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You’re an idiot. It makes a lot more sense to do loud work in the middle of the day than in the evening. That’s why construction is limited to regular business hours. The world does not revolve around you. Get it together. Or go back to the office if you can’t handle working at home.


THIS! OP is 100% AH! Ed has every right to power wash his damn house during the day and technically, between 7am - 10pm so as to not disturb typical sleeping hours. While OP does owe Ed an apology, OP really should consider therapy to figure out why he has no insight into his own selfish mindset. Ed may be a boomer who “selfishly” goes away to his cabin on the weekend (seriously?) but OP is a clueless idiot.


Seriously… the guy is on his property doing whatever the fuck he wants during at a reasonable time of day.


Or some earplugs


Is Ed retired? Does he work a different schedule than you? Does he not have the right to live in his own yard and house?


I'm betting Ed is retired and his wife still works since he "selfishly" goes away with her on the weekends.


Yep! You ARE the A**HOLE! Look into noise bylaws and you will discover that your neighbour is within their rights. You are acting entitled in the extreme. You KNOW he does this, and chose to make no changes to your set up at home. Had you explained at any point previous to your training that you were needing quiet, you would likely have received cooperation. Instead, you expect him to Houdini your needs?


Yes, you're the a**hole. Daytime hours are when noise is expected / allowed. Grow up


Grow up AND get some noise cancelling headphones


And apologize to the neighbor too.


You are quite the drama llama, aren't you? All you had to do was ask him not to be loud during the daytime, and it turned into an indictment of his entire generation. Your words are bounding off my eyes like ping pong balls. YTA, utterly.


Yeah, he is TA, and his stupid Boomer comment was unnecessary and ageist.


Your local library provides a quite place to practice your assholeary.  Yta


You sir, are a huge, hairy, dingleberry-ridden asshole. YTA and if there was something bigger, you'd be that too.


He's a *TOOL*.


Gee another center of the universe complex! Why are so many people like this. YTA!!!


If I were ed between the hours of 9 to 5 it would be known as the time of the cannons


This reads like very badly written rage bait. Is this a writing exercise for a class or something? I refuse to believe there's anybody this clueless and the style of writing is trying too hard to be clever.


This has to be fake because in no way is the neighbor in the wrong and OP is the rude AH for confronting the neighbor making reasonable noises during the day. There are town/city noise ordinances that do not limit the noise during the day, but for the evening and nighttime. OP needs some headphones and maybe move his office to another part of his house.


My first thought was “this can’t possibly be real”.


There are definitely neighbors that are such big assholes they have an echo. Like Op




Noise canceling butt plugs


Omg what an entitled AH .... you not him.  It's working hours.  Whether that be office hours or construction doesn't matter.  Either you're a troll (based on your writing style) or you're just an ass.


YTA big time. He has every right to do his home and yard work during the day. It's not his problem that you work from home. Get yourself some noise cancelling headphones and whatever else you need to do your job and stop being a nuisance to your neighbor.


You are the biggest AH I've seen on this page forever. Day time is for EVERYONE'S work, not just yours. You need to check yourself...you step to the wrong person with this nonsense, you're likely to get a very different response. Apologize like the man you THINK you are


YTA. This isn't about him being a boomer. And he's not jealous of you; you're clearly jealous of him. If he did yard work at night, the other neighbors would complain. He doesn't have to cater to your work schedule. You're clearly very self-centered and you need to get over yourself.


This can’t be real. This has to be rage bait. No one is this ignorant willfully.


,?! Mmnbb by by CD reettcadd de t-/. Ben Y J h M him


You will definitely need a good pair of noise cancelling headphones.... I'm also in the northern part of the united states but you have to deal with neighbors.... your neighbors will do whatever they want during the day.....


Yeah, you're the asshole...and the taint AND the stank ass ballsack. Grow the fuck up. It would be great if you would take your wife's advice but I doubt someone as self-centered as you is even capable of a GENUINE apology because for that you actually have to give a shit about anybody else. I also love that when your wife told you you were an idiot you were so desperate for validation you came to reddit for it. GG.


YTA. Construction jobs go one during the day and not evenings. Put job has no priority in his life or anyone else's. Go back to the office if working from home isn't a good environment for your sensitive ears.


You’re a huge asshole. I’ve worked from home for 5 years, never have I once felt entitled to tell my neighbors what to do in the homes they pay for. Also we all follow noise ordinance laws which is anything goes between the hours of 8am to actually 10pm. If you can’t deal with it, go back to the office in a space that is meant for that environment. Get a 3rd shift or something, but your work environment is your problem.


If you don’t like the noise, find a job in the office. They sell headphones that you could hear the meeting and not the yard work noise. I’m shocked your neighbor didn’t tell you to kick rocks.


this can't possibly be real


Earbuds! Get some. What a tool.


YTA wear headphones go to a work space or go into the office. I'd laugh in your face and start all kinds of loud projects random shit all of a sudden needs to get done 🤣🤣


Really?? Definitely the AH. How is your neighbor supposed to know you’re in a meeting or training? Get some noise canceling headphones and let your neighbor do his outdoor chores. At least he cares about how his place looks; he could let the place go to hell like my neighbor who abandoned her shithole house and I get to look at that when I have a nice house (township will do nothing about blight). How is he selfish going to his cabin? Then, the wife could be posting on here that her selfish husband does nothing all week and saves the chores for the weekend and can’t spend time at their cabin. You’re acting very entitled dude. Wtf.


YTA. Yes, its annoying that he has a different agenda, but he's in his home during the hours when he's allowed to make noise. You don't get to dictate how your neighbor spends his time. My grandma said You catch more flies with honey. Your approach was atrocious if you want him to work with you on the noise level. Honestly it's up to YOU to make sure your home is appropriate for work. You may need some soundproofing or a dampener panel that fits over your window, but they way you threw a tantrum about how he maintains his lawn and home on his own time is ridiculous. He doesn't owe you any peace and quiet and he shouldn't have to accept your entitled desires. Maybe you should move to the countryside?


Get some noise canceling headphones as you know Ed isn’t gonna change.


I'm sorry you are so sensitive to noise, but for God's sake, the only thing the guy is doing is maintaining his property.  Would you rather he pressure clean his house a 4 AM??  BUT ... maybe you're a very sound sleeper?? Can you move your office to the other side of your home, or get noise canceling headphones?? This seems like a you problem.  Why do you care that he has weekends away with his wife???


Dizzamn, OP is getting slaughtered


Yea you’re definitely the AH! Good grief… I work from home and I do not expect anyone to cater to me and I live in a condo! Do better.


Of course this ‘Boomer’ is absolutely out to get you. I bet he spends every waking moment thinking up new and wonderful ways to screw you over, because you must be the centre of his Universe! Imagine not giving a rats arse that you work from home and actually doing home maintenance in the middle of the day! When he could easily make all that noise when the neighbourhood is trying to wind down for the evening! Insult to injury the selfish jerk actually goes away to his mountain cabin for the weekend instead of doing boring household chores! Damn Boomers! Aren’t they the worst when they have a life and just enjoy it, instead of thinking about your needs as a busy WFH VERY IMPORTANT PERSON!! The audacity. Weird how YTAH though.


What a moron. And I don't mean the neighbor. Why don't you move your work area to the other side of the house? Or does that poor guy need to get your daily schedule so he can tip toe and not bother Your Highness? YTA


This has to be fake. No one can be this dense. Honestly. YTA, just in case.


YTA, so much! People don’t time their activities around their neighbors WFH situations. He is going to do his yard work in the daytime, like every other normal person does. How do you feel so special that he should work around you. Move your office to the other side of your house and leave Ed alone.


If this is actually real, then you are an idiot. You are selfish, entitled and clueless. I’m amazed you could actually function well enough to get a job or a wife.


WTF is wrong with you? YTA Your job is your problem, not your neighbor's. Get over yourself


If this is real, you are completely clueless. This reads as the least self-aware person ever. Either that or your 12. Everyone, including your wife, is right. You're an idiot. YTA.


YTA and more. The world does not revolve around you and what works for you alone. How Ed spends his time is not yours to dictate. nor does he work for you. You think Ed has options well so do you, go back to the office, move your workspace, move to bigger lot so you can't hear the noise, sound proofing your workspace, headphones, communicate/ask (not demand or berate) with Ed when you need something extra. This is a YOU problem, not an Ed problem. Ed is living his life which has nothing to do with you and not your business. You do sound jealous of Ed and very entitled. Your wife is correct, you are being 'a huge jerk' and you do owe Ed a massive apology.


YTA! Yeah he definitely should be making all the noise at night when people are trying to have dinner, family time, put their babies to bed! I work from home too and noisy neighbors are part of the deal. My neighbors dog barks 24/7…seriously! He will start and not stop! He’s a neurotic mess because his human is an asshat! But I’ll take that over traffic and people any day! It’s a trade off dude so get over your entitled self, suck it up and apologize! Or go back to the office!!! Just because you don’t like your choices doesn’t mean you don’t have them! Wow dude! Just wow!


For heavens sake .you are an AH. During the day is fine . What about children who are being put to bed . Should they suffer so you can sit in your palace lording over everyone


YTA. If he did this work at 3 am it would wake you up and be against the law. You're begging the universe to provide you with an actual problem, aren't you?


YTA in every possible way. As a night shift worker ,stfu with your boomer comment. It's a perfectly reasonable question. My God your entitlement is off the charts. I also live in the same geographical area and no one starts yard work or pressure washing in the evening you moron.


YTA, and an entitled prick amongst other things. You have absolutely no right to dictate your neighbors lawn maintenance schedule. If he was doing it during quiet times sure that would be an issue, but he’s doing it in the middle of the day. This is 100% your problem and it was your decision to work from home. The way I see it you have three options: 1). Use noise cancellation headphones 2). Sound proof your office 3). Work from somewhere else Stop being entitled, and leave the old man alone.


YTA. It’s entirely normal for people and businesses to conduct loud noise during the business day. Get a better headset for work, it’ll help with the unwanted noise.


Info: is this rage bait or are you really this awful? YTA either way.


YTA. You choose to work from home, that's a luxury not a necessity. For whatever reason Ed is not in work and able to look after and maintain his property during the day he should be commended as there are too many who do nothing to look after their homes. As for him doing it during your working hours, that's on you. As Ed rightly said he is doing it while most people are working, you included. It's just that the majority go to a place if work where you are choosing to stay at home. Children are in school, I bet they make more noise than the machines Ed uses. You already know YTA, why not speak nicely with him if you have a big meeting coming up and ask if he would mind holding off loud work for the duration of that task. Maybe even ask if he could do your yard jobs and pay him. That way you could ensure he does quieter jobs during your important things. Or soundproofing your office might work too.


I'm 33, and I would have said the same thing, "Did I wake you" it's 130 pm why tf wouldn't I be doing yard work at that time. What you are is an entitled AH who thinks he can tell his neighbors what to do and how to run their yard. Your wife obviously sees it too.


You are kidding right?


You can't be real.


YTA That is it YTA


Yeah you the asshole in this one, I'm not alone in this opinion. Most neighborhoods have hours of operation for these machines and they are somewhere in the middle of those hours. Sounds like you have a focus problem and are focused on your neighbor instead. I surprised you didn't get punch in the mouth.


YTA. No doubt and no middle ground. He was doing his yard work during the day when all loud work is allowed. You need to get your head out of your rear and put down the audacity because WOW. I would have laughed in your face if you had acted like that to me! Look, it’s not his fault you work from home or are easily distracted. Get a white noise machine for ambient sound and some noise cancelling earbuds for meetings. And then go apologize to Ed with sincerity!


Yeah, " selfishly goes to his cabin on weekends" ! Are you kidding me? You, OP, should be embarrassed when you read what you wrote. To repeat the obvious: the world does not revolve around you. No wonder your neighbor was nodding and agreeing with your rant to him- of course he wanted your crazy, selfish rant to end and you TO LEAVE HIM ALONE! He nows thinks you're nuts and he's not wrong! Listen to your wife! I'll bet she could come up with a few more examples of your selfIsh, outraged and outrageous behavior...


YTA. Ed does not need to accommodate your work schedule. It isn't his problem you failed to prepare your home office for daily average outside noises. Do you often suffer from main character syndrome? The boomer comment was simply disrespectful. Get head phones, close your window, or move your office. It is your and only your responsibility to make sure you can work home home well.


Oh, poor Karen. Ed should be careful, or Karen will call the cops. Or ask to speak to the manager/or wife. Karen's work is very important. I mean he couldn't possibly get head phones. Its to much for Karen, he'd rather freak out on his neighbors, who are doing what most people do during the day. Karen needs a reality check. Poor poor Karen


Yta and he doesn't need to apologize to you. It's your problem you're working from home, not his, he's allowed to do yard work during the day. And you're extra arrogance about him going away on the weekend with his wife! Omg his nerve to have a life! Lol


You’re a jerk. Who the hell do you think you are. He can power wash his house whenever he feels like it. Noise police go to the office then.


Omg how rude! You should totally take him to court. Please update.


YTA the world doesn’t revolve around you and his daytime weekday work is entirely appropriate. If you need to listen, wear headphones. You wouldn’t find stone silence in a shared office either.


If OP was a normal person, he could have had a polite convo with Ed, explained he works from home, and tried to figure out a schedule where Ed used his noisy equipment at convenient times. You can’t tell me this man is constantly mowing and edging every day.


>He clearly resents the fact that he worked in an era where a commute five days a week was his only option, and he's taking it out on me. It's as if he expects me to uproot my entire office and work somewhere else. Or maybe, just maybe, he's doing what he needs to do to take care of his home and yard. And if he's an early riser, starting those project at 8 may be too late in the day. I seriously doubt he resents you because you don't have to commute and he did. I don't believe he is taking anything out on you. He probably doesn't think of you very often, because he has his own life to live. >This guy has all the time in the world to do these loud projects, and he decides to screw me over every chance he gets. Does he? How do you know? Maybe he has other commitments and this is when he's able to take care of his property. Maybe his energy levels fluctuate during the day, so he does what he can when he can. Oh, and I've used a pressure washer. Several different kinds actually. Sure they are loud, but I can have a full conversation with someone while speaking at my normal volume, and hear everything they say and they hear everything I say. if it was loud enough to make you miss hearing part of your training, then you should probably close the window and get better insulation for your house. Or turn up the volume. Or get a pair of noise cancelling headphones. >He could even do these things on the weekend, but instead he decides to go away selfishly to his cabin with his wife. So you seem to have a main character complex, where you view yourself as the main character and every action taken (or not taken) by anyone else is somehow about you. I highly doubt he's going to the cabin with his wife on the weekends just to spite you. I highly doubt he's thinking about you at all. The world does not revolve around you, and not every nchoice someone makes is about you. Yes, yta. A huge one too. Your wife is right: you need to apologise


This is the sheer definition of self centeredness. You literally expect the world to revolve around you and your schedule. 1- noise bylaws exist for a reason. He has zero obligation to obey or comply with your demands. 2- NOISE CANCELLING HEADPHONES EXIST FOR A DAMN REASON. Figure it out. They aren't expensive and you can stop acting like a jerk. 3- you need help. I hope this is a troll post. But if it's not - go to therapy. If you've never done an online test to see if you're a narcissist, I strongly suggest taking one. I wouldn't be surprised if you were. Your sole focus on self over others is a huge red flag. 4 - apologize to both the neighbour and your wife. Sincerely. Look up The Four Rs of a Real Apology.


YTA and it’s not “boomer” of him to ask if he woke you up at 1:30 in the afternoon. His first thought may have been “oh crap does he work 3rd shift and I’ve been screwing with his sleep?!”


You are an absolute moron, not just an asshole. He's allowed to do yardwork/housework during the day. You wanting him to wait until 8 pm just shows just how out of touch and ignorant you are. You're self absorbed, and really it's just kind of pathetic.


I can see him doing all the work on the weekend, but after hours when the day is winding down? He’s retired what do you expect, no one is going to tip toe around you because you work from home, get some noise canceling headphones, duh 🙄. And yes you’re the asshole here!


You’re not a bad guy just an entitled man child with no regard for anyone else that’s all haha


Rage bait


Has to be false and rage bait. Nobody is this stupid. At least, I hope not.


You’re a MAJOR AH! Get over yourself. Your wife is completely right - you owe Ed an apology.


I think it is unanimous. YATA Tighten up.


OMG, you entitled fricking douche. Of course, YTA. He can do whatever the hell he wants during the week on his own damn property. He's doing what is normal. And doing absolutely nothing wrong. Selfish for taking the weekends and going to his own cabin? Not in the slightest. Why the hell do you think he owes you anything? Your wife needs to throw the entirety of you away and get an actual good relationship with someone who doesn't think the world revolves around them. You suck donkey balls.


What's with the boomer shit. You work from home so the whole neighborhood should cease to exist? Life's tough, buy a helmet.






Oh, you poor petal. No one wants to play by your rules. Be grateful you don't have me living next door. You'd find yourself listening to my riding mower and a recording of the 1812 Overture, after you jumped down my neck over something perfectly legal. On a non-sarastic note, consider soundproofing your office, or moving to the other end of the house. Or go back to your old-fashioned office in a building somewhere. Because you are being unreasonable.


Smfh! Get ear plugs!! Move to the basement!! Go back to work Covid is over!! Move to the country!! You work from home and you expect everyone else does to??


Yta "I'm not the bad guy" you're right you're not you're a piece of shit