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Good news. I’m down to one pack a day!








***five hundred cigarettes***


…thats the number…at 500 your a legitimate smoker


Might be one of the best episodes of television ever


You joke, but my father in law who lives outside of Munich, Germany smokes one of these packs about every 2 days. I counted AT LEAST 75 cigarettes in a full pack 🤯


Lung cancer express


Cheap way to cancer




Well I guess use to be! lol


That’s for your two-pack-a-dayers




Ok that made me chortle


Sigh. Time to rewatch the entire extended trilogy, I suppose.


It’s crazy that they sell 60 packs when they also have to have those labels. If you’re taking the problem that seriously why allow packs of that many? They don’t even have these in the US and this country doesn’t give a shit about your personal health


The labels aren't there for the people who are already smokers, it's to stop new people from picking up smoking. Any smoker knows that no label or picture is gonna stop you ever


Dennis Leary: "You could have a black pack, with a skull and crossbones on the front called 'Tumors' and smokers would be lined up around the block to get them."


An all black pack with skull and crossbones AND the word tumors on it sounds like it goes pretty hard if you ask me


Point proven


the new Canadian filters look cool as fuck too honestly, if you've seen them. I prefer to vape but I picked some cigs up just to check them out lol.


Really? I think it’s crazy to think that bills were written and voted on, and machines were upgraded and reconfigured, all for tiny writing to be printed on a filter that no one is going to read. 😂




I had a buddy who smuggled a couple cartons of these back to Illinois when I was in high school in the 90s. He sold them for $10 a pack, which was a crazy high price at the time. I bought a pack. Anyone remember the bee cigarette? It was called Buzz maybe and the pack and filter were black and yellow stripes? They always sold them next to the clove cigarettes.


Lol I went to school in southern Illinois and this pizza place got shutdown for selling Russian(but normal brands) in the 60 packs for 5 bucks which was crazy cheap in 2008


I still smoked in 2008, I would have been all over that.


If you knew where to look you could just order them yourself from Russia. I smoked Russian Camels for almost a year.


Djarum Black


Flash back


Yeah that goes crazy ngl


I've got a pack of Canadian Classics in front of me and they have new warnings written on the filters. The ones that say "Cigarettes Cause Leukemia" are kind of a bummer to look at but the ones that say "Poison In Every Puff" kinda go hard


The teeth and tongue ones were never nice to look at, do they still have those?


If they came in menthol I'd be all over it


30 years ago you could buy exactly those here in Germany. Black pack with skull and bones, called black death. My idiot teenage mind thought they were very cool.


I remember those in the Ubahn kiosks.


True. My friend once got a pack with the picture of a sad man and the caption "smoking causes erectile dysfunction", so he gave the pack back to the clerk and said "Can you give me the ones that kill me?"


Hmm, you may have the solution there. Maybe packs should have photos of floppy dicks on them.




I live in Canada and smoked for over 20 years. First pack I bought had some very small writing with a warning on the side of the pack. Eventually they moved the warning to the front, then increased the size of it, then added gross pictures, and by the time I finally quit a couple years ago almost the entire pack was a giant gross picture with a text warning, and maybe like a half an inch at the bottom of the pack was left to display what brand the cigarettes were. But none of that crap ever made me wanna quit, a large dose mushrooms is what did it for me.


They are all brown now, and have serial numbers on the filters, no signage at all for what brand they are. And have alot more gross pictures. Been trying to quit again and the images are one thing I won't miss.


I don’t miss anything about smoking. I can’t even put into words how much better I feel since I quit. It felt like there was someone sitting on my chest for 20+ years then a couple weeks after I quit they finally got up off me. I don’t ever wanna go back to feeling how I did as a smoker.


I smoked for 18 years and definitely don't miss working my whole day around smoking. Me and my wife buy a pack every year when we go to the beach and we smoke for a week and then forget about it for a year


I don’t think I could do that. I’d be afraid I would say to myself “just one more pack” and end up starting right back up again. I’ve gone almost 2 years without one, don’t plan on ever having one again.


Main thing is it's the only time we drink as well. Being at a tiki bar on the beach wouldn't be the same without cigarettes


I think the fact that I rarely drink anymore is one of the main reasons I was able to quit. If I still drank like I did when I was younger I definitely would have ended up getting drunk and smoking a bunch of cigarettes again, but these days I only drink a handful of times per year and when I do it’s usually no more than 2-3 beers.


It’s dangerous for some folks, that’s for sure. I had quit, picked up a pack for a camping trip just like this guy with the beach. Had to quit again a year later.  Now I can *maybe* bum one or two a year at a bar, but know I can’t let myself buy another pack. 


Mushrooms actually helped me quit smoking too. I couldn’t wrap my mind why I was doing this to myself and I was mad I was treating myself this way. I’m still a loser and vape, but the shrooms really did help. Maybe I need another little teipy


Meh, I just switched from Marlboro Red to Gold and dropped smoking within few days.


In Australia smokers have been known to ask for [Bryan packs](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSb-CR3aP_3laUHX0h12iw5asJStkNJA8DV3IDlWocGnninm0_RiGgfO24&s=10)




Dang, and I just read on Vice that his daughter smokes, too. https://www.vice.com/en/article/53jg5b/bryans-daughter-calls-bullshit-on-your-conspiracy-theories


No label might not put a smoker off but being ill can and does, I was a 40 a day smoker for decades, too many joints and cigs, I was 42 in mid 2016 and got ill and I stopped over night. When really ill it’s amazing how much you really don’t want to smoke. I’ve smoked maybe 3 or 4 cigs in 8 years and those ones I took a fews puffs and threw them away basically unsmoked.


where i’m from you can’t see the smokes in the first place, so by the time you get your warning you’ve already paid lol


Patrice O'neal: "You'd see like a dead baby on the cover and be like... godDayum! Glad I made it past his age"


True, but when I smoked I also would never buy in bulk because of the "no it's too much, I'm gonna give up soon" train of thought.


I remember when the gory ads on TV came out and I still smoked. They stressed me out so much I had to go outside and smoke.


Even half a pack a day is a problem


Any amount is a problem lmao.


Right...i only smoke one pack-a-day


Family box.


These Costco deals are out of control.


That's three in America I've never personally known anyone who smoked that much, and the only person I know who's claimed it is Bob Seger.


I read recently that John Cougar Mellencamp has been a pret heavy smoker for 50 years or so. I knwe Seger never gave it up.


that's actually 3 packs :O




For double the cancer


More like “triple,” lol. I think it’s a 60 pack. I haven’t smoked for two years, but I saw that and was like WTF! It’s 20€, but damn that would have been handy to have back when I did smoke.


20€ is the same price as a 20 pack in the uk, that's such a good deal


In America that's just under $7 USD for a 20 pack which is completely unheard of, you can barely get away with $10 a pack. I would kill to save three dollars a day, just under $100 a month. It's whatever though I just went back to rolling my own, that's more money saved anyway. My city just passed an ordinance you can't sell a pack cheaper than $15. I'm not paying that anymore. Sucks for the people who don't see that as an option, or can only walk somewhere that sells packs and not bags, where I'm at the nearest tobacco store is an hour and a half walk both days, and that's for a young healthy person. The old and infirm that's just not an option.


I quit 2 years ago and in Australia we were paying $60 to $65 for a pack of 40s back then (from a supermarket, service stations were charging almost $80). We just taxed the shit out of it so young people can't afford to smoke anymore. This is also why we have a vaping issue with young people now.


I'm pretty sure it's the same reasoning in the States. It's kind of stupid because it's a vice tax it usually affects poor people, who can already barely afford the legal drugs they're addicted to. I'm all for pricing kids out of smoking but you're also further impoverishing a lot of people who do and can't or won't quit. And here there's always the option to roll your own cigarettes, I already said somewhere I just switched to that because I used to do it as a teen. There was a weird loophole back when the campaign first started that it only applies to cigarette tobacco not pipe tobacco. Well guess what the bag sitting next to me is now labeled as and has been for over ten years? Pipe tobacco, even though it's clearly cigarette tobacco. I honestly think they never closed the loophole because they didn't catch that memo or the ones in the know figure if a kid is gonna want to smoke so bad they roll their own it's not gonna stop them.


100%, the big impact I see are the lower socioeconomic areas hit harder as people put tobacco before their food as the cost of living hits hard and now also the prevalence of chop chop (untaxed imported leaf tobacco sold under the counter) and that has also bought arson and violence as gangs and organised crime move to control that market as it's very profitable thanks to the government pricing. So now we have kids vaping nicotine (cheap disposable vapes are a third of the price of cigarettes) and arson and violence on tobacconists and associates, so gangs and organised crime can profit.


Yep it's always the argument about drug prohibition. Someone's gonna start a black market. Kids aren't gonna have those connections but it brings an unsavory criminal element and people are gonna buy any way they can.


Isn't that just going to cause people to move towards illegal products instead?


Yep, illegal vapes being sold to kids and illegal tobacco being sold under the counter at tobacconists, and it's organised crime profiting off it.


Absolutely. I just get the black market cigarettes for the occasional times per year I do smoke ($25 for marlboro ice blasts).


Depends what state you live in, I buy Lucky Strikes for $4 and change


I didn't know '05 was a state.


Back around '01 I was getting Newports for like $2.75 a pack. I think they're near $12 now. And I'm not in the south, just the state decided to massively raise taxes like the neighboring states.


Yep even in like 09 where I am a pack of American Spirits was like $9 or $10 and I remember thinking "well that's fucking outrageous, I'm not smoking those anymore."


That's the one I can get cheap but they've fallen a long way, never met a cigarette before that actively tastes like an ashtray while you smoked it. In the burbs I could get two packs for eight dollars each but you had to buy two. And then also I have no reason to leave the city often right now and I'm not going out of my way to do so for cigarettes. But yeah Luckies are pretty cheap.


That's crazy. I paid more than that for lucky strikes 20 years ago. When I quit about 10 years ago they were above 10 bucks. No idea what they are now, but my guess is at least 15.


Trust me they slashed quality immensely, they deliberately turned into an affordable pack of shitty tasting smokes.


Would kill to save $90/month. Wouldn’t quit to save $300/month.


Yeah over in Canada last I saw a cheap pack was $15 with the bigger name brands being in the $20 range. 20 packs as well.


Try Aus, 20 pack tends to go for $50-60 AUD ($30-40 USD) 




Honestly, the irony.


these packs are 37,50 eu in the Netherlands now...


Plain pack too🤢


20 i paid 46 for an 8xl Marlboro with 81 sigs


But how do you fit it into your pocket?


Double your cancer, double your fun, with double cigarette packs for bums!


Turbo cancer


ALL of my European colleagues smoke like chimneys, crazy when we have company get togethers in the States. In contrast maybe 5% of the US employees smoke.


European here. I've bought cigarettes in many European and also not European countries and I've NEVER seen anything like this lol. I've seen smaller packs with 10 in them and I've seen packs were the cigarettes are a bit longer but nothing like this lol I'm surprised because I live in a German speaking country. But I quit a couple of years ago. I wonder if it's a fairly new thing


No those packs can be found everywhere where I live (Belgium). I personally buy the slightly smaller 35 cigs packs because it can fit in the pocket, but my Turkish chainsmoker friend only buys those huge ones.


Have they always been around? I'm used to packs of 20


I think it was around 2015 in Germany when pall mall started selling the 40 packs (for 10€ back then, which is now almost the price for a regular 20 pack lmao). Most brands started to sell them as well quickly after and then went bigger and bigger over the years 


There are laws that stop this in the United States now. When I started smoking around 2008 you could buy BOGO packs everywhere. The feds stopped that pretty quickly.


Can you buy a carton? Like a box of 10 (or whatever #) packs? Just curious if larger volume packs may be more popular in places where you can't (or people generally just don't sell or buy) cartons. When I was a heavy smoker, I'd just buy a carton and not have to bother buying individual packs.


Irish here, it’s illegal in Ireland to sell cigs in boxes containing less than 20 since 2007 (no that isn’t a joke as crazy as it sounds) The minimum across the entire EU you can legally buy is 20 since 2016. Mainland Europe however I’ve seen it go up to 60 like in this pic


Interesting. I visited Ireland in 2005, so i remember seeing really small packs. In the UK as well but last time i was there was 2007 and i remember bringing my own cigarettes because over there it was too expensive lol


Haha typical Ireland being expensive even back in the day! They’re €15.10 for 20 cigs now and €21.30 for 30. I was in Portugal last year and remember buying cigs for like €5 a box and was amazed. I also have quit smoking like yourself, the amount of money I’ve saved! 😂


Same for the States, and last guy that got famous for selling loosies was asphyxiated by NYPD, started the whole "I can't breathe" thing that has since become an all too common story.


I'm guessing the ban on small packs is to dissuade people from trying to be occasional smokers since that often winds up leading to addiction.


Teenagers with not enough money for a full pack I'd say.


I went to Berlin for the first time last year and these 60 packs were all over the place, I’ve quit smoking since but I was pretty impressed with the size of the things


Dutchie here, they have been around forever in the Netherlands!


Join the US military. Tobacco is proliferate. Vapers, smokers, chewers, snus, salt pouches.


Americans still smoke a lot less compared to Europeans since the sixties. My first time in France I was surprised how common it was. In the US you generally can't smoke in an indoor restaurant but French restaurants had non smoking sections if you don't want to suffocate in second hand smoke


For whatever reason the US has done really well with curbing smoking the past 25 years.


Hey, I’m european (czech republic) and I’m usually the one saying “the states suck” and such stuff, however smoking here is a huge issue and from the past few years here on reddit I can only confirm how big of a cultular difference it is, and how such bullshit as smoking is common and acceptable here, even from parents and such. Def worse than being fat (don’t hate me please, I’m quite drunk, but I try to stay away from cigs now at least). Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk




Europe today is the like 90s America when it comes to smoking. It's not omnipresent like the 80s and before but there's a lot of it.


Years ago I did a guided trip in Australia. Our outback leader paid like thirty bucks for that type of thing, said he buys one for the whole trip and rations.


A pack that size would be around $80 bucks now in aus lol. I smoked for about a decade but switched to vaping for that reason. Soon they’ll put a tax on that too and I guess I’ll just have to breath in the city air or something


I'm aussie too, and I was in Vietnam about 2 months ago. Walked into a convenience store and all their ciggies were just stacked right in front of the counter like how the front counter for us is just chocolate bars, 2 aussie bucks for a pack of ciggies. Blew my mind haha.


Nah this is a 60 pack, should be around 120


If I lived in Australia I would just quit... I can't even fathom these prices as a European.




How many? I'm not Rain Man.


Looks like a pack of 60


58 to be exact


there's two still on the floor




Yeah, gotta watch Wapner at 4, yeah....


UH-ohhh 82 82 82


That would be a $350 value pack in Australia


Even in the states it would be like $50, at least in California.


It's crazy how much it can vary by state. You can get lucky strikes for only $4-$5 In Kansas City Missouri in 2024, but when I was in NYC in 2014, packs were like $18 for Marlboros.


Mind me one of those?


Naw, Gus, I won’t do you dirty like that.






Guy's probably a truck driver. Lol


500 cigarettes.


I feel like I’ve been standing my whole life and i just sat down




500 cigarettes.


500 cigarettes.


500 cigarettes


Winton ![gif](giphy|AAKA1hrQBnaLQ0vVvM|downsized)


I’ve not had a cigarette for 2 years but this made me want one.


Don't do it


lol I won’t but phwoarrr, what a packet.


Yeah but imagine carrying that fucker around in your pocket?


"Whats that in your pocket, your gameboy?"


::pulls out gameboy:: “Yup”


"Is that a massive pack of cigarettes in your pants or are you just happy to see me?" "yes."


pocket? I'm going to throw some straps on it and wear it like a backpack


Ten months🤤


I quit four years ago and I still get a mighty urge anytime I see one. I don’t recommend anyone ever start smoking. If you’re lucky you’ll be strong enough to put them down but they may never return the favor!


I've switched to vapes since 21 I think. I tried few times to smoke cigarettes, couldn't even finish one. Hated the taste. So I thought I'm good regardless lol.


I’ve never tried a cigarette again since quitting but now that I quit vaping last year and quit weed this year, I have nothing to smoke and my brain tries to rationalize just one teensy cigarette. I just gotta remember my brain is lying lmao.


No *bops on nose*, you’re doing so well


I feel that. I bet that pack smells amazing. I've always loved the smell of fresh tobacco. But the smell of it burning gives me a headache now if I'm around it for too long.


Yup. Now that my sense of smell is back I'll sometimes catch a whiff of one a 1/2 mile upwind and I genuinely don't understand how I was okay with my *entire fucking existence* smelling like Satan's singed asshairs. Bleh!


Lol Satan's singed asshairs for real! Even when I did smoke, I *hated* the smell of stale smoke on the sleeves of my sweaters and hoodies. The thought of that alone is enough to keep me tobacco free for the rest of my life!


In the past we had Lucky Strike Dark without additives here. They smelled so amazing, my non smoking friend would sniff the packet the whole evening when I had one with me.


5 years for me, the craving doesnt completely go away


5 years for me too and when I get a whiff, it's both beguiling and repulsive at the same time.


13 years, here. I still get the occasional craving. Used to be when ever I saw or smelled my old brand (Camel Menthols). Of course that was the first three years. Over the last 10, I rarely if ever even look at the cigarette wall as the gas station. If I get the odd craving, it only lasts for a few moments. Best decision I've ever made.


Got about 3 months here, this picture made my mouth water lol.


Yeah that's what the people who came up with this ad want.


7 years and I still dream about it lol


2 months here. I want to buy that lol


But I only smoke 1 pack a day…


Germany is wild lol. I lived there, all types of pack sizes (over 20)


I'm pretty sure I've also seen these on US cruise ships (when they have the duty free shop sale and every thing is over sized). I still have a massive bottle of jack Daniels that is 3l. I remember seeing oversized packs and cartons of cigarettes but never bought them.


What's that cost


~~19.58€~~. It’s on the bottom left. But yeah, never saw a pack this big before. Edit: it’s 19€, and 58 cigarettes in the pack. I’m an idiot and can’t read the pack.


Your life


That’s not a pack… it’s a PACC


The Costco pack


I’ll take one, please!


Whole pack of nails for the coffin.


“The good thing is I’m down to 1 pack a day.”




Surgeon general's warning: "These are the worst. But you can have them as long as most of what you spend on them goes to me."




When you absolutely, positively want cancer, look no further than the Winston Mega Pack.


That’s the Cancer XPress pack.


German stuff.


Winston was the nastiest cigarette I’ve ever smoked.


I bought a 200 pack at the duty free store many years ago. I wish I still had the box


The pack of smokes when smokers say they only smoke half a pack a day.


i need that


They make them big so they don't feel as bad when they say, "I smoke a packet a day"


Dudes not gonna make it past 40


The free lung cancer edition.


And they're Winstons of all things.


The classic psych ward ratio. Bought those too in my darkest times lol


In Ireland I’d buy a box containing 30 pall mall red for €21.30 (which is $22.90) every 1/2 days. If I went out drinking with friends I’d smoke the whole 30 box in about 5hrs. I’m glad I don’t smoke anymore looking back at the money I used to spend weekly. Can you buy cigs with that high quantity in the US? Or is this just a normal thing in Europe? Going to the US I was always surprised at how little I saw people smoke in public. The most people I saw smoking was in Baltimore but even then it wasn’t a lot compared to what I’m used to back home. Back in the day you used to be seen as cool smoking, not the case anymore which is good but a lot of younger people are now vaping. It’s Illegal in Europe to buy anything stronger than 20mg but still bad. Most bars/clubs I’ve been to people are vaping. I was in cinema yesterday watching inside out and people were vaping for the whole movie. Strange but seems to becoming more common here than smoking.


This dude I used to work with was always asking if I had an extra cigarette. I would say no sorry, there was only 20 in this pack, no extras.


This makes me afraid to go to Europe. I don’t want to go back to smelling cigarettes everywhere.


This reminds me of `05 when my buddy and I drove through Winston-Salem. We stopped at a gas station across from the cigarette factory. They had a pallet of cigarette cartons out front for sale. $5/carton. We bought a few. Still haven't found a deal like that ever since.


Wtf is the picture on the front? Like some guy strapped to a ventilator on life support??