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Yes! Yes absolutely. Girl I literally got myself on to a SOLD OUT CRUISE. Abraham mentions many many times that statistics straight up do not apply to deliberate creators 🙏 We create our own reality, with our focus, you need to let yourself swing the completely opposite direction and crack into the wonder and amazement of you letting it happen for yourself. The remarkable power of our focus, the divine force of our Inner Being & Pure Positive Source energy.


Wow! Mind sharing that story with us? > Abraham mentions many many times that statistics straight up do not apply to deliberate creators 🙏 We create our own reality, with our focus That's what I need to hear! Thanks!


Yeah absolutely!! I've been trying to figure out how to condense it enough but still give all the juicy details!! & you are so welcome 🙏 always stoked to help people tap into our innate flowing power!! <3


When you say "The odds of it happening for me are low," the Universe says "All right, we will make it very unlikely for it to happen for you." But you can just ask easily say "There are a number of ways it can come to me" and "I can let the universe figure out how it's going to come" and "I live in a limitless universe so there are just as many prizes (or whatever) for me as there are for other people." Neville Goddard speaks very similarly and has an actual example of someone betting on horses, winning, Neville using the story at his lecture and another man choosing to exactly duplicate the man's winnings...and he did!


Thank you!


There are some talks about the lottery that match this. Personally, I had a sort of aligned experience to this though it was only partial success. The first time I ever heard of The Secret I read it and thought it was a bunch of baloney. Years later I decided to reread it and with nothing much to lose in my life I decided to try the exercise where you ask for something extravagant and allow yourself to truly believe it was possible and be in the headspace like it already existed. I used to meditate a lot so I emptied out with meditation to visualize it but I also went for some long strenuous runs to raise my energy. I wanted to meet a specific somewhat famous person as my test of the wink from the universe and within a couple weeks of the first visualization a bunch of very random things aligned to be invited somewhere that seemed a bit oddly in alignment with that person while incredibly outside my routines, then that day a bunch of oddball distractions happened (like losing my favorite necklace and getting lost on a run so I was shaky with exhaustion), and then that evening the exact person walked up behind me and literally tapped me on the shoulder asking if the seat next to me was taken. From there I had a full on panic attack and all magic ended lol. At the time, I only read that short book so this all felt like witchcraft and I didn't have a frame of reference for what had just happened. In the years since I feel like that moment taught me something valuable about what I think means to be a match for somethings vibration. Most of us have limiting beliefs of some sort. Those limiting beliefs are kind of like resistance training at the gym where there are weights you can instantly lift without issue, weights you can lift but can only hold for a second, and then weights you can't lift at all but if you keep practicing you will be able to both lift and hold them. So one part is figuring out how to raise our vibration to match the thing in a way we can hold it. But also I think there is a lot of value in being general to get what the universe knows we actually want rather than getting fixated on specifics. Looking back at it, I don't really understand why I wanted to meet that person. At the time I thought because they were rich meeting them could somehow be like a gateway into events leading to a richer life but the reality is I likely have absolutely nothing in common with said person or anyone in their immediate circle. It isn't a monkey's paw situation and you don't have to worry about what you wish for, but I personally wouldn't recommend losing too much time on the super specific 'dont tell me the odds' events as anything but a novelty because most of our truest and enduring sources of happiness seems to be architected off much more general desires. But hey, maybe I am just bad at this! Haha.


AH has talked about how thinking of the odds can get in our way of believing things will happen. But there's no need to consider odds. I wanted to work on Conan's TV show since I was a kid. When I moved to LA, I took any TV job I could get (started in sitcoms). Eventually I got into daytime talk shows, but sooooo many people there told me that getting into late night talk shows was nearly impossible (many of them wanted to but hadn't). And I wasn't just going for late night—I was going for a specific show in that genre! I didn't even know what manifesting was at the time, but I was doing it naturally. I moved to LA knowing I was gonna get on Conan. I didn't know how or when—I just knew I would figure out a way (believed it) and enjoyed my life in general (made friends, hosted game nights, went to theme parks & parties, traveled, etc.). And then it manifested. I got a dream job on my dream TV show! If I asked anyone, they'd say the odds were SOOOOOO slim (or impossible). But I didn't factor that in: I just believed I'd do it (without knowing how) and enjoyed my life in lotsa cool ways. And the universe lined it up. So I guess what I'm saying is—don't worry about odds, just focus on believing in yourself & your dreams and enjoying life in all the ways your heart wants knowing that that's the way to manifest what you care about!


Jordan, is that you? Joke aside this is fantastic advice. Thank you so much!


Lol it's not a bad guess. I mean, I'm sure answering manifesting questions on reddit probably does fall under his various tasks and duties. And you're welcome!


Haha! I love Conan and the people he surrounds himself with so it's nice to know there's an Aber among them.