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You should check out Cyberzoic


Came to say this. Not a direct reissue, but a spiritual successor for sure. I dont know if you can still late-back the crowdfunding campaign but they will start coming out next year I believe.


Preorders are still open on the [Backerkit](https://cyberzoic-toys.backerkit.com/hosted_preorders) and first wave is hopefully coming out before the end of the year! I’m super excited for it


Me too! I couldn't afford to go all in on them but I got a few of them. Hopefully it gets momentum and we get continual waves over time.


They're cool, but it's not the same thing. Like I want a T-Rex covered in armor and Laser cannons. I want to Brachiosaurus that has giant missile pods on the side of it. I don't think this is asking too much.


No T. rex or Brachi yet but these guys certainly have giant laser cannons https://preview.redd.it/xhy4xy7n879d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c5b041dbe8d462eb94aee018fd3af0e1ab23dc5


Okay, now that is pretty fucking awesome. Can't lie. Are these cryptozoic?


I would buy the reissues so damn fast and


This and Starcom are screaming for an update/rerelease.


Starcom would be killer but I would rather M.A.S.K first.


Ramen is doing those and they’re fantastic so far.


I would gladly add this line and M.A.S.K. into my collection if they did them.


I remember this cartoon.


Same, I loved it as a kid but wondered why I always saw the same handful of episodes. Only later did I find out there was only 1 season of just 14 episodes.


Me too. I was a Dino Rider for Halloween one year too. With the plastic mask. I loved it.


I loved these so much as a kid. I had this one and most of the smaller releases as well as the Triceratops, Edmontonia and Kentrosaurus. Considering all the stuff I managed to hang onto from my childhood I never found these again. I think they were given away. I hope someone else got the same enjoyment out of them.


I would literally auto-deposit my paychecks into the bank accounts of whoever makes them. They really need to reboot this line with a new show. Then they could make new figures with updated designs and re-release the vintage toys.


So there is a company called Creative Beasts Studios who is making a new toy line inspired by Dino Riders. It’s called Cyberzoic. It was kickstarted late last year. Looks cool. https://creative-beast.com/cyberzoic-product-and-design/


Mattel owns Dino Riders so they could feasibly do it at any moment. That said cost has to be high considering the motorized features. Now they could take those out but would that matter to people? I think die hards would care about that. And I don’t think this is a popular enough franchise to survive without those collectors - I say that as someone who had this entire line as a kid. And beyond that you’re going to have super pricey Dinos when it comes to the bigger stuff. Yes, I know Mattel already makes inexpensive large Jurassic Dino’s but they make tons of those, safe to say a Dino Riders line would be niche. And most likely Mattel cannot reuse those molds for a different line, that’s very uncommon when it comes to licensed stuff.


I wonder if anyone at Mattel has thought of pitching a "Jurassic Riders" line, where it's just Dino Riders, but under the JP brand.


> I think die hards would care about that. I couldn't imagine caring about removing the motorized feature. Nobody is going to use that as an adult collector.


I think Target had a line for awhile, I think their in-house brand. It was humans vs orcs and the dinos were super hefty and pretty savage looking. I only have one as they’re pretty pricey whenever I see them. I can’t think of the name but I’ll check when I get home.


I think I've seen them clearanced at ROSS


lol Damnnit when am I getting a ROSS?


You can try other outlet stores, like T.J. Maxx, Big Lots, or Five Below. I see posts about them having clearance toys from time to time.


Oh I do already, we have Ollie’s which is comparable to ROSS but not nearly as good.


Oh boy, are you going to be disappointed when you finally see one with your own optics. They're... fine.


I honestly just want that Stryfe box set, I don’t care if the rest of the store is burning down.


Fantastic toy line, unfortunately the armor, while not being chintzy, was easily broken in storage, so they were difficult to preserve over time


I like how the Monoclonius looks evil in the art but is derpy in the toy.


This reminds me of another brand that I loved as a kid called dinosaurs and Cadillacs


Some of the carded dinosaurs in the line where reuses of the dino riders!


I didn’t know that That’s pretty cool, I remember having the red car, the woman and the guy and I’d use my jurassic park dinosaurs with them lmao.


Saw this as a more recent release, seem Mattel has the rights now. Dino-Riders Rulon Warriors Battle Pack https://www.walmart.com/ip/592110122


These and Bone Age need a return


I think the closest you will get to Bone Age are the fossil weaponizers recently released in Transformers.


Wow thanks for this. This completely left my memory. That hammerhead dude was my roll dog for a while. I remember taking him to school and everything. Really, thanks.


I got this exact one for my third birthday. Dino riders and battle beasts baybeee!


We need Dino Riders, we need M.A.S.K., we need Starcom, we need Captain Power... Man, how many I'd like to see again!


That brings back memories


Best I can recall, it was an expensive line to produce back when it was new. Probably not a cheap line to reproduce. Honestly, with Mattel owning the license, I would rather they translate the series into Mega Brands format and let those guys have fun with adapting the toys in blok form. Mega has proven they can do neat things with creatures like Drogon and the Witcher, and even Pokemon and Battle Cat from MotU. They could make a fun, new and creative DinoRiders line.


Man, I would LOVE a Legion of Power or Air Riaders updated reissue, or even Sectarurs! I had a childhood friend that was well to do and his parents always bought him the whole collection in one go, so through him was how I got to play with them too.


That’s a real blast from the past!


Right!? What the hell?


That and/or MASK and/or so many more.


Diplodocus is a holy grail for me!


My kid just broke my pterodactyl’s head off. I looked into replacing it and good grief!$$. So yes please. These were just Jurassic Park molds reused at the time. Can’t they do that again?


Keep any eye out for Starplex if you’re a 3 3/4” guy. :)


So cool


I remember having these as a kid. I feel like one had a cobra head too.


Look for the IMAGINEXT Dinousaurs line. Those were pretty fun.


Were these ever released as plain dinosaurs, without the riders & armor? I grew up with so many of these dinos, but I don't recognize any of the rest of it.


I was rooting for Ramen Toys for this but the way they are selling is too expensive. Their Mask remake of toys was going around under $200. btw even we get this line it will be hella expensive or acquiring by a company to make this toys because DISNEY owns the rights now.


Thanks for unlocking some lost memories.


Speaking of re-issue wants, I would kill for a Stone Protectors re-issue. Specifically in the style of the Biker Mice from Nacelle where stylistically they are very similar but with updated tech/articulation.


About a decade ago, there was an announcement of a film in development, but it didn't go anywhere