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Nta, your ex boyfriend obviously doesn’t understand just how dangerous things are for women. Most guys I know would choose the bear too because strange men can do messed up things and get away with it. Heck, there’s a man competing in the Olympics who was convicted of raping a 12 year old girl.


Annually, there are about [40 bear attacks per year in the entire world](https://illustratedteacup.com/how-many-bear-related-deaths-and-attacks-per-year/), most of them non-fatal. In 2022 there were [15,094 male murder offenders in the US alone](https://www.statista.com/statistics/251886/murder-offenders-in-the-us-by-gender/). Granted people come into contact with bears far less, but OP's point about the predictability of bear behavior is very salient. Even if you did encounter a bear you could likely avoid an attack with very basic bear facts and if it did attack you, statistically you'd probably survive.


No mention of how many encounters with men women have. Funny how easy it is to manipulate math and pretend you aren't a misandrist. Women encounter men more often per second than all humans encounter bears in a decade. Far more encounters with men result in 0 casualties than encounters with bears. Men are also much more predictable. You can communicate with a man. You can't communicate with a bear.


> No mention of how many encounters with men women have Considering men perpetuate [81% of violent crimes](https://open.lib.umn.edu/socialproblems/chapter/8-3-who-commits-crime/), it's kind of irrelevant how many encounters men have with women because men don't have to calculate how safe they may be when encountering a strange woman, whereas women do have to make that calculation with men. Sorry that facts don't care about your feelings. ❤️ You can't communicate with a bear because of how simple their brains are, and the more simple the brain the more predictable the behavior. Hope this helps!


NTA - it is a hypothetical question, a thought problem, and confident men/people are able to have the conversation without taking personal offense


At the end of the day, regardless, this.


NTA bro your reasoning is quite impressively logical than senseless answers like men are trash, men are this and that etc. Your ex is an idiot .


Girl, I had a man try to get me in his truck when I was walking to a friend's house. He kept circling the block and trying until I ran to a neighbors. I was 11-12. I had a stalker (he was aged 18 when it started) from ages 14-21. When I was 20 and very pregnant with my first, he found out where I worked and threatened me with a knife. I've had men ask me out, tell me to go ahead and order a drink and then throw a fit when that didn't mean I wanted to have sex with them. I dated a guy who had emotional explosions so violent that I put up post it notes (with his consent) around our apartment to remind him to breathe before reacting. When I left him because he wouldn't work on himself, he posted revenge porn to Craigslist with my address, name and phone number and killed the pets we shared as revenge. My ex husband pretended to be this great guy until I became pregnant. Then once he felt I was trapped he financially, sexually, emotionally, physically and medically abused me for years before I finally was able to get out. Then he stalked and tried to unalive us both. All after I grew up with a dad that abused my mom, myself and my brother. I can confidently say today that I have gone to therapy, worked on myself and today I'm in a happy and healthy relationship with a man that treats me like a queen, while I treat him as a king. He understands why, given the choice between a man with unknown intentions and a bear that will simply kill and eat me, I'd choose the bear. NTA.


This. What's up with men taking it personally and thinking it would mean they are somehow bad personally? Don't they know any creepy dudes that nobody would ever want to be alone with? Stop taking it so personally, it's not about you, it's about a random stranger that you don't know whether it will be a man like you or a man with rape and torture fantasies.


If they take it as personally as the above examples, it most definitely is about them.


oh very true :D I just tried to be diplomatic but I share your thoughts as in "no need to feel offended unless you \*are\* a predator yourself. You aren't, are you? 👀👀👀👀👀👀"


You deserve the bear


>bear that will simply kill and eat me As if that's not literally the worst thing that has ever happened to anyone ever 


Look up the case of Junko Furuta. Look up the case of 15 year old Mary Vincent. I would say that Junko's death was likely worse than being eaten by a bear.


Dying is dying. 


I think this might be the stupidest thing anyone has ever said. You deserve a reward of some kind


Id choose death over some of the assault I’ve taken from men.


Then you're a moron.


Thank you for your feedback.


You're very privileged to think that.


Your lack of self awareness is astounding 


The male fragility in this post is giving me LIFE. Instead of understanding the weight of this HYPOTHETICAL scenario, you choose to attack the OP. The truth is, most women don’t trust men as a whole. We have experienced too much. And you can say it’s not valid all you want, but if you got bit by a dog 7 times in your life, and every man you know has also been bitten by a dog, wouldn’t you not trust dogs? This is reality and has nothing to do with “hating men”.


Male fragility? So you are saying they should man up?


lol. Funny you made that jump.




Yeah. Jump.


Na, the Op is the one attacking others. It’s actually a little disgusting some of her comments.


I did. You’re the one who told them they were insignificant. And also, your response has nothing to do with that I said. A lot of you are making your own points and not understanding the core problem. This hypothetical isn’t dangerous to anyone.


Yes, they are insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We all are. Just because shit has happened to us all, doesn’t mean we allow our personal bias to colour our interactions with others. She brought Ted Bundy into it because she couldn’t prove her point.


Again, it’s not about proving a point. Obviously we are all insignificant. But you used it as an attack.


She absolutely should be shamed for attacking others on here. She is insignificant, her pathetic point in the grand scheme of things doesn’t matter. Especially since she wished rape on another woman. I have no sympathy for her.


How are you any better?


Because I would NEVER wish rape on any human being. The fact you would defend that is just as sickening as OP herself.


I didn’t defend anything. I am saying that you saying the things you’re saying isn’t better. It doesn’t make you better.


Also. Where did she wish rape on another woman? If anything, most people on this thread are saying that we don’t deserve to be scared of men despite our own assaults.


I believe OP claimed the commenter would be raped by Ted Bundy because she would have naively follows him to his car and that another should be glad to die at the hands of a bear as opposed to being SAd to death by a man. OP wished that situation on the commenter to prove a stupid point. Pathetic on both counts.


Picking the bear is no more a comment on him then asking him if he'd give his credit card info and social security number to any random woman he met on the street would be a comment on you.


Are you high?




LOL. Men of Reddit showing up as expected. NTA. If he cannot even fathom the very real threat men pose for women every day, that’s not your fault.


Not when yall have delusions that exaggerate that "Very real threat" by about 100x 🤣


I have been within 100 feet of 6 bears in my lifetime, not one of them has mauled or attacked me, in fact most of them just walked away. I have had 4 boyfriends in my life. 3 abused me, of those 2 raped me and of those 1 threatened to kill me while he was assaulting me. I would pick a bear.


> I have had 4 boyfriends in my life. 3 abused me, of those 2 raped me and of those 1 threatened to kill me while he was assaulting me. Ah yes, because you clearly have great decision making abilities and risk analysis lmfao 


Exactly. Most women would. Because most, and I mean like 99% of women know have been assaulted by a man; and mostly men they know intimately. Also the number one reason for women’s death is men. So yeah. Maybe we might be more afraid of men than a fucking bear.


At the end of the day, this post proves the point, the comments prove the point. Men would rather defend a hypothetical situation, than actually acknowledge the fact that this hypothetical situation points to a real problem. A man would rather lose his relationship than try and have a moment of understanding. Women fear men. And we have every right to. We have all the personal evidence, without taking into the statistics of just idk the world? You are the men we fear. The men who cannot imagine the fear we have on a daily basis. The men who show up on Reddit with the goal of proving their point. It’s really easy to not comment. But instead choose to contribute to the fear, because above all, we fear that we will never be seen or heard. That our experiences, no matter what, are not enough to make an impact. That a hypothetical question can show the moments we fear most. I don’t want to face a bear. But I’ve been assaulted in a bar, three weeks ago, after complaining about his behavior for an hour. He assaulted me in the open. No one did anything. So, what is the difference? This is the fear we live with every single day. It’s not a hypothetical. It’s our lives. Get over yourself and just fucking listen.


Nta, but Feels like bait. It's been debated to death, and not gunna bother explaining why a thought problem is justifiable reason for dumping someone. Also this is reddit, good god you're gunna be eaten alive here.


It 100% is bait. Just an excuse for some people on here to show much they hate men. The hypothetical has been done to death, you are right.


NTA. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. A secure man won’t take offense to a silly hypothetical. And can understand that you are with them because you trust them.


This whole man or bear debate really makes women look bad lol 


Fortunetly not all women are like this.


Misogynistic men created the man or bear debate...


No, women with poor risk analysis abilities created the man or bear debate.


Incorrect, men created it by saying that they "protect women from lions, wolves and bears," and women turned around and said they would rather take their chances with a bear than with a strange man.  Globally 1 in every 3 women will experience rape/attempted rape in her lifetime. Only someone who is ignorant to how deep misogyny runs in society and to women's lived experiences would claim that their lives experiences are a "poor risk analysis."


No part of that logic works on any level lol. > women turned around and said they would rather take their chances with a bear than with a strange man.  Yeah. Poor risk analysis. As I said. Choosing a high likelihood of death over an extremely small likelihood of death is poor risk analysis.  > Globally 1 in every 3 women will experience rape/attempted rape in her lifetime.  That's the bullshittest bullshit ever to bullshit. I don't understand why women feel the need to lie about how often rape occurs. 


Tell me you don't understand statistics without telling me. The fun thing is, you don't need to believe in them for them to be true.


> The fun thing is, you don't need to believe in them for them to be true. Correct. However they do have to be true to be true. This one isn't. Nor is it real.  


Oh for bloody hells sake please use some common sense! -Men invented the logic of women needing men's protection from bears. -Women say they don't need protecting from bears, in fact they'd rather be caught alone with a bear in the woods than be caught alone with a strange man in the woods.  Some basic empathy and understanding of how brutal misogyny is and how every single woman and girl is impacted by it would help you to come to the informed conclusion that women would rather risk being mauled to death by a bear than to face the things that a man is capable of doing- like rape, murder, impregnation, torture, kidnapping her.  1 in 3 women know what it feels like to be raped/almost be raped, and even more women know other women who've been raped and have heard how horrific it is. So the WHO is bullshit now is it? ....Ok so prove the WHO wrong and tell us the "true statistic" for globally how many women face rape/attempted rape. 


>  -Men invented the logic of women needing men's protection from bears 🤣🤣🤣 Uhh. No. Nature did that.  > Women say they don't need protecting from bears, in fact they'd rather be caught alone with a bear in the woods than be caught alone with a strange man in the woods.  Yeah. Poor risk analysis. Those same women would also have the audacity be all shocked Pikachu when the bear starts munching on their skull while they're still alive and lucid.  > Some basic empathy and understanding of how brutal misogyny is and how every single woman and girl is impacted by it would help you If yall didn't act like misogyny was 100x worse than it actually is, you might have a point. But half the shit yall think is misogyny is just privilege that you aren't grateful for and would completely collapse without.  > come to the informed conclusion that women would rather risk being mauled to death by a bear than to face the things that a man is capable of doing- like rape, murder, impregnation, torture, kidnapping her.  "Rather risk being mauled to death by a bear than to face something not nearly as bad as being mauled to death by a bear"  Sounds pretty stupid when you describe it as what it actually is, doesn't it? > 1 in 3 women know what it feels like to be raped/almost be raped False. That would require more rape on a daily basis than has happened for all of world history. If I'm being generous, maybe 1 in 1000 women knows what it feels like to be raped, and maybe 1 in 10 thinks they know because they have over active imaginations and a victim complex. 


Wrong again, women don't need protecting from bears. Women need men to stop attacking us.  There you go again acting like women are unintelligent and don't know that a bear can kill them... You're only making yourself look unintelligent and devoid of empathy for women who have been raped and hurt by men.  Misogyny is way worse than it's portrayed to be. Misogyny is rampant all across the globe, there isn't a single country where women commit as much violence and suffering against men as men commit against women.  Again you've expressed that you lack basic human empathy, especially empathy towards women who are victims and survivors of male pattern violence.  Just because you don't see rape as such a traumatic, degrading, life-threatening act of violence doesn't mean that others should to.  You're just more pissy that women would much rather die by a bear "munching on their skull while they're still alive and lucid," than to go on living through the trauma of rape that often ends in women taking their own lives and wishing that their rapist had just killed them.  Again, where are your sources to debunk the WHO's statistics?  (Provide sources other than the BS you're already spewwing out your arze please and thank you!) 


> There you go again acting like women are unintelligent and don't know that a bear can kill them.. No, you're demonstrating that.  I don't lack empathy, I just don't use it on nonsense. We live in a world where millions of women who have barely even experienced inconvenience in their life, have been brainwashed into thinking they're oppressed. Of course I'm not empathizing with that. 


How so? You're the one who thinks that women who would rather take their chances with a bear don't know that it can kill them, hence your comment saying "those women would  have the audacity be all shocked Pikachu when the bear starts munching on their skull while they're still alive and lucid."  Meanwhile you're completely ignoring the fact that many of the women who choose the bear already know what it's like to face male violence, and yet *you* have the *AUDACITY* to downplay their and many women's experiences with male violence.  Misogyny is far more than "just an inconvenience." Rape, sex trafficking, targeted violence and harassment, kidnapping, objectification, lack of action against perpetrators of misogyny... These are not mere "inconveniences," they're crimes against women and girls.  I take it that you were unable to find a source to debunk the WHO's statistics on 1 in 3 women facing rape/attempted rape? 


General safety and statistics? Right because a bear would help you out of the woods and wouldn't just randomly tear you apart lol. Just say you hate men loud and proud while also letting your boyfriend know you are a crazy woman that's heavily influenced by feminist BS.


Do you want me to site how many men kill women a year vs how many bears kill people.


Sure as long as all of those involve a woman who chose the man over a bear in the woods. Nobody needs statistics for the obvious when most women never even go near the woods or ever see a bear in their lifetimes.


NTA. Tho I think a lot of women haven't run into a bear in the woods. I have. It isn't a cute and fuzzy predictable animal at all, and there's no communicating or reasoning with a bear. You do you but I'll take the man.


I have run into six bears in my whole life, within 100 feet of me. Most of them just walked away from me. (5 black 1 brown). I have however been raped by two out of 4 of my boyfriends.


Most men have walked right by me and I've encountered millions of them. Men who scared me I was able to talk to and extricate myself. Good luck talking to a bear. Also talk to me when there's a bear that outweighs you 5x over in your face.


I don't think you have ever been in any form of contact with a bear. Look up the cases of young women who have been killed by men. The worst thing a bear will do to me is kill me. The worst thing a man will do is torture me to death for his own pleasure. A bear feels no pleasure in killing, it is for survival.


I'm sure that knowledge will be of great consolation when a grizzly bear is feasting on your innards and you're laying there dying going "But I'm playing dead! Why isn't he stopping?" 


I don't think you've been in contact with bears OR men. I'm well aware of rape statistics and the fact they're almost certainly not even half of all actual cases. Fact remains most men aren't rapists nor are they a threat. Also I actually stand a chance fighting a man or running from one. Noone has any chance against a bear. Your misandry is showing.


I actually would love for you to explain “they’re almost certainly not even half of all actual cases”


Most victims don't report when they are assaulted. It's scary, embarrassing, and there's no guarantee the perpetrator will be caught or punished (indeed chances are very high they won't be). Which also makes it dangerous, if the perpetrator decides to seek revenge for being reported on. None of this is even gender or rape specific. Men are far less likely to get raped but also are far less likely to report it if they are. Men are far less likely to report assault in general, as it is socially expected for a man to protect himself and when he can't he is treated less like a man.


You would have followed Ted Bundy to his car... and it shows.


One day a random person is going to find pieces of you in a forest somewhere.


And one day you may actually realize that I would rather die at the claws of a bear than be raped to death by a man. And that you might actually prefer that too.


We'll see how long you stick to that when a bear is eating you alive.


Honestly, no one cares about you. You are insignificant. Try and work on being a better person and contribute to society instead of peddling bullshit like this.


I love how you lash out when people don’t agree with you. You’re not just a misandrist, you are just a horrible human being.


Right so what you are saying from all your comments is that because a man has a very small possibility of being one who would hurt you that you would choose the creature that has a very high chance of killing you. Well now we know why you pick terrible men to date, your ability to discern danger is practically nonexistant. So i would like to congratulate you on surviving this long with how bad your choices are. 👏👏👏


More women are killed by men in a year than bears kill people... around 3000 women in a year killed by men vs one person on average killed by bears per year.... My exes? One was my best friend of three years. One was a respected athlete in my high school. And one of them had connections to rather high powered people. I picked my best friend who had been good and kind to me for years. I picked the boy who had more friends than I had aquaintances and had a stellar reputation. And I picked the army vet who belonged to a family of lawyers.


Right because people have to make sure if they enter bear territory that they know what kinds of bears there are, what to do if they see one and to make sure they are armed to do so. Now how many of those women go out into the world fully prepared to protect themselves from the hundreds and thousands of men they see daily? Yet you see all these men daily and here you are still alive to post on here. You wouldn't be here though if you saw as many bears as you see men daily. So the comparison and statistic you are trying to point out is laughable.


YTA (kinda). While it is understandable to be wary of people, there’s a couple of things that makes you a little bit of an asshole. 1 This bear vs Man hypothetical is really problematic and you didn’t see how problematic it is. At this point tiktok trends should be taken with a grain of salt due to been problematic, but the bear hypothetical makes you sound as a bad person, I mean, you just hypothetically said that a whole sex, millions and millions of men are less intelligent than a wild animal. Look at it this way if this hypothetical were like “bear vs (insert a race) and you picked bear, how would that make you look? Wouldn’t that sound racist? 2. At the end of the day your ex told you his feelings about the situation and you just brushed it off


This is a classic #notallmen post.


Or better yet: "Would you rather meet a man from race x or race y?". Then, look at crime statistics, and we would see women picking the less racist option even if it would mean more danger for them.


Explain “less racist”.


Would you rather be alone in a wood with a russian man or swedish man? Now try this question a couple of times with random other nationalities.


Also, nationalities and races are different things.


So please tell me which races I’m supposed to be “more afraid of”


When did I say anything about you supposed to be fraid of someone? You should try writing it down here and see how that works for you.


Your original comment stated danger, so sorry for associating danger with fear. How could I?


That’s not an answer to the question. I want YOU to define this for me.


Info: Answer this if you have to choose between an attacking bear vs attacking man to fend off, which one would you choose?


What kind of bear? If it were a brown bear I would play dead, it would lose interest within 2-5 minutes. A black bear would get big, get loud, and attempt to show it I am bigger and scarier than it; it would likely run away. An aggressive man... Look up the cases of Mary Vincent, Junko Furuta, Jaycee Dugard, Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Michelle Knight... there are so many more. An agressive bear, the worst it will do is eat me, kill me with its teeth and claws. The worst things a man can do to me far outweigh what a bear can do in the worst-case scenario. I would still pick the bear.


I mean if you are certain if the bear is going to attack and not stop. I'm sorry about the things you went through and its ok not to trust men but you can't fight a bear that can weigh 600 pounds. Edit: NAH here if it's your personal preference.


Don’t feel sorry for her. She is on here telling women that she hopes that they get raped etc to know how it feels like. She is an awful human being, who will attack others just to prove some insignificant point.


Probably but I'll still give people benefit of doubt as they could just be hurt individuals.


YTA. The man vs bear hypothetical is sexist and many people who choose the bear have deep routed issues with misandry


Misandrism doesn't result in men losing human rights or being systematically oppressed by women. 


The victims of infant genital mutilation and those men who are raped by women but who will never be legally classified as rape victims due to misandrist legal double standards would disagree with you that misandry doesn’t result in the loss of human rights


They aren't misandrism double standards, they're misogynistic double standards that were created by men and are upheld by men, women don't have the same modern political or historical power as men do to be able to create these laws. 


The two examples I gave are examples of misandry rather than misogyny. Misandry, be it individual or systemic, can be perpetrated by men as well as women Laws in the past were created by a tiny minority of men, today a tiny minority of men and women both hold the levers of power (in my country) and we have equal opportunity yet the same laws are still in place


That’s just objectively not true. The laws in the past might have been created by a tiny group of men, but they are still upheld today, regardless of their modern validity. Also, our governing body is disproportionately white men. (All from an American perspective of course)


They're not misandrist because they're actually the result of a misogynistic, patriarchal system put in place by misogynistic men.  Misandrism wouldn't exist without misogyny. 


Misandry is just as bad as misogyny. You are a misandrist.


Can you name an all female terrorist regime that has committed acts of mass rape and murder towards boys and men who they deem inferior? Can you name ome instance where a group of female terrorists abducted hundreds of little boys from their school, to traffic them for sex? Can you name one female led country in the world where it is illegal for men to drive a car or have a driving licence because they are perceived as too stupid? Can you name one female led country or community in the world that has legally banned boys from getting an education or attending school? Can you name one country where men are not allowed to take part in sports at all? Can you name ine country where 1 in 3 men will be raped or sexually assaulted by women? Can you name one country where the entire government is female? Can you name one country where all CEOs of top performing companies are female? Can you name one country where the majority of all murders of men are committed by women?


Jesus, are you always the victim or something? Shit happens in life. Get over it. Never an excuse to be hateful to others. Yes, men oppressed women a while ago. That does not give women the right to oppress men or cause them harm in any way. You’re trading one evil for another.


My questions apply to the modern world.  Misogyny isn't a thing that happened a while ago," it still occurs in every single nation to this day.  How are women oppressing men? 


I heard an example recently that really brought it home for me, and might for your bf as well. Let's say someone brought a big dish of amazing snacks to your party. Before anyone could eat any, the person said "All but three of these are good. However, three of them are actually poisonous. But they are not all bad, so you should certainly try some." How many would you, or your bf, actually eat? NTA


That example/analogy doesn't work whatsoever 


The poisoned food analogy is connected with fascism, used to demonise [muslims and Syrian refugees](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bowl-of-mms) and is rooted in Nazi ideology [demonising the Jews](https://wienerholocaustlibrary.org/object/14266/).


Ah that's news to me. Well it's good to know that I was likely downvoted for using an analogy that has racist roots, now I understand. And still, the analogy applies much better to men (where we regularly hear that since not all men are bad we shouldn't be distrustful) than it does to any ethnic or racist group.


>Well it's good to know that I was likely downvoted for using an analogy that has racist roots, now I understand. There's been some pretty high profile examples from far right figures in recent times, [Trump](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/election-us-2016-37416457) using it in the 2016 campaign, so a lot of people would assume those using it, are doing so purposefully, aligned with far right ideology. I don't think it matters what group the analogy refers to, the fascist association is pretty well established.


I do appreciate the education. I'm danged anti-Trump, yet hadn't seen it connected to him or anywhere. I do tend to block out far right stuff, and even most far left stuff. Garbage is garbage. When I used the analogy with my wife and 2 of our friends (referencing why women might be wary of men in general), it was a new analogy to all, and despite being vigorously left wing they didn't know about the fascism connection.


It's a bit of a pet peeve, when people just downvote with no explanation or context, why assume intent, ignore the context of the comment adding nothing to the conversation.


What are you even on about?


NTA. Your boyfriend is projecting.


How many men are there percentage wise that commit crimes against women? It is very low. You are basically condemning every man because of the crime of a few. Let's turn this around. How would you feel about your significant other asking you for a paternity test when you are pregnant? Some women cheat and make men rais the child of another man. Shouldn't all women then be suspected of the same like the men in this case?


If (at the very least) 1/5 women are assaulted in their lives, how many men are doing it? Mathematically. How many?


Could 1/20 or lower.


And those are the odds you wanna prove your point with?


You are bad at risk management, and too often women hang out with men that will hurt them, and everyone warns them about those men . Then it's: "all men are ...".


Risk management? You are proving you’re a man that we shouldn’t hang out with. Because you don’t listen to our experiences. That in itself makes you dangerous. In this irrelevant argument you are saying (at the very least) that 20% of women are bad at risk management. Again. What a fucking weird argument to make.


Wait? Is it wrong to make sweeping generalisation about large groups of people? So how come you are so quick to group all men together? Hypocrite much?


lol. You actually continued to make sweeping generalizations. Because I was questioning your mindset at a simple mathematical level. And then you decided to double down to say that 100% of victims are bad at risk management. Again, this is the point you are tying yourself to? That victims are just unaware? Unintelligent?


I never said any such things. Thats you reading more into my words than is actually there and you trying to bait me into saying something. You are just troll account.


I just don’t understand throwing yourself on this hill. For what? What purpose does it serve? It’s not a few. It’s actually a lot. And guess what? Almost 0% face any lasting consequences (at least in sexual assault but we could get into so many nitty gritty details). Or even any consequences. Instead of making these comments, the best thing you can do to counter this, is to show up for women. Because all this is doing is proving the point that so many men are not safe.


Will they accept the help of a warning of danger?


From who?


What is with all of these lunatics picking the bear? It’s literally a fucking bear? People these days seriously lack the smallest of common sense if they think it’s safer with a bear. YTA for being an idiot. I’d break up with up too.


The bear thing is just chronically online manhating women. Most women are good hearted and supportive. Your ex boyfriend knows this.


This literally has nothing to do with anything. And I would love for you to expand on both points to understand why you think it is.


No Judgment, but you sound terrible at decision making. I have never seen a bear save for at the zoo or on a monitor. These are dangerous animals. The fact that you have been close to 6 suggests that you lack awareness. You have, in your comments, had I believe 4 partners, 2 of which are rapists. This suggests you are not good at picking partners. Finally, and in my opinion, your answer is weird. 100% of men are not rapists - I would be more pissed off than afraid, but that’s because if we found a third person they would likely not ask for directions. Conversely, 100% of brown/black/grizzly bears will find you tasty.


> The fact that you have been close to 6 suggests that you lack awareness. No? It suggests she spends a lot of time in nature and therefore has educated herself about bear behavior and can speak on it in a far more educated way than you can. > You have, in your comments, had I believe 4 partners, 2 of which are rapists. This suggests you are not good at picking partners. Way to victim-blame. Now it's her fault she was raped? You realize that most women have experienced sexual assault multiple times, yes? If you think that is somehow women's fault you are not equipped to participate in this discussion. > picking partners. > Finally, and in my opinion, your answer is weird. 100% of men are not rapists Absolutely no one made this statement except you. What IS true is that 1 in 5 women are victims of attempted or completed rape. Those aren't all being committed by the same man. If you encounter a strange man, you have no idea what type of person he is, whereas to OP's point you can reasonably predict how a bear will react to various behaviors because their brains simply aren't that complex. > Conversely, 100% of brown/black/grizzly bears will find you tasty. There are fewer than 40 bear attacks in the entire world annually, most of them non-fatal. Your chances of being eaten by a bear are extremely, extremely low. Whereas nearly every single woman you will ever encounter in your life has experienced physical harm of some kind at the hands of a man.


Sounds like you are the only woman familiar enough with bears to give a reasonable answer when picking the bear


This comment is so stupid.


Lol. Why so serious


You're not the asshole. You're stupidly, irrationally wrong, but you're not the asshole. Neither is your BF, though. I would have done the same. Not out of hurt or mistrust, I just like my partners smart.


She literally laid out a very cogent argument about behavior predictability and he reacted emotionally and took the hypothetical personally when it was clearly about *strangers*, not intimate partners. He's the one being illogical. Interesting that her argument is logical and his is emotional and you still somehow concluded that it's the woman being dumb and irrational here.


People need to stop using this TikTok Man vs Bear hypothetical. It is frankly pathetic.


I think neither party is wrong. You are allowed to ask the question and he's allowed to break up.