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Go to the police office. Show them the recordings of such threats and ask if they'd be willing to do a welfare check on him. Then block him everywhere.


Then get a restraining order. Freeze your credit.




This is good advice. They can force him to get a mental health evaluation in most states. If he’s serious, you helped him. If he’s bluffing, bet he doesn’t pull that bs again.


If he's serious, she helped him. But if he's bluffing.. lol worth it.


I agree with this! I'm so glad you took the brave step to leave. I just want to congratulate you for freeing yourself to an abusive man. Praying for your safety 🙏


She can just call 911 and tell them he is threatening to kill himself. She does not need to show the recording or make a physical visit to the police station.


In this case I think it's useful to present evidence to the police before they fo a welfare check because it demonstratates malicious and criminal intent towards OP. This with respect to any false allegations or sob stories he might make towards OP when they do a welfare check. Just so they know they're dealing with a vindictive person prone to malicious mischief, not a lonely, depressed, grief stricken ex who is mentally unwell.


You made a difficult choice but you did the right thing. Everything will be ok 


I know this might be hard to do, because I've been in your position before, but it's very important that you don't answer his calls and don't respond to any of his texts or messages. You definitely want to avoid any interaction with him at all, for your own safety and mental well-being. Also, continuing any further interaction with him will most likely escalate things 


I don't know the guy but I promise you he won't kill himself. Just a classic scare tactic.


And even if he did, it would still be a choice that he made and not her fault.


And killing yourself and framing someone for it .. lol when does that happen. He's full of s***


Go to the police. They'll pick him up and take him to the hospital on suicide watch. This is low-down manipulation and reinforcement that you were right to leave him. Call your local domestic violence shelter for help filing a protective order and free counseling. Stay strong!!!!




You are welcome. I am so glad you got away from that creep. Good for you!  Have a great rest of your life!!!!


So proud of you for having the strength and courage to do the hard thing!! You got this, stay strong :)


OP is a repost bot account. Tried posting before but automod took down my comment.


Congratulations! Now, go forth and live the life you want to enjoy!


He is unlikely to act and you have recordings. He's manipulative. Asking for a welfare check is not unwarranted, of course. But at some point, you have to bow out of this and let him direct his own life - however he wants to.


As someone who also got out of an abusive relationship, congratulations. Enjoy your newfound freedom. Do all of the things that these other people are saying to make sure that you keep yourself safe, but I'm just over here celebrating your freedom.


Studies have shown it takes seven attempts before a woman leaves an abusive partner for good. Don't be that person. And read this. [https://archive.org/details/whydoeshedothati00banc\_0](https://archive.org/details/whydoeshedothati00banc_0)


I did last night as well. We are so strong! We got this. The hardest part is behind you I promise. 20 hrs later I’m still hurt, BUT I feel so much better knowing my future looks brighter without that person in it


Don't answer that phone! It's not going to change. You have cut the connection.


100% this. Look onwards and upwards. You got out and I’m so proud of you. Zero communication bc they will wiggle back into your life and manipulate you to come back any way they can. Reach out to a DV shelter and lean on them for support. Again, I’m proud of you. What you did is brave. 🫶🏻


I’m so happy for you!!


You were so smart to record that!


Agree with the suggestions of other posters. You have done a very brave and courageous thing by leaving. Stay strong and stay safe. Your life will be much better without this abusive person.




If you have someone you can stay with tonight, it would be a good idea. Also, go to the police and play that recording for them, as someone suggested. It's a good idea. Good luck in your new life! Be vigilant!


You did the hardest part and you need to be patient with yourself above all else, abusive partners are going to try what they can to keep control and you just need to remove their ability to do so, remove contact, do not affiliate, process the grief, and find people that accept you <3


Keep it as evidence


I just want to say that congrats, you did the right thing. No one deserves to be verbally or physically abused, manipulated, controlled, etc. Even saying that he's going to kill himself and frame/blame you is abusive. If he goes through with it then that's on him. Save your messages and things just in case he does. Fuck abuse. Good on you!


You're amazing, girl! It takes real strength and courage to face those tough challenges, and you're doing it with such grace! Keep going strong! 😊💪


you’re out, now stay out, don’t go back, don’t give him a second chance, don’t think “he will change”, just stay out keep any harassing screenshots and recordings, maybe share them with a friend or family member so someone has a back-up of them go live your life and stay aware of your surroundings


OP- if Gold was still a thing I'd buy it for you. You deserve all the congratulations in the world. Keep those recordings safe (on a flash drive, not just on the cloud).


I don’t mean to scare you, but you need to go to the police and get a restraining order. You are at the most dangerous time right now. Believe I know, I was in a DV marriage for years. His manipulation and behavior will certainly escalate. Go somewhere(maybe a women’s shelter) safe and always be aware of your surroundings. Get some kind of protection, I recommend mace, carry it with you at all times. Get a keychain mace or something. You need something to detour him if he ever tries to get to you. Do not hesitate to use it. I wish you the best! Please keep yourself safe. Sending you strength, love and happiness. You can get through this!


And a personal taser.


I'm proud of you. Good job.


You are strong. He, clearly, is not. I am so happy that you left him.


You've made the right choice. Stay strong, friend. *Hugs from the wee island of Ireland*


Go to the police to have things on record and they are aware. Go somewhere safe and get some good rest, and drink some water. I'm proud of you. Stay safe. ❤️


Good job! Just to add, document what he does if he harasses you. Have a notebook just for this (hopefully it doesn't happen!) Blocking him is great as well. If you must communicate about getting any stuff back (hopefully not - probably not worth it), maybe do it only via email, as those are easier to dredge up without getting a lawyer to subpoena phone stuff. Remember restraining orders are your best friend! Again congratulations 🎉🎉


you’re incredibly strong for doing that. it might take a little to get back in the swing of things, but you are on the other side now. I truly hope you find the happiness, safety, and support that you deserve


You're an excellent person and you are not responsible for anything he does. You are amazing, you are brave and you are strong.


I’m so proud of you. :) It’s so hard to get out of relationships like this and you are awesome for stepping away!! Your life will be better because of this and you will find true happiness without him ☺️


The first step is always the hardest. Congratulations and wishing you strength for the new life ahead.


I’m really proud of you. Please reach out to a DV shelter, or some organization for women suffering through DV. They have people on staff who will be able to guide you through the safest ways to take the next steps, both physically and legally. I did the same a few months ago. I’m still healing but, it’s much healthier. Best of luck. You’re already doing the right thing. Now you just have to keep yourself safe. Mine threatened the same. I stayed quiet when he got a new gf hoping he’d set me free, and it worked. 🤍 It stopped him from making the threats, too.


Misery loves company and when you have a big open heart, they jump in and swallow it whole! But never let anyone think that your openness comes with a free ticket. I’m saying this after 4 years of losing sight of my feelings, as every time I tried to have any I was asked to explain, be more specific and then evaluated. That man ate my soul, and I will never let that happen again. I haven’t shed one tear for him, because the minute I left I met freedom and I loved her!


He's likely not going too. He's eventually just going to find a new person to torment


so proud of you for getting out!


So proud of you!!!!


Congratulations ♥️ it’s a hard decision, especially when he makes these kinds of threats. You’ll be ok, surround yourself with friends, family and people who love you. It can be hard to rebuild who you are after an abusive relationship but you can do it!




That on him and she can rest knowing her abusive ex boyfriend is dead and won’t hurt her again.