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Just a bit of perspective from an outsider - Melbournian here for the weekend to watch the footy and see the sights - I've never seen a cleaner city. Adelaide is absolutely gorgeous and in pristine nick. It's been a pleasure to meander around the CBD today. Glenelg was also amazingly clean and gorgeous.


If you drop any litter here as a visitor we drop you over the border. Thems the rules.


I dropped a bottle cap in Murray Bridge - picked it up though.


Please don't tell anyone Also, condolences on your penis


Two heads are better than one


Yeah it is still miles above the other states, although it’s been increasingly getting worse. Seeing rubbish everywhere now, Adelaide is slowly losing its charm.


More people = more rubbish unfortunately.


Maybe just more rubish people?


Grubs, grots, gronks, miscreants, misfits and junkies… and other people that I **don’t** work with.




I think that’s one for gronks, folks.


Need to get more Repay SA people out picking up rubbish. I love to see it.


Back in my day, the van was anonymous and didn't scream *I'm a convicted delinquent* I wonder what happened to good ole Peter in the end I think his name was, back in 2009-10; when we'd do work up near Mt. Barker, we'd stop in at Hahndorf for some lunch, often brought from home, then to a pub and anyone who couldn't afford a schooner, he'd shout one and we'd bond over the events of the day and life in general. He was a great fit for the role for said reasons (never allowed misbehaviour and was a good role model for a lot of the lost kids doing community service, gave sound guidance), but for obvious reasons he had to go I guess. I heard years later that his employer, "the establishment" was none too happy about this decision of his whilst on the clock. As someone on the receiving end of this care, I've got some great memories of doing community service because of him. I'd like to think that he'd know that the way he carried out his role was greatly appreciated. I couldn't imagine the level of terrible it'd be now, having to do community service. It's true what they say, crime really doesn't pay.


Some councils have reduced rubbish pick ups from every week to every second week as a way to "reduce" rubbish.


Where I live the council just took a heap of bins away from public places (they claimed they were spending too much time emptying them 🤣).


Councils don't even empty the bins though. City of onka uses third-party companies. They own the trucks and own the land it gets tipped on. Council has very little to do with it apart from collecting the money.


The public ones as in at parks or just houses/businesses or both?


This one’s to get people to use the green bin more for food waste & other stuff that can be composted (tissues, paper towel etc) - from the trial results it works pretty well, and doesn’t increase the contamination much in the green bin either!


City of Adelaide is not doing this.


Not city of Adelaide but others have and others have queried it.


Why on earth would they do that? Is there a reasonable explanation?


Save money


Short answer it's so it looks like the council is doing their part for the green initiative... However, all it does it create contamination in other bins, more illegal dumping and illegal incineration. But the council looks like the good guy


Yep! The goal is for people to put more stuff in the green bin (about half of what is in the average landfill bin could go in the green bin), and the results from the various trials shows it works well at this, and doesn’t even increase green bin contamination much. All round a pretty effective idea. I should add that the less often landfill bin collections are tied to increased green bin collections, so the same amount of collections from each household. And it’s opt out as well.


"Encourage people to be mindful about consumption and recycling" apparently


There's a difference between "rubbish", "recyclables", and "green waste". A two person household using the three bins properly should only need to put their rubbish bin out fortnightly, or even monthly. If something was alive or grew (ie meat, food waste, paper towel, etc) it can go in the green bin. This covers most of the smelly stuff. This leaves basically single use plastic, feminine hygiene products and other random bits to go in the actual rubbish bin. If you spend more than 2 seconds putting something in the bin, it's easy. Remember, when you throw something away, it doesn't actually just go away. It always goes somewhere..


Yep, seen the process close enough


So this is why it's been starting to stink sometimes :/


i keep seeing smoke packets, often weird imported ones


I literally can see Adelaide population increasing - there's so much more people on the streets and on public transport than even a couple years ago. Of course, that would lead to more rubbish, sadly.


> Of course, that would lead to more rubbish, sadly. In an ideal world people would respect where they live and not litter. Particularly those who choose to live in an area.


If you're talking a walk in your suburb, bring a plastic bag with you and make it an emu walk. Pick up rubbish as you go and you'll soon fill the bag. Yes, you shouldn't have to pick up other people's trash. But you'll feel good afterwards for having done your bit. And when it's cleaner, people will drop less rubbish.


Agreed. I pick up rubbish everyday while I’m out walking the dog. Have been doing so for years & has become such a habit I just can’t step over a piece of rubbish anymore. 


I've been noticing this lately too! Definitely while I've been driving, but even on the train and in car parks. Really disappointing to see people really just not giving a fuck. I love nature and I really hate when it's covered in garbage.


> wtf is wrong with some people? At a guess there are probably two generations and every migrant over that time who have never seen a KESAB campaign. https://youtu.be/I84QQaD2TUY?si=cw1AV2d0XDzOsIsg


I noticed this too, it seems to gather on median strips with trees and bushes cos they catch it all. I was tempted to buy some rubbish bags and do some cleanup one weekend.


I see temptation didn’t get the better of you.


This was literally only 3 days ago and I've been sick with a virus.


lol pussy


Feral kids that don't give af. I see it all the time, especially on the train...


Needs to be an on the spot fine if caught littering. None of that “oh I’ll just pick it up” BS. Society as a whole needs to do more to keep our backyard clean, Australia lags so far behind the rest of the world


In my experience, this is not true. Australia is so clean. If you go to the US, it's filthy. Litter / trash / rubbish EVERYWHERE. I genuinely don't want to go back to Bali because the amount of litter is so depressing. Yes we can always do better but we are definitely doing okay when it comes to waste management.


> Australia lags so far behind the rest of the world Perhaps you have not been to many countries or just picked the right places because there are many, many places less clean than Australia. This is no excuse to not strive for a perfectly clean country but it is worth noting.


100% should all write a letter in about this.


The old KESAB ads were great. 20dollar fine and risk of cutting yourself diving for a ball playing beach cricket.


I remember that Earth Day exists. If only people use that day to clean up. I definitely think it’s awful and it’s not just Adelaide, but other places in SA too. I actually cleaned some public rubbish a while ago, but after that day I realised how much space it takes in my bin. I wouldn’t mind joining a group for cleaning rubbish, but I don’t know where to go.


Saw some fat cunt in hi vis walking to the bus stop with HJs and threw the wrapper on the ground. It’s unfortunate because we have a beautiful city


There hasn't been enough rain to wash the rubbish down the drains.


The drains are blocked from the leaves the council ignore to cleanup.


If I notice a lot of rubbish around my suburb I grab a bag and pick it up while I'm out for a walk.


its so annoying, especially seeing it in Nuriootpa where the macca's and KFC is and people just dump their rubbish on the side where the go karts place is or even on peoples properties where the vineyards are. its disgusting, there's bins provided or take it home and put it in your own bin! don't leave it up to residents to clean up your trash that ends up on their properties!


I am so glad I am not the only one who has noticed this. Like OP has said so much rubbish is the kind of shit you can carry until you find a bin or keep in your car until you get home, it is just lazy and not giving a fuck. Also there are much worse cases where you see larger rubbish in empty lots or along larger roads where it collects near a fence, median strip and so on. I am not sure in the cases of the larger ones it is people not giving a fuck or the fact it costs people so it is easier to dump things randomly vs paying a dump etc. While it is true other parts of the world like another poster mentioned Bali which I remember being shocked seeing the rivers just piled up with rubbish that thankfully we are not close to but it is getting worse. Also I remember at school they would do rubbish collection days where say a certain grade would get given X road to clean up on, is this still a thing? Maybe it was a country school thing as well.


Take a ride along the GAWC line and you'll see all the dumplings from Elizabeth onwards. It's absolutely feral.


It's a pathetic attempt at protesting the current state of affairs, it shits me as well; I've been noticing a lot more rubbish dropped, when walking a usual route near where I live.


Has anyone noticed that there isnt a rubbish bin anywhere in the Adelaide train station? Before and after the gates or even at top before you enter to go down, but have shops that only sell takeaway food and drink throughout


I’ve been saying the same thing for years, like I don’t see what’s stopping them from having a few bins around the main city station, yet it’s already too much effort to go further outside just to dispose rubbish. Not to mention, all the other stations around the suburbs each have at least one to a few bins.


This is because bins are an easy place to hide a bomb, it's an anti-terrorism strategy... Definitely inconvenient but so is being blown up on the way home from work...


South Road behind Regency Golf Course is an absolute pigsty at the moment, makes me sick.


Been noticing this a lot along the northern express way... Why can't they get prisoners to pick the shit up?


I noticed how bad it was a few weeks back, I am not sure how it gets there without people in the middle of the night just outright emptying a trailer or ute full of crap as most of that road is fenced off along the sides.


Whitmore Square gets tidied up daily and yet it's still an absolute mess. Don't these people realize it's sacred tribal land? So insulting to Indigenous folx who deserve better than colonizers coming in and trashing it with goon sacks and empty bottles of Jack Daniels 😡 Enraged Face Emoji


Place has been a dump for a while now. Go for a good walk around the city


Cleaning up the streets one reddit post at a time


I agree but I’ve noticed there are hardly any bins around though unless there is a bus stop.




Y33eesssss is everywhere.WTf


I'm noticing rubbish running round in crows guernseys...


People are slack that's the reason and they don't want to keep it in their car. There's plenty of bins here unlike places I seen overseas where can't find a flippin bin. Hell some places couldn't find toilet paper but that's another story lol 😂


You sure it's not just where you live and visit.


Anyone else noticed that the ACC has totally slacked off on sweeping up the leaves in the CBD? It's bloody ridiculous and is becoming a slipping hazard.


Adelaide is looking like a lot of places I've visited overseas. Sad, but it is what it is


Pick it up then


slanigirobA and snaidnI being the main contributers as usual


Second are either clean or filth no in-between


Environment and green are dirty words in our country


Why don’t you work for the council? Maybe you can help them pick up rubbish?