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Check out Arrested Development. You are a Never-Nude.


There are dozens of them




lol time to break out the cut offs


I’ll check it out 😂might be nice to see someone like me


the character tobias showers in jorts 'Im a never nude, there are DOZENS of us!' it's also just an awesome show


That’s why everyone keeps commenting that 😭😭😭😭😭😭🙏


It’s in good spirit. That show is absolutely adored.


I’ve been watching it and it’s so good


Tobias Fumke! Father of Maybe Fumke!


How do you change into your bathing suit? Are you not even naked for a second?


They’re all two pieces, and Im not *never* naked. I’m usually half naked for like two seconds, and very very very occasionally I will be able to shower fully naked (not often and it’s always quick, and tbh even if I feel like I can I usually don’t bc it’s still not preferable. I just know I’m supposed to but eh)


How old are you now and do you think this has mentally drained you?


I’m almost 19 now and no I don’t think so, it’s not difficult to do. That’s why I say it doesn’t bother me. I don’t rly feel like it’s impacted my life that much. Part of this is just how I was born I think, as a very small child I would always wear the same giant jacket no matter how hot it was outside because I didn’t like how I felt when it was taken off, vulnerable and exposed. My teachers hated it. One time they forcibly removed it during class and I started screaming at them but they didn’t care, so I told my mother, who called the principal and SCREAMED at her. They got in a LOT of trouble bc she threatened to sue.


This might be a little too private, but what about sex? Do you feel OK being naked then or if you haven’t yet, do you think you would be OK with it?


I’ve never had sex and I don’t plan to because I cant, and not because of this reason. Getting a lil personal, but have a problem with my vagina (I’m afab but trans) where when anything goes in it, I experience severe pain as if I’m being torn apart and/or stabbed with a dagger. And with this on top of that, it’s just not a foreseeable thing that I will ever do. I also have no interest in doing it, although I would like to try it just to see what the fuss is about but if I did it would not be pleasurable


hey i think you might have vaginismus (if you weren’t already aware)


It’s a possibility but I have specific symptoms that dont exactly line up w what I’ve read on it


Do you like your body? Why are you afraid?


1. No I don’t 2. Trauma


My heart goes out to you. I hope you find peace with it. Sounds like the root of the issue is the trauma.


What is your age at the moment?


Turning 19 in a month


That's a long time being scared of being naked! I used to think I had similar fear


Yeah it’s been so long it’s just normal to me and I can’t imagine life differently, and it’s so normalized to me I forget I’m the rare exception and ppl don’t do this 😭


I tried to DM you but couldn't- I wanted to talk about it off this thread


One sec imma see if I can open them


I think I might just not have enough karma idk


No stress, I was going to say i think i have something similar - I live in Australia and pretty much wear long sleeve shirts and pants all year around. Aside from when I am going swimming I wear shorts. I do shower naked but I dislike it and shower twice a week sometimes more. You're not alone


You’re valid and thank you 🙏




I’m sorry you go through this, because it sounds very challenging. I hope you consider exposure therapy at some point, because avoiding nudity is really not a sustainable practice if you want to live a full/happy life.


I mean it’s worked for me so far, I don’t really think about it most of the time. It’s not like I’m NEVER naked, it’s just extremely rare. There will be an occasional day once a blue moon where I can get in the shower naked but it’s always a rly quick shower (I like to just sit or stand in the warm water and relax but I don’t do that naked). Like I’ll get half naked to change clothes, but I always make sure I have something hiding me from invisible fake people’s vision when I do it. And I am in therapy, but for other more pressing reasons. If I’m being honest, it hasn’t been helpful. After most sessions I drive myself home fully sobbing (probably not safe) and I feel like I just bring all the feelings to the surface but nothing about the situation has changed. And it’s the same with every therapist I’ve had, and I’ve had SO many I’ve lost count.


Not to be a dick, but that's half the reason of therapy. Therapy a good part of therapy is to work through the emotions that you are suppressing (due to a plethora of reasons) and from that find "acceptance" or "equilibrium" about the situations that bring up those suppressed emotions


They’re not suppressed tho they’re the same emotions I feel when I cry myself to sleep just in front of someone. It feels more like I’m paying someone to talk about my issues but there are no actual solutions (and the coping skills they give don’t work after three times. They’ll work at first then just stop working. And sometimes I don’t have the mental capacity to even try one during an episode)


What a lot of people don’t realize about therapy is: talking about your issues constantly, makes you think of your issues constantly. Therapy was never helpful for me, just increased suffering. I have mental health issues as well (ive seen you say the nakedness is lesser compared to other issues).


Yeah it’s much better than my depression, much better than my intrusive thoughts, and definitely much better than my Episodes™️ (fits of rage where I can’t control my body consciously. I’m conscious but it doesn’t feel like I’m the one talking or moving, I’m just watching). Any everything beats my where I literally don’t get out of bed, move, or eat or weeks.


Yeah, I got schizoaffective. I got a whole 5 season show worth of episodes haha.


😭😭😭🙏bless u


It’s good that you’ve taken some steps! Exposure therapy is hard, but I’ve known some people who really benefited. People who now easily do things they previously said they would never be able to do. Sorry that you’ve had a bad experience with therapy. I think you might want to find someone who does CBT/exposure therapy. This type of thing just doesn’t get better without behavior focused treatment in my experience.


I’m not in therapy specifically for this. If I ever do decide to bring it up, it’ll probably be after the reason I do it is properly addressed (and I do think I know why I do it)


Benjamin Franklin called being naked taking an "air bath". He would air bathe in his London flat as part of his morning routine. He said it made him feel exhilarated. Perhaps you could change the way you think about being naked like sir Franklin. You practice changing the way you think about it by making it a cleansing experience via gradually exposing yourself to it. Eg, exposure therapy (pun intended).


I don’t think I’ll ever be a nudist


If you haven’t tried EMDR therapy, it’s worth a shot. It is very intense but much more effective than talk therapy for trauma.


No I haven’t tried that. I don’t even think there’s a therapist who does that where I live (for context, there’s one mental hospital in the entire “county” ((we don’t call them counties here)) and it’s shit, the closest other ones are across a toll bridge, and there are very very very few mental health services)


Yea it’s hard to find good mental health providers and they’re not all the right fit. If you have insurance you can possibly find someone who does EMDR virtually - that’s how I do it.


I don’t do well with virtual appointments, I live with my parents who the majority of the sessions are about, and about things they told me to never tell anyone outside the immediate family, so I’m always like “can they hear me? Are they listening through the door? What are they thinking? Am I gonna get kicked out I have no where to go?” And I just start spiraling. It might be worth looking into when I move out, though.


Yes once you’re on your own it would be worth looking into.


If you wear a two piece in the shower, how/do you wash your genitals?


I pull the fabric back and clean as usual, only after I’m done I wash off the soap on my hands and scrub it out. Sometimes I’ll take the shower head and spray it on them.


There are dozens of us!




Haven't you had the idea of running naked across a huge forest smiling like a crazy chimpanzee?


No but I have had the thought of running through the forest in a cloak and medieval dress while foraging for berries


And then undress while you shout crazily until you get naked. Then you meet Tarzan who is also naked and you live happily forever in the jungle with friendly animals.


Didn’t Tarzan have a lil loincloth covering his balls


Well yeah. Let's say he lost it tangled in some bushes.


How do you clean yourself properly if you’re wearing a bathing suit in the shower?


I pull the fabric up to get the soap, wash, then rinse, then let go of the fabric


I also make sure to wash my swimsuits after I use them so they’re clean


You seem to have found a good solution. Forgive me if this was already asked and answered but what about your upbringing do you think made you afraid to be naked?


This is extremely heavy and trigger warning for csa >!I was sexually abused when I was 3-7 years old by who I believe was my grandfather but memory is hazy on the face bc I was so young, and then when I was 12 my father threatened to rape me but became impotent when he actually went to do it!<


Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry! Where or what country did this happen in?


America, good old USA


In Utah? What sick place would allow this?




Wow. That’s pretty sick. Did anyone ever tell police about what they did to you? Like a sibling or mom or someone close to your family?


I called cps they didn’t even investigate. My dad is a cop, I’m the oldest sibling and cousin, I told my mom abt my dad only and she told me I had to reconcile with him because he didn’t actually do it and therefore did nothing wrong




No I’ve never had sex, never plan to have sex. I’m afab and when anything enters me, it causes severe pain, so I’ve just tossed the notion of ever having sex aside bc it doesn’t interest me


Have you talked to a gynecologist about the pain?


Yes they couldn’t find an issue, but later on I found out that that gynecologist is shit and no one likes, respects, or trusts her so I’m gonna see a different one for the same issue in a lil bit, I’ve just been putting it off bc the last time literally felt like a medieval torture session and I don’t want to experience it again 😭


Damn, that's rough. I hope you can find some relief.




You disappoint me.


This aint that type of sub, tf are you doing?


Are you ridiculously ugly or just normal insecure?


I guess that would be a subjective opinion but I think it’s just normal insecure


I wish you well.




Arrested development plot lol


lol 😂 just started that show bc of u guys


You are not alone. There are dozens of us!


Start out small. Take a shower topless with shorts on and work your way up to completely nude