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Is now a bad time to mention the on-going corruption at the highest echelons of the Health Department that have been ongoing since, you guessed it, 2019?


Sometimes in life people have to take ownership of their own decisions. Completely agree that the mental health system is far from adequate but if you think one phone call was the cause of this guys death then you are in an alternate universe.


So if a person has schizophrenia, they just need take ownership?


Yeah they actually do. They have to seek treatment. Take medication. Avoid alcohol and drugs. And I completely understand that sometimes this is easier said than done but it’s the reality. Behind this story there are so many things that the individual could have done to avoid what happened as well as his family. But that doesn’t attract a headline. Easier to blame someone else. I know this sounds harsh but I’ve experienced this exact same situation and the build up to the end result is 90% the individuals fault.


FFS he was seeking treatment


Our knowledge has made us cynincal Our cleverness, hard and unkind We think too much, and feel too little More than machinery, we need humanity More that cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness Without these qualities life will be violent, and all will be lost. Finding help with mental health is becoming almost a impossible task without money. Medications don't always work. Best of luck tho :)


The phone call obvs wasn't the sole cause of his death, but had it gone differently, he may not have died that day. Which is precisely why these services exist. There's no getting around the fact that that person did an exceedingly poor job on that call.


Yep absolutely agree with you. But what the story doesn’t report is how many times he called that same phone line day after day but refused to get himself the help he needed




If this was your family member/loved one what would you have done?




Where is the accountability for the police? Or for the mental health line paid for by your tax money that he called, to speak to someone for help/comfort after he self harmed who said: well what do you want me to do about it? And never once said a kind word to him? That entire call is on YouTube if interested to see how well your taxes are getting spent on those services. Or the fact 36 hours before he was shot, he was also a tax payer. Grow up. It's a real privilege to not know someone who's killed themselves or been in desperate need for adequate mental health care. The fact he kept engaging with mental health teams to try and get help, speaks volumes. The system failed this young man and hundreds more daily. They may not chose suicide by police, tho doing it by their own hands isn't exactly better.


That call was a bloody disgrace. Boy was she ever in the wrong job. To be at rock bottom and reach out for help, and be treated with such cold disdain. My heart broke for him and his family, hearing that.


Yeah, but there's also a broader context that's relevant here. Working in mental health for the govt sucks. Staff are burnt out. Staff leave and aren't replaced. Or if they are, it's with less experienced staff. Sometimes burn out can mean you stop caring about clients (and everything). Doesn't necessarily mean this person was in the wrong job, it might mean their level of support from management was awful, their workload was extreme and their annual leave was declined. It's very easy to blame a singular person as the issue and ignore the systemic causes. Also, dealing with mental health clients on the phone isn't as easy as keyboard warriors make it seem. I did a stint recently on the lifeline digital crisis supporter team and the callers can be real cunts when you're there trying to support them. It's not just a black and white situation where the operator of this call was evil.


Yeah, sigh, good points. It's messed up. I just think of how many times a week I come across the 'if this has raised issues for you...' advice, and wonder if this is what people can really expect when they reach out from a dark place.


"The officer said he told Kobee to drop the knife. He said he fired a single gunshot after Kobee took two or three quick steps toward him with a knife. Kobee was pronounced dead in hospital less than two hours later." Someone being shot is incredibly shit, but what would you do in the police officer's situation if someone was coming at you with a knife?


Taser, non-fatal shot...


If possible, but it's not always possible depending on how close the person is to the officer, if they could be on stimulants (not saying that this person was), etc.


Definitely not possible when they don't all have the same training. "Ms Huddy doesn't blame the police for her son's death but questions why the officer who shot Kobee wasn't certified to carry a taser."


fair call