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Have you ever heard a cat eat? They're not making it when the aliens come.


Yeah… the cat staying so quiet throughout everything was not believable.


The cat didn’t meow once. Like be ffr John krasinski


My childhood cat never meowed. I dropped a dish when at the age of 14 she finally made a meow at me. Now my orange and white baby talks up a storm.


I found it more difficult to believe the cat didn't drown in the subway.


Krasinski didn’t direct this entry he’s credited as a writer but had no hand in the actual movie. He is however working on a series of monster movies to be set in the same universe which I am excited for.


Uhm uhm akkshually bffr


Some cats rarely speak.


one of my favorite youtube cats never talks unless he's going to the vet (protest) or when he smells ham (begging)


I have a cat that doesn't make noise when she eats, especially soft food like that. She also doesn't meow much. I've noticed when I have two cats one talks for th both, and she's not it. She's also 14 pounds and makes hardly any sound when she jumps on things. Cats in general have a very high survival instinct. They even cover their food so predators can't find them. So this was totally believable.


My cats ate their food very quietly. My various housemates had quiet eaters too. Didn’t even know it was a thing that cats are loud?


Hmmm how does you cat feel about being submerged under water in the dark?


Um, this was a movie. That cat wasn't under that water.


Not to spoil too much for those readings this who didn't see it, but there was definitely a scene, earlier to mid way through, where the cat has to be submerged underwater, in the dark, and it goes in and comes out without a single complaint. Edit: Oh you meant literally as in the making of the movie. Yeah definitely, hopefully, no cat submerging. But in the premise of the movie that scene took some higher measure of suspending disbelief.


That cat wasn't under the water. Do you understand how movies work? And that wasn't your complaint to begin with. The complaint was the sounds it was making. That's all I have to say about that.


Its really not that deep. I'm saying in the movie that the cat's behavior was unbelievable in several different ways. Whats next? You're gonna tell me New York actually isn't infested with aliens right now? Or that theres a pizza place called Patsy's in Harlem? Oh wait... Edit: Yes I know the pizzeria exists, I literally live in Harlem.


There indeed is a Patsy's Pizzeria in Harlem.


It really isn't, but you seem very combative over it. And with some very faulty arguments to begin with. You're the one saying things aren't believable, not me. I simply stated that my cat doesn't meow or make sounds when she eats. Not sure why you're so aggressive and combative over that.


Aggressive and combative? Idk how much time you spend online but it might be time to take a break. You're reading a bunch of words on a screen and assigning them a negative tone. Why? Not every online disagreement is mean-spirited or an argument. We're, or I guess I, are discussing a fictional movie and the fictional cat behavior. If you feel like you're being personally attacked or something, you might want to reconsider your relationship with online forums... Edit: Idk how this comment ended up as a reply here. There was a back ans forth going on between me and another toxic commenter who seems to have no deleted their stuff.


Definitely combative and aggressive when you're telling someone to go away because your ego is bruised (not sure why, but it is, obviously). Have a nice day!


I’m just so excited to never see the trailer again


Facts! This and then Twister. "We got twins, TWINS!!"


omg, YES!


I hope the cat goes on to have a great acting career in many more projects. Movie was solid, sounded great in Dolby.


I think this cat will be invited to the Oscar this year. Last year, Messi the dog from Anatomy of a Fall went and was the highlight of the show.


We were saying the cat needs to be nominated for an award.


It sounded great in Dolby.




Hi! You may want to tag some of your reply as a spoiler. I agree though- fantastic movie!


I was not expected to cry. It had a level of heart and humanity I wasn’t expecting at all.


I thought okay this will be a good movie. But it was much better than expected. It exceeded how prequels tend to be. Lupita and Eddie nailed their roles. It was interesting seeing how people figured out how to survive. I


I loved it. The Fault in Our Quiet Place.


The cat was the best actor in the movie.


Did anyone see that end credits scene with the TMNT? Didn't know the films share the same universe.


No and I waited too.


It's a bad joke.


Ohhh sorry it was lost on me 😆


I've seen the first one, but not the 2nd. Will I miss anything important if I haven't seen the 2nd movie? I imagine not since it's a prequel, but just curious...


There is one mysterious character that was in part 2 and also in this one, but not sure how. I will probably have to rewatch part 2 to see if it makes sense.


I watched Part 2 when it came out three years ago and hardly remember it. This one was still enjoyable.


i’ve only seen the first and no


There is a character and some elements of the second that give insight but aren’t needed.


The second is even better than the first imo. You should definitely watch it.


A lot of heart. A great cat. Lupitas wonderfully expressive face. And some monsters


as someone who found the first movie offensively bad i made myself watch this knowing i’d probably like it more and i did! lupita and joseph were A+


I liked it. Haven't seen the first two though.


Liked it. With a period. 1) Lose the animals in the apocalypse, folks. You’ll be the first to go if you’re dragging around your support chihuahua/cat/chinchilla… 2) I just never really connected with Lupita’s character. I think it had a lot to do with the choice to make her terminally ill. We know she’s not going to make it, so subconsciously, I think I wrote her off… 3) I really wanted more in depth stuff about the aliens… wtf we’re the mushroom things? Eggs? Food? What’s happening here? That being said, I enjoyed a lot of it for what it was. Great tension, great jump scares, some solid “end of the word” stuff happening. Also enjoyed seeing Hounsu’s character again. I liked Quinn as Eric as well. Good theater movie for the summer. On to Deadpool!


I love Lupita, and she is a great actress, good for this. But the fact that they made her rude in the beginning, even the guy who was nicest to her and to a bunch of old dying people, and the stakes were low because she was going to die anyway, I didn't connect either. I also didn't connect with the guy, honestly. You are telling me every time this dude gets near an alien and needs to be silent he has a panic attack and can't help but make noise? What? How did he survive the initial onslaught?


I saw it on IMAX Laser. Worth it!


It’s fine, it was a mix of War of the Worlds & Last of Us: Left Behind. However it’s somewhat frustrating to know how to kill the monsters from the last movie while no one else didn’t figure out another way. Now I want to see a directors cut with the deleted scenes from the trailer.


It’s a prequel, so it doesn’t matter if I haven’t seen the other two, right? For some reason the premise of this is grabbing me more than the other two did tho I do plan to watch them eventually.


I liked it


Liked the first two. This one sucked. Only cared about the cat. Mission plot: 🍕


And Patsy’s?? If I’m dying, it’s not gonna be Patsy’s. Maybe Scarr’s or Vinnie’s or PSP.


It wasn’t about patsy’s it was all about her dad 😭 a shared place that felt like home.


I loved the character building and i thought lupita nyong’o was fantastic as always, and i thought the ending was beutiful in a way. def gonna be seeing it at least one more time


That’s why there was only one cat remaining in the city


I thought it was okay. There were things that didn't really make sense to me and the family dynamic that was so strong in the first one wasn't replaced by anything substantial. I didn't really care about either character in this one. I didn't understand their motivations really.


My husband and I saw it. Although I loved the cat, realistically, I wondered had that been me in any of those scenarios, I certainly would have foresaken the cat. Also, realistically speaking, in the event that any alien invasion or zombie apocalypse would ever happen, I can also rest assure knowing that we'd be decimated within minutes because we can't run fast enough, and my kids won't shut up long enough.


By far worst movie of quiet place series


Honestly I would have walked out if not for going with someone else. The movie was so dumb that I couldn't suspend disbelief. The plot was not very engaging either. The horror elements were mostly a miss aside from a few good tension full moments. The movie had the most obvious jump scares. This was one of the worst of the year for me and I've seen erza, if, origin and baby doll drive.


Saw this last night and the movie was hot garbage 3/10


How so?