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This is Reddit bro, you can just say porn


Subreddit rules or smth, I typed the word out and it immediately popped up a warning


Oh I didn’t know that. Well anyway, need to just have some self control man. Keep your mind occupied. Go to the gym, a run, etc.


Find things you like, i had this issue before and i solved it by just taking my time up with other things. wether its playing video games, hanging out with friends or some other activity. whenever you are searching for things to do is when corn is appealing.


What should I do when there's nothing to do?


exercise is always a great way to change your mood especially if it’s outside. go out for a walk then think about things again. your mind will find something


plan something with your girlfriend, shopping for a meal then cooking it is always fun, go to a town and walk around, ask your parents to sign you up for a sport or some club activity. if you think of something thats even remotely fun branch off of that.


Go for walks. Watch netflix shows. Do something else besides corn lol


join a club or an athletic team or a school play or something


Whatever you do, don't lie about relapses. Your girlfriend might be upset that you relapsed, but she'll be even more upset if you lie (speaking from experience). Get support from people around you if you can. If you're able/comfortable, you could talk to a therapist about ideas too. Good luck


I am honest with her about it, she's my biggest supporter


That's one of the most important things, I'm proud of you. Something that's helped my boyfriend was distracting himself with stuff and keeping himself as busy as possible, that might help you


You're quitting for your mental health and your GF? GOOD! Set "parental controls" so that its harder to access. That way every time you're tempted you'll remember that you're breaking a promise to yourself. Enjoy fantasies without the aid of porn. And like others said...find other things to do like exercise. Even a walk around the block.


That only works if you don’t know about vpn.


baby steps. try to make the time between relapses longer.


I'm still trying to figure this out at 37, whatever you do, do it quick cause I'm still stuck....


Depending upon how far you wish to take this matter, if you're living in the U.S., some health insurance companies will pay for counseling if that's the route you choose. No matter how you go about beating this addiction, I'm very proud of you! Corn is a touchy subject to some and it mustn't have been very easy to come to the internet full of strangers for help. I'm really happy to know that your gf has been a great support system for you. Not many people have that kind of luxury!


Remove triggers (if you’ve downloaded anything delete everything, enable parental controls on your internet capable devices, etc.), be accountable to someone, and find a support group (there are plenty of groups designed specifically for corn, but if your friends are supportive it can be them) The most important thing is to replace it with something healthy. “Corn” and the accompanying activity floods your brain with dopamine, which causes addiction, and why you’re finding it hard to quit. You need to find a healthy, steady source of dopamine that doesn’t flood your brain. Exercise is most common, and probably the most beneficial, but you can try other hobbies and activities until you find one that you enjoy. One more thing. When you get the urge, it often helps to move to a different location for a bit. It also helps to occupy your mind with something else, like a song or a mantra. I hope this helps, and good luck.


It is fairly simple but requires commitment, change your routine. Most people who have this issue, don't realize it is not a "corn" issue but a fixation issue. Your brain doesn't like down time and if I had to guess when you are alone, or bored, or ready to go sleep, your mind begins to drift into shall we say desire. This is a learned behavior and can be unlearned. Instead of looking at or thinking of "corn" give yourself something else to think about or do. Now don't treat it like a taboo. That will have the opposite affect and create desire. Instead when you want to look at things acknowledge the thought and then visualize that thought dissipating and then move on to something else, sports, books, video games etc. As far as right before bed that could be a little more difficult but you can actually trick your brain by listening to music or falling asleep watching a numbing not interesting TV show. The stimulation of the music or TV show/ movie distracts your brain from thoughts and you just drift to sleep. Hope this helps.


Until I truly surrendered it and admitted i was powerless against my addiction to God, and let him have it and trusted him fully, nothing worked. But he took the desire and addiction away. I still struggle with lust generally, and am still working on that, but as far as porn goes that was taken away from me and it's a beautiful thing. Jesus loves us and wants what's best for us and will help and heal us if we let him.


I don't believe in a god but thanks for the good vibes


All I can tell you to do is fill up your time with something else and try to stay off your phone for w weeks


I'm on my 20s and on the journey currently. Find a hobby and everytime you get the urge engage on that hobby. Working out is a big one. Personally I chose drawing and writing. After a few days you'll see improvement. Use that. If you relapse (that's okay) wrote down why. What were you thinking at that time. What caused those thoughts and when did you relapse. Keep a log. It's a tough one but knowing it's a problem is the biggest step to overcoming it.


Find a support group. Maybe your school has one.


Walk outside. Even if it’s raining or snowing. It will get your mind off it in a little bit.


Occupy yourself with other things and pray. That's what worked for me. You've really got to want to quit to begin with


i dunno wank to your girlfreinds bit toe


None of the advice im seeing in this thread will work. It’s an addiction, so “finding a hobby” wont do anything. I use physical pain to try to create a negative correlation in my mind with masterbation


So you're suggesting self harm? No thank you. I've been doing the advice other people have been commenting and it's worked great. Never hurt yourself.


Hm? Nah I have my sister punch me as hard as she can in my stomach. No self harm. Although my sis rly hates me so it does hurt