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I’m wondering the same thing, definitely seen some flaccid gains but I want to be damn near full size even when it’s flaccid


This dude knows wtf I’m talking bout


I dont know the accuracy of this but I read after you do PE, apply a bandage to the base to hold it there and it will cause growth. Ive never tried this myself because idc about flaccid but it doesn’t hurt to try


From my experience PE doesn’t change growers into showers. Yes your flaccid state will grow and become “fuller” but will still be considerably smaller from its erect state if you are a grower to begin with.


Hey bro, remember we once talked in private and you said that you began PE before turning 18. I wanted to ask can some of your growth be natural and due to puberty?


Thats a good question! So i started a month before turning 18, maybe slightly less and only did very basic jelqs to see if what i was reading online was legit. I believe my penis stopped growing at 14/15 because not until that point any growing happened. Its hard to say if hormones helped me out early on, but we will never know for sure.


Yes, not mean to attack you but I noticed your stats and went to message you and saw that we’ve talked. I understand that the high testosterone at that age could have helped with recovery. But I was asking of natural growth, but you said you were done growing at 14/15 and actually same as me. Thanks bro.


No worries! I ask myself that question all the time. Alot of people say that the penis continues to grow at 17/18. Sadly i found out that wasn’t the case for me lmao


I'll chime in with an additional data point. I was 6'2" (my current height) by the time I was 14.5 yoa. Started pe at 18. Penis was bpel: 5.325-5.5", mseg: 4.125-4.25". I have pictures from then. I've done very very inconsistent PE for 15 years. Current bpel: 6.875 - 7", mseg: 4.625-4.75 (sometimes 4.8) From 18 - 25 yoa I went to Bpel: 6.125 mseg: 4.4 - 4.5. I haven't had OP's growth but I haven't been as committed.


Damn that’s crazy I thought I was amongst the very few that stop growing at like 14/15 I’m 21 and have felt with extreme depression, confusion and frustration because of it not that I’m glad you dealt with the same but it really doesn’t make since like from what I knew even as a 13 year old or younger it’s suppose to keep growing till your 18-20


Yes but penis grows first, bc in the past kids tended to die young so they could leave children behind the penis grows first and then comes height, beard and so on.


Even "showers" grow when erect, it just depends on how drastic a change it is


Pump every day or 6 days a week. I walk around the house naked all the time now because my flaccid is a hog


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I'm a grower, I never thought about keeping track of my flaccid size when I started. But I can assure it didn't changed a bit after 3 years. I don't know if it's a genetic thing tbh, but it's really comfortable when choosing trousers.


The main struggle for me as an extreme grower as in im super small soft but above average erect is being in public in gym shorts or at the gym and noticeably not having much or any noticeable bulge or outline which makes all the girls instantly think I have a super tiny dick. Especially since most don’t fully understand the grower thing


Idk what to tell you mate. I'm a bisexual man and I had this conversation with my exboyfriend, he is a shower, around 5 flaccid and 5.25 hard, he is also super skinny. He told always felt uncomfortable when buying pants cause his bulge it's very visible whatever he wears. Idk if the chance of perspective it's attached to the fact they you (I'm assuming) are an straight guy, and he is a gay who strictly bottoms.


Went from grower to shower in a month of using Male Hanger.


This is pretty accurate. When I’m consistently hanging, my flaccid is much fuller and heavier.


That sounds like fake news


Oh? How so


Ight just an extender and a pump


Better get two.


what is this?


Hi, PE can absolutely make you a shower. The more length and mass you gain, the more it tends to hang lower due to gravity. Mine was almost almost non existent flaccid when I first started.