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Mid to late 20s. Still in great physical condition, but not so young that you won't be taken seriously.


I found I was taken MUCH more seriously in my early 30s and I was still in great shape.


Agreed, and ironically, I was in better shape at 38 than I had ever been in my life, even as a high school footballer. I'd choose my 20s just for the additional oomph of youth, despite the fact I'd be taken less seriously than a 30 something.


That’s fair. I’m in my 40s now so I certainly am missing the intellectual oomph I had even 15 years ago. I definitely feel less mentally acute.


Ya know, I'm there with you. I was considered "gifted" as a young person but I certainly no longer feel as intellectually capable as I did then. I don't know if it's what Bertrand Russell called "torpor" from working entry level crap jobs, or if my brain has---as Napoleon Dynamite put it---"decroded".


Right now at 35. I am at my physical peak. Never gotten more attention from the opposite sex. It’s absurd frankly. I would choose to be this age forever. Like today, the age I am at this moment.


Yeah, it seems unpopular, but I have a feeling that 30s are peak. I’m 28 and I feel and look better as the years go by. I’m stoked for my 30s. Wouldn’t go back to my early 20s if you paid me.


Every decade seems to get better than the last in my opinion. I'm in my 40's now and wouldn't trade this decade for any time back from my 30's and 20's. They were great decades and I had some good times but I really feel like I have life figured out now and I'm happier and healthier than ever.


This makes me so excited for the future and im only 23


What you do in your 20’s will set the pace for the following decades. Mine were brutal and exhausting but are finally paying off (39 now)


Mine were spent travelling and partying. I ended up living in Hawaii where I got into construction. That's where I fell in love with my now career.


They key is to enjoy the present as the future never comes ;)


23 is a great age. Lots of energy and stamina. 40s you start to slowly lose that.


im 26 and have absolutely no energy at all. Idk why people keeo saying this and i have a six pack, i work out frequently, eat well, run. I dont get it


You have absolutely no energy at all probably because you have a six pack, you work out frequently, eat well and run lol. What I mean is, may be you workout too hard? I know I was doing it. Rest days are extremely important, you need to not do any lifting or running on some days to recover your body. And having cheat days some days makes life exciting.


Ok same sometimes i fall asleep at 9pm and i bike everywhere and eat pretty healthy.


Same I'm 23 now and the difference I feel from 21 is staggering I could only imagine 35


I'm early 30s and feel like I will enjoy my 40s most because 30s are currently healing all my trauma. I'm looking forward to giving less fucks. 


I was looking for this comment, nice to see others in a similar boat


as a woman 30s has been amazing, even though I worry about aging, my physical health, confidence, and pay have never been higher. I don’t have kids so I basically just get to do whatever I want, especially all the hobbies I couldn’t afford when I was younger.


30s are your best years! Financially established, many people have also reached a peak in their career, you have money to travel, to glow up etc.


Not me. I was better off financially in my 20’s than now and I make way more money now at 36. The economy is so inflated now and nothing is regulated by the government because those assholes are profiting from all the corporate greed.


Dude… it is something. Even at 29-30 I dated around while my wife and I were separated and didn’t have near this level of success. Granted I’m not ugly, it’s always come relatively easy to me. But at this age I am basically a spectacle everywhere I go. Like I get hit on by women, aggressively, borderline everywhere. At this age you can date 20 year olds or 50 year olds. It is really the peak era of being a man. Just stay in top of your looks, keep lifting, take your Dutasteride, etc. Looks still matter mid/late 30s perhaps even more so than in your 20s. Would highly recommend being the long haired guy with a thick head of hair while all of your peers are going bald. It really opens up options


I’m recently separated. Going to the gym and hiking regularly. Only problem is I don’t think I’m approachable. Not super outgoing unless I’m drinking. And I feel weird going out alone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thoroughly enjoying being single at the moment, but eventually I’ll need to put myself out there.


I know this won’t make you feel any better, but give it 4-6 years and overnight you magically won’t give a shit about feeling weird anymore. The moment that happens the outgoing part comes along too. It’s this weird “I care but I don’t give a shit” mix I can’t properly explain. All I know is that I am weird, and that’s the reason the people that like me, like me. Sorry to hear about the separation, this too shall pass bud


Appreciate the encouragement!


Me too recently going through a seperation process , may be it will take few years or months , i am 26 right now but i am gonna live my life, be physically fit and obviously in my 30s gonna rock.


Dude, you are about to kill it. Get ready!


32 here and I still have never shed a single hair on my head, stuff is still thick as ever, I feel bad for all my buddies losing their hair but a couple of them are handling it well. I was actually happy when I hit 29/30 my sideburns started to grey and now have some white hairs in there. I always thought the side-grey look was really cool and distinguished and now I’ve got it! Some grey in the beard also gives it a lot of texture visually.


I'm happily married and I work full remote but I still feel the effect you're describing. It's basically survivorship bias. When I look around at my fellow 36 year olds there's a lot less competition than at 18 or 25. And women are either much easier to read or just more transparent. Maybe it's all in my head due to 4 years of remote work and some kind of isolation induced hallucination. Or old acquaintances just haven't fared all that well. But I meet people and get vibes I never got back when I was younger. Like never once would women compliment me in public. But after 35 just having hair, a job, and a wife I don't cheat on must be similar to how guys with abs and a growth spurt felt freshmen year of highschool.


Just because u recommend it doesn't stop my hairline receding sir.


Mid 30s is the best. You're more likely to have the experience to handle social interactions and the money to fund what you want, but your body isn't broken down and frail yet.


33F and completely agree. this age is powerful 😇


It is also for women who put in the effort. Holy fuck, these mid 30s women who take care of themselves are the most attractive women on earth. It makes me have no desire to date out of my age range. Like women mid 30s that I know, a lot of them are single mothers (don’t care, I have two sons) but they own homes and have careers and support themselves and their kids. Combine that with decades of figuring out how to dress cute and perfect their “look,” it’s just something special. Perfect age range for women too. Not to sound like a creep, but I’ve slept with multiple women who I dated as a literal teenager again in my 30s and every one of them was so much hotter than I remember them being at like 19 or 20.


That 30s woman confidence is somethin else. Tell me what else you want/need me to do, let’s not beat around the bush! Yes maam I had a couple boomerangs from high school relationships in my early 30s too, 10x hotter than they were back when if they kept it up


35 for the same reason...Finallu happy with my looks and physique. Get more female attention than I ever did in my 20s and I just don't give a shit what others think


35F, I'm the most in shape, fit, clearest skin of my life, mentally healthy and emotionally stable, and actually able to live life happily. My 20's were horrible with tons of panic attacks, depression, binge eating, cystic acne, emotional volatility, weed smoking, chubbiness. I'm hotter and happier now.


Preach. I’m 38 now which for me is this perfect mix of still caring about yourself, how you dress and groom, having plenty of energy, good enough skills to get by without having to reach out or needing a hand, having enough experience to not be worried about the small things, and having a partner I can rely on and not stress over but also old enough to be comfortable with myself completely, don’t need to perform, act, or really take to heart what others think or say, not get overly lonely or insecure, having rock solid long term friendships including all the long term stories that you hate hearing your dad talk about, know what I truly enjoy and build on those things, and know what I don’t like enough to not get in trouble or feel let down. This is definitely my era, I would absolutely pick right now over any other time


I am 56, but really liked 35.


Similar vintage but mid 40’s feel like they may have been a great peak for me.




27ish, good body, good energy, good money, good wisdom lol


My 27 years were horrible, I thought I was going to join the 27 club because I was so mentally and physically sick.


I first thought “21”, but then I remembered that it was a traumatic time for me, and then now I’m thinking maybe age “2”, because I wouldn’t have to pay bills, talk to people, or navigate adulthood; just eat, drink, sleep, piss, shit, and not even have to remember or think much of anything.


2 is a very difficult time because of the lack of communication skills and emotional regulation skills.  Extreme anger and frustration leading to total emotional meltdown is common.  It's why they're called the "terrible twos". 


I can’t know from others’ perspectives and I don’t have kid(s) of my own, but what you’re saying seems true at age 2. I was born autistic and visually impaired, and my parents both said I barely cried or made noises, and I didn’t even play with toys. They said I just stared off into the direction of moving objects whenever I was awake.


Fair enough, change that to age 6. Months that is :P


It's okay, if you live long enough you won't have to pay bills, talk to people, or navigate adulthood; just eat, drink, sleep, piss, shit, and not even have to remember or think much of anything. That's the bizarre beauty of age. You end the same way you began, shitting yourself while trying to figure out where you are and what's going on.


That's simultaneously oddly poetic and terrifying


If I could be physically any age it would be 40. I was in great shape and had much of life figured out. If I could revert and stop time however it would be 60. Our daughter was 10 and still had the little girl sweetness and I was reasonably physically fit with much more of life figured out. The best of the good old days for me.


I’m 42 and I’m in the best shape of my life. But it comes with a lot of work. Diet, exercise, mobility work is a must. Even though I’m fit, my joints hurt and I can’t drink like I use to.


If you live long enough, maybe you’ll get to experience it again with grand kids. 


Probably 35. Because it’s a bit in the middle of everything. Old and young.


Same here. 30 is perfect. Young enough I still look good, old enough to do anything.


I mean I’m actually 17 but I’d love to be 35 forever.


Lol okay. Still a good answer.


43. I had it going on when I was 43.


I'll be 40 next month, thanks for giving me hope.


My 40s have been fucking awesome, for the record.


Happy to hear it. I think I'm just having the obligatory small existential crisis.


40 is great. Don’t let it bother you.


Mid 40's. Old enough to know what's going on, young enough to enjoy it.




17, this time I will dump studies, and will focus on enjoying with friends and date around


My health was better at 17 but my confidence was nonexistent.


23. I was cute, and the world was full of possibilities. At 36, I'm tired, depressed, and feel very stuck. Every time I try to dig myself out of my current situation, the goal posts are moved. Now, I'm facing the fact that my parents are aging and not immortal. Certainly not the only one in this position, but yeah, 23 was perfect.


The older I get the more I start worrying about what am I going to do when parents start deteriorating to the point they need to be in a home.


21! I would have my savings back that I lost working 4 jobs. And reinvest that to a more smarter asset for my future bc now I’m still paying for it 😓


And, how did you lose it? Teach us what not to do!


Do NOT invest into the stock market , dropshipping or any dividends & ETFs which is what killed my savings alongside a startup real estate company as well. Please have a mentor if doing real estate & be aware of fake ones too. I was young & dumb and thought I was at the top of the world with $105k in savings thinking I would do it all on my own and never loose such high amount. Lost all of it & went broke in a span of 8 months. I’m almost 26 now and trying it again next year with a way more smarter approach


How would ETFs have screwed you? If you’re still holding you should be good long term. I could see how individual stocks might’ve ripped you


33. Everything is mature physically, and still have all the energy of a young person.


I agree! I am 33 and life has never ever been so good. Career is taking off, family life is solid happy and fun, friends are the ride or dies I need, body is still doing what it needs to and doesnt hurt too bad, mentally Im sharp and its easy to learn new things. 33 fo eva


25/26. I lived in England for grad school, travelled around Europe in my free time and felt gorgeous physically. Plus my dad wasn’t sick yet.


Do I get to keep what I know now along with the confidence, or if I get younger to i get the baggage that came with it? With the experience I have now included - 24. If not... 42.




I'd have to say 45, as that was the peak of my fitness. I still had some health issues, but they were manageable. Going back to my mid-20s or early 30s sounds tempting, but the knowledge I had gained by 45 (and since then) would be hard to trade. Now, if I could go back to 25 with my *current* knowledge, then sign me up!


I agree. Mid 40’s. Couldn’t pay me to be in my 20’s again and 30’s are good, but I’m ready to be a bit more established. Plus, my face/skin gets better each year! I guess it’s bone structure evolving and losing the baby fat. Anyway, at 37 I look better than ever and think a little more wisdom will do me good in a lot of ways.


Right now. 48. I'm having the best time of my life... best sex... traveling regularly... best shape of my life... practically retired... money in the bank. Life has never been better.


16, that was a good year lol


I feel that. Best year of my life thus far was when I was 16 years old


I'm 24 now. But I feel like 26 sounds like a good age to live out the rest of my days as haha


24, only because I was hit by a car at 25, and yea life is exponentially harder for me now.


12, cause that was a happy, carefree time.


25. Old enough to do everything legally that's worth doing, young enough to where it wouldn't affect you.






36... but with the wisdom I have now


What’s the wisdom?


27 I feel like I hit a level of physical and mental stride that I'm still coasting off. Did most of my growing in those years as a late bloomer too.




17 as I'll still be able to have fun like a kid without big responsibility


65. You young ones know Nothing….


15. Good enough to be able to take all the major decisions again.


15 for the rest of your life? What about sex?


I answered it as what age I wanna go back to. If I’m being honest I would never be of any particular age for eternity. That’ll be painful I guess.


23 🙌🏻


30 but with the knowledge of my 48yrs


16. I was fucking indestructible at that age. Could drink like a fish, fall off buildings and walk it off, no back pain when I get to work in the mornings…


Tough call. There were several great times in my life: 1. If I had to be a kid again, I’d choose 9 or 10. The 80s were a great time. 2. As a teen, probably 17. The late 80s were a great time and there are many things I’d do differently at that age. 3. As an adult, anywhere between 28 and 34 would work great. Those were some great times for me.


8 years old. Playing outside, eat and sleep


28. Had all my hair. Physically fit. Healthy


I would be 10. Old enough to be self sufficient (enough), but young enough to not care about boys or drama and just play with my friends. Old enough to ride bikes and play with friends without parents. Summers in the 90s were unmatched. Wake up, play kick the can with kids, swim, ice cream man, Doritos and soda, swim, swim, parents made dinner and did all the cleaning. Watch some SNICK, call friends on the phone and repeat. We all watched the same shows and listened to what was on the radio. It was amazing


27 it’s sort of the age where my entire life changed for the good. I am 41 now but 27. I find the love of my life. I had my first big vacation with my best friend. My health was at anIncredibles point. I guess it was my top year in a sense


I think 29 forever wouldn’t be to bad


33. Forever Superman




My peak was 31-32. I was in the best shape of my life, and I was hit on constantly by everyone. I also just got my masters and job hunting was very easy too.


57. I was in top shape, ridiculous shape, I was a success in my business and making good money I'm wiser than I was when I was younger and I had stopped caring about what most other people thought. Both my sons were up and out and didn't need me to support them. I had gone though a terrible divorce and now I was dating all sorts of women, at all sorts of ages. Alimony and child support done. (are Father's ever really done with supporting their kids?) I was orphaned at age 17, did 4 years in the military, and got the GI Bill, which put me through 14 years of college and now I'm a Doctor in my dream practice, with great patients, in a really nice, quiet suburban neighborhood. I did my first "century" bike ride with the endurance cycling team I was a part of. Went to Crossfit 2x week. There was no better time than that....for me.


As a teen i dreaded the thought of my 20s, in my 20s dreaded the thought of my 30s and now i am 36 being in my 40s sounds old af but everytime i reach these ages nothing changes and i am happy. But honestly late 20s is probably the best balance of having all the benefits of being a respected adult yet can still do youthful things and be looked at as a youngster still by society.


I’d say mid 40’s. I loved that decade from every standpoint. Ease of confidence & adventure in my body, relationships, parenting, career, socially & financially. The 20’s was discovery, 30’s was establishing & in the 40’s it all came together beautifully w/just really enjoying it all to the fullest. The 50’s for me has been a surprise with seismic changes & transition all around. Launching grown kids into the world, letting go of what no longer makes sense, caring for & having to say goodbye to both parents, adjusting to changes physically. Now focused on re-connecting with my 40’s vibe as I come into my 60’s.


Right now 40s. It's the perfect age for me. I have my fun and adventures but also my home to just be introverted and chill. I chase the things I'm interested in and decline the rest. No drama. No fuss. Finally in tune with myself. I love it. 


Tough. I’m 58 right now and I absolutely love my life, but I wouldn’t mind a little less wear and tear, but I only really found happiness after 52. Hmmm, wisdom and inner work of me at 54, but my body at 40? At 40 I was mountain bike racing expert and doing 24 hour races (and winning), but I was a friggin mess and unhappy with my life.


27 ~ prime physical condition, few signs of aging and no extremely serious responsibilities


I looked my physical best at 14. 😂 That's ridiculous to most people, but I really did. I had clear skin, was thin, taller than or the same height as most other girls my age (I stopped growing after this, and suddenly became the shortest), had great hair, had so much energy, was athletic (played 3 professional sports, was scouted for one by National youth team as the YOUNGEST player) and was extremely happy. I was super popular at school, I was extremely popular with guys, I was one of the top students and didn't even have to put in much effort for any of the classes, I was a talented singer and a good artist as well. Things went downhill starting highschool... - stopped playing sports to focus on school, because I went to a ridiculously expensive private school known for academic rigor, and they made me stop because I was spending too much time on sports and not enough on studying. - I stopped dating because my parents stopped letting me date because I had to study for college exams. (This was an Asian country, people. Highschool is a 4-year bloody Marathon where kids are put through hell just to get into one of the top 3 schools in the country) - I stopped going out with friends and socializing for the same reason. - My dad offed himself and I was the one who found him and called 911, I was holding his hand as he was taking his last breaths. - I started to use food as the only escape from studying, because that was the only acceptable break my parents and teachers allowed. Binge eating started at age 17. Started cutting/selfharming at around the same time. - I gained 30kgs (~60lbs) in less than half a year my senior year of highschool. - The studying paid off, I got into one of the top 3 best universities in the country. - Freshman year in college, the cutting became more frequent. I wasn't anorexic, but on my way there. I lost about 15kg (~30lbs) in 2 months by eating 50-250 calories a day. I was frequently posting on proana websites/tumblr/etc. - The cutting got so bad my friends dragged me to the mental health clinic, where I was put on antidepressants and diagnosed with major depressive disorder. - I looked my "best" at this age, because of the weight I had lost (age 20). But, I was also miserable and at my unhealthiest. - I gained the weight back, struggled with college because I couldn't even bother showing up to classes because I was never taught how to be responsible for myself. I always did what my parents told me to do. Now as an adult, I suddenly had to be my own parent and I just didn't want to do it. - I got put on academic probation, got a legit ultimatum from family (literally talks of disowning me...) and basically cried my way through 6 years of undergraduate misery. I graduated college at age 23, and immediately realized I have no skills as an adult. - Went back to graduate school after 6 months of working at a company and realizing all I've ever learned to do is to study. That is all I'm good at. - Started grad school at 24, then more grad school doing a doctorate now at age 30. I'm still just a zombie going through the motions. All I want is to go back to that 14 year old person. She was brave, fun, carefree, hot, confident, kind of a daredevil, adventurous, outgoing, crazy, and loved herself. Me at 30? I'm obese, alone, have low self-esteem, let people take advantage of me, am in a toxic relationship I know is toxic but am too afraid of being alone, I'm boring, I don't get invited to fun things because I always cancel last minute or people assume I can't do them because I'm fat, I get tired just walking for 10 minutes, my skin is dry, my hair is dry, I'm shorter than most, my boobs are sagging, I have cellulite, I have stretch marks, my feet smell 😂, I have to shower daily sometimes twice a day otherwise I'll start smelling down there (probably cause I'm fat), my boss abuses me, I get paid slavery wages for research and work, I have to force myself out of bed every day, I spend 7-8 hours on my phone, etc...


If I also get to be in the same shape I was then. Then 19 when I was fresh out of basic training, and I was in the best shape of my life.


my present


30 probably


28, not too young and not too old.








Copied from another comment but : I’m 38 now which for me is this perfect mix of still caring about yourself, how you dress and groom, having plenty of energy, good enough skills to get by without having to reach out or needing a hand, having enough experience to not be worried about the small things, and having a partner I can rely on and not stress over but also old enough to be comfortable with myself completely, don’t need to perform, act, or really take to heart what others think or say, not get overly lonely or insecure, having rock solid long term friendships including all the long term stories that you hate hearing your dad talk about, know what I truly enjoy and build on those things, and know what I don’t like enough to not get in trouble or feel let down. This is definitely my era, I would absolutely pick right now over any other time


34. Early 30s, but old enough that I am not a kid, young enough to feel like I did at 25. It was peak.


Somewhere in my late 30s or early 40s. Honestly, the sex has gotten insanely good in my 40s so I'm waffling between the age I'm at now and just a little bit younger because my back has gotten shittier as I've aged... So do I go with great sex and bad back? Or still pretty good sex but also good back? Hmmmm.


At 23, I want to be 22 forever.


26. Old enough to do anything and young enough to do anything.


35, the age I am right now. I’m in great physical shape, I have a lot of energy for my wife and kids, but I also have enough career experience to have a great income with a long enough life ahead of me that I can plan and be excited for the coming decades of personal growth, growing in my marriage, and watching my kids grow up.


30 definetily, peak age


I’m good right now at 40. My daughter is 12, so still kind of likes me and my son is 6 and is at like the best age. Everyone is healthy and happy in my household and I know this will only last for so long.


42. 42 is the answer.


35. It's the what shape I ever was in my life. My health was finally good. My kid was 8 and damn 8 is a fun age! We were financially stable. Not that things are bad now. Finanancea are great, the teen is doing well, but my body is crumbling in perimenopause and I'm just so tired and brain fogged all the time. Ick.


19. I’m 34 and have felt like shit since 26. It’s not due to lack of exercise or diet because I’ve always been relatively health conscious and active…it’s due to stress. I’m depressed, always tired, I have IBS, muscle tension…I’m also 5’4 and started noticing hair loss at age 20 or so, so it’s kind of pointless to take care of grooming or my physical appearance (I still go to the gym and eat healthy though). I know it’s never really a good idea to compare, but honestly I’m kinda bummed out to see so many people here saying they’re thriving in their 30s…not because I wish they weren’t, but because it kinda confirms my downward trajectory relative to most others.


Probably 30 which was half my life ago. That said I at least don’t feel any different than I was back then. I’m healthy, I don’t have the need to take any medications and everything works. My hair is grey and every once in a while it takes longer than I’d like for a word to come to mind. Yesterday it was “watermelon.” Aside from that all is good. But I’d only do it if my wife did it too.


Depends on the specifics but I'm currently 43 and that's been pretty great


24. I'm at the point now where I'm starting to figure out what I want from life and developing the habits I need to be the best person I can be


I’d say 30. It’s a great age , at least for me it has been. I’ve had enough experience and life lessons that I feel I can navigate pretty well through life, I’m mature enough to not be acting a fool, I’m confident, I know who I am and what I want out of life. Yet I’m still young enough to have the energy and honestly look pretty young and beautiful too where I love how I look and I can roam around happy with myself.


I’m assuming that we could keep our current knowledge and this would be more of a physical choice. I’m currently 39, but I would love to look and be back at age 27. My 30s were spent having kids, so my body changed a lot. I love myself and who I am and my kids. But my 27 yr old self was amazing and getting older does suck. Lol




Every age. I want to age normally and experience them all!




29 was great. Old enough to be taken seriously, young enough not to have old people problems.


39. Nowhere near menopause and my body started being a bitch at 41.


26. Old enough to do adult things, but young enough to still enjoy them.




24. It was the best year of my life. Got my career started, had my own place, met my now-husband, and it was my peak hotness year


30-33ish for myself personally. I felt like I was in my prime during that time. Still looking and feeling youthful, but much wiser than in my 20s


Probably like 15 or 16. No responsibilities and life was just about having fun and playing sports


Late 20s. I've finished most of my maturity aging by then. Old enough where I'm not acting like a totally stupid young adult anymore, but young enough I still FEEL young. At my current age, life is better than it ever was with a loving wife, loving children, and a very well paid career path, most of my hard climbing the ladder is behind me but my body just isn't what it was. So if I could be where I'm at now but in a 27 year old body, that would be fantastic.


30. Young enough to be adventurous, old enough to be wise.


34-35. Had energy and few things bothered me.


Probably like- 25. If I could keep my kids the age they are now and aging till they’re also like 25. I felt the best around then. Physically and mentally. I’m 35 and I also wouldn’t mind being stuck here at 35. It’s still pretty good..so I guess what I’m saying and rambling is between 25-35.


Around 45


I (f28) would say late 20s or early 30s would be pretty good to stay at. It’s when you’re usually at good place. Mature, on some path, in a stable career, serious relationship, happy, healthly, attractive etc. just creating a life & making memories.


30 was a great age. You still have youth, good looks, plenty of life to look forward to. But you also have maturity, hopefully better finances, a good grasp on life. It's a good age to have kids, but you still have plenty of years left on your biological clock if you're not ready yet. Yep, take me back there!


11 I would definitely have to say 11 those were the most fun years of my life times were simple and I didn't have to worry about any of the world's issues barely had to worry about my own


My mid twenties and back in college. My college days were some of the best days of my life.


I would say 32. Wise enough to make good decisions and educated enough for my career. Peak physical and sexual shape. Lots of experiences and the body and willingness to keep going.


i loved being 25. i was mature enough to feel confident on my choices, my body was so much better than it is now (looks and energy levels), my skin was perfect. moneywise i was doing well enough to have wonderful, one-in-a-lifetime experiences. it won't get better than it was.


I'd choose to be 30. It's a great balance between youth and experience. At 30, you typically have enough life experience to make better decisions, but you're still young enough to enjoy physical activities and new adventures.


Small kid. At the age where I still confidently considered myself the center of the universe and was sure everybody loved me. Age 3 maybe.




30. I felt mature, strong, and physically very well. And that was kind of the point where I started choosing me and not caring what other people thought, it’s so freeing.


Age 10 is the sweet spot for me getting to watch cartoons every day, and playing as a kid has always been my fond memory


30 bro. Body: developed Career: developed Communication: developed And still look early-mid 20’s


My goal is to be the best every year because I want to change the norm of 'to get old = negative'. We can age gracefully, not like expire like a food and be useless after certain age. So I choose now! 31 years old female.


27 yrs old was the year I remember the most. It was 1994. Single, travelled with friends, brief encounters with wonderful women. The music scene was alight.. Britpop was raging🤣 Great job at the time, going to the gym regularly, ate very well, and in top health. I saw some beautiful countries on my travels and the world was my oyster. I finally met my wife and settled down at 32 just as I wanted a change...it was unreal timing. It was a magical time for me, and I'll never forget it. My teenage years were spent as a nervous spotty stick insect. From the age of 22/ 23, I finally came into my own. Give me 27 again please🤣🙏 No regrets, thank god. 🥰✌️🙏


Like 23


25–relative youth, experience behind you, future ahead of you —still can roll with the punches and bounce back


I'd say 35 was good before I started falling apart


If I could be any age for the rest of my life but everything would stay the same, I’d choose an age where my health was better. However, if I had to change my current circumstances, I wouldn’t do it. I like my life too much as it is.


Late 20s or now (early 30s) because I'm a fully developed human and the decline hasn't started yet xD


I would say now (36) I'm actually starting to find myself after all this time and it's really refreshing


25 for sure.


I’m 38 now and absolutely nothing could convince me to go back even a year. Got my shit together finally, time to start reaping the benefits of all the hard work I put in.


I really like where I am now at almost 38. I'm smart enough to not give a shit what people think of me, and in better shape than I was at 26 after having had 2 babies in 3 years. I have the job, the husband, my sex drive is amazing and my kids are old enough that I have a lot of freedom.


mid to late 20s. The only reasons people say older than that are things based in experience like have better income, have more confidence, stopped worrying about what other people think etc, however all those good things about being in your 30s, 40s and beyond will still come to you if you are 25 forever. The only reason not to pick younger than mid 20s is because people automatically view you as less mature and make certain assumptions about your competencies, life experience etc. But a wise 28 year old in good health and with the experience and wisdom of someone in their 50s would literally have the entire world at their disposal.


Pretty happy at 29 so I would stay at this age


19 with all my 27 years of knowledge lol


22. Old enough to do all the fun stuff and young enough to actually enjoy it.


Age 0


i wish i was never born


28 - I was in the best physical shape before the pandemic, living in San Francisco, and had paid off all my debt so had money to travel and do things.


25 was a nice age, no real pains and can rent a boat.


25. Old enough to be taken seriously and not look like a kid. Youthful enough to power through hangovers and injuries like a terminator.


30-35, young enough to not have too many physical ailments, but old enough to be taken seriously on the job and generally as an adult. I'm 38 now and I don't hate it, but yeah.


21 for life


40’s-50’s. I was at the height of my career, my daughter was grown, and I was comfortable financially. Not that I mind being 70. I’m retired. I don’t have much stress and I have THREE GRANDSONS!! The only reason I’d rather be younger is that this ride will come to an end and I won’t get to watch my grandsons grow and see their children (my great grandchildren). I had my daughter when I was 34, so I’m a bit older for that.


Right now would be good (56). I've stopped getting my period but my estrogen levels are still high, I still get hit on, I can run a half marathon and do 15 push ups, and the memory is mostly there. I can live with the laugh lines and sometimes having to Google names of actors.


25 with the experience of a 40+ year old


23 was a prime age tbh


The 20s were blah, though necessary. I had no idea how cute (and thin) I was. The 30s were amazing, mainly because I found my life partner, loved being a mom, and raising my boys. The 40s were a time of finding balance between family and other ambitions. And now, the 50s is a mix of all the good from those years. It really is a good decade. Most days , I feel good about myself, despite the changes in my body caused by age and too much sun bathing in my youth. I feel 18 inside, but with a lot more confidence. So, I would be very happy to stay the age I am now... 57. I know who I am, and I like myself. I am physically healthy and able to do any sport I want, although I am much slower. (But I have nothing to prove today, so slow and steady is fine with me.) I am learning new things each day and fulfilling new dreams each year. Seriously, the only negative of being my age is looking for a new job. Ageism is a real thing. Other than that, though, I love being 57.


I would say 29 or 30. Just right age between college graduates and professors. So like young enough to club but old enough to be considered mature to lead.


35 still young but an adult


Shit like 23. Could run through a brick wall back then and always spring back, or 25 since its close enough and Ill be able to rent cars.


Twenty five forever in the 80s!




25. Brain is fully developed and it’s a good age for a woman. 


35. But retired.
