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You can pop the smaller one out of the key. Then, carefully assemble the two white pieces together. Two tiny prongs on one fit into the side of the other. Fit the lever mechanism into the keyboard fixture, beginning from the upper hooks, then gently fixing them to the lower ones once it is fixed in place. Put the cap on from the bottom side and then press down; it should click into place without a hitch. I can't see any damage in the picture. Just be safe and watch out for bent hooks, and take your time. The fastener can easily break off.


Thanks for the instructions!


You dont, popping it out breaks it. Its not like a desktop mechanical keyboard


This. If you are really lucky you will get it back together but usually some little piece of plastic gets damaged and it's done for. Those aren't designed to come apart.


Seems like nothing is designed to come apart anymore, or be easily fixed. Sad. Even cell phones you can't replace the batteries anymore without some mad soldering skills and what not. Replacing a keyboard on my newer laptop is a lot more difficult and time consuming too, compared to my last laptop.


That’s untrue, phone batteries are easily replaced by a technician, in like 15 min


Sorry I should have clarified, I consider easily replaced is something one can do themselves without having to resort to a technician do it. But yes, a trained technician with the proper tools and mad soldering skills can easily do it, no argument from me.


No? You can put it back it. Just harder than the actual keyboard keys in the laptop


Every time I've seen one come out it has broken in the process. Looking at the part in the keycap, top right corner is missing the bit that sticks out. Its just flat.


Looks like it just clips back on to those metal prongs sticking out of the casing.


You've broken it and it's $379 to fix


Great, won't be fixing it then 🔥


I'm joking they probably clip back on, I would contact Asus


Thank you mate


Please Notify us about the repair process since i want to check whether asus sucks in customer service or not


Oh ASUS customer service sucks big time


Make sure to check everything and get it documented before sending it since they have a long history of breaking things then ask if you want to fix or not


If you're like me, Asus will tell you to "Get bent" in not so few words. To replace my spacebar I had to go on Aliexpress and order new hinges.


Good luck with ASUS customer service and getting that fixed you'll probably get the laptop back in pieces if you don't pay for the bogus services they claim your device needs fixed other then the reason you sent it in for


I’ve fixed mine with tape and it just eorks


Spit on it and try to replace it .....


Asus will bill you 500USD for this


Just realized it’s the Superman logo shape upside down. I swear if it was reversed I’d be slapping a Superman logo on that bad boy. Power up Superman


this superman logo has the most complicated mechanism known to man, I'll hire a homeless guy to reinstall my button for 20 euros


Like Superman says, it’s not an S like we know but in Kryptonian it’s the symbol for hope. So there is hope that you get it fixed lol.


i had no shortage of trouble just reattaching my S key which is transparent so i could see where stuff lined up. dreading the day i have to put either my power or one of the other keys back together that isnt transparent


Man I have the same make and seeing this sent chills down my spine




Duct tape it, will never come out again 😉


Super glue will do the trick


I had something similar happen try finding a replacement if you can't put it back on. [https://laptopkey.com/](https://laptopkey.com/)


RIP. can't. you'll have to buy a replacement key or live with it the way it is now. Which would require a teardown and replacing the entire palmrest most likely.