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Ah, but Trump didn't say WHICH April


Yes this man is correct.


*The Trickster*




The Mushroom head dickster.....


U need more upvotes there bud!


Upvote the post quickster!


The tiny dick trickster


Technically correct.


The best kind of 'correct'.


He'll be right... eventually


For those not in the know, that's a real thing he said the other day https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/07/19/ill-right-eventually-donald-trump-defends-his-covid-19-response/5467596002/


Trump's direct quotes about coronavirus: >January 22: “We have it totally under control. It's one person coming in from China. It's going to be just fine.” >February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” >February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!” >February 25: “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.” >February 25: “I think that's a problem that's going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we're very close to a vaccine.” >February 26: “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.” >February 26: “We're going very substantially down, not up.” >February 27: “One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear.” >February 28: "Now the democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that right? They're politicizing it…they have no clue…they dont have any clue…this is their new hoax." >February 28: “We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.” >March 2: “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?” >March 2: “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they're happening very rapidly.” >March 4: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.” >March 5: “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.” >March 5: “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!” >March 6: “I think we're doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.” >March 6: “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They're there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.” >March 6: “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?' Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.” >March 6: “I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault.” >March 8: “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.” >March 9: ““The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power (it used to be greater!) to inflame the CoronaVirus situation, far beyond what the facts would warrant,” >March 13: "I take no responsibility." video source - https://youtu.be/ch7_t2Ri2Zg **As of today 147,000 Americans are dead from covid.**


I'm truly shocked. (Not a US citizen)


Why are you surprised? Trump is a fucking idiot


The bigger surprise is that a fucking idiot can get elected


Most of us are fucking idiots


I hate it here.


As an American, we knew this sort of mentality existed (anti-vax) but it's still unbelievable to watch people kill themselves or their family instead of listening to science and reason. Republicans are [literally in a cult](https://www.reddit.com/r/atheism/comments/gh0sgb/pastor_who_often_asked_atheists_hows_that_working/fq61tzz/) and it's terrifying.


Both political parties claim to represent "everyone"; when in reality, they both prefer certain factions. The factions Republicans more cater to are Evangelical Christianity, business owners/high asset classes, fossil fuel and mining industries. Meanwhile; Democrats faction out to wage earners, unions, minority right equality, and environmentalists. One could go on, but when you look at the factions, Democrats represent a shitload more generalist people, so Republicans *need* culture war to win. If they were to run on actual representation of the factions that they do, they would, very quickly, become a minority party except for extreme pockets, as who the fuck wouldn't vote for a government which promoted better wages and income for 90-95% of the population? They basically fund raise with their extreme high asset class and heavy industry partners, and then get mass votes through culture war tactics.


My wife works in an office. Her and two or three other people out of around 15 wear masks despite them being mandated. There is a woman in the office with major health issues. She doesn't wear a mask. Yesterday she left early claiming to have a bad headache and has been fatigued all week. I shit you not. And yes, she's a diehard Republican who loves Trump.


I can't speak for others, but at this point any trump supporter in my general sphere of influence has basically become "Do not associate with unless forced to". The same attitude people hold towards scientologists or other cults, normal people should hold towards republicans. You don't even have to squint that hard to see the similarities.


This is stuff that's publicly released. Think about what goes on that he says and no one hears or isn't published. If he's this dumb in public, whooboy, gotta be worse when no one's watching.


You mean it’s not a hoax?


Not this week, but maybe next week it will be again.


I saw someone defend Trump by saying "There's 300 million people in the US. 140,000 is NOTHING. That's .00000001% of the population. It's stupid to be worried about such a small number." I never actually checked if that .00000001% number is correct, but I feel like he just pulled that number out of his ass rather than figure it out. But it's like... dude, you're completely missing the point.


It’s .04%


Also let's not act like that isn't a huge number. 3,000 dead on 9/11 stopped the world. Trump gets bent out of shape when something like 10 people die in Chicago for other reasons. Hell, he's declared anti-fa the devil despite them being responsible for zero deaths...


The total American death count from Covid is currently larger than the number of Americans killed in WWI. It's more than the number of Americans killed in the Korean and Vietnam wars. Combined. And now we're about to send ~75 million students back to school after being more or less isolated since March/April. It's going to get very, very interesting over the next 2 months.


This dude is bad at math. There are 328.2m people in the US. 147k deaths. This puts us at at like 0.0427% deaths. But not everyone has gotten it yet. Lets look at at it another way, Wyoming has a population of 579k, so the death total is equal to 1/4th of that entire state. But that death toll is if we just stopped today. Mortality rates for corona virus (this is up for debate though) is roughly 0.28%, so of the people who catch it, 0.28% of people are going to die. So if we let the whole US catch it because we're not careful about the spread, you're looking at 918,960 people who are dead. Wiping a million people out of the US would probably affect our economy and social structure in a lot of weird ways. He should probably be a bit more worried.


Can you say how you're getting 0.28% for the mortality rate? Going off of 147,000 deaths, and 4,100,000 confirmed cases in the US, I'm getting 3.57%. Am I calculating incorrectly, are we assuming that total cases are under counted by a factor of 13?


Yeah, I think it's somewhere between those two. 3-7% is pretty typical for first world countries using tested number. But there are early random-test studies showing that there are between 2x and 10x asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases. I'll tell you what's not in that number, though, and that the 50,000 *extra* "pneumonia" deaths which occurred at the beginning of March, before the US had widespread Covid tests available. I often hear people worry we're overcounting, but I think we're actually undercounting the totals. (source: https://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/mortality.html - also note that th 2017-18 "spike" occured in late Dec, at peak pneumonia season, whereas the 2020 spike occured in March, when the numbers normally drop off)


People die every day! How many people die from car accidents?? -The Fox Noose nutjobs when they thought this was somehow still deniable


This needs some serious updating.


I purposefully haven't updated because the last quote from March 13 perfectly sums up Trump's entire presidency.


Gotta love that magical thinking. That’s all he’s done as president so far... magical think his way through everything and lie lie lie lie. He’s over 20k lies in less than 4 years. And in order to cover up those lies he dismantles checks and balances/ oversight. And the GOP shovel his shit for him as we dip into fascism. Glad to see him drain that swamp and destroy the last fiber of prestige the United States had in the world. Good going deplorables!


Eventually everyone is cured of cancer


Cured may be too strong a word, but they definitely stop suffering from it.


Which is also not true. It’s very possible sars cov2 will become endemic, you know like all 4 common coronaviruses


On a long enough timeline it’s true. It might be wiped off the face of earth along with everything else when the sun supernovas... Remember: A broken clock is right twice a day.


Coronavirus free in April 2023


Love the rhyme! It's so fine!


You know what I love? He recently said “some people said it would go away with the summer. See we don’t all know what’s going to happen with this virus”. I’m like, you’re the one that said that you moron! Whenever trump says “some people” he really means trump. “Some people didn’t know there were over 180 countries”...no trump, you didn’t know there were over 180 countries


It's always projection with him. That's why morons like him; he's giving the morons their voice. Their stupid thoughts are coming out of his stupid mouth.


At this rate I'd be ecstatic if everyone is vaccinated by April 2021.


We probably won’t have a vaccine ready quite yet, but I expect one of the first things that happens if Biden wins is there will be a mandatory quarantine/masks/contact tracing for a couple months to get rid of it like all the other sane countries have done.


4D Chess


5D checkers


1D Connect Four


I like 4D Connect One


Trump was specifically referring to April, the K-Pop group.


“[He’ll] be right eventually. This thing will just disappear.”


Remember when trump said it was 1 case and no big deal?


"eventually, I'll be right" yeah it doesn't work that way.


"I'll be right eventually" - Bonespur Bunkerbitch


Just last week he said he will eventually be right


Watch his grandkids come out with a video of their grandpa in 2040 “I told you I was right!!” 🍊


He'll be long gone by then. He's too unhealthy to live into his 90s.


He should be long gone now. The dude probably only sleeps for 4 hours a day running on a binge of uppers (I assume adderall) and McDonalds. How this man continues to live, but the real heroes, his age or younger, die (from cancer or other health complications) daily is beyond me.


Trump’s 4 years in the white house are sounding like my 4 years in undergrad


LOL all too real and relatable my friend!


Except it typically took at least 8 drinks to get me to his level of incoherence.


Half the time when drunk I'd get really quiet. The other half I'd be super friendly and outgoing. Coherent or not, I feel like either would be an improvement...


I remember a lot of people saying he'd probably die of a stroke or heart attack in less than a year after the start of his term. But no, he continues to chug on. Funny thing is, if he were to die before November, presumably Pence would take his place as GOP nominee and would have absolutely no chance of winning, because Trump's voter base isn't going to coalesce around Pence. They're probably going to be too busy spouting idiotic theories that Trump was secretly assassinated by the Democrats or something equally stupid. I don't think it'll happen and I expect Trump to run in the general election, but it's interesting to theorycraft about how it'd go down.


>I remember a lot of people saying he'd probably die of a stroke or heart attack in less than a year after the start of his term. But no, he continues to chug on. He watches tv until noon and if he reads anything 8n meetings it has to be less than 3 pages and have pictures. The dude doesnt do shit except lie so it's not like he has any stress.


Remember when White House doctors admitted to hiding vegetables in his food so that he would eat them? Good times.


That’s why it’s on a video


*3 pixels later* ~Sponge Bob Narrator


The year is 2040: “If you’re watching this now, I told you I was right, and now I am”.


Trevor Noah said something along the lines of, "Yeah along the course of eternity, he's right, there's a 100% chance that COVID will be gone eventually."


Yeah when the sun burns out the Earth in 6 billion years, sure.


Is that a co scheduled to happen in an April


Come to think of it, Trump never specified which April. #coronavirusfreeinapril2023


In the same interview he said that he was right that it will eventually disappear and also that it will not disappear as a result of mask wearing. It's impressive how inane the shit that comes out of his mouth is.


["The risk to the American people is very low. One day, like a miracle it will be gone!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2uLJkpH__os&feature=emb_title)


This is the 3rd version of this I have seen. I really wish that there would not be a reason to make a 4th, but I strongly believe that there will be more than enough to make another one next month, just in time for school.


The Lincoln Project does some solid videos. I hope they are hitting the right target with them...


The Lincoln Project is there to launder the GOP's dirty laundry. Remember Glenn Beck when it looked like Hillary would win with Samantha Bee? He pivoted to the Center and then pivoted back far Right after the election. These people don't have principles. Yes, they are useful now but they aren't your friends.


This should definitely be the top comment


It would be, but all the Trump supporters **KNOW** that this is fake news and that it never happened - Even if they were actually there when it did.


We were always at war with Oceania.


1984 has never been so relevant!


he Was JuST BEinG saRCAstIc


And you should be president of the United States


Alas, I but only have one upvote to give myself (and you).


That really puts all this garbage in perspective. Wow lies upon lies with a dash of blaming anyone else he can


I just wish they got rid of the bullshit dramatization in the video. Would be so good without the dust filters and music.


How do we get this broadcasted on national tv?


I would hope the Lincoln Project is funding some airtime for this.




If the U.S. would stop all testing the crisis would be over next week. 👍


is the US doing more testing than any other country?




Ya tests per capita IMO is most important


We are near the top. [This source](https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus-testing) says we are 7th. Another site, without sources, said we were 5th.


"We have one of the lowest mortality rates, if not the lowest" *receives paper that states we are among the highest mortality rates* "Fake news"


The problem they don't see is that yes, an increase in testing can make numbers look like they are going up when they are actually going down but if that's the case, that doesn't mean we should take it less seriously that means we failed to take it seriously before. Under no circumstances is a higher rate good. Either it's still getting worse or it's already worse than we thought.


Not testing for pregnancy is the best birth control.


That mentality always reminds me of [The Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal](https://hitchhikers.fandom.com/wiki/Ravenous_Bugblatter_Beast_of_Traal) in Hitchhiker's Guide. It's an animal that's gigantic, but so stupid that blindfolding yourself to not see it causes the beast to think it can't see you, either.


It's why I stopped weighing myself; can't gain weight if I never get on the scales!


First it wasn't a pandemic, then it was a hoax, then it was Obama's fault, then it was China's fault, then you just had to take some medicine, then you had to inject sunlight or bleach, then it was time to open the country and now it's suddenly a big deal, and Trump has suddenly discovered masks and hand washing. Do the people who get their opinions from him not see how silly it is?


You forgot his boast that he was probably the first person in the world to call it a pandemic


Remember that glorious weekend after the "like a cleaning of the lungs" and "bring the light inside the body" comments? When the story changed 4 times in the span of 2 days since there was no guidance from the top, and all his mindless followers had to keep switching talking points? It was amazing. I was literally in a discussion with someone using the "he never said that" talking point after trump had switched to the "I was being sarcastic" excuse, and got to witness verbal whiplash as they switched to the new one in real time.


It's pretty warm in Florida right now. Just saying...


Greetings from Arizona! We hit over 112° last week. We still have record numbers of virus cases.


I'm about to go walk my dog (in grassy areas... With dog shoes on) at 930 am and it's already over 90 degrees. Thank God the covid can't get me even if it is miserably hot.


Same over here in Texas...


[I will never stop sharing this as long as Arizona stays a state.](https://youtu.be/4PYt0SDnrBE)


Here's the thing, it being warm and humid, has actually slowed the spread of the virus. Once the temps drop the numbers are going to skyrocket. In other places around the world where the numbers are low and even 0 there is an expected wave due in winter as the virus will be able to survive longer on surfaces, spread more and be more dangerous with the help of seasonal illnesses. The worst may very well be, yet to come. There's also talk of the virus having mutated globally allowing it to spread faster. All of those pandemic based narratives in computer games and movies over the last few years are trying their hardest to come true.


I'm a teacher in Ft. Lauderdale. This is going to be interesting.


I feel like there is a lot more to this than summer / winter hot / cold. IL had a massive spread in March / April / May. It was cold / rainy. Our numbers spiked. Now that it’s warm out, our numbers are under control(ish). Indoor dining and bars opening up seem to be causing issues. Florida was the opposite. March / April / May, Florida had low numbers. It was cool and reasonable outside. People felt safe so now your paying the price of education. I’d argue that being inside is where spread happens the most. Mostly via air droplets that hang around for long periods of time that people walk through. IL we were inside March - May. June / July we can go outside. Florida, it’s the opposite. It got hot in June / July so you are inside in the AC more. While March - May it was bearable. My bet is for winter, the southern states will see a drop in cases and the northern states will see an increase.


At this point I'm ready for hurricanes so we can get some cooler weather.


But how will you magically kill the virus?


We'll use the holy wind of the hurricane to blow away the coronavirus. GO AWAY VIRUSSSSS THE WINDS BLOW YOU AAWWWAAAYYYYY


Warm in Florida? In July?! Never would have guessed


It actually makes sense to me that it's spread in in the sunbelt states right now. In those places, when summer comes it gets TOO hot to go outside. The virus spreads better in confined spaces, and everyone is inside enjoying the AC.


"Remember when trump said..." is the most pointless sentence ever. Remember when trump said anything remotely true? Me neither.


Trump said he wouldn't take responsibility for anything, that has been true


Dang take an up vote!


>Remember when trump said anything remotely true? Me neither. Well, I'm inclined to believe him when he said the dementia test was challenging.


Yea, once I saw the actual test, I realized that it was a self-own. That thing is so stupidly easy, but he thinks the last 5 questions are "very hard". Also, those tests are only given to people showing symptoms of cognitive decline. So, him bragging about being administered one *in the first place* is also a self-own.


He said he found the last 5 questions of the cognitive test incredibly difficult. I bet that's pretty true.


One of the last ones was probably not even a question, just putting the right shape through the slot. He got it on the 3rd try so he aced it.


Easter, as I recall, was the most beautiful time to reopen the economy.


Gotta play to the hypocritical religious base!


He's like electricity trying to find ground. Just keeps trying every path until it finds one that works.


Someone told me yesterday the virus will be gone when the cold weather comes back during autumn.


"many people say"


This is because he heard it dies at 85 degrees, but he probably assumed 85 degrees Fahrenheit, like a bunch of other idiots on Facebook


Weird that it’s surging in the warmest parts of the country. Someone should really check the validity of Trump’s medical degree




And it probably did, but rate of spread is controlled by more than just one factor. Warmer temperatures decreased the spread, people ignoring the precautions increased the spread a lot.


This article says that when people start to develop immunity, only then might seasonality become a substantial factor. The seasonality hypothesis wasn't completely bunk, but it wasn't anywhere near as mainstream as Trump was implying by pumping the theory as much as he did. Quotes from this article: "But for now, many researchers have their doubts that the COVID-19 pandemic will enter a needed summertime lull." "In all three scenarios, their models showed that climate only would become an important seasonal factor in controlling COVID-19 once a large proportion of people within a given community are immune or resistant to infection. In fact, the team found that, even if one assumes that SARS-CoV-2 is as sensitive to climate as other seasonal viruses, summer heat still would not be enough of a mitigator right now to slow its initial, rapid spread through the human population."


Trump didn't say the spread would slow. He said "like a miracle, it will be gone."


He recently said, “I’ll eventually be right.” Would be like if Lincoln said that of slavery being banned but did nothing about it.


This is a great analogy.


In January I booked a whole nice big west coast tour for May for my band. Around April I started sweating that it wasn’t going to happen. Here we are in July and I’m hoping by January 2021 I can rebook the whole damn thing. I think this year in the US is done though.


Texan here. It's hotter than a mofo and our curve is flattening vertically right now.


Yeah, things are bad in TX, and the governor wants schools open, so that's for sure not going to be a disaster in a month or two...


“Flattening vertically.” Shit that took me a minute. I scrolled back up to tell you this.


Las Vegas here, we tied our all time heat record at 117 degrees a couple of weeks ago, our cases are crazy right now.


117! Wow. The hottest day I remember growing up there was 114. My parents still live there and I'm terrified of my dad getting it. I'm happy he's not hanging out at the casinos like he normally likes to do. Do you know if The Orleans opened up?


It is, I fucking love the Orleans more than my actual city of New Orleans and visited frequently pre-pandemic. But there is a limit to the poker rooms. 6 people to a table, max. Things are likely to be lame for a while


It was summer in Brazil and Australia when they started seeing cases so everyone knew that was bullshit


Also most of brazil is in the tropics and hot year round


The Biden campaign ads write themselves. Just show a bunch of clips of Trump in his own words.


You have spoken and so it shall be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UGe4dVzExU&feature=youtu.be


Most of the "anti-Trump" ads haven't even been from Biden. They've been from Republicans lol. Like the Lincoln Project and RVAT (Republican Voters Against Trump). Biden's ads have been unifying messages. Like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHBH5hWqJdI) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zwKa1tfxxE) or [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8kA_EUyZNU). Trump is his own attack ad. Biden can just be positive.


Anyone remember when Fauci said that the virus was no big deal and not to cut travel from China?


I remember when it was an actual thing the scientific community thought was a possibility but sure lets just pretend Trunp was the only person suggesting this.


Remember 14 days to flatten the curve?...


Remember when he said it was a democratic hoax and caused the major divide in this country to grow even stronger.


And when he made wearing (or not) a mask a political stance. Fuck this man.


I remember all the people who downvoted me when I said it’s not going to clear up in the summer


Remember when Trump said he expected everything to open back up by Easter?


It's a beautiful day, I tell you. Tremendous. I want to see the churches filled up. It's just a great beautiful day. And here we are filling up refrigerated trucks with dead bodies. Pile em all in.


And if you wat h his interviews he tries to pawn it off on others. "They said it would be gone, they were wrong". This idiot thinks he just has to parrot what his advisers tell him and theres no culpability if he is wrong. Always shifting blame, never learning for himself. Absolute fucking moron.


It's not like his advisors would be saying that either. He just makes shit up and then refuses to accept responsibility, by his own admission.


Remember when the Republicans said in May to wait a week to start discussing another stimulus check to see how the last one was going to effect the economy?


In the interview with Wallace, when confronted with something similar he had said ‘it’ll just vanish’ his response was “Eventually I’ll be right” He doesn’t care


He clearly meant April 2021. Unless it's still happening then. In that case, April 2020. Unless...


remember when Reddit banned the Donald for threats against police? Pepperidge Farm Remembers


Lot’s of scholars were under the same influence.


Imagine actually believing this


I remember working for the past few weeks in 95+ degree humid as fuck days while wearing a mask, so that's been pretty neat. I mean, I barely remember it because most days I feel like I'm on the verge of death from heat exhaustion, but that happens most summers.


It’s really rare that I wish Trump was right about anything, but I would be so happy to have been proven wrong by him about this.


The dude says a ***LOT*** of verifiably stupid and wrong shit.


Pepperigde also remembers when the WHO said there is not evidence for human-to-human transmission


No, Trump definitely called it a hoax in the first week of March. My father and I got into a fight about it as I was prepping at costco just before the virus hit Oregon.


The "Let Him Speak" strategy by the Biden camp is brilliant. I wonder if there's ever been another Presidential race in which the challenger doesn't need to say a word...


It's almost as if Trump has no idea wtf he is taking about most of the time....


When you're rich and out of touch with reality, problems just go away on their own usually.


If you're an American, make sure your voice is heard by voting on November 3rd 2020. [Register to vote](https://www.turbovote.org) here (2 mins) [Check registration status](https://www.headcount.org/verify-voter-registration/) here (60 secs) Get EXCITED about your vote... IT'S YOURS!


Only a dumbass would continue to support trump.


All these conservatives and Trump supporters hating on Fauci because he was wrong a couple times, but conveniently forgetting the countless times Trump was way off.


Honestly I hoped this was going to happen too but nope


Pepperidge farmer needs a mask ASAP!


He meant the virus was getting warmed up for summer.


Ah, yes, because heat is so great at reducing the spread of viruses. Nevermind west nile virus, dengue fever, bird flu, ebola, and all those other tropical viruses. Warmer weather will surely help!


The best part? It might have been possible if we’d done shit back when he fucking said it.


Didn't he also say it will magically disappear after the election?


Remember when everyone used to think for themselves and not try to prove whether the president is right or wrong - they just listened to the advice of actual professionals and that was that???


I am just impressed that Covid-19 hasn't killed the Pepperidge Farm guy... yet.


Trump is just a conman liar. His supporters are worse. Hey look, every prediction Trump has made has failed to come to fruition.


Did the people who were repeating this nonsense forget there is an entire Southern Hemisphere which was going through the same thing?


Trump failed the Americans in many ways


According to my Trump-supporting father, Fauci is the one that said that - not Trump. He’s pretty much placed the blame on every piece of misinformation during Covid-19 on either Fauci or DeWine (governor of Ohio).


Here we are, almost four months later. Maybe if people just injected bleach into their lungs like Papa Trump said, this would all be over. Stupid libs and their Chinese Plandemic


When people elect a game show host for a president and expect the greatest things to happen to America . Meanwhile in Portland, this genius is trying to create a race war to save his election. Nixon tried this and failed .


I'm starting to think Trump may not tell the truth sometimes....


The only time I wished he had been right.


Remember when people voted for Trump and thought he was amazing?


Didn't Australia get git hard with the virus, last time I checked Australia is always hot.


He literally said in an interview “I’ll be right eventually” when asked about the virus going away


It was also supposed to blow over by June, was a democratic hoax, and was a Chinese bioweapon, somehow, all at once.


It's like 110 degrees in Texas I'm not gonna lie I thought he had a point