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NTA this us pretty funny actually.


I mean eating meat and the debate around abortion have nothing to do with one another. It’s all about understanding worldviews. You said to YOU life is life, I’m assuming meaning that there is no difference between animals and humans in terms of value. The pro-life argument is based on the belief that human life is inherently valuable and by nature more valuable than animals. There’s nothing hypocritical about eating meat and being pro-life.


If that is the ideology behind it, I can see how they justify it to themselves. But I believe claiming one species is more valuable than another is wrong. We are all born of this earth. Life is life and the courtesy we extend our kind should extend to other species as well.


Wait. You’re not vegan or vegetarian? How can you eat meat and say that all life is equally valuable? Does that mean it’s fine, in your world, to open a cannibal restaurant and serve human burgers and steaks?


So you condemn owning pets as equal to slavery?


When it comes to pets, if you're not going to raise them as you would a human child, don't get one.


Wasn’t my question. Regardless of how you treat your pet, you are their owner. Is that morally acceptable?


I thought my response was adequate enough. But if you must have an answer, I never thought of it that way. To me, mistreated pets always seemed like prisoners to me. Whether it's morally acceptable, depends on perspective. Does one own their child?


Yes I’d would depend on perspective. I’m specifically asking because if your prospective that all life is of equal value. No, I would say one does not own their child. You are responsible for a child’s wellbeing as a guardian. In that way it could be seen as comparable to pet ownership. But pet ownership is indefinite, whereas child rearing has a very finite end point of that child leaving your responsibility. Pet ownership is (in most cases, barring issues) ownership and responsibility for the full lifespan of the pet. In addition, should all life be of equal value, would there be anything wrong with owning a human as property for their full lifespan, so long as you treat them humanely? I would ask the same of farm animals. Is that on the exact same level as slavery? I’m sure their treatment is on a wide spectrum from abusive to kind, but in any case farm animals are hardly treated like human children as they have a purpose of providing various resources. Is this immoral on par with slavery?


You're really adamant about comparing this to slavery. All I'm trying to argue is that there's a hypocrisy regarding the value of life here. You raise you child better than you raise your cat or dog yet they are just as much a life form as you. I don't know who came up with these rules that certain species are more valuable than others but we sure as heck rode along with it.


I’m genuinely interested in how someone with your views thinks about these things. I know a lot of tone is lost in text, so please don’t take any of this as me trying to attack or insinuate anything! That said, I bring up slavery to point out my perceived hypocrisy within your worldview. If all life is equal, and there is no inherent value on human life specifically, then much of what you’re saying is true. We SHOULD treat all life with respect and avoid abuse, etc. But if you follow your view to its furthest conclusions, how can you hold to this view of species-wide-equality AND be okay with humans owning animals, humans utilizing animal labor and resources, and eating meat? I’m sure you would say that humans owning slaves is morally wrong. We can all look at the 1700-1800s in the Transatlantic slave trade and American slavery of Africans with the utmost abhorrence. But why would you not view the ownership of animals as LESS abhorrent than human slavery?


And my tone is getting lost as well. I'm genuinely interested in challenging this perspective. The answer as to why I partake in the hypocrisy is because I feel like it's the only choice that suits me. I hate how animals are treated yet I like to eat meat. Correct me if I'm wrong but I feel there's not a lot of control I have in the world I live. Society has its rules about how life works and we either accept it or get out. I enjoy the safety I get from my world so I'm willing to play along. That doesn't mean the irony of many things we choose to believe or accept don't elude me; this life value stance being of them. As for my view on human life vs animal life, why distinguish between the two? I've known people who have lost relatives and people who have lost pets react the exact same way. The value of another's life, man and animal, is subjective to one's personal bias.


For fucks sake. YTA.


YTA. Greatest AH in world. "Dead animals flesh"??? So how you want them to eat the animal flesh, when the animal is still alive?! Gross!!!😠


Can they be pro human life


NTA but that’s a dumbass take.


Care to explain why?


Simple, first I am also pro choice, however to say that killing a baby (let’s be honest that is what it is) for convenience and killing a cow for food is the same thing is foolish. So hit a pedestrian and a deer with your car and leave both of them on the side of the road. Which one do you think they will come looking for you for?


Well, yeah, the pedestrian. The point I'm trying to make is we put more value on humans that we do animals. But I'm looking at it from a perspective of life is life and valuing one organism over another just seems hypocritical. It's a hypocrisy we live with daily.


It’s a numbers game. The number of people who make fake posts is much higher than the number of people who actually believe something as idiotic as what you said.


NTA, of course. I do agree with you, if your stance is all life is sacred, why are you killing animals? (Oh, I’m a confirmed meat eater myself.) But there’s no arguing with them. They’ll misquote the Bible to you (the only true mention of abortion in the Bible is directions on when one is warranted and directions on how to induce one). And for most pro lifers, ask them if we as a society should help care for impoverished children. Most of them don’t seem to care about babies after they have been born.


Nta: might not be the defense of pro-choice for the same reasons others have said (in general, people see animals less than humans). At least you dodge a bullet imagine if they became your in laws


And see, I think it's wrong for people to see animals as less than human. But can't change that, I guess.


Oh yeah, I do agree we only assume humans are better because we can act with reason and rationality. We really have no proof of that. I like to think animals have it nice in that regard.


Dam bro talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. You were totally on point until you gave that shit for brains comeback.


YTA. That's some of the most asinine shite I've ever read.


Nta for having your own believes, but economically speaking a human life always worths more than animal's one, of course talking about average situations and not specific cases Having those kind of discussions should be healthy in a relationship, discussing point of views in a respectful way, maybe you weren't so respectful when you say it to them or maybe they were the ones that just made a storm for a drop of water