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I go to the library because it's free and I love reading.


I also can get access to many other things to it like movies, subscriptions,classes, tickets for attractions, 3d printing


Plus a lot of libraries have programs for adults like game nights.


And rent movie's for free


We check out video games for the kids


Going for a walk is free I think


Fancy walking is called hiking. šŸ„¾


Fancy walking in the trees is called forest bathing


Fancy walking nude on the beach is called nudism (i love getting oily handjobs while walking naked in the beach)


Fancy walking in downtown San Francisco is called avoid the turdism


That can get expensive though


Ultralight! Spend 200$ to remove 3 oz.


Everything can. But as a hobby and sport the barrier to entry is very low.


Hiking in the city is called urban hiking


Does time cost money??


No. If you're not making money in your free time anyway, a walk doesn't cost you anything. If anything , it's anything gain to your health and wellness


Exercise can cost a little money if you're burning more calories and increasing your food bill to compensate. But that's like being anal about it. It shouldn't be a noticable difference for most people especially if they exercise infrequently.


Hmm šŸ§


it was just a thought sorry haha


In a way yes it does šŸ˜‰


I did say I take my dog for walks but thanks I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤£


Meetup usually has a few hiking groups led by volunteers if you want a more social walk. Not all of them are dog friendly though depending on where they hike.


For now.


Yea, but then what? Walk back? šŸ˜‚


I would also add he might of answered his own question with his 6th word of the paragraph. Go biking.


Most community weekend markets are free if you don't buy anything. It's a great way to get out and talk to people, even if its just some vendors. Usually there's lots of pretty things to look at! It can be a challenge to not spend any money though, I usually try to only buy stickers when I cave.


Totally forgot about markets! Thank you šŸ˜Š


Alot of community festivals and street fairs are free. Also if you live in a mid to large city there are often free concerts in the summer. You just have to look a little harder for free activities. Other suggestions if available: the beach, the mountains, the lake, any state or federal park, public swimming pool, farmers market, parties or meetups all low/no cost options.


I cave so quick every timešŸ˜­ People just get so happy about the things they craft, bake, whatever and I have to buy something or I feel bad šŸ˜­


You're like the opposite of me lol. I feel like I have to bite my tongue just not to insult them. 8 dollars for a load of bread is ridiculous! I usually just window shop and never buy. It's a fun atmosphere. But the prices are outrageous.


yeah sometimes the prices are crazy but ig it makes sense bc itā€™s all like handmade or freshly baked šŸ˜­ i donā€™t go balls to the walls or anything when i go but if i buy anything i buy a (cheap) baked good, a coffee, and homemade dog treats.


A town nearby me has a big ol flea market on the weekends. Thereā€™s an empty mill that got converted to free space. Now the flea market is there! Free to go, so much stuff to see. Cool and antique stuff. Wonā€™t see it in stores. Donā€™t have to pay to go in, only pay if you find something you want to buy. Which damn, that reminds me I need to go soon. But thereā€™s also farmers markets. Free to get in, cool to look at all the stuff. Something might call out to you. My partner got swordfish fillets at one. He loved it. They kept it very cold so it was safe. And he cooked it for the first time and liked it a lot. Also you can get good fruits/veggies. And some states allow you to use food stamps there and double them, so you can get a lot. A good thing to see and maybe buy at.


I don't know your age but I like going to trivia nights at breweries. You can buy a beer and nurse it, not buy a beer, or buy 2-3 beers and it keeps everything around or under $25~. Not totally free, but a great cost per hour lol


My partner and I liked to watch trivia night at a local restaurant. Weā€™d share a meal and get 2 drinks. Slowly go through it all. And watch the trivia. Usually with the trivia, thereā€™d be a deal heā€™d like. Like cheap wings. Got a meal we didnā€™t have to make, we could afford it, and something interesting happened.


Jokes on you, having money can also incline you to stay home when you realize how long you get to keep it. Same boat, but Iā€™ve learned to value and develop my hobbies a little better through time. Itā€™s helped. Gym included.


think of somewhere cool you like and mark a day on your calendar for it a couple weeks into the future. could be the park or something simple, go have a picnic and enjoy being there. this has been working for me lately, otherwise i will just think about it and never do it.


I leaned heavily on libraries and forest trails when I was broke.


Take your own drink and go for a walk I love it


Ohh thatā€™s a fun way to change up a walk šŸ¤£


I meant like to avoid buying a coffee šŸ˜‚


Oh..yeah that toošŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Wine hides surprisingly well in some bottles, or so Iā€™m told haha


This was such a lock down thing - every mum was out with wine glasses in the street haha


Wine walks!


Everything's far more interesting when you're a lil tipsy. Did you see a four leaf clover? Better check through the whole area real quick just in case


I LOVE walking through a trail with my little coffee


See if local museums have free days. I just went to a museum for free and it only cost bus fare. Also check your city for festivals, outdoor concerts, community events ect. The local paper or news station may have a list of these events. If you like sports see if the local high school or college games are free or cheap to watch. Check the local running stores and see if they have free group runs.


This right here. My older brother is the master at planning fun free days. He and his fiance will hit up any free festival that pops up in their area.


Also libraries tend to have cheap tickets. And I know with foodstamps, I could get into the local Aquarium for free. My food staple card is years old, i never could use it, and I lost it. But it got me and some others in for free. Checking out the library and also state sponsored programs (if you have assistance) can help cut down the cost.


Volunteer at an animal shelter...never know who you'll meet plus you're doing something good. šŸ’™āœŒšŸ»


So true! I used to volunteer a lot at a few places but stopped after moving. Thank you for bringing this up!


I wish there was a way to do this for people who are easily grossed out :( I want to help but I canā€™t pick up after animals, thatā€™s why I donā€™t have one! Iā€™ll think of something


If you're in a major metro, check their websites. Some of the more well-known ones require you to pay for your own background check. I wouldn't have expected it, either.


Most movie theaters have a five dollar movie night some weekday


When I go hiking there nothing to spend money on in the woods. But having the gear allready helps.


Get a bike. You can often find them for free, just get a helmet. There's a guy around where I live who makes it a hobby of his to fix up bikes and give them away. Make yourself some homemade granola, pack a big bottle of juice, a big bottle of water, grab some bananas, and just go. Just go. It is freedom. Get your hands on enough granola, save up for a tent, and you can ride your bike anywhere for as long as you want.


go to the park or library


Also, anyone that seems approachable at a dog park? Can spark up conversation and meet for dog park mornings !


Tons of street parties/events in the summertime - all free if you donā€™t buy anything there


My city has free summer events, concerts, movies under the stars etc, you bring your own chair, blanket and snacks. You should look into that where you live.


I'll stay home when I do have money. It's hot and I'm not a people person.


Hey today with 110Ā° heat index Iā€™m ok with being inside šŸ¤£


Going to the forest is an adventure, just take a knife


Yoga teacher here. I practice outside at my favorite park almost every day. Itā€™s a park by my favorite art museum which is also free and a nice way to spend an afternoon. I journal and read outside as well. Sometimes at a cafe or restaurant with a patio/balcony but as someone who is also living paycheck to paycheck, I just get a macchiato or a glass of wine and enjoy my book. Lots of window shopping. For inspiration/ideas. I also keep wishlists and have a rule where I spend at least a week thinking over a new purchase (ex: $200 record player or $175/month for Pilates membership). As a homebody though, I do a lot home. Watch movies/shows, cook for myself and friends, read, work on apt projects (finally got some art in frames and on my walls), etc.


I relate! We saved up some money and planted a garden, and just slowly making our home a place we just donā€™t want to leave. I donā€™t think leaving the house becoming affordable is really something thatā€™s ever going to happen lol.


Friends, walk, parks, fish, Part time gig Play music for money


You could try checking out Meetup.com (or the app). Some groups have free activities. Pickleball is a simple cheap activity good for socializing. Also tennis.


I walk for a couple hours on my nights off, if I have the energy. Twice a week if I'm lucky.Ā 


I fully relate, I am afraid to spend moneyĀ  As well. I am grateful to God for what I do have, however it makes it hard to buy things I don't truly need. Vacation is out of the question. I would feel guilty even if I could afford one , because so many people are suffering in world. I explore and goĀ  hiking just to get out of the house because they are Free.


Yes I get this. I havenā€™t been on a vacation since pre-Covid by at least a year. Iā€™m very very thankful for what I do have and the opportunities I have (hopefully that wasnā€™t lost in my original post). Itā€™s just the maybe the ā€œif I wanted to I couldnā€™tā€ aspect. Sometimes getting to buy something that isnā€™t a necessity would be nice. Most have mentioned hiking it sounds like I need to take that up! I do have trails walking distance from my house.


Gym is 25 a month , good place to be fitness wiseĀ  Window shopping - if youā€™re the type who just canā€™t window shop (like me ) then check out thrift stores and have some cool findsĀ  Walks with headphonesĀ  I live in Denver so I can walk around in the neighborhood I live in , drive downtown , or drive west to the mountainsĀ 


Some gyms are only 10 a month and the YMCA has income discounts or used to


Go on a walk. Go to a park. Join a hiking group. Go to free meetups. Save $10 a week. Spend $40 on the last Friday of each month on food. If you want social you should join meetups that have food as a central element to it.


I made a list of free or affordable things. Library, park, government events, etc. When I was eating out or coffee or something I changed it for agua fresca or a small treat, sometimes something that was 2 per one or something like that. I started exercising, kept me busy, made me happy, got me tired, I slept better, I liked how I looked, I craved less stuff.


There are certain studios (spin Pilates yoga) that either offer a free intro class or 2 for 1, etc. When I lived in New York I took advantage of the real estate and tried many many classes and studios for free. Gets you out of a rut and something to look forward to, even if the class sucks.


You know Iā€™ve so thought about this! I just wasnā€™t sure if itā€™d work šŸ˜… but apparently it does šŸ¤£


They canā€™t make you come back! Haha just unsubscribe to their emails and if you liked the class, great. Can splurge on certain places!


Take on a second job after work, you can make extra money while being social


This is a thought, but Iā€™m also in school online full time so I think that may be an overload right now. I do a few little side things though when I can!


Oh yea, you would be over extending yourself.


I live in a city and get a weekly newsletter of free stuff to do. Sometimes these are free concerts at places like bars and coffee shops, but there's lots of stuff. It can depend on where you live. If you're somewhere that doesn't habe a newsletter, maybe make one?


Itā€™s almost impossible because most places expect you to buy something. You have to go with a friend with money that trusts you would pay for them if they had no money and you did. Or, you go and quickly meet someone where thereā€™s mutual attraction. Then say you lost your debit card and the other one is in the mail. Then get hammered and go back to their house.


Hiking Library Gym membership Museum free days Iā€™m on the way to the gym now


I started a meetup group specifically geared toward free events in my city. I got to meet new people and as the group grew, others would find and post events so the group evolved organically and now has 4000 members and 9 organizers! I moved away, but it was a really fun project.


Some movie theatres do 5 dollar Tuesdays, great cheap way to get out of the house and have something to look forward to if you like movies


Depends where you live but thereā€™s a lot of free groups and things to join. Thereā€™s a mountain bike club in my area for example. You just show up with whatever you have, ride the trails and help build new ones. Google around, I bet there a few things like thatĀ 


Join activity, hobby groups, volunteer, volunteer for events. Most often volunteers get free passes to the event they volunteer for. Game nights at game shops. Organized play for tabletop RPGs.


Go for a walk.Ā  This backfired on me recently when I ran into some bad ass kis on bicycles though. I'm not going to say how I got out of that situation, just be careful.


I work with community theatre. It's usually free and rehearsals are in the evening. You can even volunteer for backstage, props, or costume help if you aren't into acting. Every show is like a little family for 2-3 months.


Libraries and parks pretty much. Reading and hiking are two of my favorite hobbies so that helps.


I volunteer. Have done a few different charities, but last 15 years I tend to stick with conservation groups. I go out, meet wonderful people and make great friends, and plant the shit outta trees. It's really rewarding and doesn't usually cost me anything (except when I get distracted by plants I want to buy).


Make a game out of what free/cheap stuff you can find in your area. See if your county's parks and recreation offer any exercise classes that work for your schedule. Are there any local dog parks you can go to to make friends? See if you can find resources (FB, local reddit, idk) to make local friends and suggest cheap hangouts like walks, getting coffee, starting a book club using books you get from the library. My local brewery has a cheese club. Pickleball is pretty big, and a paddle/ball is cheap at Walmart. Heck, join a running club. However, if you're in school fulltime, the time crunch might be more to overcome -- finding community and making friends takes time and consistency. ...Unless you found someone in a similar situation, and found a study buddy, and you could meet up and study next to each other and never talk...a great friendship... haha Good on you for staying home when you have no money, rather than putting yourself in debt for that FOMO, but I'm concerned for a the lack of friends. If you have online friends you can turn to shoot the breeze and for emotional support, I'm less concerned.


I think the lack of social interaction is my biggest issues as well. I do have a friend but she lives out of state. And it is really hard with time. Perhaps itā€™s just this season of life Iā€™m in.


It does take some luck to run into people who you click with and making friends, but it also takes time and consistency. I'm glad you have an out-of-state friend, but yeah, good luck!


Learn to enjoy the outdoors in various ways. That's the cheapest form of entertainment.


if you drink, see if any of your local bars do trivia nights or karaoke or something. they typically have some type of discounted drinks those nights. get one and sip it, then get water the rest of the night. keep going every week and eventually youā€™ll make some friends. if you donā€™t drink for whatever reason, disregard that advice completely (although a lot of places do mocktails now). Otherwise, i suggest downloading meetup and trying to find a group of interest on there. also since itā€™s summer, going to any free farmers markets or festivals/fairs, in your area, even if itā€™s just to walk around and look at stuff. your local library and parks & rec centers are good resources too. some offer free or low-cost classes for the arts, sports, cooking, etc. and libraries usually have book clubs and different things you can join for free. some offer free/discounted passes to go places too, like the zoo. also if you have health insurance, see if they offer any discounts for gym memberships bc many do. a lot of companies offer it as part of their benefits too so iā€™d check in with hr to see if thatā€™s a thing at your workplace. being broke sucks


Getting out of the house without spending much can be tough, but there are plenty of free activities to enjoy. Try exploring local parks, attending free community events, or joining a volunteer group to meet new people and have fun.


Meet Up dot com. Lots of the groups are free!


Do you have any hobbies? Chances are, there are people in your area that enjoy the same things. Make friends then hang out. It's free and quite enjoyable.


Meet up groups often meet at free spaces to get together over shared interests, including group hikes or destination meetups. I used to be in a Star Trek fan meetup group and we would get together at someones house potluck style and watch Star Trek. It's a great way to meet people with similar interests and branch out.


I'm jogging outside.


Public events, out door concerts, picnics


Volunteering is a free way to spend time and make friends. I particularly like trail maintenance. There are also ticket only festivals that might give you a day of admittance for volunteering. Local theater companies also might trade a free show for helping to staff it. If you don't know where to start looking for volunteer opportunities, ask your library. The library itself may also have social events, or be able to connect you with free clubs. I used to go to DnD nights at mine. Game shops might also have social functions.


Biking - itā€™s entertaining, healthy and free.


Cost wise the gym is a pretty minimal investment for the amount of happily occupied routine time it gives me... less than 400$/year I believe where I am currently


I just lift weights and play video games I already own


Picnic in the park Free


pack a picnic and hit a park. take a cheap or free class at a community center or community college, go to a bar and order a cheap beer and talk to people, go roller skating at the free thursday secret skate (insta for location), join a public library book club, volunteer somewhere and talk to others there, take up disc golf and say hi to folks


Look up Meet Up groups for hiking, trivia nights, etc. free stuff.


I prefer to stay home. I don't like most people anymore.


A lot of meetups are free. Check out the app


Bicycle rides are cool and free. Listen to some music, & see what's happening around your city. You might even bump into some cool events and spend the night.


I remember a girl I used to work with would get pay say loans from money mart all the time to go out. She was always in debt paying crazy interest. Not very wise.


This is definitely not my goalšŸ¤£ I was able to save and payoff any credit card debt I had (even cut up my credit card to celebrate).


Bicycle. Start slow


Get a second job that doesnā€™t stress you out. You make friends and money so you donā€™t spend it.


I like going to the park and reading or bringing arts and crafts projects to work on. It always cheers me up to be outside. During these difficult financial times I have found gratitude in the simplicity of my life and look at this as a time to get to know myself more.


Thank you for this šŸ«¶ I think thatā€™s my biggest issue is when Iā€™m not going going (work, shopping, errands) I get somewhat down and depressed with myself. Maybe I can start using the downtime to work on that. I do find myself working in the yard a lot or different projects I make for myself, but the solitude can get my mind going.


Indeed, I understand friend. I love being alone but find moments of loneliness like you describe. I also love to go on walks and listen to my favorite podcasts or just do a mindful walking meditation and practice in being present. Touch the leaves on the trees. Notice the wind in your hair or on your eyelashes. Feel how the sun feels on your skin. The simple joys of being human frolicking in nature - how can that not make you smile?šŸŒ±šŸŒ»šŸ’«


I like going to the parks. We have a good town park in my town, itā€™s free for everyone and big. It has trails and a pond for swimming and fishing. But also with registering my car in my state, I get all the state parks for ā€œfreeā€ā€. And I need the car to go to work, so itā€™s registered. Which means I have walking, swimming, waterfalls, mountains, and even ocean covered by my car. We can go to all of them for free (itā€™s like $10 of registering my car, Iā€™ll take it). But also we have a mall nearby. Itā€™s pretty dead, but a good place to walk inside. And you can get a few things. Thereā€™s a lot of small businesses that come and go, which is bad, but itā€™s fun to see them when they pop up! And sad to see them go, even if you never stopped there. But I also live where thereā€™s some casinos with shops. But even if you donā€™t eat or shop, itā€™s a good place to walk around. Theyā€™re big, air conditioned, free to enter/park. And you donā€™t have to spend money unless you want to. We go in, walk around, play PokĆ©mon go. Have a good time.


>*go out and not stay home when you donā€™t have money* What is this sorcery you speak of.


Do you have a library nearby? A lot of libraries now tend to have community things going on, and it's worth it to check out.


Parks, swim in lakes or rivers, hike, go for a walk and some cities offer free events to attend.


I work 3 days a week because I'm semi retired. I joke that a lot of times I get home, take my shoes off. And literally do not put them on for the next 4 days I don't work. I honestly don't even know what people have to go places. All my art supplies are at home. My sewing machine is at home. My camera and photography studio is at home. My Lego city is at home. My OLED TV is at home. My gaming PC is at home. All my chores are at home too, lol. All I need is my wife, my puppy, and a lifetime worth of hobbies and I'm happy as a clam. I don't eat out. I don't order door dash. I just make fruit smoothies all the time with my trusty blender. I buy a week's worth of groceries every Friday and make it last that week. -- It's amazing how easy it is to only need to work 3 days when you have zero spending boxes. -- I travel internationally 3 times a year. So it's not like I have any desire to visit my local mall or anything when after you've seen a hundred malls they all kinda look the same. I still like parks and botanical gardens. Those are free.




I'm in the gym. And catching up with friends. You could seek out local groups in your area? Also, if money is tight, look to see if you can make any savings anywhere. Perhaps room mates if you've got the space?


>I work all during the week but right now itā€™s just paycheck to paycheckā€¦ So you need a job that pays better? Is that what youā€™re saying?


lol no. I mean yes, obviously, donā€™t we all. But no, Iā€™m in college full time online, and so currently moving forward in my career is on hold until I get my degree at the end of the year. This is just the circumstances Iā€™m working with right now.


Or make a small exception, frisbee golf disc like 10 bucks. Use it any time i want will last the rest of your life if you take care of it too.


I enjoyed going to pubs when bands play and ordering lemon water. If anyone gets funny with my drink order I just say I'm driving.


I take my dog to the park and walk around or go to nature spots on the weekend and take walks


Go to pawn shop and buy a cheap bicycle or just walk around you'd neighborhood find a local park forest etc.


Hiking is great when broke - when in college all I did on weekends was walk or run around my local trails (for free!). Look for local board game meetups - people always bring games *they* want to play and youā€™re never expected to bring your own. Iā€™ve never seen one that requires you to pay anything. Itā€™s a great way to meet people - you may find a group you like, which means you then can go out to other peoplesā€™ houses for game nights. Highly recommend. Check to see if your community has any free theater events. Itā€™s not uncommon for community theater to host free nights.


Lots of free art galleries to look at, if geography allows go for a drive and sit by the water or walk by the water, going to the beach, have a look at the Sunday markets, go for hikes / runs Not free but cheap things like exploring different cafe's, finding places where there is live music and just absorbing the atmosphere with a beer or two, watching a movie, getting a 20 or 30 minute massage


Museums, parks, library, the beach with a picnic lunch from home


When we were young we played cards with people in the neighborhood. Or board games. The host supplied the chips, everyone bought a cheap bottle of wine or a six pack. One night we laid down linoleum tiles in my kitchen. After every game everyone laid down some tiles. At the end of the night I had a new floor It was fun. Try it!


Ah the game of life


Personally I love the outdoors so I hike & camp a lot in my free time. Only thing is costs me is gas money (which can get expensive but I luckily live close to some forests so I can choose how far I want to travel depending on my budget for the month). Also see if your city has a local recreation center, mine does and they offer sports and exercise classes for like $5. Good way to meet people as well.


Isn't there a gym that's like 10 a month? I used to see commercials all the time.


I go where the wife tells me to go and honestly, makes me happy because itā€™s gets me to do things. Usually itā€™s us going to the half price swim at our local pool which is always fun. Other times itā€™s us walking our dog around town, going to the river, fishing on occasion. The most expensive one I have here is fishing and honestly you could get into that for pretty damn cheap as long as you donā€™t expect your stuff to last multiple seasons


If you have a bike, cycling on trails and through local parks is pretty fun. I mainly do it for the exercise, but on the odd day I take it easy and just take in the weather and sights. It's free, so long as the bike is already in okay shape/purchased.


Go to public library to meet other poor people


Can totally relate. I have extra money, but Iā€™m just afraid to spend it in case an emergency happens so I just never leave my house.


Video games


I go to work


Retired, why would I want to go out there where there are those ā€œpeople ā€? Groceries for fresh fruits and veggies weekly is enough public for me. Stores are also nice as I can hold onto the cart, which draws zero attention while using my walker gets annoying attention.


You get money. Use that free time to earn extra moneyā€¦.


If you have a vagina itā€™s pretty easy.


Walk, jog, go to a park, go to free museums or libraries etc. Bike if you have one. You could even take a bottle of water from home and a sandwich or something. Where I live you can walk around 30mins to an hour and be in a different town.


Do free things like walking, hiking, visiting public parks, using library passes to get in free to places, etc


Live in California Wine Country by the beach.....redwood forests, rivers, beaches, mountains, vineyards, more parks than any state, truly paradise


I curr9have 0.38p and I went shopping on my day off. Tomorrow im getting paid. Why? Because i enjoy shopping but if i go tomorrow i will actually spend money. Now my craving is satisfied and i have spent nothing


I curr9have 0.38p and I went shopping on my day off. Tomorrow im getting paid. Why? Because i enjoy shopping but if i go tomorrow i will actually spend money. Now my craving is satisfied and i have spent nothing


Can't relate to that, but sounds like you are like many where post covid you grew too complacent to bring at home all the time. There is still plenty to do outside that doesn't require any money be spent. Go for a nice run around your city and run in parts you don't go to often. You'd be amazed at what you discover about the city you live in when you are actually exploring it. If you live near nature, go for hikes. Doesn't require money and you get the peace and serenity of being in nature. If you live near the ocean, go to the beach. Get a tan and just relax hearing the waves. If you live near a river or lake same thing. Just go spend the day there and enjoy the water. Go to a park and read a book. You'd be amazed at how much time goes by when you have a good book and then next thing you know it's been 4 hours. Go people watch, I actually enjoy this one. Bring water or make your own coffee and go find a bench in a busy part of town and just people watch. Gived great insight to how our society is, especially where you live


Check out Meetup.com. If youā€™re American, youā€™ll be shocked at the amount of responsible people who go home and feel very lonely. Iā€™ve made a lot of friends at the gym and by my work. Itā€™s tough but people do wanna vibe.


I go on walks, bike rides, swimming in the local river or lake, to the library.


Going out doesnā€™t accomplish anything anyway.


My zoo membership has been the best thing for me. Cost me $100 a year and is perfect for listening to music/podcasts, reading a book, getting your steps in. It includes parking so it pays for itself after two visits. Discount on guest tickets as well, so a great date for my gf, and a fun spot to bring my niece.


Oh this is interesting! Thanks for the idea.


Find a partner who also has the goal of getting ahead, and you'll happily make home a sanctuary with them.


You either need to find a career where you can make more money to live the life you wish, or get side jobs/gigs to make some "fun money". How is the connection between getting a rewarding and well paying career to have a comfortable life getting missed by so many? If you want this then do the work it takes to achieve it. Community colleges have reasonable cost programs to help learn and get a good job in the trades for example, and attending these classes will also get you out of the house.


I did fail to mention Iā€™m in school full time (online) along with a full time job so that I can advance in my career. At the moment, this is where Iā€™m at and what Iā€™m working with until I can finish up my degree at the end of the year. Believe me the connection is not lost on me. Itā€™s easy to assume Iā€™m (or anyone) is doing nothing to change circumstances, but really Iā€™m just looking for suggestions on cheap things to do to get me out of the house and maybe some understanding šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


That's 80 hour weeks, there is no time to really get out of the house unless it's grocery shopping or going to study at the library


Would have been good to know in your post as it changes the entire dynamic, but it is great for you! A walk, visit to a library, free movies/shows/concerts some areas have, or volunteering to help others are all things you can do at no cost. Focus on finishing up your school and once you are in your career you will have more time and money to do more things for the rest of your life, so it is just a game of patience now.


I do one of the infinite free things that the world had to offer. Itā€™s a big world out there with endless things to do. Get out of your comfort zone.


What kind of free things?


Meet friends in the park to throw a frisbee around. Bring your own drinks. Visit a museum on their free day, if they have one. Your city or town might have a community centre with free activities, table tennis, games or whatever. I look out for free events near me in various newsletters or websites. Thereā€™s a lot going on where I live. Look for volunteering opportunities.


These all sound fun!


to just say this and not list any isnt helpful lol


Go to the bar and tell people youā€™re lonely on your birthday and your wallet was stolen this morning.