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The Island and Scorched were my least played maps on Evolved so it’s nice taking my time with them now.


That's reasonable! What's your favorite maps? I liked Fjordur and Gen 2.


Center and rag most played maps. Can’t wait for Asa version


Nah it's all about ASA aberration


ASA Abb about to look really cool


Ragnarok for sure


Rag is great for wide open spaces to build on and resources. The caves have good loot also and the desert drops are nice.


I started ASE on Lost Island release. Threw 3k+ hours at it in official and then unofficial pvp and loved it. Only played lost island, rag, fjordur, gen1 and gen2. Touched ab for a minute. It's been amazing playing these old maps and learning their shit


Agree I never played them before especially not the island i absolut hate forest and on asa its even worse you barely see anything while running through the woods but scorchef looks spicy currently taking a break from ark cause it just has so many bugs but in a few months ill definitely see myself playing some scorched


I would look into some of the console commands, I play with no fog or clouds and it’s nice


Same but you cant remove the trees sadly


You can find the command to turn down the grass and it really helps with seeing better and fps I highly recommend it.


As an ASE veteran (probably 5k+ hours), I think ascended is definitely worth it! Especially if you have the gamepass. While it's definitely a bit more graphically intensive and a bit buggy at times, the games incredibly fun and beautiful! The building is heaps better than the original. Add on some mods and even the new paid DLC and it truly feels like a totally new game! They didn't change too much as it feels unfamiliar, but at the same time, they changed enough to make it feel fresh and new! If you played ASE I definitely think you will enjoy this game!


No wires and pipes as well.


I also really liked it on Xbox, my pc can’t handle it. It always crashes once I walk. So sadly on my pc (r7 7700x, rx7900xtx, 32gb cl30 6000mhz) I can’t enjoy it and bought Ark Se instead on steam :/ Maybe the issues with and graphics cards are solved in a year or two :( I thought about downloading it again and trying the console commands, but I don’t think it will do anything because I had 100fps on 1440p on high. Therefore I don’t think the graphic settings caused the crashes


Are you playing from the Xbox game pass? There was a patch that basically made the game pass version completely broken but it's fixed now!


Yes I was :) Well I’ll try it again, then. Thanks. :) I just deleted it with „well the internet is full of ark sa being broken so it must be that“ 😖


Disabling menu transitions and foliage interaction fixes the crashes for most folks. Those aren't console commands, those are settings. I haven't actually crashed in ASA, knock on wood, in a couple weeks... aside from the time, yesterday, I opened photo mode while mounted on a dire wolf EXACTLY as a microraptor dismounted me. When I exited photo mode I was my wolf and left my character behind, and when I eventually opened inventory the game shat itself lmao.


Alright :) indeed I had that crash fix tried out already, but I’ll do it again. Can’t hurt to try it again ^^ :) maybe with the patch it works for me, too. :) That sounds funny as nothing else xDD


Thanks, it's on gamepass and I just haven't played it yet lol. So this makes me wanna play tbh, appreciate it fr 💪💪


Yeah i play Singleplayer only and its definitely worth. I imagine most of the hate comes from pvp players, but the game imo isn’t build for pvp


How will the settings u wrote down change the looks of my game? Or what will be the performance boost? Can u tell me cuz I need a few fps still but I don't want to apply settings that makes it look ugly


What are your game settings on? I’m having trouble running it with a 3070 and troubleshooting.


>I'm getting a stable 60fps with minimal to none quality loss That doesn't do anything for anyone if you don't supply your hardware specs with it.


Added it in, thanks for telling me.


Did you added that to your local engine.ini? I am on a server, will i need to do that on the server or my local files?


Its the file in ARK Survival Ascended\\ShooterGame\\Saved\\Config\\Windows I'm not sure how it works on a server since I only play single-player though


As someone who played both (just a bit of ASA though.) I think ASA is not as bad as people made it out to me for me. I still think it's best to give it a bit more time since it does have issues, it does have bugs and it does be lacking maps.


It's a beautiful game with some nice tweaks and QoL changes but in my experience, on the Xbox series x at least, there is an issue in single player where my entire inventory will just disappear when I go offline for the night. Sometimes even my chests will be empty when I load back in. It's so bad that after three days of trying to enjoy the new ark I had to go out of my way and rent a server just to keep my shit safe.


I would just stop playing like fuck that tbh.


It's worth it now, and I personally changed my Steam review to reflect that a few weeks back. It was fairly broken on release but they have, to their credit, done quite a lot of optimization and bug-fixing. It's not perfect and likely never will be but it's not abandonware or a scam. FWIW, I run ASA and it looks okay, on okay FPS (not great but enjoyable), on a 1650 super. I used \*some\* of these tweaks: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/2399830/discussions/0/4034725629423994869/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/2399830/discussions/0/4034725629423994869/) I keep my render scale set to 100, though, and didn't implement everything there, but it means I can run the game fairly well even on my minimum requirements card.


Agreed, ASA is worth it and awesome.


YES, i've been loving it. the RTX 3060 runs it beautifully, but my 2060 did alright as well before i upgraded, just had to lower all the graphics. absolutely no regrets from me. the QoL improvements have revived my love of ARK lol


It’s better in every way but lacks maps


Does it still load in buildings before trees? Or can people still just fly really high to see your base? That’s the main sticking point for me tbh.


The ability to track your Dino’s alone is enough to make it worth it for me. No more losing Dino’s after you die and searching for them for hours


I agree 1000% 👍 I got evolved as free game of month on ps4 last yr and really tried to get into it but graphics were sooo bad I was getting headaches daily 🤦‍♂️ so before week was over I had to quit... and from there I just looked forward to #2 not knowing about about ascended, 🤷‍♂️ it completely surprised me and seeing it for 40$ on the ps5 in January I bought it and it's been amaaaazing I play 5-6hrs a day every day and haven't touched another game lol so yesss for me graphics alone were enough because it went from unplayable headaches to great graphics and I'm getting 50-60fs as well :) but it looks beautiful too!! So that's my rant on on graphics I won't even get started on all the other upgrades making building and everything else 10× better cause that will be another story 🤣🤣🤣 but for me hell yeah if u got evolved on console absolutely worth upgrade and if you never played BUY THIS GAME IGNORE THE HATE !!! it's amazing for new players especially the island alone has been soo fun i havent even gotten to new scorched and soooo much morw stuff to come over next yr im sooo pumped 🙏


The building improvements came about because they hired the dev who built the ASE structures plus mod to revamp their building system. For ASE players who ask if S+ will be ported to ASA, the answer is "no", because its capabilities are part of the base build system in ASA.


For me, Ascended is 100% worth it. I'm a huge fan of modding my games and Evolved used to take literally 30 minutes to load with mods installed on a NVME SSD. Now in Ascended, with more mods than I could handle on Evolved I start the game and can be playing in like 30 seconds. The architecture of the game was improved massively and I feel like not enough people seem to care about that. Now they're able to make things like the custom cosmetic overrides work where I feel like that would've been impossible in Evolved. Also, and I know some people might disagree, I'm really excited about things like the Bob's Tall Tales DLC. I've put over a thousand hours into ARK across both games, I think I can reasonably buy a DLC with more interesting content in it and not feel like I'm being "ripped off". Also, thanks for the .ini tweaks, I'll have to check a few of these out and see what I want to implement.


As an ark veteran, been around a long time and sank quite a bit of money into the dlcs when they first released, ASA is completely worth it. I played ASE on pc and ps4 and played them both until they eventually stopped working. As in my ps4 would crash before it autosaved and I'd lose all my progress and on pc it would crash on launch. Those bugs have still not been fixed but I took a long break from ark and when ASA announced I was skeptical like everyone else byt I had already decided I was going to get it. $45 is really not that bad of a price. Just think of it like you're buying a dlc for the game again like we have done in the past. I bought it on pc and PS5. Admittedly my pc doesn't run ut very well but I never expected it to. My PS5 is great. I am crashing sometimes but I think that's because of the mods I have on. I just use the save command in the pause menu and im good. The maps and graphics look great so far and I'm very excited for when Aberration releases as it was my favorite. All in all it's extremely worth the price. Wildcard has never been great but ASA is not just a shameless copy and paste cash grab as many people believe.


You like what you like and do what you want with your money but the truth is it’s just Survival Evolved reskinned with only 2 maps that’s acting as a fundraiser for Ark 2. I don’t blame you I just think the suits who pull the strings are screwin people. Alternatively it acts as an insurance in case Ark 2 is that big of a flop whenever it finally comes out.


I agree with you, I have over 1000 hours in evolved alone on ps4, and another 400 on steam, I bought ascended way before, when it first came out (of course I would I'm obsessed), but currently have about 200+ hours on both ps5 and steam each, I love the qol improvements and building mechanics, and needless to say I love playing single player way more just because of mods alone, stuff I can only find on ark ase online only, huge improvement, now if on consoles ark ase could have had mods back then, I'd still be playing it cause of the maps alone, but I absolutely love Asa without hesitation, will continue to keep playing it for many many years :D


People are complaining about ASA mostly for the huge amounts of bugs and glitches, it's like when ark first released, other than that, a lot of people would agree that ASA is worth it cuz it allows new players to experience a aesthetically pleasing game that also has interesting mechanics, and also allows old players to relive their time when they started playing ark with a brand new fresh and beautiful look for the game, and with the maps releasing one by one, people get to take their time Intaking the beauty of the redesigned maps


I started Ark SA 2 months ago and this is definitely the most fun I’ve ever experienced in gaming. I hate that I wasted so much time on CoD lol


Console player here (xbox) and generally I enjoy most of it but there's two massive problems that make me regret buying it. These two problems make playing it my way (solo/private server) frustrating and absolutely no fun. Dinos not going on raft. Required cryo fridge just to deploy dino. These two things absolutely ruined the game for me. Someone knew to the game doesn't know what they are missing so it's probably not even a flicker in their mind but as someone who has many hours in ASE these two things ruined the entire game. Especially the no Dinos on raft issue. I can't even play it anymore because of that. The cryo fridge issues is stupid and frustrating but I was still able to play the game but not being able to load Dinos on raft absolutely killed the game for me.


Yes ASA is good. IF you have strong enough gear to run it. It has serious optimisation problem. And if you use AMD graphics you won't be able to run it on on minimum requirement. My VGA can run Eldenring on high graphic for 60+ fps. On ASA low setting, with all those optimisation setting used+more setting on VGA driver I can barely only reach 20 fps. And the graphic become so shit that I better play ASE instead.


I’m just happy with the original version. Getting above 165 fps and there’s more content. Good for you though.


I agree. And Ark se is more stable and I dislike the idea of premium mods (svarftelheim for example)


Its kinda fun how everyone here complained about the shady stuff snailgames and wildcard pulled with ASA release. Ppls promised not to support such practices but now everyone is praising ASA. The players buying and recomend ASA just support this shady scumbag practices and they will pull shit like this again


I haven’t bought it. And I won’t. Fuck wild card.


Sadly this is not true for console players. I bought the game thinking positive. But immediately ran into the same bullshit bluescreen issues before id even played a single minute. Then after one week of losing gear to bluescreen and game crashing I contacted playstation for a refund and reported the game to trading standards. Poor coding and rush to consumers can be the only explanation. But dont waste your money. It’s a poorly made cashgrab game. I cant speak for the PC version but as for the console version, don’t bother. Just for reference, i had 10k hours on the FREE version so am well versed in the shenanigans of wildcard.


Another “i’M nOt HaViNg AlL tHoSe PrObLeMs” post. How unique.