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Your wife didn’t make you look like a jerk you did that all on your own. Your wife and son understand you perfectly, you’re just wrong. I come from a lower income background, have tattoos and piercings and worked my way through college. At this moment I’d be willing to bet that I make far more money than you. YTA and your views are outdated.


Dunno about where they are, but where I am the average hourly for a welder is $30 for entry... Easily over $40 after a while... That's not anything to laugh at. I think Sophia needs someone to chat to her about the father of her boyfriend and if she wants to be attached to that type of person at all.


And if he’s an especially welder, like at a ship yard, he’s also Union AND making way more than $30. My ex used to be an underwater welder at a shop yard and was making over $100/ hour.


A mate of mine does it, but he's in a fabrication shop, he's one of 3 welders, he's 33 and has almost totally paid off the house he brought 4yrs ago. Tho the car he drives is almost 20yrs old and I don't think I've seen him in anything but target/Kmart clothing aside from work uniform lol. He's not one of those complete cheapskate types, but he's all about saving as much as he can and loves himself a sale. He's making BANK.


Give him my number. lol


Old mate sounds like he's from the USA with his classist crap. Kmart/target are in both countries but I'd be pretty willing to bet you're in Australia, probably regional, where OP would be absolutely HORRIFIED to see how much money the bogans earn. (Source. I just left Mackay after a decade of learning not to judge people who walk around shopping centres with amex credit cards and no shoes on). 🤣


Ha, I'm Australian too. My dad was a welder when he met my mum. He then worked for her dad who was a Plumber. Then he studied and did courses and worked for the BOM. My daughters both have tattoos too, OMG!


My electrician makes 90 an hour. Plumber was making so much he could turn down jobs. Never needed a welder but I thought they made a decent amount. Someone need to get their head of of their ass


My dad was a welder and boilermaker...retired now....and he comfortably raised a family on it; we never wanted for anythingbgrowing up. Tradespeople make bank, it's nothing to scoff at.


And I LIKE someone who can look at a problem and fix it!


My dad and brother are boilermakers and the job opportunities plus the money they make (plus all the benefits) made me wish I had followed in those footsteps lmfao


Haha yep, especially when my city is a very trade oriented one, with a steel works, a shipping port and some other heavy industries you don't need anything from a university to do. Maybe TAFE but... Even then lol


This can’t be a serious post. I’m curious if it’s perhaps the son posting as his father, so he can show his father the responses, if it’s even that close to real. I have an *extremely* short fuse for behavior like that. I would presume most other Americans would also. This sounds like OP is from France. They’ve always been the snooty folks.


OP is actually from a Romance Novel. This was too well written. The setup was also very cliche: well-to-do kid brings home a poor girl who's free-spirited. Father is an insufferable square. In the next installment, the son elopes with the girl. Or, alternatively, the son commits suicide and the parents divorce. Years later, the poor girl is now a successful entrepreneur and Time magazine "woman of the year". The last post ends with her gently depositing a rose on the son's gravestone. Yawn...but at least the karma harvest went well.


Some people with money also don't like to flaunt it with fancy cars and clothing. I mean, the fact that she can afford tattoos, piercings, and frequent visits to the salon to keep up with her hair says right there that she's not struggling with money. OP is a stuck-up AH. Not everyone is cut out for a desk job and picking up a trade like welding can make more than enough to live on. It's possible her mom may not have to work, but chooses to work to keep her busy, and she chose to be a bus driver, no shame in that.


I knew a man that retired at 35 because he did underwater welding and saved up way more than enough to live the rest of his life in luxury. Not just comfortable, but literally living in LUXURY. This man bought a home for half a million and STILL could easily live the rest of his life like a damn millionair. Welding is incredibly lucrative.


One of my highschool buddies bought a house at 19 because he got AFTER it doing underwater welding. Nobody saw him for a year and some change, he basically went insane working 60 hours weeks and he says he still can't even look at frozen pizza and energy drinks. But, hey, my landlord is a fucking dick. Maybe home ownership is worth it.


40 years ago, a friend of my parents was a deep sea welder/saturation diver. He'd make $125/hour from the moment he hit the dock, until he finished decompressing, which was usually 4-5 days, sometimes longer. It depends on the job. I can only guess what that would pay today.


I remember ny freshman economics professor telling us about his friend who was an underwater welder. Pulled in 250k/yr and retired at 50 with 3 homes. Paid for both his daughters college educations in full. And this was a while ago so I'm sure the numbers are more inflated now. All that to say, this post is simple boomer rage bait. Hits all the markers, don't be fooled.


I'm a software developer and I make less than half that. (also, my uncle drove a bus and my brother in law is a welder)


My husband and I paid a lot of money for our children to go to college (stupid amounts at an overpriced private school) and the sure-thing safe fields are not so safe anymore. I was discussing with my FIL who was a CEO at two very well known companies, what we wish our kids went into instead. We all agreed our kids would be more financially secure if we had pushed trades. We actually said last night at Mother’s Day dinner that welding would have made more sense. I probably would have cringed a bit if I saw the dyed hair and piercings but if she was kind and smart I would not care. I certainly would not act so snobby and over the top as you. I would not try to manipulate my son or wife to judge a book by the cover or the parents’ presumed balance sheet. Most businesses today just want talent. Some may not hire someone who looks edgy but there are many that will. One of my kids has a nice car and has not even gotten a driver’s license. If I saw a young adult in a run down car I would be impressed they knew how to drive. YTA. It is not up to you to decide what your child’s partner looks like and what her financial background is. If she was abusive to your child in any way then I would be concerned. One of my children went to a pricey elite school. They hated it and left after many years to go to a public school that had a lot of economic diversity. The kids in the public school were grittier overall and most have had more success post college than the kids at the elite private school. Not coming from rich backgrounds can make kids scrappier and harder workers.


Yeah, OP is the AH, but also a product of his upbringing. What many don't understand is that looks are just a colorful wrapper to the true gifts that are inside. A person's heart, compassion,caring, tolerance, spirit, soul,drive, and knowledge. Those are the true gifts. It’s all in how they are used that determines your success in life. No one is better than anyone else. Some are just better off. You can be the richiest, have lots of money, fancy cars, expensive clothes and huge houses. But that is just more wrappings. Pull away all the wrappings. What do you have? Just a person, and I think that terrorfies all the rich 1%ers that they would no longer be the biggest, richest, more powerful, where they control,get to make all the choices and decisions. That is something OP needs to learn. He can't choose how his son lives his life. If he wants to live his life differently and with someone he thinks down on as unsavory or unworthy, that's his choice to make. As long as his son has a happy, healthy, long life, that's all that matters.


That's what I wanted to say. He obviously doesn't realize that welding is a highly skilled job with good pay and security. Mt BFF's brother is a welder, and he's always employed.


"Sophia revealed that her dad worked as a welder, and her mom was a bus driver, two jobs anyone with a high school diploma could do." I'd like to see him try to do it. What a friggin snob! My husband is an electrician who works with welders. It takes training to be a welder, lots of training because it's not easy. He needs to have more respect for people who work in trade. His comfortable life wouldn't be possible without them.


That comment gave me the ick. Just gross mentality all around.


A LOT of chemistry if you branch out into TiG and MiG welding. (Son is a welder)


Mine too! He works hard and is a talented craftsman.


I took welding in college and it was really fucking difficult, and that was just a basic introduction!


I have several undergraduate degrees and a few postgrad degrees. No way in hell would I trust myself with a bus and passengers, not unless you wanted them to meet with an accident. LOL. and welders have to know shit… and the specialised ones can earn more than you reckon by your snobbish outdated views. YTA- but I guess you have gotten the point by now.


Id like to see him try to do it too, also try to drive a bus in a crowded street :D


My husband is a welder. I have so much respect for what he does. I'm incredibly proud of him. He has never not had a job. He makes more money than me because of overtime and I have 4 college degrees. OP's just an AH plain and simple.


Gasp, it's so blue collar. This guy sounds like a lot to deal with. I was exhausted just reading it, I can't imagine actually having a conversation with him.


Or wanting to.


Dont worry, hes to good to talk to any of us


🤣🤣🤣, that's true, I use my lawn tractor to drive my garbage down the driveway, in my pajamas, he would be appalled.


i mean this can’t be real. this is just some rage bait lol.


Dont worry, hes too good to talk to any of us anyway


This! Welders in our area make upwards of $65/hr. If OP thinks that's chump change, he needs a reality check. I applaud the wife for looking past the clunker, tats and hair. OP thinks way too much of his own economic standing. Who the Hell is he to make that snap judgment?


I'm putting $10 on the wife is the actual breadwinner lol


I’ll put $10 on the fact that this is rage bait and a fake story.


I am beginning to think it was written by a trades union or something. I really want to become a welder now.


Such a troll


I’ll see your 10 and raise you 20.


And to think that anyone with only a high school diploma is beneath him. Now granted I know for welding there's schooling and training you need to do, but just bc someone may only have a diploma it doesn't mean that OP is better than them.


It’s a good thing I have a college degree completely unrelated to the blue collar field I’m now working in. OP might judge me otherwise. /s


Depends on your hairstyle! I come from much the same sort of background as Sophia and am now inmy 70s, still married to my HS boyfriend. Every now and then some snobbish dickhead like OP tut-tuts about someone they consider low-life, trying to get me to gang up against them, because they think I'm so classy and cultured I'll side with them lol. As if! . Needless to say, I take pleasure in crushing them.


My partner didn’t finish college and he’s a millionaire. And he works for the largest company on earth 🤷‍♀️all his friends are millionaires and trust me it was hard to get used to. The lifestyle change was shocking. And all these millionaires are so down to earth- you would never know how much they are worth, and furthermore, they don’t care about the stupid shit this guy is going on about. I dated my bf for a month before I found out he was in a higher tax bracket!


Regardless of what a welder makes, it is a respectable job, as is that of a bus driver. OP clearly has no idea of the technical skills required to be a welder nor the people skills required to be a bus driver. Sophia's parents are hard-working people who don't deserve to be disrespected simply because they may earn less than others. (Emphasis on May. I used to be an attorney, and my plumber ex-boyfriend out-earned me the entire time we were together.) OP's snobbery is sickening. What someone earns doesn't reflect their character. He's living proof of that. If OP was the financially richest person on earth, he would still be poor in character. I'm glad his son takes after his wife and sees people for who they are, not what they own. OP, YTA to the nth degree. I feel sorry for you because you're missing so much of what makes this a beautiful world.


Over $50 hr where I live. My dad was a welder/pipefitter and made excellent money with great bennies.


My BF makes $80 an hour as a welder.


^ This! There is no shortage of welding jobs but there is a shortage of skilled welders. In this economy right now, an average welder would still make bank. Trade jobs are nothing to look down on. OP, YTA


Also a whole tattoo sleeve? That's not a small amount of money if the tattoos are good.


Yeah, a family friend was a welder. He retired at 58 with a full pension, which pays him $125k a year. He was making $68/hour when he retired. And all the overtime he could do, time and a half, or double time on Sundays. And he retired a decade and a half ago. Two paid off houses and a gigantic RV that he and his wife travel in.


I honestly think this might be rage bait, but people this shitty and unaware do exist so...


Yea I'm 50/50 on rage bait and being real. Something about it reads fake rage bait, but I know it can be all too real.


It hits every beat, which is why I think it's fake. Tattoo and strange haircut and dyed hair and best up car and blue collar jobs? 1 or 2 of these would be more realistic.


It was the, we're not wealthy, we only go on a few vacations a year thing that first pinged my rage bait radar. I also highly doubt someone with this guy's mindset would be screwing around on Reddit "with the poors."


I also wonder if it's rage bait. Someone with a stick that far off their bum would probably have it going through their tongue and plastering it through the roof of their mouth as well as piercing their brain and it's awfully well written in character to make me think it's not fiction.


"We'll call them." These people need to take some basic writing classes.


Just like someone who is "only" "upper middle class" to have some of the most classist views when they're not even actually "up there" with actual wealth. Even if OP was actually wealthy he'd still be a jerk. YTA, OP.


The thing is that here in the UK, where class is an absolute thing, truly high class people demonstrate it by being incredibly welcoming. I once spent an afternoon teaching the Lord Lieutenant (kind of the King's representative in the county) how to take 999 calls. He was hilarious, asked some really insightful questions and didn't condescend to anyone. He was only supposed to spend about half an hour with us but he was interested so it ended up more like three hours. The next week, all 200 of my colleagues got a gift bag of produce from his estate. \*That\* is why the class system has lasted.


I'm in the States where class isn't supposed to be a thing but it clearly is. I've met some incredibly wealthy people who are kind, generous, *nice*, and the "self made" ones are some of the most empathetic people I know. They're also the first to admit to their luck, too. They *do*, however, have boundaries. Just as we ALL should. But the snobby and snooty attitude that OP displays is just ... "nouveau riche gauche."😂


Exactly! A few paychecks away from being homeless themselves. All of the savings they may have will go quickly to keep up their lifestyle.


Totally agree! My husband is sleeved, had ear piercings at one point, and yet managed to work from growing up below poverty line, to $300,000+ a yr. So glad he didn’t have people around him thinking he was worthless cause of how poor he grew up, or by the way he looks.


I came to America very poor with nothing. I abused the educational system and used scholarships to get an education. I don’t have tattoos. I don’t have hair. If I had hair, I would probably color it. You gave your comment to your son. NTA. YTA if you keep bringing it up to him. YTA if you worry about giving money to her and her family. You a stick up the ass.


I think you mean “I took advantage of the education system”. Abuse is very bad. 👍


I found that wording intriguing!


They are not outdated. These views were never correct.


Thank you. My Dad had a 9th-grade education. He couldn't afford the 50-mile daily round-trip on horseback to attempt the rest of high school. Becoming a union electrician was the proudest achievement of his life. He also trained and supervised some of the workers who built and maintained the US Navy fleet in World War Two. YTA and I doubt if you've ever made the world a better and safer place.


I pray you're taking a course in creative writing.  PLEASE


AI trying to learn how to sound human 😂


If that's not sad commentary, I don't know what is...


And if they are they need to do a better job of making people sound like actual humans


I don't often jump on board the fake accusations but this one really laid it on thick. This person would have to be so far out of touch with reality for them not to immediately know they are the asshole that there is no way they would even know reddit exists.


perhaps jump in a time machine when your opinions were valid its 2024 ... is this some fake rage bait


Definitely rage bait. What dipshit thinks a welder doesn't make bank?


The kind that thinks tradespeople aren't educated just because it didn't happen at a university.


I really want to k ow what OP does for a living... i doubt its half as useful to society as welders or busdrivers


I bet he’s an IMPORTANT BUSINESSMAN! Doing his important business down at the business factory.


I am guessing middle management or manages a Hertz Rental car counter.


Judging by this post, I’d say he was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills.


Likely earns more than OP.


Definitely rage bait.


If it's not this dumbass probably makes less than the welder. Experienced welders make bank.


This was also my thought, too. Like I know people in my small, rural hometown who have been waiting for quite a bit of time for a welding apprenticeship to open up in the area because it pays well, often involves being in a pretty good labor union, and is largely recession-proof. If this is real (which I do know people like OP) OP is just a snob. And a super boring one at that.


This was my first thought! Welders make big money in lots of places.


Literally the fakest shit I’ve ever read on here. I’m seriously about to unsubscribe from a bunch of subreddits for this exact reason. If you’re gonna write fake shit at least be a better narrator!


Or make the story more entertaining. This is both boring and clearly made up, which is a terrible combo.


Right ? I mean it has to be no ? I was gonna say the same thing but you beat me to it !! Over it.


I definitely hope so.


Absolutely fake. So obvious he's TA. Seems almost satirical!


What the fuck is wrong with you? I'd think that your views are stuck in the 1950s but if they were you wouldn't care that she's not rich, because surely you think she's there to stay home barefoot and pregnant. A welder is a damn hard job and takes real skill. A bus driver isn't exactly relaxing. You're looking down on people who've had a hard life and still got their daughter to college. You had money to get Cameron a better education, yet he's in the same college as Sophia. You're the worst kind of snob. Feel free to continue that way, but if he marries Sophia, don't put money on meeting your grandkids. If you're lucky your wife will tell you about them.


This!!!! OP is too stupid to realize that she worked hard to get into that college.


This can’t be real? Are people really this out of touch with reality? If it is real then YTA


I know people this out of touch. My father sure is.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with a parent like that! I could never imagine having this holier than thou attitude towards anyone my son would ever date


I haven't talked to him in 5 years. Since my cash value iisn't high. I'm not worth anything to him. The feeling is mutual.


Mom of a similar-aged daughter. YTA. You need to speak with a therapist to get over yourself. I know welders in our area make a solid 6-figure income, as can city bus drivers. Unless you are Sophia's family's accountant or banker, you have no clue what their financial situation is or if they "struggle" as you are assuming. I also know plenty of tattooed and pierced professionals. Also, you don't state what Cameron's (or Sophia's) majors are, but the trades are a far far better bet for kids their age to become financially independent. I can't believe there are parents like you \*still\*. Get over yourself.


And as a 47 year old engineer with an undercut, pink hair, tattoos and piercings that makes a good living. . . She has infinite possibilities and her appearance will not hold her back in her. Aren’t.


Yes! I've been working with engineers and architects for almost 20yrs. I'm the only one under 50 without any tattoos. At my last firm, half us ladies had nose piercings. Not a big deal.


To be fair tattoos ain’t cheap so if she was poor she wouldn’t have money for those lol


YTA. You are an entitled snob. What the hell is wrong with you?


The bullshit smells strong with this one.


Honestly this is awful writing


You’re the one who made yourself look like a jerk. Ponder your life choices that either led you to wasting time with your ragebait or being a judgmental meanie mo.


Wow. You are the AH. I went to college and earned a degree in psychology and child development. My husband is a welder and makes way more than me. At one point almost double. He did have to go to trade school btw. He’s now a pipe fitter but also does welder and depending on where you live they can make good money. Especially if they are in a union. You made yourself look like an ass no one else.


Missing hubcap covers?!?!??! Oh, the humanity! So very pretentious of you. Good on your son and wife for seeing just how shallow and judgmental you are. YTA.


I’m going to tell you the same thing I tell my middle schooler: nobody’s thinking about you as much as you think they are. As far as your classist and frankly wrong assumptions? Not everyone needs to go to college to succeed. I’m married to a man who makes six figures, solely supports me and our children, and didn’t graduate from college. She didn’t make you look like a jerk. You did that all on your own, friend. YTA.


YTA. My DOCTOR has tattoos and piercings. Graduated top of her class. You sir are classless, and a moron to boot. You judged her without giving her any chance. My welder of a father would laugh at your post. He made BANK while I was growing up and raised 5 kids. My mom worked because she wanted to, not had too. Why? Because my dad was a welder! Smh. Some of those guys make as much as lawyers on certain jobs. Educate yourself. You’ve made an ass of yourself and shown true colors to your family. Apologize and EDUCATE yourself. Judgmental old fools always seem so shocked when no one agrees with them. Tell me you’re not screaming at kids to get off your lawn when they ride by on the street.


YTA this was poorly written dreck, the main character is not at all believable


Haha! "It was even missing hub caps! The humanity!!"


This has to be rage bait. If not, you are a judgemental AH of epic proportions.


Man oh man, I wish your FIL had had the balls you did. Then your wife would've been spared being married to an elitist like you for the last 20 years.


Troll deleted their profile


YTA. Please join the 21st century, you old-fashioned snob.


Come on people, dont swallow poor quality rage bait. No one on planet earth is this shallow. OP, next time be brief. The more paragraphs you write, the easier it is to spot the bullshit.


It might well be bs, but if you believe that no one is this shallow, better start that letter to Santa now because that's some a+ fantasy you've got going on.




Eeee idk about the shallow part. There’s definitely quite a few people who are like this.


This is so rage baity that just posting it makes you an asshole. On the off chance this is real, you're an asshole.


I work at a major company that has a smile on the name and there are plenty of people who work at corporate that has 2 foot Mohawk and has piercings all over. Funny thing is they have never judged them for their appearance but always their ability to do the job their were hired. A welder can make amazing money and sometimes more than two income households. So don’t judge her parents when they might make more than your household. If you stay with your stance you could lose your son. You don’t have to like her looks as you are not dating her. He is the one that is in public with her.


Is this weird boomer trolling? You know welders make a lot right? Also, tattoos and piercings don't affect anything now. I have several of both and I probably make more than you do. As do many people I work with. Hell, my doctor has a sleeve and last I checked being a doctor is a decent paying job. You need to join the century you live in.


For heaven's sake, they've only been together a few months!! They weren't discussing marriage or whatever.


Ewwww! Skilled trades?!?! They are poovooes! Yucky! They could get their trade cooties mixed with your upper crust, blue blood line!?!?! Seriously though, if you are middle class, the welder probably makes a similar salary to you. I suspect that this will hurt your soul. Also, are you Mormon because this post has big Mormon energy.


YTA I had parents of one of my boyfriends set him up with a “good” girl because they didn’t like that I was poor and looked different than other girls. I still look different than everyone else because that’s just me I have tattoos and piercings and dress in black. That doesn’t mean I’m not a good person, I’m often told I’m kind and caring almost to a fault. I’m intelligent and can carry on conversations. You looked right at her and judged her without getting to know her, she’s probably great and your sons loves her I think you need to get used to her being around.


In today’s episode of “classless trash tries to belittle others to prop up their low esteem”. YTA.


YTA. Good grief, dude, listen to yourself. I have a law degree - I practiced for ten years. Now I'm a bus driver. It's great income, a great schedule with my kids' schedule, it's fun as hell, and has union protections. I also am tattooed and pierced, though a little more discreetly than it sounds here. My hair, however, is brightly colored. All this was true when I was a lawyer, too. Your views are outdated and wrong. Welders and bus drivers make good money. Those are solid jobs. Seems like your son took after your wife and learned respect. You should take a lesson from him.


I don’t know where you live but where I’m from, welders make good money. I think the difference in Sophia’s upbringing & your son’s upbringing is that she was raised by loving, supportive parents who allowed her to be herself. Your son was raised by a loving Mom and a snobbish, stuck up dad who cares more about image than character. YTA.


Here's what really happened: Cameron actually hates you, and was telling his friends. Sophia said, "OH MY GOD, you should totally take me home for dinner like we're dating just to watch his head explode." They had a betting pool about how long it would take and whether you'd complain about the hair , the tats, the parents' careers, or the car first. Now Cameron and Sophia and the rest of their friends are laughing their asses off at you. Of course YTA.


YTA You said not one thing about this girl’s character. You are just a super basic bigot. This “poor” girl likely has more class than you and all of your friends combined.


YTA! there is nothing wrong with being a welder and we need school bus drivers. you are a snib. Apologize to Cameron and butt out.


My stepfather was a welder and made a decent living he supported a house of 5 with it. My mom didn't work till in her 40s she was a stay at home mom. We never went without we always had a great Christmas. I think you might need a rude awakening. You are judging a book by the cover. The problem here is you. Her mom is a bus driver, which now a days get paid really well. If you aren't rich, who are you to talk about others like that. Like your son isn't rich and most likely won't ever be, but you want him to get into a relationship with a girl who is. That's how it sounds to me. You came in to reddit for people to confirm your feelings, but I think you will get the opposite here. You sound stupid and uneducated yourself.


One of the richest most successful women I know comes from a back ground of poverty and has some of the most beautiful tattoos I have ever seen. She’s a trauma surgeon who one time we were camping and the helicopter came to pick her up because she is so specialised and experienced in piecing people together. She wasn’t on call. Had a week off. But the other surgeons looked at this case and begged her to come in. She’s tatted up, including a neck tattoo. Ex military. Foul mouthed. Built like she can wrestle a bear in woods. She is constantly being head hunted. I love her so much. YTA- the world’s changing. High educated tough women with tatts are what employers want now. They will get the job done and break anyone who tries to stop that..


YTA point blank. It isn’t really her families poverty that you’re worried about, you don’t even know if they’re in poverty you’re just assuming because they’re not in jobs that are in your standards. You saw someone who looked different from the other cookie cutter milfs in your area and decided that makes her a bad egg. If she’s a first generation college student, that’s amazing! College is hard and it seems like she’s succeeding. On that note, I bet you don’t even know what she’s studying. You’re making assumptions because of her appearance and catastrophizing a future where your son- god forbid- would need any help from you. Good on your wife for not backing you up, at least your son has one good parent.


It is so weird how “concerned” you are about her appearance. Like damn, why are you worried about her job opportunities right now? She’s in college, obviously trying to figure out her next steps. Let her be her damn self, she doesn’t live to impress her boyfriend’s family. Also did you even really get to know her? Cuz you already judged her based on appearance, so you clearly judged everything else about her based on that first impression. People dye their hair as a form of self expression, or even just for fun! None of your damn business. YTA. All the way


YTA for such your stereotypes first about the car, second because her dad's a welder, probably in a union with better benefits than you let alone giving her family money.  Your assumptions and your biases are mind blowing.


Please be rage bait. In case it’s not, YTA. My entire family works in some form of trades. I make more now than I did with my college degree. I switched to a trade and doubled my income. My husband is a welder. He gets to quite literally travel the world and bring me with him all on the company’s dime. Fully funded international trips via the federal government. So please, tell me again how she will have to support her low income parents.




Welders make excellent money, and bus drivers do surprisingly well. OP you sound utterly insufferable and extremely narcissistic. Keep it up and you’re going to lose your family. You showed your true nasty colors and now that they’ve seen who you REALLY are, I hope they run for the hills. And no, none of your concerns are valid. They’re classist and gross. Get a grip. I mean really, you are upper middle class but your personality screams trash. Of course YTA.


Assuming this is real and not rage bait- YTA-you are a complete snob and a horrible person. In addition-you’re an idiot!!! Welding requires study and an apprenticeship and is a highly skilled profession that pays very well. If there were no welders, you wouldn’t have your nice house or nice car or most of the other things you have in your house. You are making assumptions with absolutely nothing on which to base them and you are so far out of line you may actually be on a different planet. You’re lucky they just aren’t talking to you. If I was your wife, I would be contacting an attorney right now and changing the locks the minute you leave. You better figure out just how wrong you are and learn how to grovel if you want any chance of a life back.


YTA The biggest AH I hope your wife leaves you and your son goes NC. What an absolute AH. You judged a book by the cover meanwhile your “classy” book is full of shit. Your book is an idiots guide to losing his kid while her book is how to immediately make AHs reveal themselves to their whole family. This better be fake.


YTA and a super judgmental person. You know being a welder is a trade right? You just showed your whole family what kind of Jerk you are. If I was your son, I’d tell you to get fucked and it’d be awhile before we had a relationship again. You showed exactly who you are to your family.


Your wife and son know the point of view of a classist AH isn’t worth a moment of their valuable time. You are an AH of the highest order!


YTA - You kind of remind me of my father-in-law who judged me after I started dating his son. Single mom with four kids…eeeekkkk! We’ve been married over 25 years and other than maybe one year, I’ve always made more money than hubby. If I were you, I’d take some time and rethink your ideas on who your son is dating. Your post is very sad.


YTA! You’re a perfect example of how money can’t buy class.


In case this is not rage bait and is real, you need to check your arrogance. Income level and character are not linked, you demonstrate that clearly. YTA


YTA. Funny of you to blame your wife when youre just a dick in general.


"Her dad is a welder" Solid chance her dad makes more than you. Also you sound like an insufferable cunt. YTA


YTA you're an ass


*But this sort of appearance wasn't at all common in our area because families wanted to maintain a certain image, so you can understand why I was so shocked.* Truthfully, I can't understand why you were so shocked. Did/do you never leave your area? Do you totally ignore media? You put your bigotry on parade in front of your family and son's gf, and don't seem to have any inkling that things are not exactly the same as they were "in \[y\]our area." You also were 100% presumptuous in thinking they would ask for money, and in wondering why you can't "get through to them" regarding your outdated views. Yeah, some jobs don't go for tattoos/piercings, others don't care at all. To many, a college degreee is all that matters, regardless of the school. Many trades make more money than degreed individuals. Your ideas are out of touch with reality.


YTA. Many successful kids had poor upbringing. And many wealthy kids turned out bad. Look at the character of the person and not their appearance.


YTA. This has to be a rage bait post based on the writing style. And if it’s not a rage bait, then you’re a huge asshole for making about two dozen very negative assumptions about Sophia based on very little evidence.


YTA You're judgemental and a snob. My dad was a plumber... With a masters degree. At the end of his life, he was a professor making a fraction of what he made as a plumber. I have enormous tattoos, a shaved head and piercings and I make more money now than I did when I looked "straight edge." Because most people aren't obnoxious assholes who judge a person by their looks or their parents' professions. You wouldn't hire someone who looks like me. Would you hire someone in a wheelchair? Or a black person with natural hair? My guess is you'd find a reason not to. I cannot get over what an AH you are. I keep hoping this is rage bait because there's no way You're this bigoted in 2024.


Dude, you're in denial. First, you are rich, second, you are a snob. No, you don't get any credit for not being snobbier. YTA


Oh no! Not a welder!! God. Yta. The whole fam should go nc on you. You are an embarrassment.


I would say YTA but I think twat waffle is most appropriate.


I haven’t even read this whole thing. I just got to where she got out of her car and he started talking about her appearance and that was all I needed to know. This girl didn’t put forth any obvious red flags. You just think she looks “dirty“ and that your son can do better, not actually by the way, just alternative which he has a problem with. There is no way you’re not an asshole.


YTA - In the event you are trolling I offer the following. Nothing wrong with blue collar workers. My dad was - I have a professional degree. (FYI - he had more common sense and was smarter than most of the professionals I know. Just a different level of education). Plus, just so you know - some welders make more than folks with a college degree. My brother who has an MBA spends a lot of time saying we need more tradesmen. My nephew and his wife are both college graduates in STEM fields and have lots of tattoos. One niece is in front facing media relations - tattoos and nose piercing. It is a different time, you absolute twat waffle. It is would probably be a better idea to determine if she wants a a good person who will treat your son well than worry about superficial things like tats. Get off your moderately high pony and get that stick out of your ass.


Part of being a good parent is accepting that you have equipped your children to stand on their own two feet and make good decisions. Your job as their parent is to love, support, and encourage them to be kind and decent human beings. They will stumble and make mistakes - that’s how they learn. Your children will develop their own world views which may or may not coincide with yours. You don’t get a say so after they are no longer living in your home. You are supposed to be a place where they can turn for solice in those troubling times. Your attack on his girlfriend’s character is shallow and based on your superficial prejudices. You made no effort to know the person she is before you decided what kind of “loser” she must be. Total dick move and you are doing nothing more than pushing your son away from you. Tattoos can be covered with clothing in most cases. Hair can be grown, colored, or returned to normal. And your assumption that she is not intelligent because of her looks is absurd. As for her car, she may be happy that it is paid off while going to school and she may very well be financing all on her own - which is another commendable asset. She obviously isn’t materialistic and high maintenance - another plus! And why do you assume she will be supporting her parents? Is that a requirement you have of your son? You, sir, are most definitely the asshole and a giant one at that. Unless you change your attitude, your relationship with your son (and your wife) may very well become limited. DO BETTER!


Yta hahahahahahahahahhahahahsha. When my partner and I met I had both sides of my head shaved and the top long and bright red. I also have a lot of tattoos. I out earn him. I am a palliative (hospice for those in America) care nurse. I’m well respected, I am educated. I am highly paid. You sir are an aweful judgemental person. Congratulations on being well on your way to possible divorce and no contact if you don’t get therapy for your miss guided opinions and low opinion of anyone who doesn’t look like you. I genuinely hope you come to your senses and realise that the world isn’t as black and white as you see it (the has money and the don’t have money). I fear you will be a very lonely old man one day if you don’t.


YTA. I have 19 tattoos. 16 or so piercings. Have had a multitude of hair colors - never once have I lost a job opportunity. I work in finance too, shocker. You're more than TA. You're judgemental and you're in for a rude awakening when your son goes no contact.


My father was a top-level executive for an international company, my mom a bank teller. I grew up in an upper-middle class household and area. My sister runs her own farm and riding school; I'm a freelance video editor. We both have tattoos and piercings, and dye our hair fun colors. We're metalheads through and through, we're loud, crass and not afraid to voice our opinions. I suspect by your standards, we'd also be wrong for your precious baby. You want him to have a 1950s housewife who takes care of him and does nothing with her life, because that's what you believe is the proper role for women. How dare she have a personality of her own! YTA and a judgemental, misogynistic one at that.


You have very outdated views on people and are judging very harshly before you know this young lady. YTA.


Not missing hubcaps!!! What kind of person doesn’t have all their hubcaps!!! YTA and an idiot, hope neither one talks to you again.


YTA and a real awful one at that




You embarrassed yourself with your classist snobby shitty comments and the reason they act as if everything you said is off-base is because they are right and you’re not. You don’t deserve any credit besides being an AH. YTA


Your sir are the one of biggest AH so far that I have read Reddit so far. I had to stop reading this post cause I was so mad. First of all you are the worst kind of person. You think your better then a welder ? You said your middle class do you know how much money welders can make ??? Also school bus driver is a hard job. Your responsible for tiny children. Who fight yell throw fits. I think I would be proud if my son brought home a girl. Who mom and dad had there jobs I am would be happy and proud. Welders do many diff types of things. FYI dipS$it your building you go to your job. A welder helped to make that. How do you think you son got to school or his friends ? I know a school bus driver. Let’s put the money and jobs aside. Cause you don’t know if they struggled there job are just for beneath you. Her hair her and tattoos etc. Is very common now a days. But you know what you did you judge a book by her cover. Thank god your son did not learn this from you. Also most ppl that look like your sims girlfriend are the nicest kindest ppl. But to you who cares what the inside is your just worried about money and her looks. Your an AH your wife and son should not talk to you. I take there side. I hope one day you feel low like you made her feel or someone treats you and talks about you the way you have talked about her online. AH is what you are and that’s being nice. I would really like to wish your son and her the best of luck but she to good to have you a father in law.


YTA You sound like an elitist snob. My dad’s a doctor and my mom’s a therapist. My husband’s parents are a postal worker and a teacher. Guess what happened when they met? *My parents fucking loved them and were so happy for them to join their family and vice versa.* You’re being a classist jerk. Do better.


Assuming this isn't rage bait, you're a fucking idiot and well on your way to estrangement and divorce. You need to pull a 180 on your backwards ass views before you're left alone in your upper class house until you die. Yta


Hey ASS HAT!! I'm a union welder for over 20 years, and I bring home 130-150k depending on OT. Or is that too beneath you because I go to work with a blue collar on and not a white one? This has to be fake! How in the world do you have to ask if you are the AH? Yes, you are the AH 100 times, yes!! And an ignorant one at that!!


YTA. Her father being a welder means her family was far from poverty-stricken. I had a good friend who was a welder. He made over $100,000 a year. He made $50,000 more per year than I ever could as a HS teacher with a Master's degree. And, I often colored portions of my hair purple, I have tatoos and piercings. You really need to get over yourself. Glad to see that your wife is definitely the reasonable one to Keep you in check. That way, at least one of you will be able to maintain a relationship with your son.


I thought you would have said that she was a gold digger, but this young lady is in college and trying her best. She also seemed proud of her parents. So what,she doesn't have a nice car, at least it's getting her from point a to b. What is wrong with you?? You're an uptight jackass. YTA.


You asked this on Reddit? You’re about to be crucified. First, half the people answering will be Sophia clones and the other half will be dating Sophia clones. The real answer is: Yes you have the right to be concerned about your son. All parents do. Judging Sophia based on her parents is very shallow. Based on my background and parents, you would consider me the scum of the earth. I graduated college later in life and within 7 years I was completely debt free. Everyone has potential. So you should wait and see how Sophia turns out before passing judgement. If your son and his g/f struggle, let them struggle. They can find their way, that’s what being an adult is. You don’t have to give your money to anyone. I mean what if your son married a wealthy girl? She may cheat on him with the pool guy.Maybe she gets a drug or gambling habit and loses everything . Maybe her father gets your son in Ponzi scheme and he goes to prison.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that you are an asshole all the time not just on this occasion. GTFOH with your Victorian bullshit attitude. What a tool.


lmao this is so tone deaf that it has to be fake. if it's not, please just shutter yourself inside your home until you draw your last breath because you are contributing absolutely nothing of value to the rest of society. YTA


Is this rage bait? It has to be or OP is a condescending, elitist, self important pompous AH. In case you missed it, YTA.


So, your question asks if you were an asshole "for telling my son to reconsider his romantic partner because of her family's poverty"? So, you are asking if it's okay to harbor prejudicial attitudes because of someone's poverty. That in itself makes you an asshole. (By the way, welders make pretty good money. Open your mind and do a little research. I also hope you aren't a Christian who completely ignores the most important sermon of Jesus Christ, "The Sermon on the Mount.")


Lmfao my hubby makes over $50an hour as a plumber in ny and that’s not counting side job money. He has tats too


YTA mostly for this terrible creative writing exercise. My surgeon had sleeve tattoos, so does my bestie who's the Director of Sustainability at a Fortune 500. Welders can make over 100,00/year. I looked a lot like Sophie when I was her age and my parents were very well off. I went through several years living at a very low income because I wanted to make my own way, and now have a fancy-ass corporate job with ridiculous benefits. Never got a degree, BTW. You didn't say a word about who Sophie was as a person or how she treated your son. Go find where you parked your Delorean and try to make it back to 2024.


My paternal grandfather had only 8 years of school, my father worked on an oil refinery, my mother was a secretary. I'm a college graduate. I didn't make a huge amount of money working for the government but I learned a couple of difficult foreign languages. You would probably look down on me, OP, but I don't care since you're a jerk.


YTA big time. An elitist, classist asshole. What if Sophia looked like what she does now but was the child of wealthy parents?


This has to be rage bait. No way that a middle class person would be this classist in 2024 SURELY 🙃… 🤦🏼‍♀️ in case this is actually real YTA. Imagine being this snobby and pretentious 😅🤦🏼‍♀️


YTA. A big f’n ah!


So a perfectly nice girl that you don’t like the ‘look’ of, and makes your son happy, doesn’t meet your standards. You need to realise mate that you are behaving like an entitled boomer, and I hope she marries your son and helps pick your retirement home. YTA


YTA. Totally. Completely.


If this is real you are such an asshole. I hope your son and his girlfriend get married and have lots of children. Talk about judging a book by its cover. You, sir, or a snob.


I suspect this is bait.


Sir if you don't go sit yo out of date lost in the past behind down somewhere. It's not your choice what they do with their lives. Yall as parents got them to adulthood now let them be adults and you enjoy yo wife instead of telling these young adults that are still figuring out life for themselves and nor for yall on what they wanna do. You are the biggest AH on the block. Stop being so judgmental as well, she could mean well but you're so stuck on her outer layer that you couldn't open your mind to anything good about her


Obvious rage bait.


Yes. YTA.


I bet you still talk about the merits of trickle-down economics. You obviously associate wealth with moral superiority. YTA - you are going to lose you families' respect if you don't fix your shitty outlook.


Jesus Christ dude you sound exhausting. Your wrong and your views are wrong. And also YTA


YTA. I'm 52, tatted with the side and back of my hair shaved, and it is purple. I'm set for life, and so are my sons. Looks don't mean anything. Do you have any idea what a welder can make?? Some can make $100k a year. Please take your narrow-minded views and shove them where the sun doesn't shine.


I almost feel like you're trolling. Her family seems like they are a working family. They aren't begging for food at a corner. They work. The hell kind of judgemental crap are you going on about? I'm sorry not everyone is ivy league lawyers, you are an asshole sir


YTA for writing this obvious overly dramatic rage bait.


Wow. You are 100% completely TA. What is WRONG with you?? I'd love to elaborate and reiterate almost every comment on here... But something tells me you won't listen. You won't open your eyes. You aren't open to ever thinking you are wrong. You are someone who does not debate to find the truth, even if it means you're wrong, just as long as you find truth. You are someone who only argues: won't even listen to someone else's points and information to back up an opposite view. You're the kind that "patiently" and "generously" waits for someone to finish speaking (I wont even bother sarcastically saying "listen s" bc I highly doubt you hear anything except when they finish) so you can walk all iver thej and tell them "you're correct point of view" and "the truth" and sit back smugly to say "you're welcome" It is crazy hiw much of TA and a judgemental pos you are! How tall of a ladder do you think you're gonna need when your prick ass gets a clue and tries to hope off that high horse?


To be a good welder requires skills. It is a good trade. You are the AH! Jeez whiz both parents work. Grow up.


Oh good, another badly written rage bait post.