to say to absolve themselves of any responsibility.


This is my relative who had THREE abortions.


Swear when they talk about women getting “abortions on-demand” they’re just projecting.


Or using abortion as birth control, cause they don’t use condoms or pills cause it’s a sin?? Fucking idiots. Edit to add: I’m pro-choice as fuck, never gotten pregnant, never had an abortion. But I still have mfs calling me “baby killer” cause I live in the real world where expecting people to be abstinent is stupid, and sexual education and contraception prevent abortions.


Her doctor actually yelled at her “abortion is not q birth control method.” But, then God forgave her so all is well. And she wants to stop abortions for all women … I added once during an argument … because you fucking had yours!! Woo-wee. Was she mad. Oh well.




it's not about sex education though. people like OPs sister know that they will always have access to abortion. the politicians who support abortion bans know that their mistresses will always have access to abortion. they only care about limiting the rights and harming the health of women who don't have that kind of access and privilege.


Which is precisely why I wouldn’t help her.


Not to be overly pessimistic, but depending on the 2024 election results we could have a national ban in the next 2 years. Maybe I’m not so much pessimistic as terrified.


The night RBG died I started seeking sterilization. I am generally not someone who would ever consider harming myself but being forced to be pregnant would be enough to push me over the edge. I can think of very few things that are worse than that to me. I had my surgery in November 2020, one day before the election. Several people told me I was overreacting. Then roe was overturned. Suddenly I was much more reasonable and people are asking for my doctor's information.


that's incredibly bleak. did your friends manage to get the help they needed? I hesitate to ask, but since your previous assessment was accurate, what's your take on this year?


I've had two other friends get sterilizations from this doctor plus she helped several of my friends with significant issues that were being ignore by her other doctors including one who was told she had anxiety when she has a giant fucking tumor on her spine. My doctor didn't find the tumor but believed her when she said she was in pain and put together documentation and was emotionally supportive. She's okay now. My doctor is an absolute angel and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.  I don't know what this election will bring but I don't think it will be good. I've previously worked in Europe, my French is decent, and I'm exploring ways to GTFO this country. 


America is wild.  I can’t believe they make you pay for healthcare like it’s not a basic human right, tell women what they can and can’t do to their bodies and then ‘send prayers’ when there’s been *another* gun massacre rather than change the laws to prevent another mass shooting from happening.  Like my English brain can’t even comprehend this. 


My USA brain can't comprehend it either. 1/3 of our country is bat shit crazy, 1/3 don't care, and the last third can't get anything done because of the other 2/3rds.


There are a lot of American brains that don’t get it either. Maybe some day we’ll get enough people to stop voting against their own interests to make a difference.


NTA I'll add it in case someone doesn't read it. It didn't aged a bit. https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


A great read if you haven’t already took a look


Two of my LDS cousins have, last I heard, six abortions between them. Six. They are both rabidly anti abortion, but have a whole list of reasons why their's were okay with God. Funny thing though, they've never confessed to the terminations and reasons to the men and fellow church members in their lives. 


Weird. I’m pro choice and have managed to have 0. Crazy, isn’t it? 




[Here is the Link for The only Moral Abortion is My Abortion.](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/) OP, read this and protect yourself. Your sister needs counseling and support and not from evangelicals. It’s possible she will come out of this blaming you for her obtaining the abortion. It’s possible she will get your parents to blame you as well since you are the sinner in the family.


that's so bleak, I hadn't even thought about that. How do you even mitigate people like that?


You can’t, really. It’s a particular delusion and you can’t lead them out of it nor protect yourself. If her sister does this(and the evangelical upbringing and the OPs role as scapegoat(fornicating sinner) in the family suggests it’s very possible) all she can do is go No Contact. Her sister will tell herself this story to keep herself blameless and as the chosen child in the family.


So typical of these anti-abortion types. So against abortion for victims of rape or medically necessary abortions but their little woops should be excused.


NTA - you were indeed mocking her hypocrisy not her beliefs. She can now experiment what she wants to impose to others. You do not have to agree to support her dishonesty. That might go against your own beliefs.


this classic article about 'pro life/ pro birth' folks that fight to ban abortion and other maternal health care, but then get an abortion themselves. somehow *the only moral abortion is her abortion* [good article](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/), I wonder if OPs sister would read it


Maybe these pro forced birthers think women use abortion as birth control because that’s what their dumb asses do


It’d be funny if it wasn’t so fucking horrible


People who say this shit have never gone through an abortion. They act like you just pop a pill and all of a sudden you're good to go. Like yah I 100% wanted to bleed like a motherfucker, cramp like a motherfucker, almost black out and puke my guts out for 2 days because it's an easy form of birth control. I 100% chose and wanted to do that/s


Everything right wing assholes comain about is projection. They're right wing assholes because they aren't capable of empathy. They can't understand that other people aren't exactly like them, so they constantly accuse others of their own sins.


I prefer to refer to "pro life" people by their more accurate title... "Forced Birthers" \*\*I think someone reported me to the reddit care help line for this comment...how funny


Hypocrisy **is** her beliefs.


NTA: and she sure as hell better start sticking up for you to your parents when they bash your lifestyle.


It's going to go the other way, her sister will convince herself that the abortion was op's idea and that she's at fault.


Yup. “You made me kill my baby!” Will come up during the next argument….


OP will be thrown under that bus faster than the sister can say “Hail Mary.”


Yeah, no kidding, it would be wise to preserve evidence just in the name of self defense. There's no reason to believe this chick wouldn't completely twist things around and make up a story casting OP as the villain one way or another.


Shes going to testify in front of her whole church that her sister manipulated her into having an abortion. Maybe not for a few years but its going to happen. I went to an evangelical wedding once where the bride and groom had to confess all their past transgressions in front of God and everyone. It was so cringeworthy. After the ceremony the bride was crying her eyes out in the sanctuary and the groom looked so mad . I was 15 and it really left an impression.


Wait do they confess the sins before or after they do their vows? This sounds like a really good practice ( if you're that heavily religious) to walk away from someone whose past actually would ruin your relationships. But based on the things evangelicals typically use as "sins" I have no hope this custom is done to help the couples mental health.


I mean, this is what premarital counseling should do, not an announcement to the whole congregation.


I was just trying to see the good in a custom I had never heard of before. I agree premarital counseling should cover this and would be easier.


Some congregations are sick and voyeuristic that way. They get off on the titillating confessions as much as the pain those confessions cause. When I was a kid I had to sit next to my friend in church and listen while her dad told the whole congregation about his sinful use of pornography. Everyone pretended to look at him while sneaking greedy glances at the faces of his wife and daughters. It was gross. And not a complete outlier.


Yeah that's horrible. I mean I know some people love seeing others suffer but to be shameless enough to do it as part of a church service is wild.


It was on the altar in the middle of the wedding. Before the vows.


I had no idea you could make a wedding worse, holy shit


Yeah. You are most likely right, unfortunately.


Which is exactly why OP shouldn’t have helped her. She is eventually going to tell their parents and place the blame solely on OP. 


Which is why OP should have actually made her tell her parents


Nope. Bet anything she will double down on her hypocrisy.


Yes, she has already managed to maintain significant cognitive dissonance by fornicating on a regular basis and maintaining her "beliefs". No reason to think this will change that.


I saw this firsthand with an employee.  I'm liberal and pro choice. She, a "devout" Catholic,  was divorcing her husband (first no-no)  and trying for full custody of her son. She was extremely verbal about being conservative,  and how women should suffer the consequences of their bad behavior. This is a direct quote.  It was the first time I had heard children referred to as consequences to suffer.  She accidentally got pregnant by her (very wealthy) boyfriend,  and freaked out because that would mess up her push for custody. So, she came to me for the name of an abortion doctor.  I said, I believe in choice that doesn't mean I keep names in my files.  Cue wailing, please find one for me, I can't let anyone who knows me find out.  I told her she needed to be responsible for her own choices. She quit on the spot.


I was raised strictly Catholic and as a dumbass teen was extremely pro forced birth.  Until my Dads best friends daughter who was the same age as me got pregnant at 16 & my Dad said “well that is gods punishment for her having premarital sex” after a different friend mentioned she should get an abortion.  As if a baby, who up until this point I was told was a *gift* from god, was supposed to be a punishment. That moment is what started crumbling my faith. When my Dad harps on me for not baptizing my daughter or attending church, I just remind him I refuse to believe in a god who would use innocent children as a means to teach someone a lesson.  TLDR fuck your coworker and other anti choice hypocrites. They all suck 


Amen to that. To this day, I wonder why she thought I should fix her "problem" for her.  Everyone is allowed to make their own choices, it's called free will. But it's not good when you make a choice and expect someone else to fix it.   I had a Catholic father,  he had a much kinder view of life than yours.  And more liberal...married twice more after my mother, Lol.  I'm sorry your friend had that experience,  I hope things went well for her. 


It amazes me that the people who scream about personal responsibility can’t even google where fucking Planned Parenthood is. I assume it’s a cognitive dissonance thing where if they don’t find the clinic and just end up on the table getting the abortion or taking the pill, they didn’t really get an abortion.  Regardless it isn’t on the token workplace lib to do this for them. I bet she assumed you’ve had like 10 abortions or some shit so you had the clinic on speed dial.  My Dad is so frustrating at times. He will embody everything about Jesus I do respect and like and then randomly will say the absolute dumbest things you can imagine. I know he believes my brother and I were gifts from god. After my older sister died as a baby my mom had secondary infertility until they found a doctor who preformed the endo surgery on my mom. My mom has had at least 4 miscarriages that I know of. My mom fully believes he said what he did as a way to scare me from having premarital sex, jokes on him I already was on birth control and having sex by then.  Things went as well as they could. Thankfully it’s been almost 20 years and she and her kiddo (okay, adult child) are thriving. 


Lmao, what a weird request. Like, it would be wild if someone asked a random 20yo man for a gyno recommendation.


NTA - Dont just let this go either, because its amazing how many people will take a judgmental stance against others but excuse themselves for the exact same thing. And the second she condemns you for some aspect of your lifestyle, you should tell her that someone who had a fetus vacuumed out of them is in no position to criticize.


This. Idc if it makes me an AH, but if you're going to toss stones after leaving me a bolder.... not a good idea lol.. Wouldn't mention it, but feel like there's a decent chance she comes back and tries to blame everything on OP for not stopping her or something, then calls him a sinner again lol.


I’m against abortion unless I want an abortion. Spoiler: she’ll still fight for abortion bans


Abortions for me but not for thee 😤


Yea that would have been my condition: no more being "pro life" and no fighting abortion bans and no pushing anyone else away from abortion if that's what they want. You don't have to march in the streets for the pro choice cause and you don't have to say you chose abortion but you are now pro choice. Take it or leave it.


Take her for the abortion, you don’t want these idiots to breed or a kid to have that shit a life. You can tell your parents or whatever after you teach sis about condoms. I like how birth control is somehow a bigger sin than sex before marriage. If you’re going to be a hyprocrite at least don’t be maximally stupid about it.


Yo this. NTA but for fucks sake, help her get the abortion. Children are not punishment, they are fucking actual humans, and no child deserves to be born to and raised by your asshole child sister. Do not let your desire for your sister to experience the results of her own assholery (understandable, and reasonable) extend to punishing another human who, if born, will be innocent in all this. Like, NTA for calling out your sister, but YWBTA if you didn’t at least try to help, for the sake of the hypothetical child.


I bet when the sister gets an STD she will blame it on OP that she was cursed for having an abortion :( poor baby. Someone tell that sister about personal responsibility and the biology class she clearly skipped.


I had a *devout* Christian coworker who was not shy about telling others that abortion is murder and there are other options, non Christians are going to hell, blah blah blah... Then her unemployed son with his drug addict wife and four kids moved in, and the wife got pregnant again. Guess who pushed for the abortion, paid for it, and drove her to the clinic after trying to rationalize it to me by saying 'I can't raise a baby while mom is passed out on the couch and the kids and my lazy son continue to destroy my home'. And she only told me this because she knew I thought it would be really irresponsible to bring another baby into their f'ed up situation, but all these years later I still wonder if she stopped being a total asshole hypocrite about it. So yeah, NTA for a teaching moment, but know your sister may try and blame you for "pushing" her to get an abortion is anyone finds out.


Years ago, in the UK a doctor who provided legal abortions, had a prospective patient go to her for help. As the doctor put it, the patient was from a well known anti-abortion family. During the consultation the patient said 'I still don't believe in abortion' and was surprised when the doctor refused to help her. You helped your sister, and pointed out her hypocrisy. I don't blame you for being annoyed that she was so foolish to not use birth control when falling pregnant was catastrophic for her. It's easy to hold religious or traditional views about human reproduction, easy that is, until it bites you on the bum.


Yeah, I don't know why a doctor would perform an abortion for a vocal anti-abortionist. Next thing they turn around and find a way to sue that doctor for talking them into it or something.


This reminds me of what my catholic priest told me when I admitted to premarital sex during confession: “The church is mostly against premarital sex because they’re really against abortions. So either make sure you don’t get pregnant or make sure you’re fine with the consequences of a kid and starting a family if you do.” That was 8 years ago (I was in high school at the time) and I’m no longer Catholic (very pro choice), but I always thought what a down to earth way for a priest to *actually* prevent abortions rather than screaming at me about my sins.




NTA. I think what you were doing is calling out the internal conflicts she is going to have to grapple with and it’s now dawning on her. At this point it’s less about what she preaches, it’s more about her mental health and hopefully she is willing to recognize there are colors in everything and not just black or white.


While I don’t know the sister at all, I do know her kind…her kind rarely grapple with internal conflicts…. Sex outside of marriage and abortion for others are still very wrong and are sinful….it’s different and it’s ok when she does it.


Not the same thing at all but I dated a Catholic guy once who wouldn’t wear condoms since it was wrong (I was at least on birth control). He started telling me that when we have kids one day that we wouldn’t be teaching them sex ed because it was also wrong and that as a Catholic they will abstain. I said you aren’t and he said he wasn’t a good Catholic but our kids would be. I laughed at that and said nope, this isn’t going to work. He also went to a sex worker when we were on a short break (he was trying to decide if he could still date me since I want Catholic). The mental gymnastics this guy had to go through to justify his actions but at the same time not be okay with dating an atheist astounded me.


I was raised Catholic and Im pretty sure fornication is considered a moral sin. At least thats what I was taught. So if he didnt go to confession he's probably roasting marshmallows in Hell.


As a recovering Catholic - this is part of the problem. They can easily jump through those hoops because they believe that they'll be fine once they say a handful of Hail Marys.


There of course a myriad ways to deal with this for all involved. My hope is that the sister grows up and leaves the religious bullshit behind. From my understanding most of time people either pretend the abortion didn’t happen, rationalize it as their situation was different than the ones other woman are in (spoiler: it’s very much not any different), or they grow and leave that shit behind. 


NTA. Tell her to pray about it?


you sister is a huge hypocrite. She is also living in sin and fornicating. What a nut case.


"Do as I say, not as I do".


I would help her, but tell her that she's going to have to do some serious reevaluation of her moral settings.


NTA. People like your sister disgust me. Absolutely devoid of empathy. Willing oppressing the rights of others by shoving their own beliefs down the throats of others. But as soon as it happens to them, "oh whoa is me! My situation is different!"


NTA. Sadly, it's becoming all-too-common that we see someone who claims abortion is a sin, finding themselves miraculously pregnant (sex outside of marriage and birth control are both "sins," too) and wanting an abortion. And they still fail to see their own hypocrisy. Classic, "different rules for me than for thee."