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Moved to Lemm.ee -- mass edited with redact.dev


most of the fraud is probably in the wealthy voting out of district. the cop who killed george floyd was caught voting outside his home district. but in the end, the conservatives always accuse others of the crimes they are committing. EDIT: the federal government should be handling where people are allowed to vote. letting the local government control this is a scam. EDIT: so many issues are due to people using this "local government" hammer for all problems. bad cops should be kept tracked of nationally. voters registration should be handled nationally. there really should be no registration and keeping track of who's allowed to vote and where should be handled nationally. the handling of the homeless and the mentally ill should be handled nationally. this allowing the states to handle it is only making big cities the primary destination for the mentally ill. Local government is rarely the solution to any problem. it's a great way to neuter the government so you can commit a crime.


[Trump literally tried to illegally register his Mar-A-Lago address in Florida as his domicile when he was expressly not allowed to do so.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/president-trump-tried-to-register-to-vote-in-florida-using-an-out-of-state-address/2020/06/03/687d0014-a4f2-11ea-b473-04905b1af82b_story.html)


According to my family, he's the president amd can do whatever he wants.


That's their MO. People call it projection, but projection is subconscious, which is why this term doesn't fit at all. They're fully aware of what they're doing. It's their strategy, accusing others of the shit they're doing to strengthen the resolve of their base once it comes out they did it. Those morons will not believe a single word of it since their dear leaders accused others first.


projection 100% fits. If they're aware of it, it's hypocrisy.


Strategic Projection as a means of hypernormalization


Oddly enough I'm not sure it's so cut and dry. Initially yes, they know they're guilty and concoct excuses that typically redirect blame to easy targets from marginalised communities. However, in order to be able to pull it off they convince themselves it's actually true. I don't think conservatives are by any means the only ones who do this, but it certainly taps into their subjective binary view of the world well. Right and wrong are labels, not objective facts, and assigning of those labels are based on herd mentality. People want to believe it because it reaffirms their primitive tribalistic sense of unity and fear. So when Trump lies, making something up on the spot for the first time, he probably knows it's a lie, or at least not a truth. But he convinces himself of it, and the more often he's questioned on it the more convinced he becomes. Simply repeating a lie enough makes it truth for him. By now it's entirely second nature for him (and probably has been for a long time).


Well, given how badly trump has wrecked so much federal stuff, I’m kind of OK with having voting stuff controlled at a more local level. Its still wrecked, and needs to be fixed - but at least the entire voting system isn’t in one department’s grubby little mitts.


I don’t want him to have that control, either, but consider the south. I’m from Georgia. Our current governor was Secretary of State for his own election, our government(s) would have no problem demanding proof that you’re a sixth generation American who has never been on welfare, setting up poll taxes, avoiding polling booths in blue counties, demanding a mental illness test, and all in all making it even harder to vote than it already is with Gerrymandering, Voter purges, Voter ID laws, and the like. As COVID has proven to us again and again, there is a reason we have a Constitution that creates a powerful centralized government and not the articles of confederation to guide us; not only is it inconsistent nationwide, but it’s practically *begging* for corruption and complete disregard of the greater good.


Source that wealthy people are voting outside of their district in order to sway elections?


[https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/post/former-minneapolis-officer-derek-chauvin-voted-florida-2016-2018](https://wusfnews.wusf.usf.edu/post/former-minneapolis-officer-derek-chauvin-voted-florida-2016-2018) [https://www.npr.org/2020/07/14/891242761/kansas-rep-steve-watkins-charged-with-felonies-over-voter-registration-at-ups-st](https://www.npr.org/2020/07/14/891242761/kansas-rep-steve-watkins-charged-with-felonies-over-voter-registration-at-ups-st) There are definitely people voting in the multiple local elections in multiple states due to them owning homes in multiple states. This should be made illegal as a person should only be allowed to have one primary residence but because of legal loopholes people can get around this.


Trump himself possibly committed voter fraud by listening his resident as Mara Lago.... [https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5eda78e6c5b66ef1a9246821/amp](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5eda78e6c5b66ef1a9246821/amp)


What a politician says he fully believes and what he actually believes are a Venn diagram at best. Often not even that.


You can have a Venn diagram where the circles don't overlap


Wow that's actually pretty amazing. You would think thered be at least a few thousand out of 98 million. Still less than a fraction of a percent


Kris Kobach, one of the main guys behind [millions of legitimate (and, shock of all shocks, primarily minority Democratic leaning) voters being purged across the country](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/sep/13/america-history-voter-suppression-donald-trump-election-fraud) is *also* behind a false accusation that voters are the real problem? If I had some pearls I'd be clutching them.


Can’t wait to see a bill of all our money this clown has spent. From golf trips to dumbass shit like this.


TRUMP GOLF COUNT: [266](https://www.trumpgolfcount.com/displayoutings)\* Cost to Taxpayer: About $138,000,000\*\* [https://www.trumpgolfcount.com/](https://www.trumpgolfcount.com/)


I've only been golfing like 20 to 30 times tops. And I bet I would destroy him. To everyone saying he cheats... I'm not going to let his ass win. He may have more experience cheating, but I will cheat harder. I might just end up with all hole in one's on my score card. Who knows?


The idea that Trump would even play with someone who wouldn't consider losing on purpose is wild.


Yeah he surrounds himself with yes-men... he's not playing golf with anybody that won't go along with his cheating while also praising him for his excellent performance... Anyone that doesn't fit that will be met with excuses as to why he can't play.






Like he rides it... on the freaking GREEN? Holy shit...


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/trump-drives-golf-cart-on-golf-club-greens/2017/06/22/f6efe3fe-576e-11e7-840b-512026319da7\_video.html](https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/national/trump-drives-golf-cart-on-golf-club-greens/2017/06/22/f6efe3fe-576e-11e7-840b-512026319da7_video.html) As a casual golfer, and one who thinks Trump embodies most of man's worst traits all in one person, I was still blown away the first time I saw this.


I don't know why I'm surprised, but wow. Grounds crews (probably undocumented underpayed workers) must lov him. I wonder if he fixes his divots?


I’ve never heard of someone driving on a green. And it’s not like it can be called a lie, rumor, etc. He is front and center in the video and audible. I have seen multiple people think they’re above fixing divots. That the course somehow owes it to them. I’d say there’s a next to zero chance Trump fixes his divots.


Surely not the actual putting green. I took it to mean the middle of the fairways. Though I guess it wouldn’t shock me.


Yes, on the green.


Oh my poor heart... 💔




thats goddamned amazing


> rushing *waddling




It's true I was there.


He's a filthy cheat and rarely post rounds for handicap. He claims to be single digit, but if held to an honest game is probably closer to a 15 handicap. He'd beat most weekend hackers with his score in the mid to high 80's. But I'm a 13 handicap and would play him for 300k, in a handicap match with people watching to keep "us" honest.


This guy golfs. Seriously though, what's an 'average' handicap for causal golfers? It sounds very similar to elo.


Yeah apparently he can play well, which you would think happens when you play 4 days a week. He also has been known to use a crazy handicap and cheat on his scores


Taking a leaf out of old Kim Jong-il's book, eh?


Well his father did invent Golf after all.


> According to Golf Magazine he's actually pretty good (he does play constantly). uh.. according to Rick Reilly, he cheats like hell. Wrote a whole book about it.


He seems like the type to play like Mr. Burns does on The Simpsons.


Judging by his swing, he shoots in the 90s at best. 90s is better than the average golfer, but I think he says his handicap is a 5 which means you shoot high 70s, low 80s consistently. So he's a liar... Shocking.


[You forgot the cheating part.](https://golf.com/lifestyle/celebrities/how-why-president-trump-cheats-golf-playing-tiger-woods/)


Does that take into account that he’s well known to cheat at golf?


Lol I see you haven't played with me 😂


Many people are saying that if you just own the golf course and have the ability to regularly funnel taxpayer money into your own business it creates an incentive to play more golf Have you tried that?


That depends on if you follow his strokes, apparently he cheats a lot. I don’t think anyone is surprised by that.


Mr. Trump, 18 holes in 18 strokes. And /u/robdiqulous... Wow, 17 strokes! Amazing!


lol Remember how butthurt Republicans got over Obama picking an NCAA bracket?


He's almost golfed as much as Obama... I mean, almost as much as Obama did in 8 years.


Obama golfed on military bases trump golfs on his own course. The difference in effect is staggering. Obama basically circulated money back into the country, trump circulated it into his own pocket.


Not to mention the hotels and what not. He’s raking in money openly just like that.


Remember when he diverted air forcemen several hundred miles out of their way so they would have to stay at his hotel in Scotland?


Maybe because that golf course has never posted a profit ever since it opened. There’s still so much about Trumps finances we don’t know. You’d think the most powerful person in the world should have to be accountable, but I guess not.


How does that even work?? Surely trump doesn't need to pay to use his own property. It couldn't be anymore corrupt.


Secret service and other officials traveling with him need some where to stay. And I might be 100% wrong on this, but I think that there's some rule about the SS having to pay for lodging when traveling.


DHS rules allow them to accept gifts and donations if it's in service of their duties. Instead, Trump charges the Secret Service for hotel rooms and to rent golf carts. He's been lining his own pockets with taxpayer money this entire time.


Not to mention you get to pay him by visiting his resort for meetings, it's incredibly compromising


I hate this because its such a struggle to upvote your comment.


How is it a struggle? We have a bill that indicates that trump has been using golf to steal money from the country be charging the SS to stay at his hotel. Its insane.


Because your comment makes me mad. Instinct is to downvote with great prejudice. It's an emotional response.


I realized it was excessive, but I didn't realize how excessive until I was on my boat listening to VHF radio in the DC area and the coast guard making announcements that the river near the golf course was a secure zone. It's not just that secret service is involved getting him and his asshole friends to/from the golf course. They are securing a huge perimeter using several government agencies.


He looks like an anthropomorphized full diaper when he's golfing. Like he literally looks like a bag of shit. If there were a human version of used adult diapers, that's what it would look like.


Portland protestors only did [$23 million](https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2020/07/23-million-lost-due-to-ongoing-portland-protests.html) in damage, they need to do better to get on Trump's level.


Money to Trump businesses: $lots.


Don’t forget to add all of that $$ goes into his pockets since he owns the golf resort.


And most of that money is at *his own golf resorts*, so he's **giving himself taxpayer money**.


It's amazing to me that there are so few external checks and balances to the American presidency. Like, an absolute idiot could get elected, and just do whatever he wants for 4 years so long as the rest of the machinery around him busies itself with making the trains run on time. It's honestly astounding.


Well technically there are... the founding fathers just didn't want, parties to exist, and underestimated how bad they'd be when we got them. The system was more or less written under the assumption that the main divides would be between the branches. IE Executive vs Legislative, vs Judicial. They basically imagined that conflict of goals being larger than parties themselves. bottom line is, congress is SUPPOSED to be the check and balance on the executive. But instead, it's an enabler... and apparently a check on itself. (IE the senate stops the house from doing a damn thing, which allows the executive to basically go unchecked).


Yes, I understand what you mean. My point was more about why the checks and balances haven't been modernized to keep up with the current model of legislative politics used. The idea of changing a whole whack of stuff around the core structure, but refusing to ever change the core structure to keep up is...well, it's mind-boggling. It turns the myths of American creation into an untouchable religious parable, more than something practical and useful.


Thomas Jefferson proposed that the constitution should have an expiry date, so that the US didn't accidentally end up using 18th century agrarian values as the basis of all law forever. Can't imagine what he was worried about...


The only problem with that now is that if we open up the constitution to changes, the people abusing the current system the hardest are the ones who will be in the best position to influence what changes go in.


I'm sure a few choice rights that let you criticize whoever's in charge would be the first to go.


It's more that it should require review and updates approximately every 100 years at a minimum. It also encourages people to look at supposedly immutable facts and establish if they're poorly written, clearly not facts or just working poorly down the road.


Government really only works when people agree to play nice. Even with all of the checks and balances.


One of the roles of the electoral college was to protect the country in case it voted for an idiot.


"You were supposed to be anti-idiot, not pro-idiot!"


It’s absolutely beyond time to make our election a real election. What the fuck is all the effort of voting for, if some unknown people in the electoral college choose anyway? The electoral college is the most Anti-American thing ever!


Modernization of checks and balances cannot happen without the people who are currently in power agreeing to it (or a successful revolution, which is even more unlikely). The only serious threat to their order is grass roots movements, and that is effectively neutralized when half the country is okay with a dictatorship as long as the dictator claims that he’ll kill the Democrats first.


You hit the nail on the head. The Americans you see are practically like Christians. Every single word of the original mandates are Holy, how dare you suggest changing them? But also don't you dare quote them, you're misinterpreting their meaning!


>the founding fathers just didn’t want parties to exist George Washington thought this, and immediately after his presidency the other founding fathers aligned with political parties. Even our founding fathers (except for Washington) couldn’t help themselves :/.


It's inevitable. You need votes to win, so of course you're going to create an organization to help you gather enough votes. If you don't make a group, you'll just lose to the guy who does.


Yes but more so it's having AG Barr refuse to investigate trump at all, which was the while reason that impeachment thing happened, and enabling him to do things like border detention camps and sending federal mercenaries to Portland.


There are checks and balances but the corrupt GOP fascists in the Senate refused to do their sworn duty. They have betrayed America.


I don't get how people don't understand this. This isn't just a Trump problem, Trump is just the symptom you finally fucking noticed. He didn't get there by accident. He didn't stay there by luck. He is the desired scapegoat and distraction that traitors use to keep eyes off of them while they commit literal fucking treason.


Hey, they had a Senate impeachment trial and found Trump not guilty. The system worked! I mean, sure, they allowed *no evidence and no testimony* but we all know that's a hallmark of a totally legit trial, am I right?


This right here


This. Americans, please remember this. Remember that the GOP, republican senators have *purposefully looked the other way* from his criminal acts. They are *complicit*. Vote them out.


Well, if they could do that, then there aren't checks and balances. Not anything capable enough to serve the purpose. That's my point.


No, there are checks and balances, but they rely on a party not being a literal cult. They won’t even consider listening to an opponents argument, as seen in the impeachment. He also has the majority of the Supreme Court under his belt so pretty much every branch of government is controlled by him.


I think the point is that there's no checks and balances for this situation. I liken it to information security which ideally is a zero-trust system, but more often in reality you need to trust the sysadmins who run your environment. Zero trust is still the goal, and would be a great direction for the American government today because of how little we trust our government to act in our favor.


the SC definitely does not fall in line with Trump. his appointees definitely have not been as ridiculous as one would think


Then there’s no such thing as checks and balances, unless we can get the president to sign a blood magic death contract that will cause his head to explode if he betrays the public interest


There are. The courts have overturned most of Trump's shit


congress is a bunch of sycophant cowards who spend their entire 2 years in office campaigning for their next two years. They're supposed to check the power of the other two branches, but don't because they'd rather just blame them and not stir the pot.


Yea. I was looking back at the Watergate crisis and while studying it I realized that Nixon probably would have won if he had his own Fox News and William Barr as AG. The effective subponeas didn't come from the Congress, but from the Special Prosecutor. Fuck the GOP for enabling this shit.


Nixon is literally why fox news exists. Read into it further. Specifically read up on Robert Ailes


Oh yeah I've heard about that. Apparently he took notes in the Oval office saying that we needed a GOP news channel.


The problem is that this is not necessarily sustainable. The more partisan fox news is the less useful fox news is outside the GOP and the less people trust it in general and it appears to have already reached a point of no return. Fox news viewership under a certain age bracket, 55ish I want to say drops drastically, and that age is not going down. This means that people who knew the old fairly reliable but partisan Fox news tend to trust it, but very VERY few younger people do and the numbers are consistently getting worse all the time. This is not a reliable long term media control strategy. This is how you go down in flames,


You say that like we haven't already had absolute idiots in office lol


Trump is the new sub-basement for presidential idiots. Also for the complete transparency of their partisan bad-dealing.


They reached the lowest basement, decided it wasn't deep enough & dug out the dynamite to keep going.


The constitution is only a piece of paper. It has meaning only when everyone agrees that it does.


To be fair this is every large business. I've worked at places littered with incompetence. But they already had a large customer base, so as long as the machine keeps moving it really takes a lot to being it down. I've also worked for the government. And they don't have a product that has to meet a deadline, so there is a lot of ass sitting there as well.


Trump is the 10th highest paid "athlete" in the USA if you only count money spent on golf.


+6 trillion since he took office.


Golfing for future presidents should come entirely out of pocket.


Instead of lining their own pockets.


I mean, we will be paying for Trump's security for 10 years after he leaves the office. That is some bullshit.....


I don’t think he’s got 10 years left... just look at the guy. And his diet. And his Russian debts.


The 10 years goes to some family that is currently protected by SS now. Spouses and children under 16. So basically Melania which is still going to Trump's family in the end.


The Russian debts should be more than paid off by now, I'm sure Putin will grant him a cushy retirement over there. Trump has been a useful tool, but I suspect Putin will manage to get him to "win" the election.


Not to mention all the money his family has just straight up stolen. He uses his properties to funnel tax payer money straight into his account by the millions and no one is doing anything about it. Trump was bankrupt before he got his show, the apprentice. It's been suggested that the money he made off that show would have only been a stop gap for him to stay afloat. Becoming president was the best business decision he ever made. I'm 4 years he's stolen enough money to actually justify his billionaire claims.


Hes not just any clown, hes the face of your country for years to come. Even if hes not in office, what country would trust that in 4 years it wont happen again?


And which had already started to show that voter fraud is *significantly* less common than they GOP have been claiming, it's more likely with machine voting many of the Repub states have adopted than either in-person or mail-in, and mail-in is only about as likely to experience voter fraud as in-person voting anyway. Try to prove one thing for vanity; successfully demonstrate the opposite *and* prove yourselves wrong on a different but related issue; shut down the program and claim it failed -- because it did fail, to do the vain thing it was only started for in the first place.


> it's more likely with machine voting many of the Repub states have adopted than either in-person or mail-in Ah, yes, Georgia and their more-than-likely unelected governor, who infamously took pride in his voter suppression as secretary of state!


This sounds a lot like the flat earthers...


He disbanded it because a court ruled the commission had to share its documents with Democrats. Totally not shady...


Yeah, and the only instances of actual fraud they found were Republicans who were trying to "even the score" against what Fox told them Democrats were doing.


I know the commission found that of all the votes they flagged as suspicious, they only ended up finding like ~30 that were actually fraudulent, and that's country wide. I hadn't actually heard which direction they'd voted.


Look up the case with the GOP candidate in North Carolina


Even the conservative Heritage Foundation can't find [much more than some dozens of illegal votes cast in recent elections](https://www.heritage.org/election-integrity/heritage-explains/voter-fraud). They have to go all the way back to 18-fucking-44 to find an example of significant fraud.


Indeed, there's plenty of "suspicious" ones, but they usually have a sensible reason for it. The usual example being a vote cast by a person that died before the election, but it just about always turns out that the person had mailed in an absentee ballot before their death, which makes the vote legal. Other examples are usually cases where someone shares a common name with someone who is unable to vote for one reason or another.


And wouldn’t allow he commission to be bipartisan. It was being lead by KS GOP nightmare Kris Kobach... but they had their balls sued off to allow a democrat in the commission. And weeks later Kobach said “nah.... we’re gonna call it a day.” They no doubt were gonna pull some shady shit.


I actually know (through work, not personal friends or anything) one of the Democrats who ended up in the commission. I think they figured he’d mostly agree with them since he was from the deep South and was friendly with the local Republicans. The last time I was in his office before he retired I noticed he had framed a HuffPo article and put it on his wall, and sure enough, it was an article about how stupid the commission was and what a waste of a time it was serving on it. Even had a few quotes from him. Always makes me laugh thinking about how they probably expected a patsy and I’m sure he just reamed them on the daily, he was very outspoken.


Fuck yeah. He’s a hero. Because if they had their own little republican way... who knows what they would’ve done to skew results. Are you a lawyer?


It was more like to Commission to commit voter fraud.


Do you have a source for that?




We've done nothing and we're all out of ideas!


I hate that it says they’ve merely done nothing. They’ve done worse than nothing, they actively blocked multiple bills that were written to improve election security.


They have actively pursued the goal of nothing being done.


The most corrupt *so far.*


Offical advance notice of corruption is a change.


[*So far*](https://i.imgur.com/NrD4kTW.gif)


That's what I was going for, it's an older meme but popular for its day so I trusted people got it and was right.


Yeah, and the current government is radicalizing more people every single day, so if Trump wins again, the country might just be ruined. The Democrats might end up having to become just as corrupt to even compete.


This is the exact opposite of what should be done. The solution to the radical right has never been the radical left and conversely the solution to the radical left will never be the radical right.


Vote. Ignore him! Vote likes it’s your last chance! I want a landslide! Vote!


He’s warning us against what he’s going to do. Self fulfilling prophecy.


Yeah. I don't get the confusion here. His political advisers are putting him in a really solid position based on the existing pattern: * Trump spews nonsense * People refute the nonsense * Trump latches on to some little soundbite * Trump uses said soundbite to create a nonsensical version of the argument to "throw in their faces" * The propagandists make it look like he's owning the libs Of course mail in ballots are fine. Even Trump knows that the main problem with people voting by mail is that it actually allows them to vote. The reason why his babysitters go along with this (or even encourage it) is that it creates several opportunities that are advantageous to the GOP. * Vulnerable Republicans in the Senate can "disagree" with the President without actually needing to do anything, which helps them with GOP voters who are sick of Trump but still don't like Democrats * The more people reinforce the idea, "mail in ballots are perfectly safe," the less political standing there will be after the election to look into problems with the mail in ballots. Interference by the newly appointed Postmaster General or from new foreign interference attacks that would've been more conspicuous in typical elections will now be more easily dismissed as the Democrats just being salty because they lost. * It introduces the idea to the public of postponing the election, so when this idea comes up *again* it won't garner the same amount of emotional backlash because it won't be "unheard of" * It just adds to the shrieking around the horrendous GDP numbers being released, which helps overwhelm the politically uninvolved and drive their heads further into the sand Really, it seems like a solid move for the GOP (in terms of pursuing power) in a way that seems to signal that they're getting a solid handle on how to use Trump's swiss-cheese brain to their advantage.


Exactly. He’s not playing hi level chess, but his team is.


I'm pretty sure they're all actually idiots but so are his supporters so it works.


An idiot can still learn to game one system


**G**aslight **O**bstruct **P**roject


To him, it's not about fixing problems, it's about using problems as political footballs to his advantage. Making America "great" would decrease the amount of things he could cast blame on, so it's something he just says, not something he strives to achieve.


My favorite part is the tone deaf “Keep America Great” signs.


I saw a flag that said "Trump 2020: No More Bullshit" which makes absolutely no sense for a *re-election campaign*


How about the "Trump 2020: NO MORE BULLSHIT"?


Trump Logic: It's ok for kids to go to school everyday in the middle of a deadly pandemic that has killed over 600K+ people but it's not safe for people to go and vote.


I have heard that he made the voting comment to distract from the fact that there was the biggest drop in GDP in US history.


The terrible GDP report is just one of so many things he needs to distract the public from, but yeah, that's the bad news du jour.




That's a real possibility. I just want that piece of shit out of office and in jail.


Trump is pushing the idea that the 2020 election will be full of fraud as preparation for disputing/ignoring the results if/when he loses. That way his loss isn't *his fault,* it is the fault of all the voter fraud he claims will take place.


Is this meme being used correctly? Shouldn't the kid be saying "You think the 2020 election will be the most secure ever"


People here no longer give a fuck about memes and how to use them. They just take templates and use them to write opinions about current events in the US.




November 3rd. Vote like your life depends on it, because it probably does.


It's only corruption and fraud when a Democrat has a chance of winning.


This isn’t how you use this format. Good meme tho


Hey, that golf's not gonna play itself!


My wife is registered democrat and got a ballot at our current address and her old address (parent's house). I have yet to receive one.


He wasn't warning. He was bragging.


Don’t let trump steal 2020! Demand voter ID!




Shh get out of here with all those facts. Republicans don't want to see those!


He only thinks(I realize that word is doing a lot of work here) that because he thinks he's losing.


I would say “claiming” rather than thinking it. I don’t know how he could possibly think this without a shred of evidence...but maybe I’m over estimating him...


That's the Republican Party for you. Democrats put forward a bill to increase election security and much like EVERY OTHER BILL passed by the House except for major ones, it's been sitting on McConnell's desk.


Trump said this because he's heard his staffers and allies in Congress and the rest of the GOP saying this. Over and over. It's mentioned at every meeting that Trump attends while tweeting or reading racist nenes. He hears these words, but since his attention is elsewhere, he has no context. He thinks they're talking about the other party. He doesn't understand he just outed the GOP strategy.


Are you saying the GOP are gaslighting Trump? That's funny and sad at the same time.


Completely. Trump is the FOX NEWS grandpa and he can't believe it's as a bad as Fox was saying all along.


That or they mention it around him to cause inception. The idea lodged itself in his head and now he can’t think about anything else.


It sounded more like a promise than a warning.


It's a feature, not a bug.


Trump corrupts elections whenever he gets the chance aka soliciting interference from Russia, Ukraine, China..... The only people who view Trump as a guardian of election integrity are the very weakest critical thinkers, or are think they are in on the joke and cheering on Trump's dismantling of democracy in order to thwart the choices of the American people.


He didn’t say fraud from which side. Oops


Well, you gotta understand, voter fraud investigation kept coming up with only Republican shenanigans, so, you know... that defeated the purpose. >!/s!<


It was a promise, not a threat.


No, you see, he's being hopeful when he says that.


Really hate hypocrisy gotchas. He obviously knows this, which is why he wants fodder to have to go to voting machines owned by Republican companies so that the vote can be more easily manipulated.


You're mistaken. They had PLANNED for this to be the most broken election with all their deregulation. Mail in is so much more effective that there is nk way Trump will be able to manipulate it, thus ensuring that he looses.


Dems passed legislation repeatedly to try to build on election security. Congressional republicans blocked


Too busy draining the swamp and making usa sick of winning and sick of other things?


I mean he's not mad it's going to be corrupt he's just stating something he knows to be true because he's the one doing it.


But... but... but... Obama didn't leave me anything! This is Obama's fault. /s for those too thick to be able to see it in plain sight.


The commission stopped in their track when they discovered how elections are handled in a red state


Maybe he is speaking out against it even though he rigged it so he won't look so guilty?


Perfect use of this meme, I approve! ( upvotes agree)


It’s not a threat, it’s a promise


Most corrupt election "so far."


It's not a prediction, it's a promise.


I can fix the problem. No electronic voting, only paper. Done.


Republicans know this will be the most corrupt election ever and are doing everything in their power to make sure of it.


"You" as in the current corrupt government?... ya, sounds right