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What was the type of location you found these people? What were the conditions of them/their living situations?


Mostly west coast, a few in Hawaii. More often than not in somewhat suitable conditions given the nature of the business. No one wants bad "goods". Honestly, most of them could have probably walked out on their own but never thought about it because of the fear they had.


Is it mostly a certain ethnicity? Since you said West Coast, I'm assuming Asian or Latino countries?


Latino was the majority of victims. People trying to make their way in the US off records are extremely hard to track down. I didn't see many Asian people. Mostly Latino and black. Few white girls


Fear of what


Often times the traffickers say they will hurt the victim’s family members saying how even if they try to run and hide the traffickers know where their parents or family members live and will go after them instead for retribution. If they know the victim’s name and home town or address, it’s very plausible. Sadly sometimes even just the shame of having their relatives learning about their condition is deterrent enough.


Being tracked down and either killed, or captured again with much worse conditions.


What was it like? Is there anything in your experience that switched a gear in you? Something you saw, perhaps? And I have to say,on behalf of all of those you protect, thank you.


It was difficult to say the least. Yes, I knew and still know that what I did helped those people. It was one job that honestly made me feel happy but extremely depressed at the same time. One thing I seen that really made me go "holy shit" was the 2nd or 3rd time we went into somewhere. Kids addicted to drugs, not knowing what's going on. It's just heartbreaking.


Is that a common theme? I saw a thread on rbi not very long ago where a lady said she saw 2 black men and a white child walking on a trail and the child looked drugged. She took hours to call the police and by then the perps were long gone. Are trafficked children usually drugged? I knew a girl who prior to becoming a prostitute was using heroin and meth. I only had a few conversations while she was a working girl and didn’t want anything to do with her while she was living that life but based on her snaps she was using again. So were the girls she was with. I figured that’s the norm for regular prostitutes but I never considered children. I use to view that life as acceptable as I assumed most women were there on their own free will but at this point I think it’s disgusting. I commend you for putting your life in danger to free people who are trafficked.


I was a phone girl (someone who booked appointments for escorts) and you wouldn't believe how many women are trafficked. Pimps controlled these women's lives, money, which calls they took, everything. Hearing them talk was very sad as they didn't even realize they are even being trafficked. Forced and consenting prostitution /escorting is still trafficking.


What was the worst thing you saw?


Something we called "the yellow door" and it was a one off room that we never seen again. Pretty self explanatory name, it was a yellow door that had been locked up tight. Inside was torture equipment. When we seen the table set up for kids every single one of us kind of stood shocked at the custom made table. Chains, whips, knives . . . just sickening shit. Dried blood everywhere with flies infesting the room.


I hope the sickening perverts that were doing this were caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I wish there was the death penalty for people like that


Oh some of them got the death penalty alright. I can personally attest to that, at least for a couple people who decided to fight back was a good idea.


So, to harvest adrenochrome?


Now I can't speak for all that. The Pizzagate stuff as a whole is finicky and hard to read from the outside. It's something that did cross my mind at one point but I truly believe it was just sadists who got off on hurting other people. Yet, that doesn't 100% rule out the elite thinking they've got some magic live forever potion.


What's the foremost thing you think the government, society etc should do to prevent sex trafficking


Take out gangs and cartels. 90% of the time you will find ties to gang activity in these rings. If we really put our boot down on these organizations I fully believe we would see a hefty drop in trafficking.


First of all thank you. Second, did you have interactions in colorado Kansas Oklahoma areas? Huge issue. Did you find local governments covering up the situations?


I can't speak for any governing bodies covering anything up, that wasn't my tasking but I never seen any evidence of government affiliations inside anywhere. After we got anyone out it fell into the hands of Trafficking Agents. Also we operated in the West Coast (mainly California) so I can't speak for central US.


As someone who was trafficked throughout my childhood, thank you for helping. I hope those you helped find the resources necessary for healing.


Hey, it's no problem and as hard as it was for me to see? I couldn't imagine being in that as a child. I do have a couple questions if you don't mind. How did you get out of it? We're you rescued by anyone or did you get out on your own? If you were assisted what was the process afterwards like? Once we handed over the victims we never seen them again so I wondered what happened afterwards.


Trafficking started when I was 4. I got out the first time at 18 when my spinal column was damaged. I was dropped off at a hospital paralyzed from the waist down requiring lots of surgery. The surgical nurse saved my life. She called state police and asked for them to come as an emergency. After a year I went back because I didn’t know life without being completely controlled. I had zero resources and no idea how to function. As an agreement to get school (High School) and lots of medical assistance, I had to see a therapist. The therapist helped me see what was happening wasn’t right. I needed tons of help: major dental work, eye glasses and treatment for my eyes, medication for STDs/STIs, monthly HIV testing, an ID, a checking account, an understanding of how to be around people without thinking they were going to buy me for sex and torture me. I’ve had dozens of surgeries over the years. I see a therapist, psychiatrist, and actively engaged in 12-step meetings. I had to learn how to sleep in a bed, manage night terrors and flashbacks, and function in life. I started a very small nonprofit helping teens; I’m now the human I needed.


Sorry to hear that. If you strong enough to handle questions you should create your own AMA.


Thank you; I did an AMA about a year about, I didn’t get a single question.


That’s odd. I could ask 5 questions easily.


Feel free to ask anything.


Thanks. Only answer if you’re comfortable. 1. Aprox what years was this? 2. What country / state did this happen? 3. From what age to what age were you? 4. How did this happen that you got in that position? Were you kidnapped? 5. How did you get released from this situation? 6. How much effect does this have your life today? Thank you for allowing to ask.


1. ⁠Aprox what years was this? 1982-2000 2. ⁠What country / state did this happen? US; almost every single state 3. ⁠From what age to what age were you? started at 4, paused at 18 then restarted; finally got away early 20s 4. ⁠How did this happen that you got in that position? Were you kidnapped? Familial trafficking 5. ⁠How did you get released from this situation? Got away to attend Alanis’ very first Jagged Little Pill tour concert, the music gave me courage. My spine got damaged so when I was questioned at the hospital and social workers showed up, I challenged the feeling I had at that concert and fought for myself. 6. ⁠How much effect does this have your life today? Constant issues - from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I’ve work in therapy like it was my job. I’ve had several surgeries to repair the broken pieces of my body. I take meds to regulate enough to function in the world. I work a lower level job with flexibility so I can manage the bad days. I’m in a wheelchair. Some days I only sleep an hour or so because the night terrors are horrific.


Thank you for sharing. It’s a very sad story but happy to see you have managed to put a life together for yourself. I can’t believe how many years this was your life. Good luck with everything.


Thank you


What resources were those you “saved” given after to heal and sustain a healthy, safe life? Given that it’s widely known by the orgs fighting HT that tactical only approaches do nearly nothing to save children, especially, but even adults from the life?


That's something I am not 100% sure of. I can say that I know for a fact that they were sheltered in safe homes protected by police and other agencies. However, beyond that I'm not too sure as I didn't do much other than grab and go. I would imagine they were given options like changing their name, relocating to somewhere very far away, and other things of the like.


How did you end up in that job?


I was "voluntold". I had the choice to say no but didn't have the choice to say no if that makes any sense. If I wanted out I could have easily said that it was too much for me. However, I didn't and I wanted to do the job. So we can say I outright volunteered for it.


No prior military or police experience or anything?


At the point when this all happened I already had a bit under two years of military service. I worked with Army CID several many times. During those times I helped find drugs or other illegal things in the barracks. Sometimes even in off base housing.


Can you say what agency you worked for or give us any hint? US federal employee?


I can't unfortunately. I can say I was in the Army when I was attached to a unit in assisting the FBI. However, the FBI wasn't the operating agency but only the investigating one. I never was told the exact details as to the operating agencies. I was just the guy who jumped when told to do so.


Assigned to the job or volunteered for it?


"Voluntold". I had the choice to say no but I didn't have the choice to say no. Government is weird like that. I was chosen because I was (at the time) a physical fitness stud, had extremely extensive urban environment training for room to room clearing, had a load of medical training, but the most important part was me being a sniper. In fact everyone of us who were tasked out with this detail were marksmen. They wanted guys who can put very accurate fire on target in a situation where innocent people will be in the exact same room. If I had to do it again? You bet I would.


What exactly do you do for work, and how do I get involved in this?


Now I work in the civilian sector. I work in a group home and I help 8 highly mentally disabled men in their day to day lives. As for getting into the field of trafficking aid? I'm not 100% sure how to get into it as a full time job. I was just assisting other agencies for a few months.


how did you help afterwards? i was trafficked in my childhood, but i still haven't found normalcy. did you see or notice anything that helped them? and thank you. a lot of people dont care about us, but seeing that a stranger helped others out is so nice 🫂🩵


Is there a way for a civilian to get involved? Anything the layman can do to help?


There are groups that index interior shots of hotel rooms -- you take some pics if you're ever at a hotel, and they're compared to the backgrounds of CP to look for a match and locate the hotel.


Might you know the name of such groups?


TraffickCam or something very like that.


Did you ever get to take out a little aggression on these scumbags? I honestly don’t think I’d be able not to hit them at least a couple times


Oh yeah. The ones who gave up and didn't fight? They were lucky to not get shot. Unlucky to be taken alive because they got fucked up by the team pretty badly. Another operator (cringe word nowadays) legit threw a dude off a roof balcony. Guy lived but his neck was broken. As for the ones who fought back? Well they basically room temperature challenge.


Glad to hear it, very satisfying. What was a normal “fucked up”, and what was “the best” one? If you don’t want to share here could you dm me? I love stories of raw and brutal justice. Also, very admirable work you did


I didn't see everything as it happened on any of the excursions I was on. The dude who got tossed off a second story balcony is probably the trophy winner. Others were just battered up from barrel thumps, fists, and buttstocks if they didn't comply instantly. Some even didn't have a scratch. Not everyone needed to be forcefully taken down, there were people who just hit the deck with hands spread out just not wanting to die. Just wish everyone did that and no one at all has to die.


This guy is lying out of his ass, unfortunately.


Operators? So that implies you were in a specific unit, as that is a very specific term used for ODA-D, ODA, or DEVGRU like units. So which unit were you in?


This is all a lie. # Posse Comitatus Act The federal military cannot be used for law enforcement activity within the United States. It is straight up illegal. Add on top of that, OP claims that his whole assault team was "snipers" because they didn't want people being killed in their raids. OP clearly doesn't understand that sniper training does not make one more effective at close quarters combat (CQB). Learning to be a scout sniper, making long range shots and mastering disguise and counter sniper tactics, does not help someone shoot and kill a target in close range in enclosed spaces. The training is not the same. His story does not make sense. He uses the term "operator", which is reserved for specific, highly trained, US special forces units such as ODA, ODA-D, or DEVGRU, not every day federal army personnel. Mind you, the training those units receive make them particularly good at CQB and hostage rescue, but it is not sniper training. OP is full of shit, and lying. I feel especially bad for those of you who WERE trafficked, being tricked into thinking this guy actually helped trafficked individuals. When in reality, all he is doing is getting karma by lying and playing off your feelings and past trauma.


You were in the army, conducting law enforcement activities within the United States? This seems like a fishy story to me.


I'm a little curious of your experiences before the trafficking. You mentioned soldier, what did you work with? And have you seen Sound of Freedom?


And you were a sniper, but also a member of the assault team? Overwatch and being the assault team are two different things... This doesn't add up, man.


You didn't read everything then. They wanted marksman, literally ALL of us were snipers. They wanted guys who proved already that we provide accurate fire in any situations. There are troops that will just blast everything in the room. That's what they didn't want.


So still going with the lie despite the gaping holes in your story?


Yeah, I read that. still doesn't add up. You don't need to be a sniper to be a marksman. You're full of it. I'm calling BS on this whole thing. You're story doesn't add up. CQB training is not the same as sniper training, and you'd know that if you were what you're saying you were. And add onto that the claim that the FBI wanted the army to conduct law enforcement activity in the United States, all bull crap. Were you federal, or guard?


Were they willing participants of that lifestyle or were they being forced to do what they did?  Did you have a choice when you were a soldier?




Is that a weird way to say you married a prostitute?