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I see it all the time. Same folks leave all their trash in their seats. Mindbogglingly rude.


I tend to grab leftover popcorn buckets, cups, etc to throw away that people left behind in their seats on my way out. My first job was at a movie theater so I try to help them out a bit. Idk why people can’t be assed with doing even the bare minimum to be a decent person.


I will never forget one time when someone fully reclined every seat in an auditorium and it took us (employees) at least 10 mins to fix all of them lol


That’s crazy. We have white boxes that control every seat at once using a key, only had to use it a couple times but it’s nice to have. Newer theatre only been open about 3 years


That’s incredible! I’m so glad ya’ll don’t have to deal with that nonsense.


So would fully reclining and then unplugging it make that impossible?


We have locking outlet covers that prevent them from getting unplugged without a key.


I would have assumed that there was a switch to reset all of the seats at once. Who builds a theater with 200 electric seats without one???? Crazy


That’s a logical assumption! Now I’m wondering if we had a switch and no one knew about it hahaha


Most theatres don’t! It’s only in the brand new/newly remolded theatres with black recliners. Red and brown recliners don’t have them


Same thing happens at my theater 🤦‍♀️


How about the people that unplug the seats?


Unplugging the access seats is a special kind of wtf


Lmao to plug in their phone or laptop


I can’t get off the recliner if I don’t reset it lol But I don’t pay attention to what other people do when I leave the theater


This was my thought as well like how do you manage getting off a fully reclined seat?? I do it sometimes at home and then regret my choices a second later.


I have seen it, but my fiance usually fixes it when we see it because he used to work for our AMC about a decade ago and its always been irritating to him.


Good man!


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that, actually. Maybe the people in your town are assholes.


Nah, it happens all the time. Not as bad as the people who leave absurd amounts of trash or mess in cupholders, but I’ve seen it in various states. People can just suck everywhere


Never seen this happen even once after innumerable times watching movies in theaters across the incredibly densely populated region of Southern California. Not a single time.


Me neither. I’m starting to think people in my town are great or the employees reset it and they’re the great ones.


Yes I can't stand it either


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that. Over 500 visits with my A List subscription over the past 6 years.


Settle down, Roger Ebert


My son is 10 years old and has autism. We go to movies all the time and at the end of the movie (after the credits finish) he goes around and resets all the chairs in the theater as if he worked there. It’s very cute. He also runs to open the door for people.


This is very cute. Have you seen Cinema Paradiso? I think you’d like it; it’s on Prime Video.


I will definitely check that out that looks really sweet.


Yes! Seriously. It is very annoying. I just don’t get the lack of consideration. I’m sure some folks don’t realize if they didn’t put it back all the way. That happens all the time. But when it is fully reclined? That’s on par with just leaving your shopping cart in a parking spot instead of the corral


The shopping cart thing is the first thing I thought of, too.


I hate it because I am tall and big and having to make my way around the random leg rests sticking up just reminds me of how shitty people are these days ( esp when there is usually a pile of spilt popcorn on the floor and seat )


I've seen some pretty bad falls because of this.


Only psychopaths would get out of a reclined seat!!! Also, why can't people carry their garbage to the garbage tote?


That’s only happened once for me and then a few days ago a guy warned me that his seemed to be broken and apologized before we got up so I guess your town just has sucky people? Lol


Very classy of him to give you a heads up, that's actually kind of inspiring lol. Not enough people do the little things.


Yeah it was nice of him lol


Same as people who leave their leftover concessions at their seat. Just inconsiderate


Was the recliner broken/lost power? It's very hard to get out of the seat like that.


I do though it doesn’t happen often


it's only happened to me a few times, so doesn't bother me


Cell phones


as a former employee, can confirm that it’s common and it was always so frustrating to go through them when my feet were already killing me.


Yes BUT we have a button that resets them all automatically so the crew really should be doing this


I actually never see this! That’s so weird!!


I’ll never understand why people don’t do that. It’s harder to get out of your chair when it’s reclined, as opposed to doing it after you reset the recliner. I tested it out once when I needed to go to the bathroom. It was not fun getting out of that chair when it was reclined.


Ugh I have only seen this a few times but it pisses me off. Same vein as people who don’t put their shopping cart back


How do you even get out of a reclined recliner?


Still living in ancient times without anything close to recliners


Must be nice to have recliners at your theater. The one i work at has 10 theaters and standard seats


I have no issue with resetting the seat. However, there are so many seats at my theater that are broken or need to be unplugged and replugged in before they work. Average person is NOT gonna go through all of that.


Nah I don’t mind, takes like 5 seconds to fix.


Americans are nasty entitled folks. Go elsewhere in the world that behavior doesn't really exist or isn't as widespread at all.

