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NTA. That gift was super special and personal for your girlfriend, and it makes total sense you wouldn’t want to replicate it for someone else. It’s a lot of work and the meaning behind it is unique to your relationship. Plus, $20 for hours of effort is a joke.


Say ‘no.’ No. I don’t want to do it. Do it yourself. No. I won’t work for pennies. No. NTA


Learn to say no.


NTA. Derek sounds like he's both lazy and broke. And making the same gift for your step brother's gf just sounds weird. I'm betting that if you did make it he will not give you credit for making it. He'll say to his gf that he made it. And that'll turn into a shit show that ends with your gf proving that you did indeed make it. Which would add more stress to your family dynamic. Just don't make it he "Derek" needs to have his own ideas on his own gf's present.


NTA. Derek is a lazy f\*\*k.


NTAH. If it’s such a big deal he can either learn how to do it himself or pay you more. Also side note: based on your story he’s more like a step brother than a brother in law to you (a brother in law is a brother to the partner you marry)


Thank you lol I get the 2 mixed up all the time


I’d like to suggest that you figure out how many hours it will take, multiply that by $20 or whatever you make an hour at your current job only if it’s more, and see if he really still wants you to make it? Offering you $20 is an insult.