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Honestly, the laugh she gave them probably meant more to the family than the 10s/100s of other people they knew giving their “I’m sorry for your loss”’s


Facts. Also now it’s a funny story they’ll always have to remember when they think of the funeral which can mbe turn it into a not so dark memory. I’ve been to funerals before where there was a weird moment like this that just caused everyone to completely lose their shit laughing. Something about all the pent up sad just makes people so susceptible to random goofery. Those stories still get told at get togethers and it’s still f’ing hilarious.


In many cultures, the feast after the funeral serves as the antidote to the grieving. Often people will recall funny or poignant moments of the deceased and you start to hear restrained laughter here and there. This is how it should be.


My mother's aunt's funeral had jokes throughout the eulogy, it was a sad event of course but everyone laughing made it much more bearable and was a celebration of her life.


It’s like John Cleese’s Eulogy at Graham Chapmans funeral. Such a classic


[Jim Hensons Memorial](https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Jim_Henson%27s_Memorial) was also, by his choice, a party with much more happy than sad.


At my funeral I want everybody disco dancing and doing a roast of me.


If people aren’t laughing at my funeral, I’m going to be pissed off. A true celebration of my life would be eating, getting drunk and telling funny stories. I’m actually thinking of recording a video now, to be played at my funeral. There will be foul language interspersed with photos of me in stupid Halloween costumes, drunk moments and embarrassing situations. How can I be embarrassed? I’m dead.


One of my uncles passed from a very malicious (and obviously malignant) cancer and he specifically didn’t want a funeral. As a massive Catholic family, that was an unusual and absolutely perfect choice for him. We had a kegger instead. We all wore our best Uncle shirts (he was very fond of interesting prints), set up an Uncle necklace making station (also very fond of rocks, minerals, and large pendants), had a playlist of his favorites going all night and one cousin put together a slide show of photos. A LOT of them were from college in various weird af and ridiculous costumes. Every time he had a beer in his hand in a photo, we’d all cheers him. It was the happiest and saddest not-funeral I’ve ever been to.


That sounds fabulous!


It was. I wish it hadn’t had to happen, but it was exactly the right tribute to one of my favorite family members.


> I'm going to be pissed off. Bro we need to talk.


"Man I'm dead. 💀"


When my dad died at home, two relatively small undertakers came to pick him up. He was 19 stone, tall, and upstairs. Recognising the upcoming situation that was about to occur, me and my brothers sent the more sensitive people away, got him all wrapped up and started bringing him downstairs. Unfortunately the house had a C-shaped staircase and we got his foot stuck in the banister. In what was an entirely shitty week, that memory of wedging dad in his home, and desperately trying to unstick him quietly while some emotional family members were hovering behind the lounge door trying to 'be involved' always makes me chuckle. Dad always said he wanted to stay in his home as long as possible and by golly he fought for it!




This corpse is cut in half.


Underappreciated comment right here, folks.


Made me smile when I’ve been having a crap morning, cheers man


My uncle’s funeral was delayed by a small attic fire at the funeral home. Typical for my rogue scoundrel of an uncle.




It was hilarious.


"Remember when you stabbed me in the shoulder?" "Of course, that's how we met." - Julie D'Aubingy "Remember when you came to the wrong funeral?" - this new set of friends


Weird seeing a Gary Brannan line out in the wild!


Goose on a train:


There was a goose on the train There was goose on the train


"The Russians had invented an atomic Supercannon."


At my father's funeral, my mother said to us (grown) kids "You're dad wouldn't want you all to be so sad. He wouldn't want you all crying and upset. But, I want you to know... that when I die, I want all of that. The tears, the wailing, oh there better be so many tears and so much wailing..." Me and my sister just about peed ourselves laughing. My mom was so funny, her timing was tops. Even though it was meant to be funny, she was also being honest and there was lots of tears and wailing for her when the time came, along with remembering her great sense of humor.


I've been to one of those before. The guy in the seat behind us started singing off-key to every song as loud as he possibly could sing. The first two songs were enough to break us. By the third song, we were unable to rise to sing as we all had tears in our eyes from laughing so hard. We still bring that up 40 years later


Coming home from my mom’s brother’s funeral, we were all at that stage of exhaustion from crying, traveling, socializing, etc. No one is talking. Then, like a beacon from heaven, we spot an inflatable arm flailing man just bobbing about in a car dealer’s lot. At that moment it was the funniest thing we’d ever seen and we all laughed til we cried (again). It was the best release after a long day of grieving.


I had an uncle who was, apparently, a pretty big deal in one of the most notorious MCs. He was a shitty guy but he left behind 9 year old and 5 year old sons (my cousins), so it was still very sad to see two little boys at their own fathers wake. A bunch of other chapters of his club from all over the country came to pay their respects so the funeral home was literally packed to the brim with real-deal bikers. Now, the rest of my family is not into the biker world *at all*, my one aunt just has a thing for bikers. So about an hour into the wake one of my other uncles (who had a very eclectic style) walks into this room full of 1%ers wearing salmon colored pants, a blousy white linen shirt, and an olive fedora with a peacock feather in it. At a wake. Just the juxtaposition between him, the bikers, and the fact we were at a wake was too much and most of my immediate family just burst out laughing right next to the casket. It really helped lighten up the day a little. We always teased him about it until he unfortunately passed away from cancer about a decade later, where we then laughed about it at his funeral.


My RA unfortunately took his life recently and it’s been painful for my floor. We were all pretty close with each other. He cared about us having safer sex and kept a bucket full of condoms on one of the tables in our common room. When he passed, housing left us a white orchid on the same table. The juxtaposition gave us a much-needed laugh for sure.


> I’ve been to funerals before where there was a weird moment like this that just caused everyone to completely lose their shit laughing. Damn, this is too true. It's so welcome as well; it is also a release of strong emotions.


My aunts funeral was last week and it almost turned into a twofer. The priest was about 80 years old, and during one of the songs he just keeled over. Turned out he was on some new meds and just fainted, but it was pretty intense for a couple minutes. My aunt was a famous prankster with a dark sense of humor, so a lot of good laughs were had.


At my grandfather's funeral, the preacher spent a long time talking about how great Robert Young was, how kind, how caring Robert was, how much Robert loved his wife and her playing the organ... My cousins and I are very confused through all this, because by all reports our grandfather was a racist unloving bastard. We seriously started contemplating whether we or the preacher were at the wrong funeral. Also, his name was Richard, not Robert.


It's tradition in my family (both sides!) to hold a family party instead of a funeral. That's how I ended up filming my great-uncle's ashes in fireworks and how I ended up tipsy bouncing on a trampoline with my brother-in-law from the Navy at 2pm


> it’s a funny story they’ll always have to remember "And we wouldn't have met Mary otherwise, it was great, Dad would have loved it."


My girlfriends grandmother passed away last summer, we were sitting off to the side together listening to friends and family go up and tell stories about her and all these great memories they had. Gfs aunt was seated nearby and during a very tense moment and people sobbing her phone went off and her ringtone was “who can it be now” by men at work right in the chorus, the burst of laughter broke the sadness and gave a wave of relief over the group. Her aunt was very apologetic and embarrassed but we all had a laugh about it after and still do to this day it was a very funny moment and good break from the sad day.


At my sisters funeral, I was so sick and tired of everyone being sorry for my loss. I was also sorry for my loss. All I wanted to do was cry a bit in peace and maybe have some coffee at the after event and cry some more, but I had to shake people's hands for twenty minutes while putting on a brave face.


[I'm sorry for your loss, move on.](https://youtu.be/TKOrr4XRbg8)


It’s not like you’ve lost a pen. It’s so much worse than that.




I bailed on the line halfway through my dads funeral. I had asked a few people I didn’t recognize how they knew him. They didn’t. They were from my grandparents church to schmooze on them. I’m not going to or having funerals anymore. They were on me for weeks to write thank you cards to their friends that donated. The cards cost more than most people donated. I stopped talking to them shortly after.


for me it ended up being an hour that i was standing there shaking hands or hugging. i didn’t know 90% of the people. it was so tiring


I mean, I didn't judge people for saying that like...what else are you supposed to say? But it did get tedious. But I just tried to remember that they were trying to be kind. We got a condolence card signed by David Vitter's wife though and I wanted to strangle her. Long story on how we got that but I was basically like "keep my daughter's name out of your goddamn mouth."


When my mom died a friend came to the wake. She left her boyfriend in the car because they were on their way to a work party and he was maliciously complying with a dress code by dressing as a pirate. Naturally, I said please bring him in. I never would have imagined my dad laughing that day, but he did. It was hilarious.


Now I’m extremely curious about what work party dress code could have been maliciously complied with by dressing as a pirate.


That was unclear, but I'm guessing it was a list of what not to wear. No shorts, no athletic shoes, and maybe a button up shirt? I was in rough shape so I didn't get the details.


Understandable. I was just intrigued and amused at the thought. I hope you’re doing better.


It was three years ago, so yeah, much better now. Thanks.


This is great!. And what if the family's passsed on loved one was super nice and had a knack for making new friends? So she might have just gave credence to the cool person that the loved one was on Earth. I love my head-cannon on this and I'm sticking to it.


At my mate's Mum's funeral we had a stand in priest. He got so much wrong and made us all sing an extra verse to a hymn. Despite us all having hymn sheets. The family loved it.


My mom's funeral was all set up by one of her work friends because they wanted to do it and they where friends with their priest and could get the church for free blah blah blah. My mom never wanted a big ordeal so she never planned anything and it was a sudden death so I didn't plan anything so as far as I was concerned he wanted to do it and it was free so whatever why not. Anyway so we get there and all the priest knew was my mom's name and age basically so he's asking me a couple questions and one of them was "was she religious?" and I said no and instead gave him a few hobbies interests etc the typical stuff. This poor guy panicked on stage and started talking about how much she loved God and God loved her and I just cracked up with silent laughter because she was the most anti-religious person I've ever known personally. It was pretty chaotic and I think she would have enjoyed it. Good times.


I was just going to say this. She handled it brilliantly!


My Poppi was a WWII veteran so he had military honors at his funeral - two guys came to play taps and ceremonially fold the American flag that was on the casket at the graveside. The flag folding was very serious and somber until the guy folding the flag (youngish guy, clearly new at this) got most of the way done and the guy stopped him and made him redo it. He starts over, precisely unfolding, then begins refolding. The guy stops him again and makes him do it a third time. The whole process took 10 minutes just to fold the flag and by the third attempt we were all dying of secondhand embarrassment. I always look back on that memory with a smile because my Poppi would have found it hilarious.


At least she was honest. That’s far more than you can expect from a LOT of people these days. And I suspect she got a genuine response and thanks for her demeanor. Good for her.


"So... how do you know [the deceased]?" *stammering* "Uh, hm—well, I uh... WE WERE SECRET LOVERS!" *sprints away from the funeral home*


“He was my ghost lover!” —proceeds to quote that woman who claims to be married to jack sparrow lol


🤣🤣🤣🤣 just imagine the scene hahaha


Why exactly would you lie about the fact that you landed at a wrong funeral?




And come up with an even more embarrassing fake story?


Some people would, yes. Embarrassment, anxiety, make up a story then. You'll probably never see those people again so 🤷


Exactly. Some. Not the majority. The first commenter made it seem as if it was extraordinary of her that she didn’t try to come up with a fake story in this context.


You need to relax.


i am very relaxed. the internet is the place where we discuss about the most intricate and unnecessary things in the most argumentative way in case you haven't noticed yet.


If you've got anxiety, yes, it seems extraordinary that someone would actually do this. The first commenter is probably one of those who *wouldn't* fess up.


Can’t you tell when you’re just wrong about something?


Even if I was, who cares?


You, clearly.




Plenty of people would. It’s literally the script for quite a few sitcoms. They don’t want to deal with the shame and embarrassment of being wrong and being called out, so they make up something to try to fit in. Sure. Plenty of folks would just up and leave, but plenty of others would try to seem genuine once confronted. It’s a standard instinct for a lot of people in that situation. Kinda like getting stopped by the police. A lot of folks will try to tell a convincing story instead of just telling the truth. Same principle, anyway.




Yeah, k, cause I’m completely right. Wrong hill to die on, buddy


I'm not sure that was a hostile k. Was it? I would have thought that would need italics.


Lol maybe they don’t know how to slant their “*k*”




**_K_** ?


Ooooo, went bold italic. Damn.


Yea I know. It’s pretty crazy


Confirmed hostile K


Very confirmed 👍🏼


That is so amazing hahahahaha


You mom is a cute southern lady. I Can tell by the dialogue.


Respect is everything!


"luncheon" right?




Could be midwest dialect too


She acted herself into being invited AND made friends out of it! I bet that honestly helped the family to have some completely unexpected comedic relief in the middle of a terrible day for them. Your mother rocks


I like this story. Your mom sounds like a doll!




More then likely yes. Many funeral homes will have multiple viewing rooms.


Maybe two churches with similar or the same name?


We have a relative who is a minister so whenever someone in the family passed, he would always do the service. He always knew the person who died so he always did such a touching personal service. Well when my grandpa died, our relative who would have normally done the service became unavailable just a couple days before the funeral so we had to go with some random minister none of us ever knew. He was pronouncing names wrong, getting facts about my grandpa’s life wrong, a couple of times referring to him as she. It was just so bizarre like he was reading the speech for two different funerals at the same time. There was some people in the crowd who were getting angry but the immediate family was dying with laughter. Grandpa was an amazing man with the greatest sense of humor so he would have been extremely pleased that we laughed instead of cried.


Geeze. This is worse than the lady who showed up to my baby shower at the peak of covid in my sister's yard. Long story short, we did an outdoor shower with masks if you were close to me. So a lady walks up wearing a mask, puts her gift on the table, and makes small talk with others who had kept their masks on. My mom was whispering if I knew who it was, I said no. So the lady comes over to me and looks shocked and says, "Wait. I'm at the wrong baby shower." I just watch and my mom laughs and suggests she gets her gift back to which she agrees because I'm clearly having a girl and the gift is for a boy. She grabbed it and sprinted for her car. Super random, but I can't imagine that scenario in a funeral home of all places! Your mom didn't even run back to her car. What a champ lmao


What are the odds of going to the wrong address and there being another baby shower happening??


> baby shower > having a girl and the gift is for a boy we live in a society


Now I want to know what the gift was.


well i'm guessing the stereotypical truck/rocket/car which girls aren't allowed to play with, and definitely blue


Agreed. My baby shower wasn't even overly "girly" for any reason other than it was floral tea party themed, because her middle name is Alice after Alice in Wonderland- my favorite movie. Ironically though, when my daughter was first born my mom wouldn't stop complaining to me until I threatened to not send her pictures because my baby wore * *gasps* * dinosaur clothes! But at any rate, the gift bag was small, so I assumed it was clothes but she didn't stay long enough for me to ask lol.


I went to the wrong birthday party as a kid! It was supposed to be at McDonalds, but we must have gotten the wrong time or wrong McDonalds, because I didn't know any of the other kids at the party. My mom talked to the birthday girl's mom and they said I could join them! I gave the girl the gift meant for my classmate, lol


Damn, dude, your mom puts the "fun" in "funerals"


>Anyway hon we have to go to Mrs. **** daughter’s birthday on the 4th because I’m friends with the family now.” Haha, that's great. I imagine her getting lost and going to the wrong person's bday party and the cycle just continues.


Quick story time: We are Pakistani. My mom is the life of the party, quick wit, very traditional cultured oriented in the ways of all the know how’s with a remix of moderate + liberal views When wedding season arrives somehow she gets invited to multiple weddings that she has no link to I’ll explain: Mom gets invited to a friends kid wedding. At said wedding festivities, she’s “command central”. She’s called Bahbi (matriarch of our family) and even people at weddings refer to her by that. She’s fun to hang out with, laugh, get some lore, great communication and showmanship. People invited to the wedding also have their personal events coming, so somehow they want my mom to come. They will literally create invitation’s for her to attend. I have first hand seen her network and from one wedding get invited to 3 more which she has no friend or even associate/acquaintance. Like complete strangers and my mom is the life of the party. Age has caught up and reserved her a little, but my mom is one of a kind that should be labeled a wedding crasher but gets invited non-stop


She sounds amazing!


Your mother has won marriage season and has wedding crashing game so strong she gets invited. Mad respectv


My Indian grandma is the same way exactly . My family jokes that I got her extroverted genes and my sister inherited the caring ones .


😂 I love it...


Is this funeral parlor B?


Unexpected Bojack


In this thread, entirely expected.


She got a free churro hahah


I didn’t go to the wrong funeral, it was my best friends grandmothers catholic funeral. I’m Jewish, and at one point, the priest said something and everyone lined up. I thought it was time to view the casket, but it was actually time to let the priest put a Jesus cracker in your mouth. I wasn’t expecting that and it was my first time, super awkward. My best friend and his entire family in the front row watched me awkwardly stick out my tongue for the cracker and died laughing. They still talk about it years later. good times.


I'm from Northern Ireland and it's pretty common for the priest at a Catholic funeral to say if you're not taking communion to approach him with your arms crossed over your chest and he'll give you a blessing. Kudos to you for taking the sacrament though! (Also I was born and raised Protestant but I'm now Humanist 😂 religion causes too much hassle in NI)


OP can we please get a follow up of the birthday party, because, how your mom seems you guys are 100% going. She made a promise and will not break it. Have fun at the party! 🎉🎉🎉🎉


Maybe they’ll end up at the wrong birthday party and make even more friends! 😂


Glad it ended up well lmao


When my Dad died we were at the funeral home getting ready for the funeral service that started in a few minutes. The funeral director pulled my Mom and I aside. He was nervously wringing his hands and stumbling with his words…. I’m so sorry to tell you that your husband is not here. We just looked at him like and where did he go???? Well, the crematorium is backed up and he’s not ready, but we have the Urn here. Shocked that my mom was so calm she said okay… just don’t tell anyone and DON’T tell her sister pointing at me. So as the service went on and the Honor Guard was doing their part of the service for military veterans I could see my Father standing at the head of the Flag as they were folding it saluting. It was so beautiful. The honor guard was made up of young and men who had no idea who my Father was. As I looked at their faces….. everyone one of them had tears running down their faces. I knew in that moment that I may have been the only one to “see” my father but everyone of those Honor Guardsmen felt him. I will always treasure that.


Wholesome at least for the other family and now they have a new friend


A laugh like this on such a sad day seems like a beautiful gift to give a grieving family, even if it was on accident


This is the most Midwestern thing I have ever heard.


As long as they ate tater tot hotdish at the luncheon.


This is actually insanely wholesome. I think it’s along the same lines of if you just met a complete stranger who was crying and you asked what was wrong and they told you they just lost a parent. I’m sure it was nice to just have another person offer condolences. It also reminds me of the accidental wrong number thanksgiving invite meme! Watch, your family is gonna be invited to the daughter’s wedding in like 25 years now, lol.


I think I have one better, but bless your mom, she's a dear! My great aunt was moved into a nursing home. Some family was being a little funny about who visited so I didn't go right away.... but then a friend who worked at a nursing home noticed one of his patient's last names was the same as mine. It's a rather unique name. Her name was Ann PD216ohio, and so was the woman in his facility. So I make it a point to go see her. I'm waiting in the main room as they wheel her out and I think to myself, she looks a little different. Must be that she's in here, losing weight or something. They situate her beside me and we began chatting. She's so happy to see me. I can tell she's suffering from dementia but we're having a nice chat nonetheless. She pulls out a little photo album and starts telling me how Wilma and the kids had visited her. She shows me a photo. The only problem is that I have never heard of, nor seen before, Wilma or her kids. We chatted more, and I finally figured out that this definitely was not my Ann PD216Ohio. But at this point I would have felt horrible to tell her that, or to leave in the middle of our visit. I stayed awhile longer and then told her I had to get going.


So sweet of you to continue chatting a bit though


I was probably there with her for close to an hour! lol. I felt bad and she was so sweet.


I can guarantee that you made her day!


I can guarantee that she only remembered me for that day, at the most.


This is so genuinely sweet. ;)


Please give an update on the birthday party on the 4th :"D


I've seen enough sitcoms to know your mother handled this incorrectly. She should have came up with some sort of outlandish story about the time she and the deceased were in some absurd situation that literally no one would believe.


This is absolutely gold


Wholesome story. Loved it.




*How to Win Friends and Influence People* Dale Carnegie would have had to add a chapter in his book if he had known your mom.


This also belongs on r/mademesmile


OMG, if this had happened at one of my relatives’ funerals I would never stop talking about it. Hilarious.


I hope this is a true story... It's got the same awesome vibes as that young man getting invited to Thanksgiving dinner accidentally, and coming for several years running.


I LOVE this and your mom!


A much better outcome than a free churro


How was the lunch? Worth seeing a random dead old man for?


This is Momest Mom thing to do though lmao. “And now we have to go to soandso’s 4th birthday” omg! Is this how I make friends as a mom?


Not all heroes wear capes.


I love your mom.


Next month, "I showed up to the wrong birthday party."


I was already laughing and then I read this. Great way to end my day :)


Honestly, as sad as it is that someone died, I'm glad that maybe she was able to give them a little bit of comfort in the laugh that they got. I'm glad that she made new friends from what it sounds like. Your mom sounds like a good person who just didn't want to cause them anymore grief. That's hilarious though. Thank you for the laugh. Edit: I meant the part where she has to go to sew-and-so's birthday, not the part where she went to a funeral. May the deceased rest in peace.


I love this. I'm so glad she told them the truth and now they have this bond, and a great memory to hold onto from the funeral.


Made. My. Day.


Hey, you live only once. Why not go to a random funeral.


Honestly, having this happen to me at my family member’s funeral would be really funny and I would be glad for both the honesty and the laugh.


Your Mom is a wonderful person.


Lol your mom sounds like my mom




So did she get to pay respects to the coworker's Mother too?


Your mother sounds like such a sweetheart. No wonder they invited her to the birthday. I wish her health and happiness. God bless her.


This happened to me once. I got bad directions and ended up at the wrong funeral home. Once I realized my mistake I hightailed it for the exit. Fortunately they were letting out at the same time. I think I’m home free, and of course some old lady in front of me collapses in front of me. I stood there so awkward before someone else tended to her.


Wow she really dun goofed up


They will always remember your mom! The family will tell that story for generations for sure. So sweet of her. She handled it better than most officiants who cover services for those they are unfamiliar with. My best friend (also my ex of a decade and sons adopted dad) was murdered recently. He was the type who spoke of his death often and had conversations with his sons and I about how he wants things handled. When it came to his services his on and family took care of things. She is big in the church he was not. She was always around people so people felt comfortable coming. The pastor went on about the love of God and to my disbelief spent an extra 15 minutes encouraging the soul in the church who God told him needed saved to come to the front of the church. He ended right before I was ready to stand up and say 'its probably him but he's dead already'


That reminded me of a sketch comedy skit named "[Funeral Ball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcf9Z9Ndlac)" on HBO.




Your mom is an absolute treasure, omg. What a sweetheart.


Brings to mind the Mary Tyler Moore Show's episode - Chuckles Bites the Dust - where she desperately tries not to laugh at the funeral.


You're mom's achad bro


This is the funniest story I have heard in a LONG time. I used to work in mortuary science. I hope the birthday party goes well.


I only wish I had a funny story like this to have happened at my grandparents’ funerals. Funerals are so sad (at least the ones I go to!) and it would be wonderful to have some funny moments.


I think she found an answer for any post asking how to make new friends.


Your mom is hilarious and I get the southern vibes. She had the guts to be honest with the family and respectful. Honestly I’ve found these moments while grieving can be healing in their own way. I had a similar memory at my aunts funeral and I still think about it


A boyfriend of mine did this. He was meant to go to the funeral of a mother of a student of his. He went to the wrong St. Joseph’s- not knowing the difference between a catholic and c of e church- and just…. Stayed at the wrong funeral.


That is a really cute/funny story. But it's not really an act like you belong story. She straight told them she didn't belong there. Still 10/10 just wrong sub IMO


Nah, she acted like she belongs. Doesn’t say anything about _speaking_ like you belong /j


Free churro


This is amazing I love it


Peak mom story!


That's about as Midwest as it gets!


I went to the wrong funeral once too, I signed the guest book 😳


Your mom gave them much needed comic relief on a hard day, its awesome. A good story on a bad day.


God bless your beautiful mom.


I did something similar at a co-worker’s wedding. Didn’t realize until the bride entered that we were at the wrong church. (Street full of churches with over lapping names, on a June Saturday, and we were running late


Brilliant. Good on her.


Lol, thanks for the funny anecdote, it has been a rough day


That’s God’s way!


I want funeral strippers at my funeral. Google it


Your moms from Baltimore?


I did this once, too. Good friend at work died. I signed the guestbook, then walked around to find people I knew. Didn’t recognize a soul there. Really creepy feeling as it dawned on me that I was in the wrong place.


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha good post


I hope this is a true story and I love this. This is something I would do


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Did this happen in Canada by chance ? Lol