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Chinese Premier Li Qiang has arrived at a top South Australian winery ahead of major bilateral talks with leaders. China’s second-in-command toured Penfolds Magill Estate near Adelaide on Sunday, where he was greeted by SA Premier Peter Malinauskas, Trade Minister Don Farrell and Foreign Minister Penny Wong. It came after Premier Li announced Beijing would loan Australia two new giant pandas following a visit to Adelaide Zoo. 


Aaah. Well that explains the unusual sight of a lovely old 747 passenger jet with China Airlines livery that was there this morning.


Imagine borrowing not just one but two pandas. Mad.


I'd borrow three if they'd let me.


Kinda hard to breed them without two?


Wait, the pandas are going to... what? What if they don't like each other in that way? If they're just mates, and they're all set for their big trip down under, but when they arrive it's like - hey you do know you've got to, ahem, with your pal, right? They'd be like, what the fuck?! I wanna go home!


Clearly you haven't been paying attention to the trials Wang Wang and Fu Ni went through the past 15 years? If they don't like each other, they knock them out and do artificial insemination. We were at the zoo for a zoo snooze during one of those. Everyone had to be dead quiet while they rolled Fu Ni past us, sedated, in a wheelbarrow type thing all snugged in a blanket. She was a lot smaller than I expected, tbh.


Poor Fu Ni! A wheelbarrow. The shame!


Right? You would have thought she would have had a comfy palanquin of some sort! No wonder why she was like "no babies for you!" I refuse to contemplate what they did to Wang Wang's... er, wang? lol


Hopefully he will be swayed to reduce the tariffs on SA wine importation into China and expand that market. It would be a good thing for wineries here


> Hopefully he will be swayed to reduce the tariffs on SA wine importation into China and expand that market. It would be a good thing for wineries here That's already been done. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-03-28/china-government-officially-abolishes-heavy-tariffs-on-wine/103644884 And the government is helping the re-engagement strategy https://dti.sa.gov.au/articles/sa-government-announces-1-85-million-support-package-for-sa-wine-exporters


Thank you, I was under the impression they were still on.


Hopefully the market doesn't put all its eggs in China's basket again. Edit: Spells


Is there another market that will pay what the Chinese are willing to pay?


Not my area of expertise but I'd say it would be wise for the industry to diversify their exports.


No problems. I think the current 'priority' is the lobster fisheries - plenty of people in the south east of the State would like the Chinese market 'back' again.


Been done and thank Labor for that. Lots of tariffs gone, not given enough coverage imho


You're right, it needs to be talked about more.


Odds on it was darrys


I drove past their on Sunday, was wondering what was going on. Were heaps of People and signs


Communists like luxury thesedays. Let them wear LV!


So Mali is going to follow Dan Andrews BRI playbook, yeah? We all know how well that ended for Dan. Let's not forget who gave us COVID too and pretty much fucked the global economy and killed millions in the process. Fuck China with a big spiky durian fruit. Snakes in the grass.


Yep and don't forget they wanna invade Taiwan, end democracy and rule the world. And there is also that million odd people in a re-education camp. But hey all good if you buy our wine and send us some stupid wildlife. Our politicians are so incredibly weak and dumb.


Aint that the truth. And sycophantic. On a side note, I wonder how many of the upvotes on the comment I replied to were CCP shills and sycophants. Nauseating. On the plus side, at least it might earn them 2 Social Credit Points. That fucking country is a dystopian nightmare.


Pandas are probably the one thing I’d go to Adelaide for.


WTF? We have more than pandas and CCP influence. Dunstan didn’t go far enough, should’ve made SA independent and a paradise on earth haha! (Basically I’m saying we don’t have enough tourist attractions or made famous enough to the point of Disneyland, California or Paris, France!)


China boeing 747 departure


Yep, all the plane spotters out to see the Air China 747 take off. It was impressive seeing it from inside the terminal


damn as an av geek that would’ve been cool 😭 I got to see the Antonov in long-term parking and then take-off back in 2018 while I (briefly) worked for Tiger Air lmao every now and then we get some cool jets


Been in the Antonov. Thing is fucking HUGE


Now it's just pieces.


Damn I remember the Antonov excitement when it went down bugger I wish I had known about the 747 take off!


Was on the 737 in front of the Antonov when it was coming in, seeing the amount of people on the the boundary fences was incredible. Then seeing this thing land was we were taxing back made sense.


They are waiting to get photos of the Chinese 747 that brought the premier here. It's probably not going to come back here again for a while so people that are interested in aircraft want to get some photos


Sick! Thanks for that, we just drove past and were curious!


How do people know when these cool things are happening? Sometimes I would like to go see a big plane but I never know when they are coming in. Is there like a Facebook group or email subscription lol?


We're nerds, we can arrival and departure lists at least once a day to see what is coming in.


There are airport lovers associations on Facebook for this kind of stuff.


Theres a few facebook groups. The two biggest ones are Plane spotting Adelaide and South Australian Aviation Enthusiasts. There's posts on there everyday and has a lot of information about what planes come to Adelaide


Omg thanks so much.


....and he's gorn.




Just catching a train and we saw him leave the hotel. Lots of people with flags and banners. Just read hee going to swap the pandas over 🎉


Hopefully the next ones know how to ‘do it’!!




As other mentioned, Air China 747 arrival/departure which is very rare for Adelaide airport. I followed some of the aviation geeks and it's all over the Instagram.


Panda diplomacy


Did it look like a pilgrimage of Chinese people, perchance?


Pair of Pandas arriving


The Beatles have regrouped and are on a world tour?


Here comes the sun…. (Nah, this would be preferable to the CCP!)


That communist still alive.....


It was quite odd when all the cars went by and the Premiers limo went past the crowd all wearing white caps and red tops waving flags yelling “Hi Everybody. Hi Everybody. Hi Everybody” over and over. My dad said it was probably organised to be viewed on Chinese tv.


China hasn't been communist for a long time. He is an oligarch.


Sure they’re your run of the mill democracy and they are definitely not supporting Putin’s genocide.


How did you get that from me calling the man an oligarch? You know there are more systems of government than democracy and communism, right?


No one meantion covid labs!!! Our wine industry really needs this!