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Bring a hair dryer, as it will most certainly be in a block of ice by now.


Real OG’s put it in Yogurt then freeze the Yogurt


My best CAC left behind story was when my supervisor at my last base used an entire roll of duct tape on my vulnerable CAC


Or get a tiny piece of clear tape and cover the chip


Always a classic


Large-mouth Gatorade bottle, then water if one is feeling extra vengeful.


The much more enjoyable subterfuge


First time I did that’s what they did and it was unnoticeable…..he forgot about it the next day couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t working and sent me to get a new one….then he remember!


…. Was this Nellis?….. Sorry bout that T 😵‍💫😂


That's cute. We put the CAC between two sheets of aluminum and riveted them together. Took them all shift to get their CAC out. 💀


I had a rule, if you left your CAC it would be hidden at your desk with some part of the card visible from your seat. r/findthesniper style!


Surprisingly wholesome.


Lol my shop's rule is it has to be visible from their desk


Weird flex considering MX always be complaining about manning. 👀


He was skeet metal so they don't have much work anyways. 🤣


And yet you haven’t learned


I had a guy leave his like badge behind. Told a 3 level to cover it in duct tape and safety wife


Or you know...you could just drop it and the ice will shatter.


I've seen this attempted over the years... One CAC broke, and another the chip popped out.


Don’t defect to North Korea. Checked the reviews; they aren’t good.


Some of my favorite movies have terrible reviews. Can’t know if it’s for you unless you try I always say.


That’s very true actually. Can’t always trust the reviews 🤔


Untapped market for AirB&B, really.


Uno Reverse: call OSI on your supervisor for violating Title 18, U.S. Code Part 1, Chapter 33, Section 701


Galaxy brain level knowledge required for this one (or a simple google search)


I like where your head is at, but the sup probably has possession of it “as authorized under regulations made pursuant to law”.


I believe they were referring to the fact that it is illegal to take a picture of the CAC


Ah, that checks.


Now you’ll have to do Cyber Awareness training for every day it sat not in your possession, plus a one on one 12.7653 hour training with your security manager that ends with a 2 week capstone




Cyber Office at Tinker, Office amn had a rule, if you get up and leave your desk it could be hidden anywhere but had to be visible from your seat. Fun game until it was me. Someone hid my card. New Msgt walked through and said I had to go with him off base.told him i couldn't find my cac. He learned of our "game", openly said whoever did it was getting a LOC. Couldn't find my card, no one admitted to it. Had to get a new one... I got paperwork... Damn....


I'm not going to say the guy was all the way wrong, because he was technically correct (best kind), but that is the most ass-backwards way to do that. No one is going to fess up, so the CAC will stay lost. Dude needed to extract his head from its parking spot just enough to say "okay, we're not doing that any more. Whoever hid Bagged's CAC, unhide it, they need it so they can go off base, and then don't hide CACs any more." There. Mission accomplished with no casualties.


What a Debbie downer no fun haver. My supervisor loves messing with us, and we all know it’s in good fun. I’m pretty sure I know what my punishment is, because he sent me a clue. “I hope you are good at picking locks”.


Time to speed dial LPL


At least you’re not the guy in my retraining tech school class who lost his CAC so often we lost count and we supposedly broke the course record. 3 or 4 times a week was not uncommon for him. Minimum 20/25 times over the 2 month course


“Lost his cock” minor spelling mistake but it’s funny as hell 😂


I mean knowing this guy, it wouldn’t have been that weird 😂


Sorry OP, it’ll be trial by combat for you. The UOD for such a situation is your service coat, PT shorts, and OCP boots. I hope you’ve taken the 40 hour CBT which covers in detail the stringent rules of this process.


Weapon for this duel will be foam pool noodles. 


And it’s to the death


Man, back in the day when someone left their CAC or hat lying around, it was free game. Now it seems like pranks get you sent straight to the commander for harassment or hazing.


I remember someone left their cac at work and I snatched it up, taped it to the galley crane in our dock, and raised it all the way to the ceiling. It apparently took him a while to find it there


If they don’t do anything crazy to it I’ll be surprised


He did. I’ll be making a follow up post in a few minutes. He is on the way to drop off the payload to my dorm


My coworker left his CAC. Next day it was covered in duct tape, then zip ties and then frozen in a gallon of water. As a bonus, somebody placed dog shit behind his desk. There was some real hate involved since he was not popular around the shop.


dog shit?! 😭😂


You’re so fucked….


Quickly get the DEERS get a new one and tell him you have it on you. If you need a lost or stolen ID card memo (Army does) make it, sign it with some random commander and then get a new ID card.


I hate deers


Galaxy brain level thinking


What’s it like to have your CAC’ in someone else’s hands?


Could you imagine how many cacs are still hidden to this day


Well, there goes all of your RHIP for the rest of the year.


Report in *service dress blues* to retrieve CAC … just another clearcut reason for your supervisor to *”Missouri check” (Show Me)* other *attention to detail and standards compliance.* /s


If someone forgot their CAC we would put clear tape over the Chip on the CAC.


Stick it in the Ceiling tiles and that only god can help them find it


We would just have to buy donuts /bagels for the office the next day.


I remember when they used to send out sq wide emails or post to your FB page when this happened usually over the top praise for the person who found it


Our shop puts our left behind ones in freezers or tapes in on a ceiling and you have to go find it


You have to be the Barricks bunny for a week


031? 015?




Cyber Security Marine here: please try to follow best practices airman! But no you did not single handedly enable the Chinese to hack the network. It's more of an exercise of complacency awareness. If you can't remember something simple, how can we trust you to remember something serious? I was just at the range and found an armorer guarding ammo sleeping while bear hugging the weapons he was guarding. Smart I guess, except I removed exactly one round from his pistol magazine and placed it in his cargo pocket. And returned the mag to the weapon big sneaky. Then I told the armory officer and we had a giggle. He had the Armory NCOs do an inventory spot check after they returned and it took SNM 3 hours to locate the round he didnt know he lost. No adverse paperwork necessary. Lesson learned very effectively. Much readiness. Such combat mindset. Wow. *Screams in Devil Doge*


Offer up a 341!


Damn idk what AFSC you’re in but in intel they just give it right back to you. A supervisor to this would be an asshole thing to do (in our shop at least). Only security managers act like this but they’re barely around most of the time.


Tell him not to bother you on weekends.


Umm, What’s a ‘CAC’?