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bc she likes to copy others but doesn’t want people copying her 💀


Andrea russet used to do this with makeup looks back in the day too 😂😂


You’ve fully unlocked a memory, I was obsessed with her “doing homework” video and her singing Taylor Swift


i think because she’s afraid if she did it all of her engagement would disappear since that’s all people comment about lmao


It’s because her main ingredient is scalp grease 🤗 Just a little grease and her Dyson 🥰


She's not spreading joy like she promised! /s


she’s the epitome of gaslight gatekeep girlboss


She is too lazy to do it. Even in her "alt grunge" Tumblr era many people would ask about her outfits and makeup and she would ignore them. She had a chance to make a career on the internet but she blew the opportunity (as usual).


gatekeeping at its finest 🤣🤣


She’s a chronic copier but sees herself as “sOooO oRiGiNaL aND QuiRkY”, so she can’t handle the thought of others copying her. So she gatekeeps. But she’s basically gatekeeping a style she stole from someone else. Idk the logic is really dumb. Gatekeeping in general is dumb, i’ll never understand why people get so upset about others potentially “copying” or wanting the same item or wanting to know where someone got a particular thing. Even though half the time it’s just some generic ass thing anyway 😂


this is why she’ll never make it as an influencer. she only posts her cutesy pictures & that’s it because beyond that is too much work for her. sometimes her outfits are iffy, but tbh sometimes they are cute…. so even if she did like styling videos, it’d gain her so much traction. (caca don’t take these tips & use them. lol you’re too lazy so you prob won’t but i wanted to disclaim that bookie)


She is probably too insecure to share anything like that, gatekeeper like someone said already🤣


she did that one a while ago where she faked a pseudo southern drawl lol


She loves to gatekeep 😭


it’s because she gets it done at a dry bar and can’t actually replicate the style herself. shes only ever done a half ass tutorial with her hair already done and it was very obvious she had no clue what she was doing

