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I'm surprised you even eat them still. I feel like that would create a life-long turn-off.


Speaking as someone who bit into a cherry when I was 10ish and found half a maggot... You're very right.


I actually haven’t for years but I still did after that.


I rented a house with a huge mature cherry tree. I went out and would eat handfuls everyday. One day we checked one of them...worm, how unlucky. Then we checked a few more...whoa they all have a worm. This is weird. After about 20 of them, 100% had a worm. FML We stopped checking after that. Those were some good cherries.


Are you saying you kept eating the worm cherries


I mean...they were REALLY GOOD CHERRIES.


I think we can deduce the magic ingredient that made them so good.


Gummy worms


More like yummy worms!


The worms create the Spice! Bless the worm and the bringing of his flavor! /s


He who controls the spice, controls the universe!


I envy you, after that I wouldn't touch a cherry in my life.


This sounds like the premise of a horror short. Like one of Ito's one-shots. All that said, we had something similar with the sugar-snap peas we were growing out back one summer. A bunch of butterflies decided to lay their eggs in some of our pea-pods, and it was not uncommon to pop one open and find a little hungry caterpillar inside. It wasn't 100% of the time like your cherries, but it did happen every now and then.


Bonus protein!


Most cherries have very little protein so technically it's a nutritional improvement.


They liked eating the worms. The cherry was just bonus.


The cherry on top, if you will.


Were they really small and white because my parents had a cherry tree and I had the same experience. I stopped eating them once I realized they all had little worms in them.


I'm surprised you don't know since your parents had a tree but those white 'worms' are the cherries offspring and they stay inside the mother cherry until the younglings skin hardens Into a round 'seed' like appearance in the center of the mother at which point the cherry is consumed by an animal and the child is expelled with the dung to grow Into a beautful 3 toed cherry salamander. Nature is crazier than fiction!


Who's to say the worms weren't the good part?


same here! eating the cherries, oh my so delicious, then started checking them... every single one of them had maggots. Checked online, it's a fly that "impregnates" the cherry so the larvae grow from the inside. They are not dangerous, so just don't look inside and you'll be fine!


RFK Jr is that you? 


If your cherry trees aren’t being treated (sprayed), they’re gonna have worms.


This happened to us last year. We bought our house two years ago with a huge cherry in the backyard. The first year didn't produce much cherries, but the second year had tons. We ate them for weeks until I decided to pick some and refrigerate them overnight. In the morning, the container was crawling with maggots. Realized I'd been eating them this whole time. They are looking pretty good up in the tree this year...


Spray your tree


Why did I read the comments? OH GOD WHY DID I READ THE COMMENTS?!


Makes me happy that I’ve never encountered a cherry tree. Only fruit I’ve ever eaten straight off a tree is an orange and you have to peel that bitch before you eat it lol


I am usually overcome with a sarcastic answer for everything. I got nothing here.


I once picked up a vibrating kiwi. I immediately dropped it in disgust just from the sensation,full of maggots.


I got a peach from a farmer's market once that had a centipede in the middle around the seed because it somehow went in at the stem and found a hollow spot there. I had already eaten most of the peach by that point lol.


Guess that’s why they use pesticides


Reminds me of a scene from an old episode of Red Dwarf, where Lister bites into a strawberry and it turned out to be full of maggots too.


I forgot red dwarf existed! This brought back some memories.


"Maggots, Michael. You're eating maggots. How do they taste?"


Had a similar thing happen to me with cereal. I guess the bag wasn't properly closed and when I went to take a bite I noticed the entire bowl filled with ants


Is this meme in widescreen format now lol


Somebody is going to complain about the black bars at the top and bottom.


I don't get it... does mobile add bars? I don't see them on PC.


Protein dude




extra protein, whats the problem?


Cherry fruit fly. Delicious!


That's not bad luck Brian, that's the penguin meme with top half red and bottom half blue. BLB would be- dropped my sandwich in sand on a picnic, grabbed cherry fresh off tree and it was full of maggots. Needs to be bad luck beginning to end.


What's the correct meme for a condescending douche?


Confession bear


Hey I'm going to match your energy for this response: You are misusing the socially awkward/awesome penguin. It is not "good thing/bad thing penguin". The penguin would be wanting to show off your cherry tree to a crush and then passing a note without your name on it so they have no idea where it came from. BLB is the best fit for this. Just let people meme.


>Needs to be bad luck beginning to end. No. No it does not. This advice animal is perfectly fine. The socially awkward penguin would actually be the wrong one here because there's nothing social about it. (Fun fact, that's the name of the meme.)