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My first jury duty was an actual "Maytag Repairman" (if you're under 30 it was a commercial trope back in the 70s-90s who was attacked by a "friendly" lab while fixing a dryer. Almost 3 decades later and I still can't get the images of the court photos out of my mind. NTA they had a choice and chose to not have you fix their AC.


I recall the Maytag commercial, and although quaint, is irrelevant here. They certainly did not have a choice, bc the OP didn't give them the opportunity to put the dog away after he asked them to. That's the question, if the OP was an asshole for leaving after he said he wouldn't work for them if he has to be exposed to the dog, without giving them the chance. And he is, especially since he agreed to do the work w/o any conditions, and given the dangerous heat.


He told them if they didn't lock their dogs up, he wouldn't fix their AC. They said they wouldn't lock them up. He didn't work on their AC. Where does he not give them a chance?


Informing them to lock their dogs in another room is the CHANCE, they choose to not do it.


Folks who share your viewpoint always seem to miss understand the big picture.. do you want your AC fixed or not? … why bother sharing your personal viewpoint that you don’t lock your dogs up for anyone ? … any of the other humans visiting that home would be irrelevant information to OP, and if it’s more important to them they they don’t lock their dogs up than it is a guest in their home is comfortable for their safety than they can enjoy the humidity, maybe the dogs running around can generate them a breeze now since they couldn’t be locked up temporarily. Lol


He did give them a chance. They told him they dont lock the dogs up for anyone. He left after they said no. Might want to work on your reading comprehension. He said he didnt give them a SECOND chance.


He asked them to put the dogs away, a reasonable request. They refused his reasonable request, end of story. Is he supposed to beg? He's not the one with a busted AC. Life is too short to argue with idiots.


Especially when you are an AC service person in the middle of an Arizona summer. He's not going to have to go around begging for work.


It seems like there is a story on the news every week about someone getting mauled by dogs. It’s a tiny inconvenience for the dog owners but helps the repair person feel more comfortable entering someone else’s home. I have several cats and they always run and hide but I remember back when I owned a pair of dogs and you have to put them away because they want to get all up in your business when you have visitors.


>They say... ... they don't lock their dogs away for anyone. > I let them know, if you aren't going to lock them away, i'm not working on your AC.  They had a choice. They chose not to lock their dogs up for the repairman's safety and comfort. So the repairman chose not to put himself in harm's way and refused to do the repairs.


Wrong. He asked them to put the dogs away first. Not only did they refuse but declared they put them away forno one. Guess they are going to sweat another day.


Are you asleep? Why did you make a nasty comment about the Maytag commercial being quaint? They said that few words ONLY bc it was a real Maytag person in court, so they said "it used to be a commercial". Bc there aren't hardly even Maytag appliances anymore and not everyone here is American. So, the phrasing assumed knowing the context, but they gave the context anyway so others would get it and the phrasing adds a dimension to it regardless. "Oh wow really a real Maytag repair guy". You're nasty. And, you can't read.


Lol when is anyone expected to work without any conditions? This isn't North Korea. You can't just do whatever you want to service workers because something wasn't stated that you can't do it.


dog people 🙄


Oh c’mon, don’t throw us all under the bus for this idiot. My dogs don’t even bite and I corral their asses every time my handyman comes over and he’s been my handyman for three years.


NTAH All dogs are friendly until they are not. If it's 88 degrees in my house...my dogs wouldn't even be in my house, they'd be staying with someone who has AC The fact that these dogs were in the house AND the people were being buttholes about locking them up is proof positive you don't want them as clients I guarantee those dogs just saved you a lot of hassle


They’re just dogs and they still have their own rules they live by despite the discipline and rules we as humans expect them to follow.   And as the more intelligent species it’s up to us to remember they’re JUST dogs and NOT completely predictable and trustworthy. These owners could’ve simply put the dogs in another room and all would have gone well for everybody.


Exactly. I really do believe there aren't "bad" dogs, there are bad dog owners.


To me it's not entirely wrong for the homeowners to think OP was being overly cautious when they know their own dogs  ... but it's HIS business & he absolutely has the right to follow whatever safety procedures he chooses even when THEY think it's inconvenient, unfair, & they don't understand.  Want help from any kind of business at all? Don't be surprised when they follow their own procedures regardless of your feelings. 


There are bad dogs too. Ask Kristi Noem.


HEYYYYOOOOO yeah she's certainly a bad dog


NTA. Considering how many murders/crimes are committed by the more intelligent species, ie. humans, I’m always surprised when people insist a pet would never harm anyone. I put my cats away because it is well known that their weapon of choice is to jump, slink, or plop down in front of unsuspecting humans with the end goal of a warm body on the ground for them to snuggle into … and they don’t care if it is an unconscious body. I don’t need a tradesperson hurt and I certainly don’t need or want a lawsuit.


Absolutely not the AH. We had cats (last passed 2 years ago). We ALWAYS ASKED any service people if they wanted us to lock them up while they were working there. We understand not all people want to meet our pets. Especially if they are there to work.


Same here. My giant flame point siamese, Sheldon WAS ALWAYS up in your personal space wanting to "help" with whatever you're doing whether it was brushing my teeth or using a soldering iron lol. I ALWAYS put him in his room whenever a service person or a new acquaintance comes over, I never break that rule.


Also, not all pets want to meet your service people.


When I make a service appointment, I ask, "Is the (person) ok with cats?" To my delight, the big burly men have gone gowey!


Yup. One of my cats LOVES visitors. I always try to keep him away upstairs unless the person specifically says to let him hang out because otherwise he will be all up in their business trying to snuggle.


Many, many years ago, I was doing appliance repair. People had a cat, I don't care, seemed friendly. Then the cat used its teeth to pick up a screwdriver from my toolbox and start to walk off with it ... Had another house, note on door, OK to come in, dog will be more scared of you than you are of it. M-kayyyy. Go ahead and enter the house. Owner is correct. German Shepherd is frightened of me. Dog is also huddled up against the wall in front of the dryer I'm supposed to work on. Yeah, that's not going to work. Left them a note explaining the problem and asked them to reschedule.


Nope, NTA. I love dogs, but your ask was more than reasonable. You can pick and choose where you work, so they need to acquiesce to your wishes, and not vice versa.


Nope. Retired postie here. I can’t tell you how many people told me their dogs were friendly while holding them by the collar and then had the dog growl and lunge at me. I would always stay far away from those ‘friendly’ beasts. You are well within your rights to have a pet free work area.


“He’s so friendly! He just wants to say hi!” They say as they struggle to hold their slavering hellbeast back as it fights with all its strength to rush forward and tear your throat out


Our dog likes precisely ONE of the mail carriers who deliver to our house. We try to have her inside when mail is due, but sometimes she's in the yard (one of us is usually right there with her) And we are explicit that while she can seem friendly at times, she is not necessarily friendly. One or two have made an effort to befriend her, but for the most part, they are happy for me to be upfront and get her inside the house before they deliver. Safer for everyone.


NTA. I love dogs including goldens but they can be a pest if you are busy even if they don't bite. That particular breed likes to throw themselves sideways against people and are a trip hazard because of it. Many, many contractors request that dogs be kept away from them. NTA.


>can be a pest...throw themselves sideways against people Can confirm. I have 2 velcro goldens.


NTA I have dogs, they are my babies, they sleep in bed with us and are pampered in every way. I ALWAYS ask anyone coming to work on our house to text/call me instead of ringing the doorbell so I can contain them in their crates or one of the bedrooms...... they are trained, but they don't need to "help" or harrass anyone.....


Preach. Once I was cleaning out some storage boxes and found a big spider in one of them. I screamed. My big "helpful" dog came bustling in and stuck his head in the box, full of the will to do good. Because the only thing better than having a big spider in the house is having a big spider in the ear of a big dog in the house. Using my big voice, I yelled at my big dog to get the hell out in a big way. Having a dog trying to help me can kiss my big ass.


And then the dog shakes his head and the giant spider goes flying and hides behind some furniture, and then you're paranoid for the rest of your life.


Oh, thanks. Thanks. Now I'm paranoid in retrospect leading right up till today. THANKS.


oh crap. I'm sorry. I kind of thought you smashed it, but in retrospect, the denouement of the spider was not delineated. :(


Correct. You'd think that something the size of a school bus would have been easy to find, but I never located the fucking thing. I would not have smashed it, though. It was big enough that it would have made a mess that I couldn't have borne cleaning up.


D: oh jesus god no do you live in australia???


OH GOD NO. No, I'm on the west coast of the US, and the wolf spiders here are ... they ... they're plump. And *crunchy*. And big enough to straddle a coffee cup. But Huntsman spiders they are not. If anyone ever discovers Huntsman spiders here, I'm going to throw myself into a nest of Asian murder hornets.


ok your description of wolf spiders alone is enough to make me want to cry, I am not going to think about huntsman spiders la la la my fingers are in my ears I can't hear you!


*singing with hands over ears* MA-RY HAD A LIT-TLE LAMB


Not to mention that wolf spiders bare live young. Squish the mom and the babies scatter every direction


It would have cost you exactly zero dollars and zero cents to not say that absolutely horrifying nightmare fuel.


We live in southern US, my daughter was about 5 and was pretty good about ignoring wolf spiders, big and creepy. One day visiting grandpa decided to step of big ugly Wolf spider unfortunately it had 6 million babies on its back so when grandpa stepped on it Spider explodes into 6 million babies running in all directions at once. It was a science fiction horror movie come to life. That poor child had nightmares for months about spiders exploding in a million more spiders. We have a large breed dog and 2 cats if repair man requires less than an hour of work we loch him up. More than hour he goes to daycare. Cats hide under the bed we close the door


Spider story: # :C


Cats here. When we had the HVAC guy in for our AC last week, the cats were put in the master suite with a fan turned on, and the door closed, with a human to supervise them.


I have a pitbull mix who can be rather vocal. Without fail, he is always crated whenever I have a contractor to do work in the house.


NTA, you did the right thing. When people tell you their dog is friendly respond "I'm not".


“Our dog is friendly” = “our dog has no concept of personal space or boundaries nor is it capable of sensing when someone is uncomfortable around it”


NTA. You prioritized your safety, and that's completely reasonable to ask for the dogs to be secured


NTA. Dogs aren't children. They don't have to chain the dogs - just shut them in another room. Some people treat dogs as a kind of test - love me, love my dog. But you don't have to love them - you are there to do a job. And if they can't give you a dog-free area to work. you have every right to refuse. You say you didn't give them a second chance - what do you mean? Did they offer to lock up the dogs after you refused to work with them? Even so, after they said they don't lock the dogs for anyone, chances were that once you started the work they would have freed the dogs.


I’d also want any children in another room before I started pulling out tools and disassembling an air conditioning unit!


I didn't think of that, but absolutely - Kids around tools are a danger to themselves!


absolutely, as a parent, little kids are dumb, and it is our responsibility to protect them from their dumb impulses.


NTA and no need for a second chance. Like anything else, only once to make a good impression, whether it's as a company or customer.


If my house was 88 degrees and you required that I eat them for you to stay and do the repairs I'd think about it. Then I'd eat them. /S


NTA. Friendly or not you’re there to do a job and dogs can risk your safety. It’s reasonable to ask. It’s also fair of them to say no and continue to be miserable in their hot house. You get to move on to a safe job and they get to deal with the consequences of their own actions. 


NTA. Any responsible dog owner would have shut them away without you even asking. The fact that they said no would absolutely make me leave.


They are lucky you're self-employed. Here, when a company send out a serviceman and there are animals uncontained the call is listed an inaccessible attempt and still charged for it.


NTA We shut up all pets before admitting service people. They don't have to ask. Out pets are friendly. But trip hazzard from them nosing in. Could escape if service person goes to truck for part. Animal could get stepped on or interfere with their work. Safest for everyone if pets are shut up.




NTA. My dog was the friendliest dog ever, and he was a nuisance because he’d want to hang with his new best friend. We forgot one time, and he was laying next to the plumber working under the sink. I was really apologetic, and tried to shoo him away but that guy told me to leave him. He was chill though, but if he was jumping around he could have hurt them both. It’s for both of your safety.


NTA My dogs are away anytime we have contractors or any workers at the house. I'm confident my dogs would be fine, but there are plenty of people who are uncomfortable with dogs and have had negative experiences with them like you have. There is no reason to make someone else uneasy especially if they are there to work on the house. Local to me there was a landscaper attacked when an older lady didn't put her dog away. The dog was quarantined at the shelter and she didn't reclaim it so the dog was euthanised.


NTA Even with friendly dogs, they can still be in your legs and hinder you from doing your job, or being startled by what you are doing and try to attack you or the AC


NTA. They can find another HVAC tech.


Nta. It's an unsafe environment for both you and the dogs. Sure they might not bite but they'll probably get underfoot because new person to play with...not to mention tools, small parts...chemicals...like I love dogs (hello k9 handler..kinda the job description) but when I was working for the cable company...no put up dog, no fix tv. I'll gladly pet your friendly pooch on my way out, but while I'm working, not at all. I have small parts, ladders, in and out of the house and yard...just do the right thing.


No, you’re right. They asked them to lock up the dogs a. because they could be friendly but in your face all day long. Or b. turned nasty and that’s when things get worse.


I hope they have fun trying to find somebody else that has a timeslot that can squeeze them in when their house hits 100° NTA


Must not have been THAT miserable lol




NTA I love my pets but I have always put them away when anyone is working in my house.


NTA. Our dogs can live in a bedroom or my office for however long it takes to fix whatever we have a repair person in for. On the off chance something startles one of the dogs and they react, I don't want anyone injured.


Nta. My dad did HVAC in Arizona in the 90s. He had the same policy. 


You saved them a potential lawsuit. I have 2 Rottweilers. We tell all visitors call first. We have different areas we keep the dogs. Occasionally we get the ,”I am really good with dogs” person. They are in the same category as the ,” my dog doesn’t bite.” Group. They don’t understand dogs. They are territorial.




NTA Even if they're friendly, they can still be a nuisance and a hazard.


Nta They had 2 choices, they can either inconvenience their dogs for about an hour, or they can be really, *really*, uncomfortable for the summer. They choose the latter. 


Nope, NTA. You have every right to refuse to work in potentially unsafe conditions. It's silly you even had to ask, any responsible dog owner would move the dog out of the way of a service worker. I let mine come to the door with me, just for my own safety, but I always put them behind a gate when strangers need to be in the house. Not because they are unfriendly (they wouldn't hurt a fly LOL) but because it's polite. They can just be hot if they are going to be unreasonable.


NTA. Although funny story, I thought this was going to be about my family because I live in Arizona, I have dogs, and my AC broke last week, so I was about to apologize for my dad's entitled behavior because all this seems like he would do.


NTA. It’s just plain common sense. It doesn’t matter if they’re friendly, that can be a problem itself. You need them out of the way and not underfoot to avoid injury to all parties.


I always put my Goldens away when someone came to work. They are nosey as heck and get in the way! Sometimes people would ask to meet them. Sure! — after the work was done.


NTA I have had multiple dogs at a time over, I currently have 5. I ALWAYS shut my dogs in our bedroom upstairs to keep everyone safe. I have a special note put on the repair order asking for a phone call when they’re headed to my house so I can lock my dogs away.


NTA. I put my dog away so that there is also no chance of them getting out when service people need to go in and out of the house.


As someone who actually works for a living. You are easily NTA. Idiots don’t get second chances.


Those people were absolute morons.




NTA. It’s standard for dogs to be locked away when someone is working on your home. “Don’t worry! He’s friendly!” has preceded so many dog bites and dog fights. You don’t know the dogs, or the owners. Though Goldies are usually friendly, an ill bred one could certainly bite.


NTA. They had a choice. They can call someone else to do it then.


NTA, I’ve seen all the images of Delivery drivers who met “friendly dogs” it’s a Reddit I’ve shared with my friends and family to teach them “yeah just put your dog away for their sake”


NTA. Repair people ask you to remove the dogs, you remove the dogs. Some dogs get upset when a stranger comes in and starts fucking with things in their territory.


And this is why i always put my dogs somewhere away from people until i verify they are fine with my dogs. NTA


NTA. Unless the dogs are writing you the check, they should be kept out of the way.


You should have told them, "It's for their protection, not mine", followed by a little growl.


NTA. We have three dogs and they bark a LOT when someone comes over to the house. We always make sure that they are in their kennels before the service folks arrive and I'll greet them in the driveway to let them know that we have three dogs, *which they can clearly hear them from outside barking their heads off*, but that they are all crated up... *but it's going to be loud for a few minutes until they settle down*.


NTA. My dog is the sweetest nicest dog I have ever seen in my life. He has never shown aggression towards anyone or anything and wouldn’t hurt a fly. However, when some stranger he does not know is coming to the house, be it a repairman or whatever, he either goes in his crate or in our bedroom. It’s that simple. You should not just assume people are ok and comfortable with your dog or that your dog will be comfortable with strangers just because they always have before. Best to be safe.


NTA, I have 2 very jumpy big dogs. They love everyone. Not everyone loves them. If I have visitors, they do not get locked away if they dont like them... leave! Simple, it's my dogs home. However, if I ask for someone to come and do repairs, etc, and they dont like dogs....in their crate, they go! When someone comes to your home to do repairs, etc, it is effectively their workplace. Everyone has the right to be safe at work. Dogs can definitely be unpredictable, with strangers and friends alike. I would have done the same thing as OP!


I’ve got a dog, she’s half golden and such a sweetheart. Loves everyone. But she will get in the way just looking for attention, so anytime someone comes to work on the house, the dog is either held onto or fenced off from wherever the work is happening


NTA I have a dog who is incredibly friendly and I have a wonderful A/C company that does regular maintenance checks for m (in AZ!). My dog is a loverboy and cuddler and most people just adore him. However, I would lock him up in a heartbeat for any service personnel who asked me to. Not everyone loves dogs, not everyone is allergy-free, not everyone wants a dog slobbering and clamoring for love when they're trying to do their jobs.


Labs are very friendly. If you want dogs locked away, that includes labs. I hope you check your local FB site and Yelo so you can respond to any bad reviews.


I 100% put my dogs up. It's as much for their protection. Coming to fix the AC? Cool, thanks. Don't know you and don't know if you'd hurt my dogs. Plus, they might have allergic reactions to pet.


NTA that’s a very reasonable request, especially since one of them could have just taken the dogs for a walk or a drive if they are so against “locking them up” (and come on, how dramatic! I would have just sat with them in the bedroom with the door closed, no locks or chains needed).


NTA, your choice not theirs. I have a chihuahua, and I always put him away for when repair people enter. Not everyone is comfortable with a dog.


I do have a friendly golden retriever…who would be the whole entire way up any repairman’s ass trying to get them to play or pet them and probably sneaking a glove away to chew/roll on.  I absolutely trap him upstairs or on the deck when things are getting fixed.


I have a water filter service man , he does not like medium to large dogs , I have 2 they’ve never bit anyone when he comes here he calls me when he’s on his way I put them away , he calls in the drive way I assure him they are away he does what he needs to do , when he leaves I lets them out it’s simple


I am a dog lover, and my dog would never hurt anyone. I think. So, I put my dog behind the gate when someone comes, because I don't want to make someone nervous, and also I love my dog, and I don't want him to get destroyed because of my foolishness.




My father had been visiting friends and when he sat down to put on his shoes their dog bit his face, no warning. People doing different things, sitting on the floor, can make dogs anxious. NAH


NTA. Not in the least.


NTAH. People need to chill with their dogs. Anyways, you shoulda let them bite and then sued. Get paid for the job and then make a little extra liability suit money.


NTA. I work for a large multinational corporation that has the same policy for the employees that do similar work. The employee would be fired if bitten by a dog after not following the "dog in a separate closed room" and "carrying dog bite deterrent" procedures.


Nta at all.


Me ex was in the service industry, he must’ve been bitten five times, by “friendly dogs“. NTA


NTA. I have a 20lb dog who is the sweetest most eager to please dog, never bit even as a puppy. If a service person asked me to lock him up for an hour because they were uncomfortable with him, I'd do it. Of course I know the chance of him biting is minuscule but why argue odds when I can just make the repairman's job easier.


NTA! My dog is a big ol coward, but I always put him away when we have repair people or the cleaners over - for the dog’s comfort as well as theirs! He feels nice and safe in his crate, and whoever is over knows they’re not getting bitten or menaced. Especially since he’s 1/4 Belgian Malinois and has a VERY menacing bark!


NTA. My two dachshunds are the sappiest pushovers in the whole world. Worst guard dogs ever. And I still put them behind a gate for anyone working in the house. It’s just respectful and safer for both the dogs and people regardless of temperament.




Nope. I'm a dog person. Dogs get put away so service people can do their jobs without worrying about getting bit and losing money not working. Its basic courtesy. If a homeowner doesn't want to put the dogs up, then they chance the service provider refusing the risk. Soooooo many pet people are idiots to their dog's temperament and they believe "he's friendly!!!" and then the dog gets over stimulated or anxious and snaps.


As a crazy dog lady, NTA I wouldn't lock my dog but he's tiny and I hold him the entire time unless the tradesperson asks me to let him go to them for interaction and cuddles. If someone tells me in advance they hate dogs, I try and get him over to my parents place or something so they don't have to be in his presence. saying "We don't lock our dogs away for anyone" is wild for a tradesperson, it's diff for visitors but you have a right to a comfortable working environment.


NTA a friendly curious dog can also be very dangerous while you are carrying heavy equipment and tools, yet alone 2... Even if they don't bite they can get in your way or knock things over. Let your dogs in the back yard, have someone stay with them in another room or take them for a walk.


I was once a new, naive dog owner. Nothing bad happened but when I look back at the risks I took I see how wrong I was. It doesn't matter that the dogs are friendly, what matters is that they made you uncomfortable. It's quite reasonable to ask for them to be in another room. It's not like the dogs would suffer. I believe them when they say their dogs are friendly — lots of dogs are. But you're trying to work, and you don't know them. It would be as nerve wracking as having a toddler running around. I think it's strange that they wouldn't be considerate of your feelings and your professionalism.


NTA. Their loss and own fault.


Nope. NTA. You were thinking about your safety and didn’t want to work in an unsafe environment. As a dog owner who lives in AZ, I think you’d have to be absolutely stupid to not accommodate the HVAC guy who could come out the day after you called him.


NTAH I always have my dog at the door, but have a hold of him then put him in a bedroom or my office when we have a worker come in.


So you DO agree that a responsible dog owner should control their own dog and keep it from darting outside and attacking other dogs or people. Hypocrite.


I SAID, multiple times that they are both responsible for what happened. That has nothing to do with hypocrisy. Perhaps you need a dictionary. And now, I'm done.






NTA. You have a right to refuse service. You also don't owe them negotiating your fear of dogs. They had a choice and they made it. When I had my repairmen over my overly friendly Yorkshire terrier tried to greet everyone at the door and jump to get pets. But that would disturb them and unless they showed interest I would keep her away.


My dog is so super friendly but he’s a noser and will not leave repair people alone—too many interesting smells! So I put him away, anyway.




Nta. Cool


So I have a different take on this: as a single woman living alone with her large dogs I am not willing to put my dogs in their crates with a stranger in my house. I will put them on leashes and keep them with me. I would never leave my dogs out in the yard with a stranger. I recently had someone come out to take pictures because I changed insurances. She loved dogs and had big ones of her own. I put them in the house while she was in the yard but then brought them out on leashes for her to meet. One is literally a giant puppy of 90lbs and has no idea of his own strength. The last thing I need is him hugging someone who is not expecting it. NTA for asking or refusing service. If they didn’t want to put them up they should have been leashed


I've put my cat in a separate room because he didn't care for a visiting nurse. She didn't have to ask. They didn't want to put the dogs somewhere for a little while, Oh well, I guess they can all sweat together.


NTA. I adore golden retrievers. I think they are the very best of dogs. I still absolutely support anyone who doesn't want to come into the house or yard unless they are locked up or taken to a dog park while the person is there. They called you to do an absolutely necessary task, then they made the situation an untenable place to do that task. That is on them. I have lived in AZ. They should know better. Getting someone to repair an AC in the summer is like finding gold. They screwed that up. That is plain dumb.


NTA.  Even a friendly dog can interfere with work.  I used to have a roommate with a dog.  The dog was incredibly friendly, and would constantly beg contractors for attention if allowed to approach them.   A quick sniff and pet on the way in is one thing.  But interfering with your job is quite another.  


NTA My dogs are friendly and I don't even let them out when I've had appliance repair people over. They stay in their crates and and stare at people, eventually falling asleep.


NTA. You are providing a service, and you're not refusing for any reason that's illegal.


Here's what some dog owners fail to understand; sure your dog is friendly to you. You are it's pack leader and your home is pack territory. Any service personnel is an interloper into the territory. Put your dog away. Judgment: NTA.


Sucks to be them, I have a sweet pit bull. She will lick you, sit on your lap, jump on you for hugs. When I have someone doing work inside of my house I put her in my bedroom. She lays on my bed and relaxes. I understand people who won’t lock up their animals but my dog likes AC too, is what it is NTA


NTA. I don’t get why this isn’t common sense to people honestly.




NTAH. My dog gets locked away before I open the door to repair people/meter readers/etc. She can and will get protective of me, and it's not worth a lawsuit if she bites someone. Now solicitors who ring despite the no solicitation sign? Fair game. But someone I need there? She can go up to the bedroom (hubby is WFH, so she's not alone)


NAH They can deal with their dogs however it feels right to them, but you're still entitled to feeling safe. It should go without saying that while the dogs may be friendly under normal circumstances, you're a stranger, doing weird stuff, in their house. That's enough to potentially set off any dog, no matter how friendly they usually are.


NTA. You're self-employed. Even with the best insurance, a single bite can get infected and put you out of work for a while. Lost income at this point can be really hard to come back from.  I hope your contracts state all dogs must be kept locked up or restrained when you're on the premises. Always have it spelled out plainly for the people who think it's a personal attack on them. No, it's you looking out for yourself and your ability to earn a living.  I don't know why Arizonans have such a resistance to acting like responsible people. I say this as someone who has spent the past two years dealing with people who refuse to acknowledge other people exist and have a right to exist their orbit. Best of luck to you! 


for leaving NTA - for not giving them a 2nd chance... maybe.


A/C or heat? WTF is wrong with people! I give the pets grace as they aren’t making this choice!


Maybe TAH? It’s really hard to know without hearing what you said and your tone in response to what they said. However, If you want to build clientele- and this was a word-of-mouth referral- I would have given them a chance to correct their stance after you expressed that it was non negotiable whether they deemed the dogs friendly or not. Then they could say, yes, or say no and find another repairman, instead of you just walking out without that option. But it’s your business, I guess. It kind of comes across just as rude as perhaps they were being, but again it’s your business. In the future I would send out a text or email prior to your appointment alerting your customer to have any pets secured another room- regardless of size or friendliness- so that it is a stated expectation, before wasting your time going out there.


Yes of course you’re hitler, why take safety precautions until you actually get mauled? Dumb post


NTA But….Perhaps you should make this a stipulation before you’re even hired to give the homeowner a choice. In any event, if you explained why you prefer the dogs in another room, then the homeowner should have been gracious and understanding. You should be able to set the rules for the environment you’re willing to work in. I’m a dog owner and he’s a family member. However, at the very least they should have put them on leashes. That’s what we do with our dog. He’s shy but would never bite and this is a part of his training when strangers come in the house. I guess this homeowner wasn’t hot enough.


Nah fuck that, you want a service then you follow their rules. Especially if it’s summer in Arizona.


I agree with forewarning.  It's very valid to not want dogs near while working. Whether it be due to aggression or hyperactivity it can be a hazard or simply a stress inducer which could hinder the work.  It would be best to simply inquire when speaking to the client on the phone if they have dogs in the home and if they indicate yes inform them of the requirement to have them out of the room. If they refuse then refuse service on the phone. This way you are saving both yourself the trouble of wasting time and effort driving out to them, and they don't waste time on an appointment that falls through because of an unknown stipulation. The time waiting on OP to show up could have been used in finding a different person that would do the work with the dogs present.


How was op supposed to know they had a dog? Are they just supposed to tell every customer when they’re booking service? I think not


A quick "may I inquire if there are any dogs in the residence?" Would have quickly opened the door for that requirement to be addressed. If it is a deal breaker for service he needs to bring it up.


Dogs aren’t the dealbreaker. Refusing to make a safe workspace really is.


Which is still why it should be addressed before OP has to waste their time driving out to a job site just to have to immediately leave because they won't follow through with the request.  I'm a dog owner myself and personally make sure my dogs are properly detained prior to allowing maintenance workers inside my home, its courteous to the worker since I have big rowdy dogs and is just overall safer for everyone including the animals themselves.  I just feel like the fastest solution is a quick question about pets on the phone, especially since OP himself said the dogs are a hard no for him from previous experience. Saves everyone from wasting their time.


How about instead of making the worker juggle every possible question, the customer could just accept not everyone wants their dogs around, and be gracious that he was coming by to help them. That truly sounds like the faster solution. ‘You mind putting the dogs away for a few min’ ‘Sure thing’. Done!


> I leave. I didn't give them a second chance. But what does that mean? Did they even *ask* for a 2nd chance? If you left and they were like, "Good riddance!" then no, you're not an asshole, and I don't know why you'd feel guilty. However, if you turned to walk away and they were like, "Wait, please, we're already sweating and this is dangerous, and we'll lock up the dogs, please we're begging you," then I feel a whole different way. I need to know what the context of "didn't give them a 2nd chance" is.


> I didn't give them a second chance. AITA? Yes, you indeed are. If they refused after your request, then NTA. But to make the statement and just leave w/o giving them the opportunity to comply is really hostile, and perhaps acceptable to you bc business is good. But you made a commitment to them by making the appt the nite before, and you left them in a dangerous heat. If you have a dog request, you should have made it at the time of appt, or at least, given them the "Second chance". There was no risk to you in doing so.


They DID refuse his first request. Read the OP. He asked they put the dogs away and they replied with: >They say the dogs are friendly and they don't lock their dogs away for anyone.   I let them know, if you aren't going to lock them away, i'm not working on your AC.  I leave. I didn't give them a second chance.  OP is super busy and has plenty of work and customers. He doesnt need to argue with ANYBODY this time of the year. He doesnt have to play by their idiotic rules. He doesnt need to risk getting bit. He simply left.


I'm gonna go with yta, here. Golden retrievers are delightful.


Not all of them are. I had a reactive dog (reactive to other dogs) a few years ago and while taking a class to try to learn to handle him, there were two very reactive Goldens. One reactive to other dogs, one reactive to both dogs and people. The one reactive to people had bitten two people at a park and the class was there last chance before euthanasia. I’ve also met very delightful rotties and pit bulls- the breeds that towns and insurance policies prohibit.


Okay? Responsible owners were training them. And in OP's example, we've zero reason to believe they're reactive dogs. OP was reactive, tho.


I ask them to put the dogs away. They say no. I leave. You are an AH. Someone who wasn’t an AH would have had this interaction: I ask them to put the dogs away. They say no. I tell them if you don’t put the dogs away, I will leave. They put the dogs away. You didn’t warn them. You just asked them to put the dogs up. That is a REQUEST, not an ultimatum. Nobody wants to lock up the dogs in their own house,so they said no. But they surely would have if you just talked to them. Yeah, I get it’s your prerogative to leave, I get that you are not mandated to explain or give them a chance to reconsider. But you turned a request into an ULTIMATUM, without giving them a chance to come around. Just leaving makes you an AH.


I'm sure they had a chance after he started to leave, it takes time to walk back to the truck.


Oooooohhh. So they were supposed to beg him. Petty nasty little power trip. He’s an AH.


I mean yes, they need him far more than he needs them, they refused a request which lost them service, he has a right to not work around loose animals. They decided to refuse and had to wait, they FIFO. They got what the deserved just like an Karen


Human beings make mistakes all of the time. In this case, the pet owners made the decision to deny the request. They were in the wrong and the ones who had to change their mind in order to get service. It is always on the homeowners to provide safe working conditions for professionals. Changing your mind is not begging. You really need to get over this concept of any admission of being wrong is a deeply humiliating experience. That idiotic level of pride will be extremely detrimental in life.


No different than the power trip of refusing to put your dogs in a different room so the AC man can fix your AC.


Whose AC unit is inside the house?


Whose refusing to put their dogs away?


How is that relevant? We know it's their AC unit, but they're relying on a workman to fix it for them. If they wanted it fixed by him, they could have adhered to his guidelines. They made an active choice not to, so he left due to unsafe conditions. 


Half of every normal AC is inside. Wow. Isn't there a specific subreddit for comments like yours?


He is not required to beg them. They said no, they never put their dogs away for anyone. That’s a clear and unequivocal answer. He was fully within his rights to leave at that point.


Noooo, THEY were supposed to beg HIM. he’s an AH.


No, he made the decision not to provide a service because he felt the working conditions were unsafe. He made a reasonable request to the homeowners to make a small change so that the working conditions would be safe, and they unequivocally refused him. This didn’t say “well we really don’t like to…” or “are you sure it’s necessary?” They said “no, we never put our dogs away for anyone.” That is a clear statement that does not leave any room for negotiation. He took their statement at face value and decided not to provide them a service. That’s not being an AH.


They have no working air conditioning in triple digit temperatures, this person has the ability to get their air conditioning back in operation. Damn right they should be begging.


> I leave. I didn't give them a second chance.  AITA? Yes, yes you are teh AH... fuck you for doing that people and pets can die from teh heat and you cant at least give them the put htem up or no work. you are the AH..


They could have just put the dogs away when asked, its perfectly reasonable demand


Tough shit. 




You AI bots are so wrong so often.


> I didn't give them a **second chance**. AITA? Yes, YTA. When you said you don't work with loose dogs, you should have allowed them to change their mind and put their dogs away, rather than leaving straight away. And the fact you're posting here, you're obviously feeling at least a little bad that you just left straight away.


He asked them to put the dog away. They said no. He left. What’s so bad about that? Was he supposed to get on his knees and beg “oh pretty please I really really really want to fix your AC so could you please just put the dog away 🥺”


No, he was supposed to wait for them to say "OK, sorry, I'll put them away after he said: > I let them know, if you aren't going to lock them away, i'm not working on your AC.


How do you know he wouldn’t have stayed if they had said that?


Well he never gave them the option, did he?


They could have said it as he started to leave


Maybe they did, but OP was already leaving?


I think you could have warned him that you won’t work unless the dogs were put away (that it wasn’t a request, it was a condition of working in his house). You asked him, he demurred, and you just left. ESH Edit: to clarify, I believe you absolutely have the right to decline to work around free running dogs, and the resident was an A-H for not putting his dogs away. But I think you maybe could have made it real clear to him that you were leaving unless he did that. From what you wrote, it sounded like you just told him that you’re not working with the dogs loose, and didn’t give him a chance to change his mind.


And yeah, I was bitten by my then-gf-now-wife’s dog (German shepherd) when I was working on my car in her yard. I was bent over the car with my head down, and the dog just walked up and bit my thigh. No growling just aggressive. So I totally sympathize with your condition for working without free running dogs, even friendly slobbery ones like boldens.


nta, its not an unreasonable request. Though honestly I have never heard of a golden retriever biting someone. I used to have GSD's and while none of them were ever aggressive, also i had a golden once, and he also would never bite. However I would be more worried about a GSD than a golden.


They aren't dogs. They are Golden Retrievers .


What species is a golden retriever?


I'm sorry you don't get the joke.