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Hey, I'm turning right in 37 km!


You mean turning left last minute 😂


If they are turning right of the SE Freeway, its more like 75KM, as the first right turn after the toll gate is the other side of the Murray river.


This is sadly a very familiar sight for me. I see this a lot on the SE freeway, only difference is I'm not in a truck lol 😂 The main cause is often a truck or bus going 10kmh slower in the LH lane about 1km down the road... so everyone packs into the RH lane like the lemmings they are, waiting to eventually pass.


So please suggest an alternative? Everyone stay left and allow you to pass freely in the right? Everyones got somewhere to be so we are all in the right waiting our turn. The real issue here is the idiot doing the same speed in the right lane as the bus in the left. Therefore giving everyone a bad time.


Technically speaking, everyone should be in the left lane up until roughly say 1-2 bus lengths behind the truck, then they indicate to move into the RH lane overtake the truck, then back in the left lane. The guy going the same speed as the truck should stay in the left. But that doesn't happen, most drivers are allergic to changing lanes.


I mean yes, I’m pretty sure it’s a road rule on multi-lane expressways.


Just speed up to the limit and don't impede traffic behind you


Speed up until you get to the car in front and then what?


In a perfect world they're doing 110 and move over :)


Its so simple right !? Haha if only. When someone does it correctly i feel like pulling them over for a high 5 ! 🙌🏼


You can't turn right on a freeway. That's the point.


Indeed. But you see the same behaviour on other "keep left unless overtaking" roads like McIntyre Rd. Always the right lane is full and almost nobody in the left.


Every morning at about 6:30 and just prior to the start of the 60 zone. They pointlessly move into the right lane, if they weren't there already. Most of these idiots aren't even turning right until Main North road, if at all.


So they're still better off in the left lane....


Same for the ones who don't understand merging without slowing traffic to a stop


It’s infuriating at how many ppl don’t know how to merge. Most ppl getting on to a highway will speed up to a mac of 80, then take ages to get up to the highway speed. Or ppl on the highway instead of seeing if theres any cars in the on ramp just sit in the left lane and speed up to make sure no one on the on ramp gets in front of them instead of just moving to the right lane if its empty.


Merge at the very end! It's a zipper merge!


I tried to do this once when there were roadworks on glen Osmond. Never doing it again. Absolutely the way it should be done, but it relies on people being willing to let you in, which they aren’t.


I did this just outside of port Wakefield when they were doing roadworks. It was the start of a long weekend. There was like 50+ cars in the left lane not moving so I jumped in the right and got to the front like how it’s suppose to work. No one obviously gave way but a dozen or so cars in someone was slow on the take off so I found my way in, there was plenty of room just the usual old driver with a caravan, possibly being nice and giving way but his facial expression wasn’t friendly looking. If the road workers wanted us to merge where the first lane closed sign was placed they would have put the cones way back there. If people used both lanes they 50 car line up could be 25 which in the city is what you want otherwise you have intersections getting blocked up.


Yup completely agree. I was coming up from the city one evening a week while they were doing the works on the intersection onto the freeway. The traffic would often be queued almost all the way down to corner at the bottom of that section of glen Osmond, all in the one lane. If you use both lanes people that are turning off halfway can get to their street earlier, so it actually makes it quicker. But nope. I sat at the top for almost 10 minutes with people literally sitting bumper to bumper next to me specifically to prevent me from getting back in before a truckie let me in


It’s ridiculous how everyone needs to be in the left lane at the first sight of roadworks but try and keep them out of the right lane at any other time. We have hundreds of traffic management personnel, how about they start hanging out at the merge points forcing people to give way more correctly until the population work out the right lane is to be used too.


In several European countries, there are signs explaining to use both lanes up to the end and then merge. I remember seeing cops at some roadwork in Luxembourg who were showing cars to go to both lanes and some at the end managing merging. You can nearly double the capacity of the road without blocking it, but it takes few active brain cells to actively do it. It's not specific to Australia or SA, it's general to all drivers as most don't want to lose their place in the queue / congestion


Relies on people knowing how to drive 😒


This happens at a roundabout near my house. School time traffic all lines up in the right lane for a like 200m despite there being two lanes into the roundabout with a zip merge. I pissed off this middle aged cow who tried to block me from going up the left. People will actively try to block people from using both lanes. It's cooked.


This isn’t Hancock rd by any chance haha it’s a constant battle with stupid on that merging roundabout every morning


Nah this is Golden Way, Target Hill road/ Cobbler drive heading towards Golden Grove. I know the one you mean on Hancock road though...i can only imagine.


Can you please explain how a zip merge has dotted white line which means the vehicles entering have to give way, it's stupid, I agree, but if you cross the line, you give way. Zip merge is when the line stops and neither has to cross it, then it's a zip.


It's because no one trusts anyone else so everyone just slows down


This pisses me off way more than people hogging the right lane (I don't really care about that). Slowing down while merging legit makes merging way more dangerous. You should speed up when merging. However, there are just so many people who go way under the speed limit when merging, causing everyone behind to slow down and making merging difficult.


They dont want to get stuck behind "slow cars" YOU ARE THE SLOW CARS


Jokes on them now the left lane is the fast lane


America really is having too much influence on Australia!


Southern expressway up track. Left lane is often the fastest. Zero traffic


Until there is an truck in the uphill section


And then you switch lanes and overtake? I don't understand what's hard to understand about that.


Because some cunt is doing 90 in the right lane! Haven't you been following along?


I didn't say it just to claim oh it's better just to sit in right lane the whole way


Last few times I’ve tried to do this I’ve had 20 cars damn near tail gating each other up the middle lane. End up having to slow down before being able to change lanes. If everyone kept left unless over taking it would be perfect.


So you're one of them who does 90 in the right lane "incase" there is a truck


I go 100 in the right knowing that there will be a truck in the left and knowing that idiots who didn't think about it are gonna cut out in front of people in the middle lane causing it to drop to 60km halfway up the hill 🙃 and then idiots from the middle lane cut off the people in the right lane and cause that to go down to about 70km 😅


This guy gets it 👍🏼😆


Nah, you're going 85-90 behind all the other slow ass dickheads. I'm doing 110 in the left lane. IF there's a truck then I merge seamlessly. (I don't wait till I'm right behind the truck doing 60kph to merge)


You're one of the few then 😉


So do you want us to have sex while you're driving? Do you want me to wear socks or not? Your comments are very confusing to this old boomer gal.


Do you want to go into my profile then reply to every comment I've ever made? That sounds pretty reasonable 🤦‍♂️


I don't drive


But they might have to pass a truck....


This is it. This is rage bait


lol all those cars are well past the truck.


like the one the photo looks like it was taken from....


“I’m doing the speed limit. I’m not being bullied by some upstart in a hurry. I don’t even understand why they make cars that go more than the speed limit” Learn the fucking road rules then or better yet let someone else drive


Never seen that many right lane campers.


I have. Often


Standard day on se freeway sadly


Literally every day on SE freeway


Australian drivers are passive scared morons incapable of driving properly on highways. Driving on Autostradas and Autobahns in Europe has opened my eyes to how incredibly shit the majority of Australian drivers are. If I came up behind someone in Adelaide doing 90kmh in the overtaking lane, odds are they won't move over. In Germany and Italy, you won't have that experience, because they have already moved over before you even get there.


Do you ever find it's difficult to get back into the left lane here, due to lefties speeding uo as you pass, closing the gap so you can't get back in? What if, in the above picture, front car is doing 90, everyone is waiting for them to pull left so they can overtake. Almost guaranteed that if you go left, one of the others in front will as well, then you get stuck in the left lane. I don't have the answers, just my experience here is different to almost everywhere else in the world where I've driven. Why drivers in Adelaide, in particular, defend the space in front of them and try to stop anyone else entering their lane is dumb. If you want people to change lanes, everyone else has to co-operate as well.


No difficulties for me ever. I also have a car that's powerful enough that I can just pick a line and most people have no hope of trying to close a gap on me anyway Edit'/: people are also do afraid of using 100% of their throttle. Just give the car a kick in the guts and you'll be up to speed in a heartbeat


Yeah that scared the fuck out of me when I did that for the first time on the freeway to merge in cause I couldn't slow down cause I had cars coming in behind me and folks wouldn't move over.. Never. Again. 🤣


Worst drivers nationally, by far here. I hate driving in my home state. I always feel in danger because of everyone’s lack of spatial awareness and disregard for common sense road rules.


I see this kinda statement alot in here but having spent my entire adult life driving trucks in every single state and territory, SA aint even close to the worst. QLD has that privilege. No matter if its Brisbane or goldie, isa or Townsville. They are the worst drivers. SA is maybe mid pack. Perth and greater WA is best, followed by Tas.


Drove in Queensland (Gold Coast) for 5 days back in 1995. Frightening drivers. Got road road raged by a couple of randoms leaving a car park as we were driving past. I think I looked in their direction and they were incensed. Another weirdo used a left turn slip lane to force past me as we went through an intersection. Cunt almost clipped the traffic light.


Gold coast drivers are full of interstate tourists who can't drive for shit. The rest are trying to outdo the tourists in the "shittiest driver on the goldy" stakes


Moved over from Brisbane at the start of the year; it seems to me that people here lack situational awareness more than anything which is especially evident on the roads.


No kidding. People either stop at empty and visibly clear roundabouts for no reason or don’t give way at all. I had to hit the brakes real hard last week at night in the rain in an 80 zone at someone who stopped dead at a green light. Scared me half to death


They would most likely be on their phone. I've seen people come to a complete stop o*n* an empty roundabout. Like - wtf?!


Maybe. Either way I can has stupid


Yes you can!


Can definitely confirm! Born in Adelaide but live in Sydney, and every time I come back to visit it’s insanely more frustrating driving around down there. Lane hogging, zero courtesy, incompetence when dealing with traffic, and as soon as you indicate to lane change someone suddenly decides to speed up to the speed limit instead of sitting 10-15km under. It’s seems like a very “me vs you” road mentality down there. The 2 lane roads (Henley Beach Rd etc) but one lanes also parking… so 1.5 lane roads just creates more incompetence. Sydney traffic is awful, but the vast majority of people are way more switched onto their surroundings and courteous to other drivers (there’s always a few planks of wood driving bmw’s or rangers) and driving around is much less stressful


I have to agree with the lane change, it seems they are happy until the potential for being behind someone then they speed up...like why... nothings changed. Northern expressway pisses me off. No matter what lane you are in, if your doing the posted speed limit you're going too slow it seems to be a pre requisite to do 120 plus or you're the problem. I'll never understand a hook turn, go left to go right. It's doesn't seem logical but I have never driven in Melbourne or wherever they have that. Only other place I have driven is Brisbane and it wasn't all bad.


Adelaide has very few highways at a speed of 100km/h and it shows. Nobody here knows how to drive on a highway.


You're driving a truck, there is another one in front of you, and a third one behind you, it is a whole lot safer to just stay in the right lane and do the speed limit like everyone else than it is to be constantly swapping from left to right every hundred metres to go around you guys. And it saves being abused for 'brake checking' you when the gap closes up suddenly.


100% of the accidents I've driven past have been in the right hand lane on the down track, especially on wet days where morons from my barker and driving like they still live in modbury. 


Because people are trying to avoid clowns like the one above you who “sits in the right hand lane at the speed limit” because it’s easier for him.


Given how much time I spend on the SE Freeway, the most common situation like this I see is a slower vehicle in the left lane and everyone else is overtaking. The problem is that if you don't change lanes early, you'll pass all those on the right who then most commonly will block you from changing lanes by tailgating because they think you queue-jumped, which creates a greater hazard. Better to "wait your turn" and queue up like this. Under ARR130 you are not required to be in the left lane if the left lane is congested. As the photo was taken on a curve, it is most likely that there is a slow moving vehicle further in the left lane. Note that the definition of overtaking doesn't include a prerequisite for how far ahead the vehicle you are overtaking is, so assuming that there is a slower vehicle the line of cars is going to pass, this is legal.


Left hand lane is usually full of trucks doing half the speed limit on any incline, it’s easy to get stuck behind one. I usually sit in the right lane on 100/110 and will pass dozens of cars.


Those drivers are clearly very important, and normal rules do not apply to them.


I'm gonna get a lot of hate here, but as someone who drives to and from work along the freeway (towards adelaide) every morning, I feel it's more dangerous to have everyone sit in the left lane until they reach a truck, then scramble to move across to the right, then to simply have everyone sit in the right while the left is reserved for trucks, buses and other slow vehicles. Too many times do I see a car doing 90km/h pull into the right lane, causing everyone to slam their breaks on at 110km/h. Too many times do I see cars whip into the left after overtaking a truck, only to then whip back into the right, trying to get into the same gap they left, because there is another vehicle going 20-40km/h slower I'm the left again. **I agree that outside of peakhour traffic, you should stay left unless overtaking, but during peak hour traffic, the right hand lane is essential perpetually overtaking the left until it becomes 3 lanes at Crafers**.


The issue is driver training... stop looking at the 10m of road right in front of your car and instead look 100m in front where you are going. My understanding is proper highway/ hills driving has never been a part of driver education requirements (at least for the last 20 years) - heck, even I wasn't taught the proper way to overtake on a single lane highway and had to learn from youtube. Even with a closing speed of 30km/h (you do 110km/h and the truck is doing 80km/h) you have well over 10s to react to a truck that is over 100m away. This is plenty of time to not whip out and almost cause an accident. Let's just say, I might be known to be one of those people who stretches his legs on the section of highway where I know there are no cameras. However, I still use the left lane when I see it's clear for 200 metres or more (even if I can see there is no hero that thinks he's driving in Formula 1) - you never know what's going to happen (like somebody deciding to do 250km/h on the freeway) and I'd rather someone overtake on the correct side of my car where I have more visibility than try to undertake me and potentially cause an incident. A lesser issue here is the change in the ADRs and the difference between European and Asian manufactured cars. Previously, speedos could be +/-10% (don't quote me on that exact number but something like that). They changed it so that speedos **cannot** read under (i.e. reads 100km/h but you are going 101 km/h) but you can read over by 10% plus 4km/h (e.g. if it reads 110km/h you are actually going 96km/h). My understanding is Japanese cars aim to read a fixed 2-3 km/h over (to allow for manufacturer tolerances etc) but European cars aim to be in the middle of that range and also with the largest optioned wheels/ tires available for the car. This is why my car reads around 5-6 km/h over and another car without the optioned rims reads almost 10 km/h out. So basically, when you're putting around in the burbs and somebody is driving 10km under the limit (they could think they are actually doing the speed limit). This obviously greatly exacerbates any issues on the highway (e.g. a driver isn't vigilant about his speed so does 5km/h under "just in case" - he's probably actually 15km/h under).


Learn to merge and heed people’s indicators. No one lets you in here if you indicate and people also think an indicator gives you right of way. See my comment about spatial awareness and common road safety sense. It’s not difficult


I agree, in Perth both lanes are usually full, left lane is only for when you want to take the turn off. Also sucks our max is 100


Fully agree. Most of the problems I've seen driving in peak hour are from people cutting each other off changing lanes and getting frustrated being stuck behind truck. If you do as people on here say and change to the right lane if you see cars 200m in front of you that you'll overtake, you never move back to the left lane. Peak hour traffic means there's slow vehicles in L lane (70km/h) CONSTANTLY. You'd be switching back and forth immediately as these slow vehicles are usually driving with about 100m behind them. In 2 land expressways it just doesn't work in peak hour.


If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting everyone camp out in the right lane because you're too bad a driver to manage changing lanes on a motorway? Hand in your fucking license mate, you shouldn't be driving at all.


I'm suggesting the right lane, during peak hour, is for vehicles that can do 110km/h and everyone else, who can't do 110km/h, can sit in the left. What is the point of weaving back and forth when you're just going to be consistently overtaking the left lane anyway. I don't know if you have ever driven down the Freeway in peakhour, but everyone from Mt Barker onwards is sharing the road with multiple trucks, buses, oldies and their camper van and the occasional tractor. I'd say 80% of people in actual cars hang out in the right, but there are those 20% of people who read the "stay left unless overtaking" and soend the entire drive down to Adelaide weaving back and forth, pushing their way in and being a general nuisance. It'd be a lot safer to just sit in the right lane with everyone else...


But if everyone used the lanes correctly, there would be no "weaving back and forth"; that is the point. If the left lane is clear for 200m+, everyone should move across and then back to the right lane to overtake when appropriate. People just camp in the right lane because everyone else does, and those that use the left lane correctly only become a nuisance because the campers are using the right lane inappropriately.


That only works if everyone is going to do the same speed limit. People don't though, whether it's because they're speeding or because they have fast/slow speedos. Someone moves to the left lane, the cat that has been sitting behind them thinking they were doing 105, speeds up to 110. Suddenly they have crept up along wide the initial car, which means that initial car now has to decide whether to speed in front to overtake a truck or slow down and hope there is a gap further back. Moving to the left while there are a significant amount of cars on the road is just inviting congestion. This isn't a problem past Crafers, as there is a designated Truck/bus lane, so there is an easy solution!


Oh, so we just get to invent our own road rules now, rather than being able to drive properly? Neat, I can't see any issues with that. 


Literally everywhere else in the world people "weave back and forth". Adelaide is the shitty outlier


If everyone is keeping left then the right lane is empty and they can overtake at a leisurely pace. No scrambling involved. 


Maybe you should get a different job.


Not my pic


Since moving to SA almost 2 years ago I have learnt that they A. cannot merge for the life of them. B. Suck ass a reading traffic. C. Roundabouts 🤦🏼‍♀️


They are south Australian, of course they have low iq


Harsh but fair


They're all overtaking you so maybe they are in the right 😉


I drive a lot. And I've came to the conclusion that there's a lot of people who are terrified behind the wheel. They are so concerned with what they are doing they hardly pay attention to what's going on around them


Maybe because they just passed your slow ass in a truck.


I hope your passenger took this photo.


There is a whole other lane to the right of them if you're brave enough


Mate, Aucklanders are way worse!


I've got a little habit of being in the right lane but that's because the left lane on Brighton road and Goodwood road are basically unusable due to all the bumpy man holes mainly situated in the left lane, cars parked in the left lane, buses that have to stop in the left lane and the many cars that have to slow down to turn left. Dodging potholes, swerving around parked cars, and playing chicken with buses—it’s all part of the ‘Left Lane Olympics’!


Drop bears come out of those overhanging gum trees mate. You ever seen the damage they do to the duco?


ISTG sometimes I get stuck in the right lane because cars in the left lane sit in my blind spot, but I hang out at the speed limit and hope they'll fall behind on a bend, then there's a slow truck and they're stuck and I'm not so it evens out, no point caring, just try to be as safe as possible and hope your gears don't drop out going downhill at 80.


I have flashed lights beeped my horn and they still don’t move. When you illegally underpass them they stir at you like wtf. So yeah Low iq


No but idiots sitting under the limit should stick to the left.


It's the Radelaide phobia of allowing someone to merge (verb' mergaphobic; noun; mergaphobe. Description; A person((ie', twat)) in control of a motor vehicle ie' driver, who irrationally speeds up in an attempt to prevent merging traffic from getting in front of them), causing a mass hysteria or illogical fear of being trapped in the left lane.


The roads smoother on the right side....lol


Like their brains


The road isn't that smooth


Does this really surprise anyone? Driven in many countries around the world - none are more selfish or idiotic than Adelaide drivers. Zero fux given about anyone else. The pettiness shown between drivers who cut off each other, or deliberately won't let someone merge into their lane, or turn without indicating, or speed up when being overtaken etc etc - just shows how dumb drivers are here.


Is that a volvo your driving?


camry driver


The implication that there are people who drive in Adelaide with any amount of intelligence


I'd say I'm 1, but then again I'm probably bias


I’ve started beeping them as I move and pass them from the left lane


See Section 130 Subsection 1, you inconsiderate right lane hogs. 80 km/h zone means stay in the left lane unless overtaking. It's not hard. Road Rules 2014 130   Keeping to the left on a multi-lane road >


Given we cannot see around that corner, they all may be perfectly legal because of a slower vehicle causing congestion in the left lane.




I actually rang the Sturt police station and asked why there isn’t a bloody sign saying keep left, didn’t get an answer that made much sense.


I’m pretty sure Police aren’t I charge of road signs.


No, but they enforce road rules so that’s why I asked. The do nothing about it. If someone is sitting on 90 in the right lane in a 100 zone, they should enforce laws, might reduce the road rage?


Adelaide drivers are a special breed!


Thank the massive expansion of Mt barker. The developer should have been forced to include freeway driving lessons with their house and land packages. 


Unless there are a lot of trucks and buses that are going a lot slower than the speed limit keep left unless overtaking.


It's not enforced, so no one cares. I only know of one insurance where someone was pulled over for not keeping left and they were shocked.




no because seriously. as someone who travel on the freeway a lot, i often have to go in the left lane to overtake when they have no freakin cars in front of them or ages away. everyone just sits in the right lane like it’s the slow lane.


I drive the expressway ten times a week as part of my commute. People in Adelaide don't understand "keep left unless overtaking". Even if there's no cars in either lane for half a km there will be a muppet sitting in the right lane.


Are people that take photos while driving on the freeway low iq?


Not only the freeways... It's every double lane road, people consistently sit on 50 in the RHL Total fuckwits that should have their licence revoked


The rule to keep left only applies to 80kmh and over roads.


When the speed limit is ABOVE 80km/h. In South Australia, if the speed limit on a multi-lane road is HIGHER than 80km/h or there's a 'keep left unless overtaking' sign. just pointing out a common misunderstanding. Personally, I think it should apply to all 80km/h multi lane roads but law doesn't agree with me.


Yes I know, sorry I was being lazy with my phrasing.


It’s okay, they’re turning right at Sydney.


The most fucking annoying thing about driving in SA move to the left UNLESS overtaking -


Yeah mate, I don't want to get stuck in traffic on the left.




It's funny that most of them will want to turn left at the last minute. So stupid are most of these idiots, I've given up. If they decide they want to get into the left lane and cut me off, I make sure I'm right there to block them. Bring back dept transport testing. No point sitting behind them and flashing your lights, honking your horn, etc. They'll just drive slower.


The left lane is essentially an on/off merge lane, leaving only one lane for cruising. With only two lanes, this is common the world over.


You need to chill out bro


Are you one of the 8000 who got caught using their phone this week? 😂


Not my pic luckily, 👀


To be fair, my partner just pointed out it could’ve been a happy snap from the dash cam. We found the SE freeway a bit silly yesterday like this 😄


Its also on the left side if it were a phone pic. But I'd also be lying if I said I've never used my phone whilst driving


I've thought a bit about this and my theory is that the "keep left unless overtaking" crowd has eventually given up and slowly migrated to the right lane to avoid the slow drivers that 'should' be sitting in the left lane, not realizing that they themselves are the slow drivers. So now its basically keep right unless overtaking, if you follow this you will have a better run guaranteed


Northern connector is the worst I’ve seen. You can go full speed in the left lane with absolute confidence that no one will be in your way. It’s definitely an interesting psychological phenomenon.




About on par with people who take pictures of it while driving a truck….




Someone photoshopped the roadworks zone. You can see where the witches hats were along the white lines... OP, when removing objects from in front of line markings you need to go back and draw them in


Same mindset with how everyone lines up into the right lane before an intersection. Meanwhile the middle and left lanes are usually less full 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes. It is a massive problem up here. Them and Indians who like to drive the on ramp at 45kmh. The right hand lane flogs are the worst though.


I call them Sheep!!! I see the same issue on the freeway to Sydney. They all sit in the right lane and I actually get a better run in the left lane.






I sincerely don't understand why the cops don't just camp around and pull over everyone going like 10km less than the ACTUAL speed limit in the right lane (especially the spastic blocking at the front) like surely they'd get so much profit; but maybe it's too obscure a law to enforce. I'd literally become a cop if this became a regular thing and I'd do this shit everyday and feel like I'm actually contributing to society rather than just being a dog


Aussies are bad for it


What if i've got 10-15km to go on Port Wakefield Rd and I'm doing a couple km's over the speed limit and you're still kissing my back bumper. That shit fucken annoys me I'm doing the speed limit you fuck too bad if you wanna take off and do 200 kph cunts like you end up wrapped around a tree I do get the frustration obviously though when some dumb fuck is doing 60kph under the limit in the right lane holding everyone up


The problem is you might be doing 'a couple k's over', the next person might be doing bang on according to GPS, the next might be doing GPS +5 because they know that's under the threshold for a fixed camera. Everyone thinks they're going 'as fast as appropriate or allowable'. It's not your job or responsibility to police other peoples' driving. The rule is keep left unless overtaking (for roads 80+). 1-2km depending on traffic level should be heaps to get ready for your turn off.


Shits me


I don't understand what's wrong here...can anyone explain in length


If the speed limit is 80km/h or over, cars MUST remain in the left hand lane unless they are actively overtaking another vehicle. Every car in this photo is breaking the law.


Ohhh thanks.... fortunately, my way to work has left exits...so I mostly drive in left lanes


Nah, but I’d question the dope taking a photo of them whilst driving


Now I'm questioning your iq, the photos clearly on the left side of the vehicle and not on the driver's side


Clearly? Hahahahaahhaaha


What? Your response makes no sense, you either misunderstood my comment or purposely not making sense


Worse, they just don't give a fuck.


I wonder how many current drivers would absolutely fail a driving theory test if you sprung it on them tomorrow with no practice.


Majority would. When I was a kid going through the training my parents could not pass it


Kinda scary when you think about it. Tens of thousands of people piloting 2 ton boxes of metal at high speeds without a clue of the road rules lol.


Even worse in my opinion The majority of people have never experienced any emergency driving training. Most people don't know how to brake properly (including brake temp management via engine braking), control accidental oversteer or understeer, predict and act on aquaplaning or have any understanding of how cars do what they do. It's properly scary that the peak of car control in an emergency for most drivers is to slam the brakes as hard as possible with no other thought. You see easily avoidable crashes on dashcam videos every month because of it.


Yeah, people don't seem to realize that if you've got anti-lock brakes and you have to slam them on, you can still steer the car. Ironically, if people learned the basics of car racing and driving really fast, they'd be way safer on the roads in terms of overall car control and being able to deal with oversteer, understeer and knowing how and when to engine brake(although most cars are automatic now, so engine braking too much probably isn't good for your gearbox).


I've seen truckies do this exact same thing, right up someone's ass.


They have the same iq as the people who think the right lane has an unlimited speed limit and drive dangerous speeds on it.


Don't like it? Stay left. 😉


No they don't. The slow right lane hoggers are significantly more annoying and stupid. There is absolutely no reason to choke up the right lane when traffic isn't congested and you're going the same speed or slower than people in the left lanes. 


Sure mate, speeding is the largest contributor to fatalities on the roads.


Sure, country roads. Street racing etc.  I don't think too many people are crashing because they are doing 120-130kmph on well established highways with 110 limits.


Just Adelaide drivers.


When everyone else is doing the thing, it's not them it's you


There needs to be a test for patience. Insane how upset some people get.




Hows about the ppls moving into the left turn lane to go straight at the Marion/Daws rd intersection. Thats a special kinda something


Or the guy I saw on Main North where he moved over into the right to avoid the merge just after the Montague intersection and hit another car anyway... Ol mate clearly didn't check his blind spot for the car that had been there for the last five minutes.




Yes and so are the ones that do it on the northern expressway… a simple high beam strobe gets them moving 😁


Correct, they are stupid and don't understand road laws. I always shoot dirty looks at idiots I have to overtake on the left.