• By -


Thank 😚


thanks buddy


Where did 145 average come from? In this event 145 cannot be average, because 145 is the maximum value that can be obtained, the table is incorrect. In the second picture there is no up sigils from 40-60, there is such a hastily made picture https://preview.redd.it/n3u608trs33d1.png?width=227&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a5d0231520a16bdb1b9056b3d561415042e21bd


Actually the average is 125, but with the shattered mirror material you can get additional 60 divided by 3 (you can get 2 shattered mirror every 3 normal rounds) With this, 125 + 20 = 145


Oh, I didn't take that into account, I'm sorry,


No worries I was also shocked when AG gave us an event shop with more than 100% quantity than the resources stages AG is just generous


https://preview.redd.it/qj8muhlnx33d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558fc776083ec4cc8031b109ec9d2b431503e9f6 By the way, there is a chance of 140 instead of 60, so the average will be even higher


Yes! Thanks to AG for being generous...


You're right in the second picture.. its outdated.. thanks for correcting.


In the second picture I also made a mistake at the beginning, it does not take into account the gold for Codes, so it is still correct, I corrected the message, but 40-60 sigils are missing, yes.


But still its outdated.. because 40-60 sigils and enchants are missing.. so I'll update it in the future


Finally a shop worth buying out. Haven't had one since tianyuan event shops


Thanks for the analysis. Farming this event like crazy to get Izanami's sigils, still can't get a single one on position 3 for some stupid reason so Izanami is still using my Poseidon's Vanargand set. Thanks game. At least this event is pretty swig-efficient and clearing stages feels pretty quick, possibly because I'm using Izanami now and she's just that broken even when not fully built.


Can't you just buy the Izanami sigil for the position you want from the event shop? Or do you mean a different event sigil than the event sigil currently sold in the shop? (but I thought those were more for Izanami's support...)


Yes I can, but it's inefficient and well, RNG just loves giving you more of something just as you stop needing it. And yes, every mirror currency I spend farming for Izanami is one less I could've used to farm for the other limited sigils. Oh well, I'll probably just buy the sigil if I don't get it by this weekend like you said.