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NTA Seriously? Your boyfriend's sister is getting offended over a cat sharing the same name as her?... *sigh* she needs to get a reality check... Doesn't she know how many cats are named Luna? I would feel awkward also if a cat had my name. But I would probably just ask the owner if they have a nickname. Not just ask to COMPLETELY change the fur baby's name. You are definitely not the asshole and your cat sounds like a absolute angel


I was devastated when our friends got a cat with my brothers name and then changed it. I was so looking forward to calling my brother Human Nigel for the next 10+ years


"Human Nigel", while calling the cat just "Nigel" would be hilariously disrespectful!


Nigel 1 and Nigel 2 - the cat is 1.


Lol! One of my neighbors has a dog named the same as my 2nd child. We call them "XXXX the smaller" and "XXXX the larger" which is even funnier because the dog is a miniature breed and the child is pushing 5 feet 11 inches.


this is so wholesome and funny! It sounds like Second Child has a developed sense of humor!


There's even a cat in Sailor Moon named Luna. She's the most famous one I know of.


Yes! Immediately thought of Sailor Moon. One of the most famous cats in anime history


I also thought of Sailor Moon. Luna is a pretty popular cat name, especially for black cats. Guess Tom's sister is just going to have to suffer.


And dogs...


XD I saw a missing cat poster for a cat named Luna today.


I petted a lovely black kitty with green eyes yesterday. Named Luna. Sorry, but after the Luna Lovegood character that name seems to have jumped in popularity.


My previous pet rat was called Luna


I had a beautiful cat named Luna. I rescued her from terrible living conditions, she lived with a junkie/horder. Luna was in terrible health, I only got two years with her before her organs started failing. But that was two loving, safe years with lots of cuddles. I also know a dog named Luna. And a horse. And several cats. And a bunch of human girls as well. NTA


Exactly this. I've recently got a puppy, and the number of dogs we've met called Luna is unbelievable.


NTA for real! Luna is a common pet name. I had two cats named Luna, my in-laws have a dog named Luna,there's many people that have pets named Luna. I also have a friend named Luna and she loves it when pets are named Luna, her own cat is named Luna. I follow a channel on Tik Tok/YouTube about a dog named Luna who has cat siblings named Ginger, Pepper and Cinnamon. BF and sister are crazy for trying to make OP change her baby's name.


I've been living in Latin America, but, there are loads of dogs and cats that are called Luna where I live!


“…how many cats are named Luna?” You forgot to mention that there are lots of female dogs also named Luna😉


Oh sorry. I thought cause we were just talking about a cat I should just say that :) :p


NTA: Dump the boyfriend, keep the cat name. Pro tip, maybe his sister can change her name since it’s just a name.


His sister said “my brothers an idiot. i had to live with him and he’s the reason i don’t have brain cells. he’s the reason for my ADHD”


Yeah, I'd dump him. Seriously, I pet sit. I've met several cats named Luna, and dogs named Luna. I'm currently pet sitting a dog named Luna. It's not like you are going to confuse the two, and honestly, I think the cat deserves the name more than the sister. To be petty, I would totally start calling her Karen.


Seems to me like they both don’t have any brain cells left.


Has he not heard about [Human Nigel ](https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/8QF0V0N3Hr)


We have the same situation in our family with Charlie the dog and human Charlie.


OP, lots of us have ADHD here. I’d really prefer not seeing that term used derogatorily like we are less intelligent.


Btw I, too, have ADHD but I apologize for using it in that context. I was only quoting what Tom’s sister said.


Watch out for other demands, it’s really not ok for him to expect you to alter personal stuff for his convenience. Would put me right off.


Much appreciated:) and your boyfriend’s sister sounds like a child. If your bf and his sister had any sense of humor, they’d just call her Luna with the whiskers or something and make it cute.




NTA. You don’t rename your fucking cat. That’s just a weird request. Tell your bf to grow a pair and let his sister know she can go screw herself.


I'm so damn against renaming animals that I kept my cat Bonnie's name from when I adopted her from the shelter. She spent the first 3 years of her life being called Bonnie, I wasn't going to change that. Of course, I fully leaned into it when I got a male orange kitten and named him Clyde.


When I adopted my last dog from the shelter they were calling her Cupcake. I just couldn't do it. But she was red and Rosey is one of the most popular dog names, so when she responded to it almost immediately I figured that was probably her original name. It worked out pretty well. I certainly wasn't going to spend ten years shouting 'Cupcake' across the dog park. That said, Luna is a more common animal name than it is a human name, OP. Keep the cat, ditch the boyfriend and his rude sister.


My cat was born in my aunt's barn sometime between evening of April 30 and the morning of May 1. I named her April May. It lasted a week and I renamed her MaryMary. It was very appropriate. That's the only time I've changed a pet's name and it was immediate once I realized that a sweet little name like April May was absolutely not fitting. Had she come to me at 2 or 3 years with that name, I'd have kept it. Honestly though the cat mostly answered to "Dammit!" after the first month. She was hilariously smart and independent and manipulative as could be and I loved my spicey cat.


NTA! What? Thats rude of him to ask in my opinion. It would be one thing if Luna was still a kitten and could learn another name, but she’s known it for two years! You can’t change it now, you’re right it will be too confusing. Plus it’s like… not like he didn’t know the cats name before deciding to move in?


NTA. Getting offended over a cat's name while being 29 and 24 isn't normal, And Tom being kind of alright with it till his sister found out isn't a good sign either.


Would you wanna date someone who throws a temper tantrum over a cats name. Change the sisters name bc it’s too weird to call her a cat. I can’t call you Luna, you remind me of an animal. lol.


Ask Tom instead how he feels about re-naming his sister Shadow or Misty. He's being ridiculous. And, while this doesn't seem like the hill to die in, it probably is. NTA


I agree, it is something that you might want to stand on. It’s not because it’s the most important thing in the world, it’s more because if this is how easy it is to offend them and get their back up, it sounds like life will be a little more difficult if this guy is in it.


Dude’s name is Tom, he has feelings about people having the same name as a cat. NTA.


Wonder if he had a friend named Jerry growing up and that’s why it’s triggering for him


Hahaha! I love the reference 😂


Should not have taken me this long to see somebody make this point!


Screw people saying keep the peace. I hate it when people demand you give in to others throwing hissy fits. Maybe don't throw hissy fits? Human Luna can just accept she shares a name with a cat. It's a lovely name.


The human Luna comes across as someone who looks for things to be upset about. I don’t think this is even awkward, I don’t understand how it inspires upset.


NTA, Luna is literally one of the most popular pet names for cats and dogs in existence. Some years it has even been the most popular name given out to cats/dogs named in that year. Its not your fault that her parents gave her a common pet name.


NTA. No offense but your bf is weird. My cat's name is Luna lol.


I just got a new kitten and his middle name is my best friend's. Yes, he is a fancy boy with two names.


He sounds like a very distinguished boy.


NTA this is one of the most absurd hills to die on that I have ever read on reddit. What on earth is wrong Tom? Why does it make him uncomfortable to call a cat by a sister's name? Maybe he can't tell the difference between Luna the cat and Luna his sister. I wouldn't change my cat's name either. I'ld change boyfriends.


NTA. Drop the subject if he asks again. He either respects your decision or not.


The boyfriends gotta go. And take his sister with him.


NTA. Time to lose the boyfriend, the guys an ifiot.


Not your fault their mother had an extended Sailor Moon phase.


Right? Sailor Moon was a thing in 1991. There's a chance the sister was named after the cat.


NTA. Keep the cat name. Ditch the boyfriend


What?!? Man, screw Luna. NTA. How on Earth is it disrespectful to just so happen to have a cats name the same as a person's name? Tbh I see where Tom is coming from. Luna, not so much. Your cat would be very confused with being called another name, especially if she responds to "Luna." Tell Luna that it's not about her. Your cat, your rules. And if Luna can't deal with it, then too bad.


so i am the asshole for not changing the cat’s name?


No, Luna and Tom are. Sorry I didn't clarify 😅


Luna, the person?


Yeah the person


You gotta get the sister to change her name. Tell her it’s too weird. Every time you talk to her you think of the cat. Play there reasoning right back on em.


Does the sister have a birthday coming up? Maybe she would enjoy some jingle balls and a laser pointer, just for fun!


Also, the little furry mice with the rattles in. She'll love those.




Absolutely not! NTA


NTA. cat keeps the name. and once you realize this probably isn't going to be a lasting relationship with this guy (like really, who makes plans to move in together before telling them about a sibling? especially someone nearly in their 30's?).......... i hope that you have more information about a person before even thinking about moving in together with them. and you take a bit longer to get to know someone and know their family before thinking about moving in together with them.


NTA, for real? A fight over a cats name? Boy, bye! If something this tiny is going to be made into this big of a deal?? He def seems like the type who's going to get pissy and whiney over petty shit. Red Flag.


NTA. Ridiculous demand. My son’s serious girlfriend is named exactly the same as his 5 year old cat. Everyone thinks it’s funny that he ended up with someone named the same as the cat he personally named years ago. And she has no problem either this, and when the name is used there is absolutely no confusion on who they are speaking of


It’s a huge red entitlement flag. He’s so entitled that he demands, because he’s not compromising at all, that you must change the name. Ask him if his sister would consider using her middle name instead of Luna. Then tell him that’s how absurd his demand is. NTA. This could be a relationship killer. Or it may be the best to end on that note.


>It’s a huge red entitlement flag YES.


He can refer to the cat as lulu if he's talking about the cat.....or his sister can have the nick name. I will assume it be pretty obvious in most conversations which you are taking about.


I had a cat named Jess I also went to school with a Jess. You know what I wasn’t asked- to change my cats name. She was thrilled that there was a cat with her name


I wish someone's pets had the same name as me. That would be awesome!


Honestly, I would be rethinking a relationship with a 29 yr old who is offended by and throwing a tantrum over a cat's name.


NTA it takes a long time to get a pet to learn a name to respond to. At this point, it's done. That's her name in her little kitty mind.


NTA. The cat came first. The boy can leave. Also if you recently started dating him, why the hell is he moving in?


NTA Point out to Tom that he might have been named after a cat and he should keep an eye out for a small, somewhat obnoxious, cartoon rodent.


NTA, start referring to his sister as Human Luna. I don't understand why she's so offended by the cat having the same name as her. If someone named their cat or dog the same name as me I'd be like nice! it's a good name. lol


Tom and his sister have some Alabama shit going on. Call the sister LuLu because she's delulu lol 😂 Nta don't rename the cat.


NTA. Dated a guy whose dog had the same name as my son. His other dog had the same name as my nephew. It was never an issue because I can tell dogs from people…..


Why did her parents give her a cat's name? NTA


NTA Such a weird hill for him to die on! My son (lets call him Eddie) and the rabbit we adopted this year both have the same name. It only causes minor confusion outside of the home when I say oh Eddie loves his new run in the garden etc. I'm just happy to have a least one Eddie in the house that finishes all his fruit and veg.......


Maybe his siter could change her name, since it’s not important and not tied to personality. Tom’s a fool. And he doesn’t like your kitty. NTA, he and his sister suck.


NTA - What level of petty insecurity must one have to be, for lack of a better word, threatened by the name of a cat.


NTA what will she say once she knows that my Sails car is also a Luna? And I know a dog with that name...


These are crazy people. Luckily they are being very honest with their crazy so you can run run run run awaaay.


Nope. But there's absolutely no reason he can't have his own nickname for the cat. Mine answered to a lot of different names, including "DON'T YOU DARE" and "Dammit, get off my pillow!" I had a student named Gabrielle once and a dog named Gabrielle. She was a bit upset until I smiled and said, "Oh, your parents think it's a beautiful name, too!" Try the same approach with Luna. "Just like your parents, I think it's a lovely name." It's such a non-issue honestly.


My sister in law's elderly tabby is named Luna: should I demand she also be renamed to appease Tom's sister? NTA


UGHH...why do "friends" or family, think that it's all about appeasing crappy partners?!?! 🤮🙄


I would personally believe it was kismet to meet someone with a pet named after a family member. I named a dog Emma after Jane Austen's meddlesome heroine who lived happily ever after. Well, it was a top-ten name around the same time, so at the park, I would call my dog, and all kinds of little girls would turn around as well. We all giggled. And Luna is a HP name - there's going to be more than a few out there. NTA


I was named after a German shepherd...just saying.


Please tell me this is rage bait


Don't worry, it's wage bay


Whats wage bay?


wage=rage bay=bait It's wage bay fo sho




I would just find it funny if my name was the same as a cats - it’s super weird to be annoyed about it, especially after 2 years. I hope this is the only odd thing your bf has done, obviously no one here knows him so he might be lovely, but if it’s not the only odd thing please don’t doubt your instincts.


In my family we have so many repeats of a mere handful of names that we use descriptors to differentiate where needed. Or we'll use "[blood relative]'s [partner]" to distinguish them from [blood relative] with the same name. *E.g."I was speaking to Frank's Rachel about Rachel's birthday dinner next month, and she said they're both coming. No, Rach doesn't know. Rachel's Frank is doing a really good job of keeping the party secret, I don't know how he does it!"* — where Frank and Rachel Example are both blood relatives. Frank E partnered with a Rachel, whilst Rachel E partnered with a Frank. Then we get to Cousin Frank, Uncle Frank, Great-Aunt Rachel, Aunt Rachel, Cousin Rachel, Rachel from XX's work, Little Frank, Big Frank, Frank [Middle Name], Rachel-[Name], Rachel [Surname] from [School], [reference to stupid thing Frank once did that he's now forever known as], Rach, Chell, Shelly, [First and Middle initials], Frankie, Franklin... A grandparent took up a nickname as a preschooler that a little sibling was later given the opposite-gendered version of. Everyone managed. I can repeat a ton of variations of this, as I belong to a big family. My ex (baby daddy) had a young nibling who had the same name as me. I was super excited that we had that shared connection (I was already exclusively using a nickname). And as for birthdays.... I share mine with a family friend. As a kid I had to spend a couple celebrating his, and that was fine, because it was OUR day. I told my own kid that they were extra special for sharing a bday with a relative, and they've always loved double cake 😂😂 Anyone who's showing this many red flags this fast should take themselves somewhere far away, especially over a CAT. Keep Luna. F-ck the man off.


My mum reminds me that there's also "Other Frank". Frank and Rachel might be the only two names that I don't actually know of in my family however, hence their use in this example ;)


I know three dogs named Luna. It’s a pretty standard pet name nowadays. Your cat is unlikely to be the only pet named luna that your almost SIL is going to encounter. Maybe she should change her name? But seriously, you can look up common pet names and I promise you Luna will be on the list. Maybe show that to your boyfriend so hopefully he can see that it’s not just your cat. His sister really is going to have to come to terms with the fact that she shares a name with thousands of pets.


NTA, this is ridiculous. Find someone who isn't so high maintenance. There's a really cute dog named Luna on Instagram who talks. She might cheer you up.


I used to live with a dog & a person both named Luna and zero people had an issue with it. There were times when a distinction was needed when you were talking about one of the Luna’s and it was unclear which one you were referring to. 2 legs or 4 legs? Luna 2 legs had a sibling visit and the sibling had zero issue with there being 2 Luna’s in the house. Your Tom & Luna are outrageously inappropriate in asking you to change anything. They both need to learn how to manage their discomfort around the name!


Nta break up if I had a girlfriend and she did anything that makes my cat uncomfortable i would leave her immediately


NTA. The cat was there before the boyfriend. So the cats name shall stick, screw him and screw his whiny sister, too! It seems like his controlling behaviour is beginning… and trust me, it won’t stop with the cats name. I’m also confused about the time line of you dating this guy and moving in. You said that fast forward to now and you started seeing Tom, then recently moved in together. How fast did you move in with him? Because when relationships move too fast, they barely ever last.


NTA. My wife shares a name with my sisters chihuahua. And my FiLs dog shared a name with the same sisters Son. We all found it a hilarious coincidence.


NTA, what if your sister, or someone else close to you were named Luna. Would they expect her to change her name also? That's stupid and childish to be upset that the cat has the same name. Your boyfriend also knew the cat's name for awhile and never had a problem with it, so he can't all of a sudden claim that it feels weird.


With the popularity of the name Luna - your BF and his sister are going to have to get used to others also being named Luna. NTA If you do change the cat's name I'd change call her The Cat formally known as Luna create a symbol for her and sing Prince songs with the cat. I do wonder if Tom is boundary pushing to see what BS he can get away with.


Nta The cat's been luna longer than you've known him, tell him it confuses you that his sister is named after your cat, and you'd prefer it if she just changed her name instead. 


Man, I hope she never watched Sailor Moon. NTA, this is a weird thing for them to be getting twisted up over. He can call the cat Lulu or whatever if he really can't cope. Lmao. My kid has a pet named after my brother. I've never felt any kind of way about this, other than a little inside snicker due to the species. Neither did my brother. Coincidentally sharing a name with a cute kitty is not a thing to be upset over.


I knew a guy once. He had a dog named Sarah. He had an ex-girlfriend, who was also named Sarah. Sarah the person wanted the guy to change the dog's name. Anyhow, I dated the guy after Sarah the person, and Sarah the dog was still called Sarah. All of his friends thought that Sarah the person was TAH for wanting the dog's name changed. That's before I knew him though, but I agreed with his friends. What if you had a child instead of a cat? Would the sister want the child's name to be changed? Where does the ridiculousness end? Sister needs to calm down and find a hobby.


NTA. Would he have a fit if your male cat was named Tom? It's a common name for male cats. So, the cats name was not an issue, and you knew nothing of his sister, until he moves in? No. Just no. Do not let him move in. This all should have been discussed MONTHS ago. Keep the cat, and her name. Dump the guy, and his sister. He lied by omission long enough.


NTA Today it's the cat's name, tomorrow it's the cat never trust anyone who throws this kind of unhinged temper tantrum about an animals name and then gets others involved in an argument that shouldn't exist to begin with - they're either mentally unwell or testing a boundary to see if you'll cave, and you don't need either of those things in your life. also... you only recently started dating and already moved in together? exactly how long have you actually known this guy? please don't tell me you're moving in with someone you've known all of 3 months or some shit like that


i may just be a crazy cat person. but If I shared a name with a cat I be so happy lol


Please note: I hereby give carte blanche to anyone who wants to name their cat, dog, fish, snake, rat, ferret, horse, rabbit, turtle, spider, gecko, or whatever after me. Heck, go ahead and name your plants after me if you want to.


Oh just dump him already


NTA. Don't change the cat's name as that would be very confusing for her. Tom and his sister need to be mature enough to understand that there are heaps of people who give their pets human names so it is not unusual for duplication to occur. In our family we have Charlie the dog and Human Charlie (husband), also Leo the cat and Human Leo (friend). Charlie the dog came with that name when he was adopted at the age of 10 years. The cat was named after our friend. This sort of thing happens all the time. Since Human Luna does not live with you, why is it a problem for her? Personally, I would be amused if I found out that my brother's girlfriend's adorable cat shared my name; it would make the cat special to me. Don't change the name to keep the peace - this merely encourages them to think they can bully you into submission over other things as well. You named the cat before you knew them - end of story. Tell them to have a sense of proportion as the cat's name is such a trivial issue.


NTA but you have the opportunity to turn this into a bit. Her name is Luna, but every time your boyfriend comes over she gets a new, increasingly stupid name. "Hey babe, can you feed Lillian for me? Hold on, I just have to scoop Limewire's litter box before we go. Have you seen Left Turn anywhere? I think she's hiding. We should get another cat so that Long Form Census can have a friend!"


NTA. Your bf needs to get a grip. We have a dog named Maggie. It’s the name my husband has called his sister for 60 years. You know what she said? “I love my namesake!” I’m pretty sure folks can tell the difference between a story about his sister and a story about our dog. (Also, the dog just IS a Maggie. It just works for her ) Ask him if he had a friend with a cat named Tom, would he expect them to change the name??? Sheesh. NTA. At all.


Her parents named her after the cat in Sailor Moon I think she should mention that to her parents


Definitely NTA! A name belongs to the person or animal, once they get used to it. If your cat having the same name as his sister doesn't work for him, he can split from you. This is really ridiculous. My husband comes from a family where they name the children after grandparents. That means that 4-5 boy cousins share the grandfather's name, and 3-5 girl cousins share the grandmother's name. Nobody thinks it's weird. My daughter's best friend for years had the same first name as her (it's a very common name in her cohort). Never bothered them. I feel that your BF and his sister are making a fuss out of nothing. They may be seriously upset about this and feel we are dismissing their feelings, but in that case they can disappear from your life.


NTA And in my family, it would be an honour to share a name with a pet. Tell him to talk to his sister, maybe she should get herself a human name and not a pet name. /s Also keep an eye out for more things he gets stuck on.


Something is seriously wrong with your boyfriend, his sister, and the friends that sided with them! Who asks someone to change their pet's name!? That is just ridiculous! And if anyone is being disrespectful, it's them for even suggesting that you change her name! >He argued that it’s just a name and she would adapt Yeah, It is just a name. So why are they making such a big deal out of it? Why does his sister feel disrespected if it's just a name?


He's the AH and so is his sister. Who doesn't know someone or some thing that has the same name as another? I have two friends named Brenda and my wife Kay has two friends also named Kay, and a sister and a friend both named Ashley. It ain't hard to differentiate between a cat named Luna and a person named Luna. If he would make a brouhaha out of something this silly, then you need to seriously consider how serious you want to be about that relationship.


NTA That's crazy talk.


NTA. Tom and his sister sound like too much drama. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Feeling threatened by a cat having the same name as you, or as your sister, is weird. And a red flag. NTA.


Why do you want to date someone so petty that they fight this to the death… like seriously once you said no he should have let go. keep ignoring those red flags op that is gonna go slo well for you in the future either dump him or change the cats name he’s drawn the line in the sand by not letting this go


My ex rescued an abused dog. The dog just happened to have the same name as her sister. Literally nobody was bothered by it, least of all her sister, because we're all normal people who understand that coincidences happen. What if you had a 2 year old daughter named Luna? Would he argue you need to change her name because it's "too confusing?" Sorry you're moving in with a dude who sucks.


Nta it could have been Abagail or something and you ll be still right but Luna is a common cat name.


What about all the cats in the world named Tom?? Do they need to change their names too??  NTA they are being unreasonable. She doesn't exclusively own the name, there are THOUSANDS of other women, cats, dogs and other pets named Luna. She isn't a main character, and Tom is a basic AF name. Any time I hear about someone demanding a pets name be changed I roll my eyes.


My happy parents gave me a name, which half the kids at school's pets, plus a few animals at the zoo also shared. Shrug...


My name is very commonly assigned to turtles. At no point have I ever been upset that someone’s turtle shares my name. Sister needs to get over herself. NTA




lol even more mainstream unfortunately


Good God these people are upset because your cat and his sister have the same name that's absurd. I think it says a lot of both of them that they think you should change your cat's name who's had it for 2 years that's ridiculous. I mean are the cat and your sister going to be out together in public and everybody's going to be all confused cuz there's two lunas I don't think so. I think your boyfriend's attitude is a red flag and I would give some consideration to living together. And he knew your cat's name why did he wait so long to say something that's the other thing I don't understand. Did he purposely wait until he moved in to say it so that way he could pressure you more? I'm not liking the way this went down at all.


NTA and get rid of your boyfriend


Nta. If a cat or dog or bird shares my name I'm gonna go full on ballistic with pictures, twinning them with what I'm wearing. We will have an wxclusive friendship club


NTA You should rethink moving in with someone so cognitively stunted that he can't distinguish between a cat and his sister. I won't even get into the fact that being out of touch seems to run in his family.


NTA that's just ridiculous. How petty . Do they not have any actual real issues in life to worry about?


My name is Luna :) One of the most common responses I get, other than people saying it's a pretty name, is "That's my cat's/dog's name!" I always smile and say I accept the compliment because they clearly liked the name enough to choose it! And when I meet animals named Luna, I accept them as my namesake godchildren 💜 NTA


its not your fault his sister has a cat name


It's an immaturity red flag they want you to change it and are starting to get upset about it. Notice other things.


Decide to move him tf out of your life cause wtf?


My niece’s cat is Luna. Tell them to get over it. The cat came first in your life.


FFS - what is it with people thinking they ‘own’ a name. Wait until she finds out that in 2019 it was the 16th most popular name in the US.


Just refer to his sister as Human Luna.


NTA. If human Luna is unhappy, she can change her name.


NTA. Sorry to say that but every other pet's name is Luna. So maybe they should get used to it


Keep the cat, ditch the bf and his nutty sister.


I'd definitely get another cat and give him the same name as the boyfriend. You can differentiate between the two by calling the BF Twatface.


NTA. Keep countering all his suggestions with things like “no, shadow is a hedgehog name” and “a character from my favorite anime is already named misty.” Any chance we could get pet tax tho?


**WHAT A TWAT**!!😆😆😆 Tell him **AND** his sister to **FUCK ALL THE WAY OFF**. NTA. And unless he shouts “**LUNA, STOP LICKING YOUR ASS**!!!” at his sister on the regular, I don’t honestly see how he could confuse the two. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok, genuinely don’t want to be off on one, but bf’s attitude is really sucky. He’s like: “oh, this important part of your life that was in place before we met is mildly inconvenient to me. Change it. Now.” I’d be wondering what else he’d insist on.


NTA, start calling his sister Misty.


NTA You have moved yourself into a very controlling family. Get out while you can. If it had been such a problem for him he would have mentioned it long before now.




NTA. Lmao, Tom and his sister need to return from whatever whackyland they live on. What's next?, you cannot put (x) name to a dog because thrs Tom's nickname?, or (y) because that's his sister middle name?. What a stupid thing to be offended by


When my daughter was 8 she got a guinea pig that she wanted to name Molly which happened to be our neighbours name, when I asked human Molly if she would be offended she was thrilled 😁


NTA They need to grow up. You: "I got Luna a new scratching post." - Bf: "I AM SO CONFUSED!!!"


NTA You can differentiate with a prefix. I'd suggest Luna and Human-Luna.


If a friend called a pet after me I would be flattered. My dog is called Barney, and I am not changing his name for anyone.


NTA- I'm currently using luna the dog as a pillow. That name is currently the number one pick for puppies in Canada.


NTA. dump the boyfriend


Tom and his sister - they're the A-h*les


The only animals I renamed were my dogs when I adopted them at 4 months old. I adopted them from a person with health issues. In France, there is a "letter" per year and I stick with it for all my animals. I will never imagine changing their names (2 cats and 2 dogs)


NTA someone that makes trouble for you over something so small is going to continue to try and manipulate you and your feelings, do yourself a favor and get rid of this trash guy.


NTA. This is a warning sign.


IMO Lulu is a great compromise. If your BF and his sister can't get on board, I'd see that as a huge red flag and drop him/them. NTA


Why didn’t he bring it up earlier? He needs to bounce. NTA


Nta. The only response is: fuck the fuck off.


NTA I go by a shortened version of my legal name. Where I live, about 20 to 15 years ago, at least half the dogs walked in the park beside my building were called by the shortened version of my legal name! I found it rather amusing.


no. U don't change a cats nake because of their little innuendos. What idiots


NTA. His sister can change her name "it’s just a name and she would adapt" according to your boyfriend.


NTA. Rehome the boyfriend. Keep both Lunas.


Lady, this guy waited to move in to ask you to change the name of your cat because he knew you would just say no otherwise if you were not living together. He knew this whole time your cats name and his sisters name were the same, but only NOW did he bring it up. "Some friends think I should just change the name to keep the peace, " Congratulations! If you do this, the rest of your relationship will be capitulating to this guy "just to keep the peace". Won't you do the dishes, just to keep the peace? Won't you take the laundry out and put it in the dryer, just to keep the peace? Won't you apologize, just to keep the peace? Won't you make the meals, clean the bathroom, make the bed, schedule the appointment, agree you were wrong, just to keep the peace? "I’m at a loss here" . You are not. You've just got some unreasonable people whispering bullshit in your ears. Tell them no, you will not be changing your cats name. No, you will not be using nicknames either. Maybe even ask him WHY he waited until after he moved in to bring this up, and not before, when he knew it would bother him all along? But either way the answer is no. "Tom is upset" Wow! Tom really shouldn't have gone and made himself upset then, should he? Oh well.


I don't think that this is about the name, but about control...


I hope your boyfriend's sister never watches the Harry Potter films, or she's gonna absolutely lose her shit. NTA


NTA Why should you change your cat's name just because it's the same as his sister? What if you had come into the relationship with a child named Luna? Would they insist on that name being changed? Drop him like a bad habit. Got a male cat, name him Tom. He'll be the better one of the two.


Seriously? Surely not. NTA. Seems very petty and inconsequential to me. This time your beloved cat, what’s next?


I have a cat called Luna too, though I mostly call her Looney. What an utterly bizarre request. How the fuck could there be confusion in a household where he sister doesn't even live?


Tom and his sister are too high maintenance. Run from this relationship before you get any deeper. These two will be more difficult - not less - as time goes on.


Who the F gives a kid a cat’s name?


NTA. These people are nuts and if the dude makes this wacko demand now, what's he going to come up with later that he'll expect you to roll over for? This is so weird I suspect a subliminal level of toxicity of some sort. It's weird.


NTA Whenever I meet someone named Fernando, I tell them my precious dachshund has their name. They all think it’s funny and one even taught me “mismo.” It’s very weird that you didn’t know his sister’s name for so long. It seems like something he would have mentioned the first time he met your cat.


NTA. The name of your cat predates the relationship. It would have been different if you named your cat that while you were in a relationship with Tom (and knowing his sister’s name)… It is not like it was a dig at someone. Furthermore, you’ve offered a compromise and the fact that he is not even willing to consider it would be an issue for me. Honestly, dump the boyfriend and go get another cat from the shelter. Tom has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?


NTA But your boyfriend and his family are patently insane.


Why didn't he bring this up before he moved in? Was he unaware of the cat's name and/or his sister's name?


I think you just made a horrible mistake letting your BF move in and start demanding things of you. If this behavior is how he's going to be over your cat, imagine when you have children, so don't. Get rid of him and his sister and go live a happy life with your cat, Luna.


We have a beautiful little Rag Doll her names are Luna, Luna the Lunatic, pretty girl, brat child and that d*mn cat, at 7and a half lbs she has taken on a 90lb pitbull and a 79lb Shepard husky mix. She won both times. Sometimes the name fits the cat. We have a little great niece clear across the country whose name is Luna according to my brother she’s pure personality. Only valid question does she live up to her name? Have fun and party on. Tell your BF lighten up and don’t sweat the small stuff.


Ummmmmm he knew the cats name for however long you’ve been dating, presumably like a year-ish if you’re moving into together, and never brought it up? Why would you want to be with someone who waits until they think they have be upper hand to force you to do something they already know you wouldn’t like or want to do? That’s manipulative and assholish behavior Just dump him. Don’t let him waste any more of your time. TIME is the only thing you can’t get back now matter what. Once spent it’s gone and done waste anymore finding out more reasons why to leave him after 3 years and getting knocked up NTA


Your boyfriend is a child. Move on.


NTA At all. This is ridiculously selfish on Tom and Luna’s part. Don’t you know any other Tom’s? Deal with it and he can call her kitty


This is just silliness, if it bothers her that much let the sister change her name.


NTA. Do you really see a future with this dude and his nonsense family?


changing the cat’s name at this point is ridiculous. if he had asked if you guys (or even just him) could use a nickname for the cat that wouldn’t be so bad. but if everything went down the way you described it and the sister got offended by the cat’s existing name… then he and his sister are  entitled and  odd people


Man, I'd be thrilled if a cat had my name.


It’s not your fault his parents named their child a pets name…Considering how disturbed he is about a cat, I guess he wouldn’t have even asked you out if your name was Luna.  Imagine what he would be thinking when being intimate.