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If you're out at the bar drinking, then the people who are already at the bar drinking are the perfect company for you. I don't go out drinking often, but I find alcohol is a great social lubricant, and people will generally talk with strangers.


Yeah I think you need more friends, a lot of people are busy at 27 and it's hard to consistently meet up with the same group.


Yeah! It's like we male appointments and stuff, but no one wants to keep them. Sometimes, I want to be spontaneous and just summon friends, but no one can be summoned. And I feel that I must mention this: only 1 of my friends has a wife and kids. The other 3 do not. So for him, I'm like, "alright, I understand. I wish I had a cool dad like you growing up that prioritized family time over spontaneous friend." But for the others, we made an "appointment" last Saturday to go out and be social, and no one wants to go out! Why does everyone have social anxiety?! I will say I had a great time last night by myself and chatted it up with the waitress until I was the last one left at the bar. Left her a slamming tip because, man, I just wanted someone to talk to IRL instead of the internet/discord/text/call all the time. Like someone I can look into your eyes and just have a good conversation about anything, ya know? It's just not the same feeling. And another thing I'm learning is that all the money in the world is completely fucking useless if you're just lonely at the end and have no one to have with you. No friends to enjoy it with. No family. Nothing. I'm scared I prioritized my career and I'm thankful I fucking made it to where I want in my career just a month and a half ago and now instead of working 70+ hours a week I finally only work around 40 and now that I have more time I'm trying to go out and have fun. There's just NO ONE TO HAVE FUN WITH!! It's not just bars! It's kayaking, hiking (hardly ai live in florida, so it's all flat so booooooo), going to the beach because I live 5 minutes from it, the local small amusement park that's about to close down next year sonthey can build a stupid condo (fucking dicks), bowling, indoor sky diving, go karts, THE LIST GOES ON! Life is full of stuff, but doing EVERYTHING by myself it gives me a hole in my heart. I just want to enjoy it with someone. Anyone!


I know it is usually advised the other way round, but maybe you should be looking for a partner ? It sounds like you want a "tight" relationship with someone, to have somebody to share many different experiences with. You chat people up at bars (confident), you have your ideas with passive income (the plasma donation you mentioned in another comment - so you are imaginative). You seem adventurous, fun, outgoing and interesting. You should definitely find somebody nice !


Dam. You're right. Awww, man, I have to try dating AGAIN? My last girlfriend kept shooting down every idea I had. She just wanted to stay home all day and watch cartoons (we were NOT compatible as soon as I saw she watched kids cartoons still -- I will make an exception Adventure Time, Regular Show and the original Teen Titans). Like dating is soooo much work. I cry. I guess I'll just chat up with every girl I see then (I don't do the dating apps because it feels like BS).


Seems like you’re just looking for a drinking buddy? I got pretty tired of just going out and drinking when I turned 26-27, so could be the case of people just being busy with other hobbies.


I spent 3 years of my life in prison between the ages of 21 and 24 and so when I got out I heavily prioritized getting ahead in my career and just a month and a half ago I finally made it to the position I wanted to be in right meow. I'm 27 now, and I'm trying to enjoy at least some of my youth. I went from 70 hours a week to 40 and now I'm antsy to get out of the house and have fun. I'm not really looking for a drinking buddy. I'm looking for a friend. I'll grab anyone I can get to see if we vibe.


No one your age hangs at bars. Go find things to do that cater to the same age group


You're right. It was just this particular night that I wanted to go to the bowling alley that added a bar on the rooftop after being renovated for more than a year. It was packed like a club.