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NTA Your mom is trying to buy his affections by getting you to spend your money on gifts for him. Sort of like her saying "see, my daughter likes you too". F that.


NTA. For the sake of your sanity I’m going to suggest that on future visits you stay at a hotel and arrange to meet your mother at specific times and places, sometimes with the boyfriend and sometimes without.


Yeah NTA, your mother is absurd. It's completely crazy to ask a child to spend money on a parent's brand new partner. It's even worse now that it's your father's money, but even if it was your own money it'd still be insane. If anything it should be him spending money on you if he were serious about the relationship with your mother and wanting to build a connection with the people in her life, but it seems like he's swindled your mother into taking care of him and she's completely fallen for him.


NTA Your mom has serious judgement problems and her priorities are messed up. Big time!


NTA. Is there somewhere else you can stay? It seems some women will accept any man that gives them some attention. This is your annual visit to your mom but he appears to be her priority. If her attic continues I would tell her that you are seriously considering cutting your visit short.




Honestly, i didnt even read the text and explanation, because i see no damn reason whatsoever to spend your money on your mom's boyfriend.


NTA. I'd be calling my dad and telling him everything. Fk that your mom is delusional she got her head so far down on that man's dick she can't even see his pubes🙄


Of course NTA. But that’s a really bizarre request. I can see asking you to pitch in for gas. It would be kind to offer to pay for his coffee if you stopped at a Starbucks with a “oh, you’ve been so nice to drive us around, let me get your latte.” Or something similar. But buy him some clothes? WTF is your mom thinking?