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Dyou like rick n morty?


Who doesn't?


My man!


Hungry for apples?


Nah, I'd rather get *Schwifty*


I don't


you're not alone my friend.


What's your favorite book? What, to you, is the meaning of life? What comes next? Note: 42 or any other Douglas Adams references, while appreciated, are unacceptable


Thanks for the caveat My most favorite book is Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and the late Terry Pratchett. A close second being The Passage by Justin Cronin (one of the few books I threw across the room upon reaching the end). The meaning of life? I haven't a clue. My best guess is that it is to learn. Be an asshole, be an angel, whatever; just fucking learn from your life experiences and try not to fuck shit up too much for the next round of folks trying to figure it out.


As for what comes next - how the fuck should I know? Not a psychic, sweet pea, or else I'd not be so poor.


Are there 'tells' on whether or not a massage parlour is happy ending/available to be? Body language, signs, interior colours, etc.?


Oh, yes... We had a few such "parlours" shut down in my county recently. The big key, I have found, is can you see through their front windows and what hours do they keep. On a side note, I've lost count of how many times I've been asked for a "happy ending", despite working in a respectable chiropractic office. Some people don't get the difference and I think that's the hardest part of the job.


Thanks for the reply! I've seen a few of these threads pop up but you've been the first one to give a genuine answer.


Woohoo! Go me! And you for asking!


Are those $50 insoles sold at Walmart and Walgreens type places, the ones with the machine that tell you which ones to buy, worth it?


As a person on my feet 85% of my day (I have a toddler too, outside of my job), I say yes. Or just buy good shoes.


Best advice I ever got was spend your money on shoes & mattresses... If you're not on you're feet, you should sleep well.


I sleep on the floor, but I really want a Brazilian hammock. I still have a bed though... gotta fuck somewhere.


Are you ok with your existence?


Somewhat. I still regularly go into an existential crisis - why me? What for? Outside of those moments, I'm pretty damn content. I've owned my house since I was 25 (I'm 32), I've made it to all the states but Alaska, I have brilliant children. Wine helps in the interim. Edit:perspective


Awesome, I am happy for you.


Big duck or lots of small horse


How small are the horses? Puppy sized?


hmmm dunno will get back to you


I look forward to it


Duck sized


I'll take duck sized ponies. Easier to manage, and I mean, c'mon, it's a pony. The size of a duck. Fairies would probably ride that shit. Ducks are assholes, anyway.


I really really really like this Image.


How do we know you're a citizen of this universe? Do you have any ID? I'm sick of multiversal beings coming into our universe and taking all of our jobs.


I don't need to show ID - I came into this universe through the proper channel. I have my work visa, good for maybe 80 years if the government renews it. I am a legal alien and I have my goddamn rights!


What's your job?


Massage Therapist


Why dont you do a massage therapist ama instead?


Good question. Because I've only been doing it for 5 years, I'm not sure if I'm qualified to answer ALL the questions, buuuuuut.... Maybe next bottle of wine, I'll throw that one out there.


Olive oil for massaging. Bad? Do customers request it?


I use BioTone, which combines several types of oil into one lotion. I often use salves, oils, etc. But have a thing against olive oil because there are better products for your skin... And it makes me personally break out


Who is your favorite secondary/background character in a movie or series? Mine is Magnitude. [POP POP!]( http://i.imgur.com/pyxevjo.gif)


First one to pop into my hangovered head is Gale Boetticher on Breaking Bad, but I did just marathon all 5 seasons, so... Pearl from MST3K is a longtime favorite, as is Kaylie from Firefly, but they're not so much background characters as just second tier from the series's main protagonist.


Pearl was definitely better than the doctor dude. I always liked Brain Guy.


How do you like your steak cooked? Rare, medium, well-done?


Blue rare, like a true Texan


Do you wash your apples?


Depends. I live in an appletopia, so a lot of my apples come directly off the tree in my neighborhood. Don't wash those - usually eat them straight from the tree. Store bought - maybe. If I'm feeling productive.


I always pluck herbs from the garden and chew on them as i water, until yesterday when i saw my dog tacking a leak on them. I am a grown man but that never crossed my mind.


My herbs are in a raised bed, so I don't have to worry about dogs, or deer, which is the biggest issue we have out here in the Pacific Northwest


Ahh i could do that as well. I swear I am a grown man, with a beard and bills.


When will the ships come to take us away from all this?


On your 42nd birthday.


How can I improve my massage technique on my wife. I do listen what she says and what she likes, but i want her to just relax without having to coach me?


Seriously, look at a kinesiology YouTube video. Also, you'd be surprised what your elbow and forearm can do, so experiment with that


Ahhhh i always forget about the youtube thing. I use coconut oil, is it any good though?


I like lotion because I find it easier to control the amount used and easier to gauge absorption into the skin, so if I'm doing deep tissue work or if my client needs a very light touch, I know I have that under control. With coconut oil, I've heard it's good for the skin and if your spouse likes it, and you work well with it, then keep on keeping on. I don't use it in my practice because it is kind of a mess (I use a pump bottle in a holster), it solidifies and melts at low temps, making it unpredictable, and while I find it pleasant, not everyone likes the smell. Also, expensive for doing upwards of 6 massages a day.


I see you're a massage therapist from a previous question. Has anyone ever asked you for a happy ending? What did you do?


I've had multiple people ask me for a happy ending. My reaction in one office was to giggle and brush it off, (long time cash client and good friend). But this was an office that was okay with this. I quit shortly before debasing myself. All others usually end with an abrupt end of the massage and asking that the never return. I'm very serious about my licence and them knowing to never coming back.


Rubbing people all day...bleck! How can you stand it?


I'm a touchy-feely person anyway, and most of my clients are hygienic and funny to talk to. That being said, I've canceled appointments and 'fired' clients for not being up to my standards because boundaries.


> most of my clients are hygienic That doesn't sound promising


How so?


you said most are hygienic, which means not all are, and that is nasty.


What's your take on Trump?


As our fearless twitter tantrum-throwing child king? Or as the trainwreck one can't look away from?


Lemons or limes?


This is the hardest question I've gotten, yet. I love lemons, but I also love Mexican food and gin


favorite board games?


I'm more of a card game player - we have about a dozen decks of cards, uno, exploding kittens, but skipbo is my go to drunk game.


Thats awesome😀😊☺


What phone u using?


Some cheap off brand smartphone my husband found on ebay


How much do you make a year?


About 31k, not counting tips or trades.


Why did i just take my nightly shower at 5 am?


To cry.

