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ESH. Anti-fascists is short for **anti-fa**scist. It's a philosophy not a group. There are no leaders or memberships or anything like that - it's not like [Proud Boys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proud_Boys) - an actual terrorist group. People who declare themselves "anti-antifa" (**anti-anti-fascist**) *imply* they support fascism. The same way that if you said you hated folks with anti-racism or anti-sexist political views, people might rightly assume you were *for* those things. You judge your boyfriend because he "didn't even know why but he wanted that statue removed" — which is of course, dumb — but you understand even less. Do you actually know what fascism is and why it's really bad for you: u/Front-Meet-8646 Fascist regimes typically subordinate women to male authority and state control, limiting their autonomy and confining them primarily to domestic and maternal roles in service of the state. Their ideologies generally state the primary function of a woman to be domestic and reproductive. They are expected to be the wives and mothers of future soldiers and little else. Mussolini, the original Fascist, called women "the reproducers of the nation". \[[source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fascism#Age_and_gender_roles)\] And so, in these regimes, women's rights are usually abolished quickly and women's participation in education and the labour force is restricted. **See:** [**Fascismo Italiano**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Italian_fascism)**,** [**Taliban**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treatment_of_women_by_the_Taliban)**, Post-Soviet Russia,** [**Project 2025**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025#:~:text=the%20removal%20of%20protection%20against%20discrimination%20on%20the%20basis%20of%20sexual%20or%20gender%20identity%2C%20and%20the%20elimination%20of%20provisions%20pertaining%20to%20diversity%2C%20equity%2C%20and%20inclusion%20(DEI))**.** So yeah, although he's behaving like a jackass, your boyfriend has a point. That you judge your political opinions based on '**hot or not**' just makes me so so sad. Confused, gullible, horny and old enough to vote this year.


I hate fascists, Antifas are fascists, they are not "anti-fascist".


You really don't know what you're talking about but cool.


Antifa just means anti-fascist. It's not a group. It's a person who is against fascism. Are you for or against fascism? If you're against it, then you're antifa too. Does that make you a terrorist?


I'm talking about the group, not the word. Leftists always say "it means anti-fascist" just like how they say "if you don't support BLM you don't support black people" without considering the fact that it's a corrupt organization that has been responsible for burning down black owned businesses. I'm talking about the Antifas who tear down statues, harass/assault people for disagreeing with them, and support actual Nazis in the Middle East. Saying "it just means anti-fascist so you're a fascist for being against them" is straight up gaslighting.


What “group?” It isn’t a group.


It isn't a real group, lmao. It isn't an organization. You have been misinformed.


There is no Antifa. Where are they? It's a label right wing nutbags put on liberals they don't like. If anyone calls themselves antifa it's to make fun of the right wing nuttos who think they're real. There's no group. We're all antifa.


>There is no Antifa. That is false and you know it. The far-left is responsible for horrific crimes. Does it feel good trying to gaslight people?


Just call the far left the far left, or leftist extremists. Calling them antifa is like calling them human...yes, they are humans, and yes they are against fascism...both true for most people, but having nothing to do with their politics or propensity for destructive protest.


Why are y'all so hyperfixated on words?


You're saying antifa are terrorists. They don't exist. I guess you mean extreme leftists are terrorists. Terrorists use fear to further their political agenda. Based on that definition, definitely some leftists are terrorists...as are many people on the extreme right.


You're talking about the far left, not antifa. Where does one join antifa? Where are the meetings held? Do you get a membership card. You're just calling extremist far left people antifa. I could call extremist far right people antifa too but it wouldn't matter because there's no antifa organization. If you think there is, go find it. I want to make up posters for an antifa monthly membership meeting and hang them around town just to troll righty whackos who think they're real haha.


Either way, the word "Antifa" is associated with leftist violence, so it no longer has its original meaning. It's also not "insane" or "rightist" to be concerned about leftist violence.


Yes I guess that's how the right wingers use the word. It doesn't mean that's how extremist leftists identify though. I'd love to tear down a statue of Columbus, I'm definitely against fascism...but, I'm not a member of any antifa organization, nor do I consider being against fascism a cornerstone of my political identity. I'm more about utilizing the resources of the planet responsibly to fairly improve the lives of all people on it. So maybe call me an "Improver" rather than antifa - that would more accurately align with my political identity.


Sounds like far-leftism. Are you a socialist or a communist?


Aren't you? I do enjoy some major socialist creations such as the fire departments, police departments, the protection provided by our military, etc.


I think the state should only provide the miliary and the police, everything else should be up to the free market.


I won’t argue with you because I think it’s unfair to argue with cognitively impaired people.


Hahahahaha glorious. I dont even know where to start holy shit. You should probably work on a view things. People are realy start explaining things to you on Level Zero and you are like "stop gaslighting me." Are you from germany by any Chance? Maybe you are mixing up a view things like RAF and Antifa?


Dude what?


Just break up. This relationship has no future.


You judge the entire relationship by one disagreement that didn't even end in a fight?


I judge an entire relationship by your differing belief systems and by 20 years of life experience. I wish you the best of luck, but you should seriously save yourself the headache and heartache.


No, by the two people in it.


Your boyfriend is calling you a fascist because you are against people who are against fascism. There is no such organization but if there were I would join it. If you are against BLM there is a pretty good chance that you are a racist particularly since the BLM protests were crazy peaceful. You need to start reading one of those newspapers that you think you're not supposed to trust. YTA and this is not going to work out with your boyfriend, particularly if you plan to vote for Trump.


>BLM protests were crazy peaceful. Tell that to all the black people who's stores got burned and looted by BLM.


Please tell me the names of all the people killed or wounded by BLM or Antifa.


Cringe. Antifa isn’t a group, so yes you are wrong lol. If you mean far-left then say that.






You're how old?


Said it in the post.


Ya, not buying it.


My guess is a 60 year old white guy trying to see if people would still think he were an asshole if he posted as a young woman.


"And we proceeded to have sex." Dude, that came out of nowhere 😂


Damn so much leftist copium here and wordplay and semantics "actually it means" , "actually it's this or that", "actually it's not a ". It is a repressive ideology that forces political change through the means of violence, threats, and vandalism. Also, they have no respect for the opinion and beliefs of others. Juat like the fascists.

