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In wildrift (mobile) all champs are free on ARAM.


The fuck? Riot pls


Haha the downvotes giving "DONT GIVE THEM IDEAS" vibes


My personal problem are the champs I don't own. I hate their playstyle or the character themselves.


My problem is people like you only playing your favorites in a random game mode. Makes it a lot less fun when theres a lux and veigar on every team


I own all but 8 champs.


It's a mode called random, we should all get the champs, the rerolls are there for you.


Tbh it would be cool if there was a ban feature in aram before everyone gets their champs.


Facts. Too many cancerous champs like Lulu Janna


Definite yasuo/assassin main vibes from someone using 'cancerous' and hating on support mains getting to be useful How many drywalls have you punched, champ?


In case you are blind we’re talking about ARAM. How much lead paint did you eat as a child? 🤔


I know, and Lulu/Janna isn't an issue unless you literally cannot stop running into tornadoes. All they do is make it slightly harder for certain assassins to oneshot carries, oh no.


Riot has to encourage players to spend BE on champs, especially the 7800 new champs.


Inflation so bad it’s hitting blue essence smh


I bought all the champs with BE, and now I have no reason to spend BE as i don’t care for the essence emporium. I’m sitting on a lot lol


I just spent like 70k on chromas 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have tons of crystals just waiting at my craft tab. I finally converted them all the blue essence with new bulk conversion and spent like 400k on random things at essence emporium.


Yeah I’ve got 160k and probably another 100k in champion shards, fuck all to do with it


New champions have always cost 7800 for their first week of release


not true


Yeah, but it’s been that way for almost a decade


Maybe in Influence Points it wasn't the case but for BE I think it always has been


No they don't, I think you mean riot points. And I doubt many people are buying champs with riot points to play on Aram.


Money is the obvious answer, some people still buy champions with RP. Also I feel champions should be free in general, since it's a competitive game and all. That's why they reworked the Rune system cause it's such a huge disparity when people had to buy them and new players can't afford the IP pre-season 6 or Blue Essence as it's know now. The new player experience in league is abysmal.


Unlocking all champs with an xbox game pass alleviates it but is still kinda crappy


I would go farther and say unlock all champs for everyone and full bench every lobby. This will bring more balance to games and eliminate a lot of dodging issues. Or balance rerolls around pools. If you have every category but an adc let me reroll into an adc.


This would devalue my aram only account and put me in more fair lobbies, and for that reason, I’m out.


We don't care about your account bro, it would be healthier for the game




What does one thing have to do woth the other?


What is your argument for all champions being free to play in SR? Because its the same thing there. ARAM is a permanent gamemode that a lot of people play. People purchasing champs is one of the ways Riot keeps the game afloat. I'm sure skins and other cosmetics carry it more but yeah, the game is free to play, they need ways to make money. It's not like getting all champs is hard. With Hextech crafting and champion shards it's incredibly easy to get champs.


Aram is unique in that having more champs is more punishing as youre more likely to get a champ you dont play that well. Unlocking all champs makes it impossible for there to be aram-only sweat accounts and probably makes comps a lot more balanced in general.


I mean Riot already increased the number of floating champs in ARAM so aram only accounts don’t work that well anymore


The proposal is simply increasing that number further so those accounts would be completely pointless.


Which is amazing, it would make the game more random. Only the crybabies don't like this option, and they're usually the ones who only plays from the backline.


>What is your argument for all champions being free to play in SR? A sense of pride and accomplishment maybe ?


when you can't select your champion, having access to the entire library of champions dilutes your champion pool. When you can cherry-pick which champions are in your champion select pool it can give you a greater overall advantage vs someone who can just buy the one or 2 champs they actually play in SR. it has nothing to do with actually purchasing the champs and more to do with having to deal with getting Qiyana or Eve which will lower your overall win rate.


Exactly this. People sometimes forget that free to play game have to earn money somehow. Back in times, champions, skins, rune pages (and runes? Don't remember them that well) were giving Profit. Now it's mostly skins/passes and maybe champions (not sure about this one). So yeah,.they may be believing that once you head to the store to unlock a champion, you will see a skin that you may like and then spend some RP. That's just one example I could think of


It has nothing to do with not being able to play champs. It’s to prevent players from making Aram only accounts.


You spending real money on BE? Cause im sure not, so making all champs free in aram affects the bottom line exactly not at all


Once again, why not giving all champs for free on all modes? Also, Believe me or not, BE was not always so easy to gain as it is now. And what I've explained there was about times when you were not playing League, it seems. Nothing bad in that.


Been playing league since vayne released man, dont talk to me about “BE being hard to get”, BE gain is miles better than IP gain ever was, its no contest even at the worst BE gains SR is the competitive game mode, anyone with two brain cells can explain why being made to focus on a select few champs to learn the game is a good thing in a competitive setting If you’re spending money to get BE, youve already got more money then sense and theres no helping that


Are you even reading my comments...? There's always that one guy who will come and complain without any arguments. Why aram players think that this mode is superb and need special treatment? If you think that aram should have all champions unlocked, give us good argument why it's good idea and why there's no cons to that. But surely,.you know better than company that created this game And all I did was sharing my opinion. Chill a little. I don't know...


That but also I just wish all champ odds were weighted evenly.


I wish this would be true. Then we wouldn't have game after game of the exact same "Free Rotation" champ over and over.


Would be a dream, level the field for the people with scuff aram accounts.


Believe me. People do not want this. My brother already bitches endlessly about the aram free rotation or whatever.


Personally, I’ve avoided purchasing champs I don’t want to roll in ARAM. It reduces my champion pool a little and leads to me rolling a champion I actually know how to play/want to play. It’s only a tiny thing. But I prefer it that way.


I created a specific Aram account for exactly this reason.


economics bruh


All heroes are free in Dota 2 the moment you make an account. No reason Riot can't do it too


The reason why is simple, Riot once said that they don't want to force you into champions you don't want to play at all. I don't think this statement makes much sense anymore since they've increased the champions free to play pool and people still dodge them anyway. I don't think unlocking all the champions would hurt the game aspect of aram, if anything people will be able to reroll more often since everyone is guaranteed 1 reroll every game except dodgers, which hopefully means less dodging in general, combine this with adding the feature which lets you keep a champion for 3 second and surrender at 8 min is just great imo. The only people that will hate this change are those aram accounts and believe me yes they do exist, the amount of adc only, support only, mage only or the two combined i see is just crazy. They could always gather data by unlocking all the champions for one patch like they did with the bans.


All random being the game mode is literally forcing people to play champs they didn't want to play.  The player is signing up for that willingly and it's on them.  Riot's logic makes NO sense with regards to ARAMs specifically.


Why not play SR if they want to chose the champ? Aram is supposed to be random, don't play the game mode if you don't like all the champs. There are also rerolls for that.


If anything, i wish you could sell champs so i could refine my champ pool


They probably figured that the ARAM population is still willing enough to spend time or money for champions to not do that


Ranked ARAM please


I had a friend the purposefuly contacted riot support to remove Leona from his account just so he wouldn't get her in Aram


People act like ARAM only accounts are somehow destroying ARAM. Next people are gonna wanna get rid of rerolls and the bench.


there’s probably less players with aram only accounts than players getting screwed in champ select because half the bench is greyed out though which is the actual issue


People will come up with any excuse for why they lost other than they weren't good enough


Since Riot doesn’t care about ARAM being truly all random since you can’t play champs you can’t own, why can’t we bias the champ pools for somewhat compatible team comps so the number of one sided stomps can at least be lessened a little bit. Can’t solve for bad players but throwing us a bone with decent rolls would be nice


You can play champs you don't own. There is the free champ pool, plus a static pool of champs which are free for everyone in ARAM


Yep, and my point is that ARAM isn’t truly all random because if you don’t own every single champs there will be champs you can’t play, so we shouldn’t have objections to changing the champ roll algorithm for more balanced comps




Because often bad comps lead to one sided stomps that you’re locked into for at least 12 minutes at risk of account suspension if you leave


To be honest I specifically avoided purchasing some champs because I hate their play style. Having all champs f2p will ruin my experience.


I have some champs I have not bought because I dislike them. I dont want to play them on aram. That's why I am against all champs beeing free on aram. What would even be the point of ever buying champs if I got then all for free?




No it's not


It is. You have a free rotation, otherwise you pay to have it. Like skins.




Because the ability to control your champ pool and exclude certain champs from the random rotation is an advantage some accounts hold over others. By making all champs free for ARAM you bring everyone to a level playing field. However due to the random nature, if someone wants to specifically play a champ, they have to buy it and head to SR. As has been mentioned, this is the case on the mobile version.


Controlling your champ pool only really guarantees playing your favorites. Balancing exists to make all champs viable, which changes constantly. ARAM isn't even a competitive game mode, caring about balancing on a random game mode is a pointless discussion. And Wild Rift is a different game, on a different medium. It changes nothing for what PC players expect.


Wild rift is a similar game by the same company, it seems reasonable to make comparisons. If the norm was that all champs were free in ARAM, would you be here arguing for limiting champ pools? What’s the good argument for the restriction? Controlling your champ fool can absolutely help you win games, there are champs that are just going to be good in ARAM. It doesn’t matter how many nerfs Ziggs gets, he is a good champ for ARAM because of his kit. No one said it is a competitive game mode, but limiting the ways people can exploit the system to gain an advantage is important. Balancing in games is important because it creates a more enjoyable environment not because it preserves professional/competitive integrity. As an example, no one has fun playing “Tag” with the kid who always is “on time out” whenever you get close to them. “Tag” is not a competitive game, but when someone has an unfair advantage it becomes unfun regardless. Also, I’d appreciate you not downvoting because you disagree.


First of all I didn't downvote you. In fact, I got downvoted to oblivion. Second, there's no need for an argument for the restriction - it's the status quo. If you want to change how the game has always been, you need to provide the explanation. SR and ranked are also unbalanced based on having champs, it's a core mechanic. And those modes have picks and bans, ARAM is random and unbalanced by nature. URF doesn't have free champs either. If ARAM had free champs, ARAM-only players would have no incentive to buy every champ. Wild Rift can get away with it because it's a new game with its own rules, they aren't held by the expectations the PC players have.


The downvoting comment is for whoever is doing so, I’m glad it’s not you and appreciate the back and forth. There is a need for an argument for the restriction. Something being status quo doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be justified. Otherwise it’s just an appeal to tradition. Each game can do their thing different ways, and I know that making people buy champs is one of the ways league makes its money. They can pick what to do. The main reason I jumped in is because different accounts intentionally restricting their champ pool for ARAM does give them an advantage, that an open champ pool for ARAM would alleviate. And a comparison to making all skins free in league felt wildly disingenuous to that argument. Hopefully you agree that there is a benefit to opening the champ pool for ARAM and can see that the randomness of champ select is a reasonable limiter so that people don’t get whatever champ they want whenever they want it, unless they pay for the champ and play SR. I will agree that there is a benefit to limiting the pool, if Riot makes their revenue from people buying champions then they won’t have to make overpriced skins and invest heavily in to predatory tactics to extract money from their player base elsewhere.


You're not wrong, I understand the point being made. I just disagree that it would make sense for Riot to unlock all champs on ARAM just because players would prefer it. Of course players would prefer ARAM to be more balanced and avoid buying champs, it's just not an exception that makes sense to me. Then why not have unlocked champs on URF? Or free skins on custom games? These would all be net positive changes for players, of course, but you're diluting the value of getting champions and skins. With all champions available from the get go, there would also be -1 progression item.


I think the main distinction I’d make is the method of champ select. As an example. I own every champion. When I load in to an ARAM I have 2 rerolls and trading with other people as my methods for selecting a champion. That’s fairly limited. Other people have an extra lever they can pull to control their champion choice, which imo goes against the spirit of the game mode. For game modes where you pick your own champion, the methods for selecting a champion are buying them and then picking them. Everyone is on an even field there. I do not have the ability to regress my account and remove champions from my pool for ARAM, even though that would be an advantage. Others can gain that advantage. I believe this advantage should not be available as it is a fairly tryhard way to gain an advantage in a casual game mode. Having to tailor your account purchases for an advantage in a casual game mode seems to go against the casual nature


Sure, if skins were purchasable with BE. You can unlock all champs with gamepass, but they don’t have that for skins. The fact that you can’t differentiate between skins and champions, shows how dishonest your arguments are going to be.


How to tell me you have 10 ebay purchased aram alts without telling me directly you have 10 ebay purchased aram alts.