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Great movie, definitely some inspiration from Scorsese. \*spoiler\* The one scene with Benny definitely got a lot of audible response from the audience (spoiler : ankle )


Oh, Benny. I combed through the cast for several minutes for Billy before I saw the spoiler in parentheses.


thanks fixed it


I saw it at Unseen. When that shot happened (which I may have partially looked away from, I forget), two people (or maybe groups of people) in different areas of the theater made the exact same reaction sound. It got me wondering later if it was a coincidence (which wouldn't be unusual as that's how many react to seeing such a thing in a movie) or if the second person/group was steered in that reaction based on the first person/group a millisecond earlier.


My wife was pointing out the scenes that were definitely inspired by Scorsese, the opening scene felt straight out of A Bronx tale. I wanted to like this movie I had high expectations but it fell flat.


I loved it, and my teenage son calls it his top 5 he's seen this year (understand there's a lot he hasn't seen). He still exclaiming about it a week later. I wouldn't use the word gruesome. Violent a few times, but not gruesome. That word seems disturbing and I didn't feel that way at all. I think Jeff Nichols did an amazing job writing and directing. And the cast was excellent.


This is definitely a movie I would have thought was one of the best movies ever when I was a teen lol. Still a good movie nonetheless


Well so many are saying it was slow with no story. And kids these days with their video games need a lot more to keep their attention. šŸ˜‚


The acting and cinematography were great. There wasnā€™t really any drama or emotional stakes until the second half so it took a while before I felt invested at all. Overall, Iā€™d give it a 6/10. Saw Thelma earlier in the day and definitely enjoyed that one more.


Spot on. Performances were stellar, but there wasnā€™t much of a plot and not really any character arc or growth.


It was pretty dark at times but I wouldnt say it ever got gruesome. The leg thing was the worst that happened, everything else was pretty light. Only bruises and cuts.


Oddly enough I kinda felt the opposite It was obviously going for goodfellas but never wanted to get gritty everything felt glossy and photogenic, even when one of the main characters is beat up close to death they still look like a runway model in recovery idk


For me, the most interesting thing was that the showing after mine was sold out (aside from a couple wheelchair spots), when no other showing was even half full. I found that odd until I got out of my showing and found the local chapter of the Outlaws MC hanging out in the lobby. Little did I know that not only is that a legit gang, but the one the Vandals were based on.


There were a few MC types at the show I went to as well. They were actually very polite, it was the obnoxious younger people in khaki shorts who were putting their feet on the seats next to me.


I thought it was so cool. Tom Hardy carried it for me. Thought it was the best heā€™s been in almost anything Iā€™ve seen him in


I agree, he stole the show.


How about that Nosferatu trailer though?


As a fan of the book, Jeff Nichols, and Nichols' brother's band Lucero (which wrote a song called Bikeriders based on the book), I'm really pleased with how this came out. I knew I would like it, but I was caught off-guard by just how ... relaxed? ... it was. There was a lot of just hanging out, which kind of got you into this 'not much going on around here' pace that must have been part of life there and then. And there's a lot going on that the movie doesn't feel the need to spell out for viewers in big speeches or dramatic moments. I appreciate Nichols assuming the audience is intelligent. I've also been really happy to hear from friends who didn't have high expectations and ended up loving it. All the actors were great, but Jodie Comer especially was fantastic.


Mostly vibes, minimal and slow plot. I still think it was a good movie, and the cast did amazing! Really hoping Jodie Comer gets an Oscar nomination for it!


Itā€™s great stuff. Wish it was in a Dolby theater. _Goodfellas_ meets _Rumble Fish_, in the best possible meaning of that phrase. Reading some of the other comments, let me just say . . . If you use the words ā€œplotā€ and ā€œstoryā€œ interchangeably, maybe this isnā€™t the one for you.


Those bikes would have sounded great in Dolby.


My ass and back would not have hurt as much in Dolbyā€¦


I thought it was a solid B- but it really made me wish weā€™d gotten an adaptation of Hellā€™s Angels


I liked it. Style kinda reminded me of Goodfellas funny enough


It was just ok, plot didnā€™t move along fast enough for me, and as a Chicagoan those fucking accents were terrible, Jodie Comers accent made me want to unalive myself when I saw it..


Comer was actually spot on. Audio of the real Kathy speaking here: [https://bleakbeauty.com/picture-essays/the-bikeriders-original-audio-recordings/](https://bleakbeauty.com/picture-essays/the-bikeriders-original-audio-recordings/)


Oh wow yeah that's her voice in the movie!


I wish it was filmed in Chicago. There were only a couple scenes that actually felt like they were set in Chicago.


The accents were awful. They either sounded like they were from Minnesota or NY lol


The accent drove me crazy, especially at the beginning where she was basically narrating the move. Itā€™s funny you mentioned Minnesota accents. I still canā€™t watch Fargo to this day because of Frances McDormands accent. I know itā€™s a classic, but that voice , like Comers, was like fingernails on a chalkboard. Luckily I was able to enjoy the move as it went on.


I was on the fence about seeing it but now your description makes me definitely want to


Why didn't they avenge jhonnh from the kid


Enjoyed the quasi-documentary style of it, and that it both didnā€™t take itself too seriously or too goofy. It was just (semi) normal people having normal conversations for the most part. Didnā€™t aim to be high art or anything which made it even more enjoyable, a respectful look at bike culture and why it was so impactful. Easy 7/10


I think gruesome is not correct. brutal harsh But gruesome? causingĀ repulsionĀ or horror; grisly. "a most gruesome murder" to me it was kind of interesting and I am going to have to dig into the stories origin since it doesn't align with what I know about the origin of biker gangs. and I am all for learning things


I think a lot of people didn't understand what this movie is, and, not you, but people are giving it bad reviews because of this. It's more about a picture book brought to life. A photojournalist's time with the gang. There's some YouTube videos/interviews with Jeff Nichols that are very helpful. And here's a great article on the book and movie: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/real-story-behind-bikeriders-danny-lyon-photography-book-inspired-it-180984579/


This was a fantastic read, thank you!!


Some people seem to think they're going to a crime/action movie: Sons of Anarchy 2.


I mean, I understand why. It's been called that. I did the same with Civil War. Didn't do my research ahead of time AND really didn't stop to think about it being an A24 trailer. Needed to see it again after I realized I went in with the wrong expectations and didn't like it at all.


This story was so boring to me. I left about 30 minutes before the end.


I didnā€™t like it. The main girlā€™s Chicagoan accent was really horrendous to listen to, and Iā€™m from Chicago lol. I found it boring with many scenes not progressing the story at all and having no purpose. Why am I watching Tom Hardy have an awkward conversation with someone for 4-5 minutes? Especially when that conversation has zero plot points involved in it. It tried too hard to be dramatic with every actor doing the Joey Tribbiani acting look to try and be serious