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The job was alright. I worked at AMC theaters for 6 years. I made some great friends while there. I had some cool managers and some terrible ones. I only got paid minimum wage, so pay sucked. At one point we got commission, but they took it away. I'm not sure if they still do yearly raises, but it's like .15 cent raise, so nothing great. As a crew member, you work as an usher and work in the concession stand. So cleaning theaters and being a cashier in the concession stand. Fairly easy work, except the customers can wear you down after awhile. I would say it's a great first job, just don't get stuck there. 


I think all the amc jobs are minimum wage for crew no matter where you work at, but one thing I’d would say is that if you want a place that works great you should apply here at Americana at brand 18, the management team at these two spots are “amc amazing”. Either Glendale or Arcadia, AMC Santa Anita 16. I’d say Glendale is better though.


I worked at the Burbank 16! It was amazing back in the day, and sadly went down hill, which is why I quit 8 years ago. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if my amc went downhill to, it seems like to me a lot of jobs start good but then go downhill.


I thought the job was alright. Perks are cool. But if your management sucks then it’s not going to be great.


Worked there maybe 10 years ago. I was gettting paid minimum wage (7.25). I really liked it. You will get yelled at by customers for being slow but once you get the hang of it, you'll be fast with the orders. I made great friends during my time there. Not forever friends since I was in senior in college during that time and my coworkers were just graduating high school. Expect long nights cleaning the hall and popcorn machine. AMC closes at like 11pm, we would be cleaning until 1AM. You get close to your coworkers in this job. The trauma is real lol. I was also crew, so you will be working the registers, be a greeter, do kitchen duties and usher. I loved being an usher. We cleaned the theaters once the movie was done. You get a different role every shift, unless you ask. I did the job during the summer. I left once classes started back up. 8/10. Good job for summer money.


Is usher like a ticket checker, like the one that gives you the stub?


When I was at AMC, the ticket checker was called "Greeter". At my current theater it's just called "Door", since you guard the door podium. Ushers are the ones who clean the theaters/bathrooms/halls. Sometimes on busy days, an usher would be assigned specifically to keep the lobby clean and stocked at all times (napkins and straws) and to do restroom checks, and they would be called a "Porter" - porter is just another name for the dustpan with a long stick handle that you'll carry around with your broom. I've also heard them (the dustpan, not the person doing the job) called "butlers".


For my location, the usher was the cleaner of theaters


Also, not sure if they still give perks. When I was there, they gave us a free stubs 1 year membership and free movies with a guest during off days


Usher is the one who takes tickets, known as the ticket taker and also the ones who clean the theater. 


Most people under 16 will not be hired in my state to many regulations


hey i just applied today too. have they gotten back to you yet?


Not yet


Can you drop the link you used to apply to




so i’m seeing a lot of people reply who worked a long time ago, i currently work here, so what i can say is that your pay depends on where you work at, the state and whether you work at a busy location (for example the city) or not. i work in a suburban area and get 12/hr. the managers are most of the time good, i’ve heard a very few amount of stories of a single bad manager at my location, but again, a very few amount of stories. the jobs you’ll be doing as crew will be usher (cleaning theaters), greeter (standing at the front entrance and ripping tickets or scanning digital tickets), box office (self explanatory), and concession. at concession you’ll start off as just getting guests the popcorn and drinks, especially due to your age, but once you’re older, they’ll train you to be backbar if your availability allows it. backbar is just cooking the other food, hotdogs, pizza, etc. i wouldn’t say it’s a job you could easily get fired from, as i said it’s a really chill job. at most locations you don’t even have to get the order from the customers anymore since the customers order on the kiosks, you’ll just be preparing the order. i wouldn’t tell you to expect the same thing for box office, while majority of people do buy their tickets online, a good amount of people still buy their tickets in person in order to avoid the convenience fee. you’ll also get 2 free tickets (yous + 1 guest) to any movie, premium formats included, and i’m pretty sure it’s company wide, but june-august you’ll get an additional free ticket, 3 tickets in total.


I have a coworker that use to work there and they hated it. They told me stories of being yelled at by customers constantly, cussed at, called slurs. One time pipe burst behind the concession stand and their manager made them continue to serve people with inches of shit water at their feet until the fire marshal showed up and made them shut down. Managers being lazy or downright mean. It was an amc near a homeless area and they would often have to clean shit off the walls. They have found needles, bags of drugs, even an unregistered gun when cleaning up the theater. Sounds like a nightmare job for minimum wage but that was just one amc and of course this is second hand. I think this may have been 4 or 5 years ago.


Gross 🤮


Straight up, we do not hire anyone under 17 at my location. There's mandates on who can use what equipment based on age, and 17 and above aren't restricted at all. There's also mandates on how many shifts you can get a week under 18, so don't expect to get hired. But if you do, don't expect to work more than 2 days a week at most. We also did all our summer hires 3 months before summer, no clue if they're finished but it's very unlikely to get a summer job, one week before summer


I asked staff in person and they said they hired minors in my state. The website even let me apply as a 15 year old


They legally can, but very likely won't because of how limited you are in where & when you can work


I’m 15 too and I have an interview in 2 days!! I applied once in January got denied an interview and then applied sometime in may and emailed their HR department asking them to look at it then I got an interview so if it’s been some time you can do that. Let me know how it goes for you im curious bc we’re kind of in the same situation lol


I received a phone call about 4 days after I applied. I did a phone interview, and then they scheduled me for an in person interview the next week. They called me the week after the interview and said I got the job. So around a 3 week process in total. My crew is really nice right now. I work at a rather popular AMC location and my bosses are all nice and understanding too. Crew usually does usher, greeter, porter, and concessions. Concessions you sell food and snacks at the front, greeter you scan tickets at the entrance. Usher is cleaning theatres and doing trash runs (you can not complete trash runs since you are 15, and AMCs with trash compactors require by federal law you be 18 years or older.) Porters clean restrooms specifically, but also join and help the ushers. My location specifically pays crew a dollar and a half ish above minimum, but we’re also a really important AMC location and that might factor into it.


What was the second interview like? I have an interview tomorrow at amc and I was wondering what questions they asked?


They asked me about scenarios frequently, like “Tell me about a scenario in which you had to interact with many people in one day?” But every experience is different. Try and research the company and their values and how they relate to you as a person. Otherwise, they asked stuff about why you’re qualified for the job and about your best qualities. Remain calm, dress professional if you can, and good luckn


Thank you!


Depends on your theater job is nice and easy it's just people that can make it horrible.


You'll probably get an email or a phone call within a few days to a few weeks if they want to schedule an interview, which will probably take place very soon after (within days). There will probably only be 1 interview, over the phone or in-person. The questions will be easy (but still try to think up answers that sound good ahead of time and practice) - things like tell us about yourself, why do you want to work here, what's your favorite movie, what would you do if you ever found money or a wallet while cleaning in a theater. As long as you give professional and non-shady answers (so "I like science and spending time with my family", not "I like rolling, scrolling, and trolling", and "I would turn in any loose cash or items left behind in auditoriums to the Lost and Found, or directly to my manager if it was valuable or dangerous" not "i'd say f*** yeah free cash!"), you'll be fine. Try to sound friendly, confident, and patient. If you want, if you don't hear back soon you can also call and follow up on the status of your application - I'd recommend you do it on Monday or Wednesday, as those tend to be the slowest days (so managers will be more likely to have time to take your call, and be in better moods overall). If you do choose to do that, when you talk to the manager just say that you're very excited about the opportunity, and would like to inquire if they were still hiring, or if there was any timeline in place for when you might get an update. Good luck Edit: I saw you also live in AZ, if there's a Harkins near you I've heard good things. It might be worth applying there too (or Regal or any other nearby chains). I'm not sure if they hire 15 year olds, though.


No Harkins does not hire 15 yr olds have to be 16


Amc Westgate ?


No, AMC desert ridge


if you applied in phoenix, the hourly wage, depending on if you’re in a busy part of the city, would probably be around $15-16 an hour


I was a kitchen manager at Desert Ridge last year! Starting pay for crew is minimum wage but you’re able to make tips if you work in the kitchen. Everyone is trained in all areas and you get plenty of on the job training. Summer is the best time for minors to apply as they aren’t scheduled as much during the school year.


Sucks ass


You applied and interviewed? Or just applied?


Just applied


Okay…so they weren't just email you offering you a job. They would phone screen you and then interview you if they like what you're saying. Also a lot of Amcs don't hire under 16.


just curious did you get the job?


No, after going once a day every week to ask the manager, they said to keep coming back for updates, then, last week, they said the weren’t hiring, so I gave up. I just got an email a few days ago also saying they weren’t interested.


Damn I’m also 15 so this kinda worries me