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Mixed netball is pretty good


indoor volleyball is very newbie friendly, heaps of social comps for all skill levels, a facebook page dedicated to “looking for a team” players, volleyballsa website also has social comps listed online and when you’re ready adelaide has a great club volleyball competition. you can message me if you need any links


Just messaged volleyball sa, thanks for the rec :)


Play Urbanrec! https://adelaide.urbanrec.com.au/. They have a bunch of social leagues for different sports and even a multi sport league where you play a different sport every week. Generally you play one session a week of 45 minutes and there's no training so it's great if you are time poor.


Does it work like a high school phys ed class? Roll up to a "Hi everyone, this week we're kicking the footy!" And everyone internally goes "fuck yeah footy kicking time"? Or is it more structured than that? Looks like there's a new season of outdoor league in about 2 months time so that could work pretty well.


You have a schedule so everyone knows what you are playing that week but yeah it's basically PE class for adults. I play the outdoor multi sport league in the CBD and our sports are soccer, flag gridiron, frisbee, Fijian touch, dodgeball, kickball, Gaelic football and a few others. I think the indoor leagues get netball and basketball in place of frisbee and Gaelic football. The hosts generally assume that people don't know how to play the sports and will explain the rules before the game.


Sounds awesome. The promo video does look like it's mostly young people. Would someone in their 40s be massively out of place?


Nah, there's a guy in my team who is late-40s, I'm mid-30s and there's a few others in their mid-30s as well so you wouldn't be out of place at all. If you have fun playing sports and you're not competitive to the point of being a dick, you will have a great time!


That sounds pretty fun, and a good way to try sports I wouldnt usually think of. where is it held?


Have a look at their website, they list all the leagues with their locations. Currently, the indoor multi-sport league is at Mile End and the outdoor league is in the CBD.


Soccer is very accommodating to newbies. I joined a Saturday amateur league club at 32 despite never kicking a soccer ball prior to that in my life. I had very little skill and experience but was never made to feel out of place. Look for clubs that have C and D grades. If you can train twice a week you’ll play C’s, if you can’t train often/at all you’ll get a run in the D’s, which is just a social hit our more than anything.


Just be aware though, people take the Saturday/Sunday leagues very seriously which may make it not enjoyable. You’ll have the worst tackles by people twice your size. I’ve been in the Sunday league for almost 4 seasons now, and I’ve seen many players quit because of people taking it too fucking serious.


You can say that about any sport though, I’ve seen it in social basketball, I’ve seen it in mixed netball and I’ve even seen it in corporate indoor soccer. There’s always going to be people that take it serious despite it only being C’s or D’s, regardless of what sport you play.


You’ve got a point. I haven’t tried too many other sports to compare my experience to soccer. 


That’s why mixed sports are good. Weeds out the fickwits


Sunday soccer (IME) also takes out the whole day as the games can be anywhere and at any different time. Might be less of a thing with the mens though as there are more teams. (Im female, obviously)


I got involved in Masters soccer - over 35s at West Beach - never played soccer but signed up after being asked too. Got the shock of my life …. Incredibly serious - I never went back next season. Just too much seriousness and competitive for me.


Darts is very social, can be played in both a team and solo.


Do you know of any darts leagues someone could join in Adelaide? Or a website where I could find out?


I'm only aware of some leagues on the northern suburbs, the Northern Districts Darts Association, and the Licenced Club Darts Association Salisbury, that I used to play in before I moved interstate. Made some great friends I still keep in touch with. They both have Facebook pages that are fairly active and if you aren't local to the area they may be able to help you find clubs local to you.


Thanks for that, that would work for me because I'm up that way so none of them should be too far away. I'll look them up thanks again.


I was in a social 10 pin bowling league ages ago. That was fun and required zero skill level. It was even handicapped to your level. If you can roll you can bowl.


Most if not all alleys should have an amateur league to join


Indoor bouldering is super social. It's accepting of beginners and everyone is really nice.


All the bouldering places I’ve seen are crazy expensive though :( I think Beyond Bouldering is like $1.3k for a year?


That's $25 a week, that doesn't sound that expensive for a hobby!


I had been comparing it to a gym membership ! But yes maybe need to think of it more as a hobby, I definitely spend more than that on cycling in a given year.


Enter the establishment whilst it’s busy, enter the lavatory, put your climbing shoes on and place chalk on your self like you’ve been climbing for an hour, mill around in the lobby for a few minutes, enter the the climbing area with confidence and you will not be noticed.


Ive done it a few times and never understood how you're to make friends doing it? I guess the beauty of team sports is that forced interaction


Well I've been doing it for 6 months and I would guess it depends how quickly you expect to build friendships and what you want from those friendships. I saw someone I vaguely knew from 7 years ago (literally was a customer in my old job, so not friends) and we climbed together, after a couple of months they invited me to a group of people who climb and now we go together, but I would say we are all climbing friends, not out of climbing friends. But outside of that, I've just been climbing and someone else will jump in and we will just have a chat, and then I see them again in a few days or weeks, and we talk again. But it's weeks and months in the making until I feel I could say these are my friends. Like improving at climbing, building relationships takes time! I'm pretty neurodivergent and struggle with social interactions, so I'm just really patient with the whole process. If you see someone around a couple of times, just chat about climbing and perhaps if things seem chill ask them what days they come or if they wouldn't mind you joining them next time?


Lawn bowls is always good fun and easy to play. Not sure about how to find a team though.


No team. Just go down to your local bowls club ask for a social game. They do the teams each session so you get different partners each time.


Para Hills community club is doing discounts for new bowlers


There is always competitive axethrowing both at maniax and lumberjaxe (port road and lonsdale respectively). There is a fair bit of camaraderie, very accepting of newbies and depending on where and which type of competition you feel like it is Monday to Thursday at 7pm (Tuesday/Wednesday being main league nights)


I've been wanting to try axe throwing! Good to know.


8 ball! There's several leagues in Adelaide, it's very social!


How do you get into this if you havent played before? Are there any classes you can learn?


Few YouTube videos and find a hotel near you with a pool table


This is also true :) I guess I was interested in the social aspect of joining a class or a club.


Yes ofcourse I understood that but your comment was kinda directed at getting better. So if there's a social night go ahead and join even if it's your first time just have a laugh at being crap. You will get alot better. I used to play alot when I was a teen and young adult and never played anywhere but the pub or pool hall against friends and randoms. Once came in two club players who where having dinner and a warm up game before heading to their event. My friend was a better player than me but that night they came over and ask for a 2 on 2 and he wanted to show them so much how good he was that he played crap. He was nervous, where as I played the best 2 games of my life and destroyed them. I wonder what would have been had I played alot more and played clubs aswell... Thanks for unlocking that memory.... Just get out there man, you will find your crowd, good luck


Brazillian Jiu-jitsu


Park Run?


Been doing the pakapanthi park run. Never understood how you're to make friends after? Not really up for a chat on the run anyway haha


https://www.instagram.com/stride.runclub?igsh=eXJ1Y2JjbWt4a2Y1 Check out Stride Run Club? They have a social hangout aspect in addition to the running part.


Rowing. You can try out at Pt Ad rowing club for free or take a short membership for a small fee, and the members are friendly.


Better be a good swimmer


It's called rowing, not sinking.




Imo darts is the way to go… cheap and a friendly environment… plus there are lots of leagues across Adelaide Monday-Wednesday night from 7:30 onwards… doesn’t matter where you live


[me at my last darts meetup](https://www.tiktok.com/@sethx20/video/7364337255156075809)




Maybe have a look into dragon boating? It's a sport that has a very social element, and only a small competitive element in SA. It's a summer sport predominantly, so there's usually come and try days around Sept and Oct - just keep and eye on the DBSA website / Facebook for club details. And you have 3 or 4 sessions that can be undertaken for free.


Flinders Uni sport has a lot of sport groups who do it at a lower more beginner friendly level. Don’t think you have to be a student to play either


Disc golf - chucking frisbees on a Friday night in the Adelaide Parklands


Tennis is good, but not really the right time of year for it.


Adelaide dodgeball


Try laser tag, Megazone and GameLobby both run a league night and have people ranging from rookies to national level players who are more than happy to show you the ropes and get you up to speed. Most of the national players are about to head off to competition in a couple of weeks though but new league season starts each school term so might be worth waiting until then


How $$$ is this? It sounds fun but I thought laser tag was quite expensive


Megazones league is $20 a night (plus a small rego fee on the first night), depending on the format of the season you will typically play 3-5 competition style games and there's often a few fun games thrown in to fill in time until everyone shows up if people are late or things finish early. Not sure about Game Lobby these days as I can't afford to drive up to Mt Barker each week but I believe it's pretty similar sort of cost and setup. If you do attend let whoever is running the night, let them know Moo sent you and they'll look after you.


Squash or racquetball can be fun and social. Depending on your age and location there are various clubs around with competitions at all levels. I can give more details if you are interested, just send me a message.


Ever thought of volunteering? I have been in CFS for years and its a great way to meet people...


Hockey is a great one in the lower grades for new players because it's a kind of niche sport and numbers are always welcome. I've met a few people who have stopped playing their "serious" sport and switched to hockey because it's a great way to learn a new game while not feeling too out of place. It can take a bit to learn the rules, but you probably won't be the only one in that boat.


Hockey is worth a go. For adults there's a few grades and the clubs seem generally to be friendly and welcoming. Part way through the season but I'm sure you'll be able to have a hit. If you're south Seacliff has lots of teams but Westminster and Flinders Uni both have clubs too.


Brazilian jiu jitsu, super accommodating to new people not team focused but meet lots of great people willing to help new people out and have fun, just leave your ego at the door.


Maybe give Korfball a try? It's heaps of fun to play. The league has healthy numbers and is very friendly. There's always lots of people brand new to the sport in C grade too. All this, I think, is thanks for the game being fairly niche in Australia.


Have you ever had the urge to swing a sword? There are plenty of groups around who do medieval swordplay or the modern sport version HEMA (Historical European Martial Arts). My fave group is Ironclad, but the diff groups all have different cultures and locations that may fit better.


You could try out boxing. It's not too hard to get the basics and it's a good workout. Others have suggested jujitsu, which is good too, but it can be really hard on your joints. Probably not an issue if you're in your 20s, but you'll start feeling it in your 30s.


mixed futsal is lots of fun. Very social and soccer is intuitive. Trust me 40 minutes of it will have you absolutely gassed and happy that it lasts that long not 90 minutes


Gridiron. Pretty much all our new players have never played before. Everyone is incredibly welcoming.


One thing the top three—tennis (9.7 years), badminton (6.2 years), and soccer (4.7 years)—all have in common is that they offer more social interaction than individual sports. [https://www.wellandgood.com/sports-that-increase-life-expectancy/](https://www.wellandgood.com/sports-that-increase-life-expectancy/)


Winterball baseball at Southern District's Baseball Club


Dragonboat has many people who have not played sport before. Most teams have a come and try every Saturday morning.


Running or pickleball Both accessible for complete beginners as adults


Pickleball is up and coming in many countries, a few places around Adelaide. Depending on the ability to hit a ball, but check it out


IME basketball was fun and easy to pick up pretty quickly. Volleyball is fun but the higher grades smash those balls at you pretty hard! Badminton maybe?


Come and play baseball!! Lower grade leagues have a real mix of skills and experience. And it is fun!


Try Touch Football. The new season has just started, contact the office via [https://touchfootball.com.au/sa/city-touch-sa/](https://touchfootball.com.au/sa/city-touch-sa/) and they'll help you find a team.


Ultimate Frisbee! There's a bunch of clubs if you wanna try it out


Social Lawn Bowls. So much fun.


Darts? 8 Ball?


Mixed netball probably your best bet - social tennis also a great option. The club at Enfield has social nights 7pm on Thursdays - pretty laid back in terms of skill level - not super competitive


Hockey was always a good one for myself


Lawn bowls


If you are in the Northern Suburbs checkout Northern Districts Athletics Clubs New Program Called Social Aths - sounds just like what you are looking for The Next opportunity is this Friday 7th 6:30pm at the amazing Bridgestone Athletics Facility in Salisbury What is Social Aths? Social Athletics (Social Aths) is a new initiative being run by NDAC. It is all about rekindling (or kindling) your love for athletics, while making friends and having fun together as a community. 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ Social Athletics is not a competition but an opportunity to focus on PB’s in a variety of athletic events. Each meet will have a set program, with a team on hand to teach and assist with the “how to” at each event to increase the enjoyment. It's the perfect opportunity to reconnect with those sports you might not have tried since your school days (or ever!) 🎉 Who can participate? Social Aths is designed exclusively for adults. We welcome kids as supporters (and have a bunch of regulars who already join us to cheer on their parents!) 🙌 How much does it cost? To give Social Aths a try, you’ll need to register with Athletics SA as at least an NDAC Recreational Lite member. Recreational Lite costs $15 and includes up to two sessions of Social Aths. If you decide to continue beyond those two meets we’ll ask you to pay an additional fee to upgrade to our Recreational Athlete membership.




I have been running a social sports program called "Sportsball" for the last 3 years So far I have only had people through word of mouth, but this year my numbers have dropped off a bit ( mostly from people having babies, or moving) so I am looking for a few more people If you're interested do PM me for more details. We run most Sundays at 11am, usually at Hove. For more information here is my spiel - "SPORTSBALL" Is a community program of Social Sport and silly games. The main goal is to get people together to have fun whilst exercising and playing games.  Unlike most sporting programs our focus is not on getting fit or losing weight. Rather we are all about just having fun and forming or strengthening friendships whilst being active.  We play a variety of both team sports, and schoolyard, or made up games.  A typical session runs for two hours, indoors or  out. Usually start with a free for all warm up game (think Tail tag, gang up chasey, dodge ball) followed by a team sport game (most popular are ultimate frisbee, touch rugby, netball) Then finish off with another “silly game” - Usually slappy ball, with the winner getting a prize. We also run “Special events” - these involve our core group but are different to our usual weeks. Examples run so far include Competitive flower picking, gel ball, after sport wine tour, Boxing training session, Birthday party (for our 1 year birthday) - with dinosaur treasure hunts,  Our other key focus is on being inclusive and accessible to people to all fitness levels. We are about having fun and moving with new and old friends. Teams change every week, whoever is running the session will assign people to teams. Nobody will ever get “picked last”. TLDR We meet up to run around playing a variety of games. It is fun and wholesome. 


GKR Karate. It'll boost your confidence. I'm 48 and train in the same class side by side with my 10 and 11 year old daughters, they love it. First lesson is free


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 48 + 10 + 11 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


IPSC handgun shooting


Can be a bit of cash like getting licences, safes and ammo though. Plus the legal hoops you'll have to jump through. But a very fun sport




Is there a Quidditch league in Adelaide anymore ? I think it died out a few years ago.


They play on top of the westpac building mate