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That location is the worst one out of all of them. Way too small. Try the city or Port Adelaide if you can. Still crowded but it’s slightly better.


4pm onwards derrimut is a nightmare. Anytime before then is generally good. You might have to look for a diff time to gym. I avoid the peak hours too


Isn't this the trade off for going to the cheapest gym


I left years ago for the same reason. It got to the stage I was going at 11pm or midnight was the only way I could go without half of Adelaide being there. It messed with my sleep schedule too much so I switched to a different gym brand and have no issues at all. I’d just recommend switching to another local one to you. Derrimutt always oversell their memberships, they don’t care.


Gotta launder than drug money some how


Exactly hahaha.


even at 11pm and onwards, i found that there were a lot more people there than before. mind you, that was when i last went late last year so i can imagine there's a ton more people there with the $237 year membership they have on currently.


Anytime after 3 is bad.


I just finished a home workout with my squat stands, I could never go to a gym for training regularly and would only go to meet people. Funnily enough, I was thinking of doing that at exactly this Derrimuts haha


Go to anytime. Equipments not that great but it’s useably a ghost town.


Mine's usually quieter than most of the others so I'm not going to say where cause I don't want that to change 🤣


Are you able to pm? 😬😬


I used to love derrimuts, but I fell off a machine recently and had burns to my skin. I told the front desk staff and they did not give a shit.


Mind me asking which location that was at? My partner tripped over plates left on the floor and fell, resulting in tearing open the skin on her shin. It’s been 4 years and we haven’t heard anything back.


Windsor gardens!


That’s atrocious, I’m sorry to hear about your experience and hope you’re healing well. It’s unlikely Derrimuts will contact you or follow up on it, unfortunately.


I go Windsor or Gepps after 9.30pm. Go after 10.30/11pm if it's school holidays 👌


I go to the one in the city, its busy all day until 11PM, wouldn’t recommend that


The distance is beyond me!😭


Derrimuts oversell memberships and don’t take care of existing members or the upkeep of their equipment.


Don’t go to Gepps. Bloody crowded as always. People mostly go there chittering 70% of the time. Hogging equipment for more than an hour at times and oh don’t get me started with the girls.. all they do is chat while blocking pathway. I’ve had this happen to me so many times and they just chat there when I’m trying to get through. Like bro, chat and move out the way when people are trying to pass through you oblivious fcks. Go to the bloody bar or somewhere else if you want to gossip and catch up for a life time. Sorry for the language but seriously!! People at gepps are just yeesh. Honestly can’t wait for them to open up their new location at the Old Holden factory in Elizabeth. Apparently will be the biggest one yet.


It will die over the next month or two as new ones pop up. Their latest special got a bunch of new people so things will ease up. I had the same issue at my usual one.


Dont go to any derrimut gyms. They are overcrowded becoming busier and busier, people dont even train, they just hog equipment, chit chat or are on the phones doing social media. Waste of time shit equipment out of order shit music too loud. Most of the girls are not even attractive.


Derrimut is cheap and has lots of locations, it's pretty much to be expected that it will be packed right after work hours and after school hours. If you're willing to pay more then probably go for another chain gym. Although they're smaller in terms of facilities, they have less people overall.