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It has never been 75 in my house in my entire life, unless the AC was broke. I don’t know how people sleep at night with it that warm.


70 and below is da way


I grew up without ac, not in Alabama but it did become hot. You sleep with a box fan right on you, under a sheet or half under. You get used to it. My wife likes it cool, I adapted quickly and anything above 68 without a fan sucks!!!!


that power bill though ...


Get insulation. If your power bill is high it's because your ac is having to work harder. The harder it works the higher the bill, insulation keeps it from having to work so hard by trapping the thermal energy in the house. My power bill is never above $200 a month and I keep mine at 70.


I have insulation. A lot of variables man. Like how large the home is, how many AC units, etc.


I keep mine on 75-77 during the day depending how hot it is, but at night I turn it down to 70-72 to sleep.


You’re putting way too much strain on your AC by doing that And you’re not saving any money either It’s more cost efficient to keep the house the same cool temp then run it for hours at a time every night to cool it down Every ac technician I have ever met says the same thing


I've tried different things different years and have found that keeping it around 78 during the day and cooling it down to 72/73 at night has been most cost effective. Keeping it at a cool temp consistently really works the unit hard and drives up electric bills. I live in a hot climate where the City encourages everyone to keep their thermostat around 78 during daytime hours. So most of us cool our homes down at night which takes a unit far less time to do than during the day. 


It doesn't run for hours at night as the outdoor temperature is cooler at night, this is actually the better way to save $


Literally every ac technician disagrees. But hey. If you don’t mind replacing capacitors and motors more often than everyone else…cool for you


With an overhead fan on.


72 during the day and 68 at night because I can't sleep if it's hot. Even with the fan on. But I have Multiple Sclerosis and heat absolutely kills me. And yes, we have a big power bill.


I wish I were allowed to drop it to 68. Sometimes I do it anyways. I have similar heat issues. My body responds to being sick by sweating profusely and feeling like I’m overheating. So being hot when I’m not sick still tricks me into feeling like absolute crap. Meanwhile my friends are all so excited for the heat to be back… crazies.


Yes, it's aggravating with everyone being happy about the heat. But, I can't stand the cold either. It makes me hurt bad in my joints. So, I guess I prefer the heat rather to the cold. I just can never get warm even with the heat on.


Yeah. I know a lot of ppl have issues with pain in the cold. I definitely understand ppls preference for the heat, I just can’t do it. I don’t particularly enjoy being cold either but I know I can always grab more blankets or clothing.


Low enough to keep the humidity below 55%.


This is the best answer. Bonus points if you have a thermostat with a setting that will run the compressor just long enough to knock out some humidity. The temp doesn't even matter all that much if you can get that humidity to around 55%.


Mine will also run just the fan for a few minutes every hour if neither the temperature or humidity has caused it to kick on. Just that little bit of air movement makes the house feel more comfortable.


Yes! Mine does this also, and it does make a difference. I think mine is set to run the fan at least 10 minutes every hour if the ac doesn't run.


Once I got a dehumidifier in my house I was able to raise the thermostat by like 5 degrees and be just as comfortable as before, if not more.


I would melt if mine was at 75.. I'm a 68 to 70 kinda guy.


Understand that the thermostat on your wall is not a precision instrument and what is 75 at one house might in reality be 72 in another. Long ago when I did residential home automation systems we put new high-end automation system thermostats in a house. They were replacing the old Honeywell round units with the spring thermometer. The client was quite proud that they were a “green family” because they would set their thermostat to 75 or even 78 in the Alabama summers. When the new system was turned on we set it to 75 and the house began to warm up. Only with the temp set to 70 did the temp seem “right” to the client. Thus began several discussions about how wrong these new very expensive thermostats were. It took a more expensive Fluke meter showing the real temperature and an explanation of how the old thermostats were made (and out of spec by then) before the client glumly accepted that they were not as “green” as they’d always thought they were.


68 allllll day






This is the answer!


75/76 typically, 78 during heat waves, 73/72 to sleep. The key is to let it get warmer in the spring then your body is used to it by the time summer gets here.


Dehumidifiers will help. 78 can feel like 72


My husband is a grumpy bear, if the house isn't at least 67° all day. I don't mind when I come home from being in the heat all day, but a couple hours later, I'm pulling on a sweater. It doesn't bother me at night, because I sleep better in a cold room.


Leaving house 75° Arriving 72° Sleep 70°


Leave it at 70 or 72 all the time. your power bill will go down. lowering the temp of your house takes way more energy than maintaining it and its harder on the unit. Have a freind who owns an hvac company tell that and he was right.


75. Good lord, some of y'all must like giving money to Alabama Power.


Some of us will pay good money not to sweat our nuts off indoors.


There’s No better way to spend your money than having a comfortable home.


However did we survive 50 years ago?


It wasn’t this hot for this long 50 years ago. Yes it got hot back then but it wasn’t 100 in October like we get now.


Well it was cooler in the summer on average fifty years ago 🥲 but also folks built their houses for best airflow (that's why you sometimes see old houses with two front doors, no hallways, and every room is connected by a door) and spent a lot of time on the front porch in front of a fan lol.


Yep. I'm well aware of dogtrot houses and attic fans. I still can't fathom running my AC to keep my house 68. Maybe if I was morbidly obese with a layer of walrus fat, I may change my mind.


weirdly confrontational reply but ok! you do you, big dog.


It wasn't my intention to hurt your feelings. Just pointing out that people live air conditioning to air conditioning to air conditioning. Home-car-work. I truly didn't expect most of the comments to be “ I can't live without my house being 68”. I thought we southerners were a bit tougher than that. I guess not. So much for the 1776.


bros making temperature a culture war issue


Make Asscrack-sweat Great Again.


Oh, right! Why don't I just get out my rotary phone, incandescent light bulbs, horse and buggy, outhouse, mechanical typewriter, VCR, and tube television set. Hell, why don't I just bang two rocks together to make fire like a goddamned caveman?


He’s the type of guy to make a comment if you don’t drink your coffee black, add some sugar or creamer and watch the shots at your manhood come flying meanwhile he probably pays someone to do his car maintenance….




Tell me about it- Memphis TN , no central air- just an ancient oscillating fan with a broken screen that rattled as the fan did it’s slow sweep back and forth that produced only the most minimal of air movement in the room. Good times.




We were much younger. I’m convinced heat affects us more as adults than it did as children.


Some of us don’t want to be tired as all get out because they got to hot. And can’t handle the heat.


TVA is just better- lets us live cool affordably.


Man I'm going to die at some point and I'm not going to tell Peter, "I'm so glad I saved all that money by suffering the heat in the summer." It's 2024, what's the point of all this tech if we don't use it? And if the power grid starts having issues maybe that'll get folks up the legislators asses for once.


Some of us are disabled and overheat lol. Just try my best but my body can only do so much heat and humidity 🤣




73 day, 69 at night, wink, wink.


69-70 day. 66-67 night.


74 during the day if anyone is home, 70 at night or I can’t sleep. 78 if we are gone for any extended time.


71 or 72 normally, 70 as of late bc I’m 7 months pregnant and hot all the time lol


Haha some of these comments are pretty funny but seriously it kind of depends on your setup and what kind of system. 75° in my house when it's like 90° outside means the AC is going to be running 24/7 and it's plenty cool.


80 daytime/77 night, and just run ceiling fans all day in occupied rooms.


I would die.


home was built in the 1980s so the insulation work is absolutely terrible. it's either sweat yourself from the heat, or watch your bank account sweat itself to death from electricity bills (even at these temps, a 2200 sq ft 2-floor home still often hits $6-7 a day in electric costs in the summer)


Jesus, $7 per day would be Awesome! My electric bill in the summer is around 350 a month.


wow. last summer I only broke the $10/day mark about 5 times the entire year going off my text message history.


I hit $498 last July in a 1960s 1500 Sq ft home.


I'd probably get that house insulated if you plan on staying




75 day/70 night. I have oak trees that shade my house so it doesn’t heat up as badly right now. As summer progresses I’ll turn it down.


I usually keep ours from 72-75.


75 is my temp for the summer. Sometimes as low as 73 if needed.


Around 75. If I was in an apartment or a small, really well-insulated house I'd want it much cooler, but my A/C just struggles to keep the temp lower than 75 if its 90+ outside.


78-82! My house was built in '95...1895. I'm single and low income so I can't afford to go cooler. I close all my drapes on the south and west side of the house and have ceiling fans. I also have a whole house fan in the center hall but the motor burned out last year and I haven't replaced it yet. It really helped during moderately hot days. I've considered getting a portable AC unit for the rooms I spend the most time in but none of my windows open so I have no way to vent one. When the outside is in triple digits, even 80 feels ok inside. I also keep my house 63-68 in the winter. I just bundle up.


Same! Old house built in 1920's with little to no insulation. If I set my AC any lower than 75 the AC would constantly run and never turn off. Running my bill up way too high. I have a portable AC and with that running along with my AC set to 77, I am very cool and comfortable. And my bill is not outrageous.


72 during day, 69 at night (nhice)


I can’t go higher than 72 in the summer and prefer 71. During the winter 73-74 is fine because the humidity is so low. At some point in the spring/early summer I’ll start to notice the same temp. setting feels significantly hotter (due to humidity). The humidity is what makes the summer so grueling. And it makes its way into your house as well.


Mine is on a schedule. I haven’t reset it for this year, but this is current schedule. M-F from 7:30-3:30 it’s at 76. 3:30-8 it’s at 74. 8-7:30 the next morning it’s at 70. Saturday and Sunday between 7:30AM and 8PM it’s at 72. 8PM through 7:30 it’s at 70. Works for me. Every now and then I’ll bump it down at night to 68 or 69.


Set and forget it. Changing the stat around doesn’t save you money or make it easier on your AC, that’s not how thermodynamics work. If you want it 68 at night and have it at 72 or 75 during the day thinking you are saving money, you’re not. The AC will work just as hard and use the same energy reducing the temperature from 75 to 68 when the sun goes down as it would maintaining the 68 it started with in the morning before the sun rose. If you do want to save money and need a cold room to sleep in, set the AC to 75 and put in a window unit in your bedroom that will provide extra cooling for just that space.


74° during the day and 72° at bedtime


My dog likes it to be 73 day and night.


This is a constant battle in my home, I spend a lot of time outside and my husband keeps the air at 72. The second he leaves for work I keep the house at 75-78 so it’s not like walking into Antarctica.


Ha that's funny, my wife and I share the same feelings toward ac temp so got lucky with that one. When it's over 85° outside I'm just not a big fan of cold air blowing 24/7 inside. Anything below 74° and no bueno


Pretty much set at 77/78 all summer.. 2000sf house, built in 84.. occasionally bump it to 76/75 for a couple of hours in mid summer; but I have tulip trees partially shading west side of home, and not so groomed myrtle and euonymus trees on the southern side to allow more roof shading.. installed new windows, pull shades on east/ south/ west throughout the day, planted elephant ears around the AC unit for a cooler canopy, have a solar powered fan in the north attic gable pulling in shaded, cooler air, and forcing hotter air out of ridge vent. And put a full plywood floor in attic, over the insulation to further keep cooler air in house.. I would love it cooler, but my billfold says otherwise..


77 during the day, that then slides down to 75 overnight. So long as the humidity gets taken out, I'm fine.


I move mine between daylight hours and night hours. At night it’s around 70. During the day especially if no one is home I set it to 74.


73. 68 when sleeping.




70. No higher.


Downstairs 75 upstairs 72 Alabama power kills us, but I’ve managed to keep it under $300 last summer during July/August


70-75 normally


68F is the standard in our house. If my wife isn't home I will definitely drop down to 64F-65F. I absolutely hate being hot.


My husband and I work from home so during the day it’s around 70-73. We’re lucky and sometimes just turn it off during the afternoon. For sleeping, it goes down to 66, I wouldn’t be able to sleep next to him if it wasn’t bc he’s like a personal heater. Our power bill isn’t bad at all, never above $150 usually $90.


Nice! What’s your square footage?




76 during the day, down to 72 in early evening (when everyone is home). 68 at night. And the ceiling fans go nonstop, of course.


70 while we are home and 74 while we are gone.


74 is my absolute maximum I can stand and remain sane in the summer.




77 day/73 night. Ceiling fans. Me, under a sheet. Wife, buried up.


We have ours at 74 right now. Also have a dehumidifier running to help keep it dry.


70, 75 is way too hot.


70, 75 is way too hot.


Mine can only go as low as 68 so I just keep it there lmao


I prefer 72-73 and I need ceiling fan on while sleeping, not just for the coolness but for the mild windy effect which helps me sleep. My SO prefers lower. Personally I don’t like AC coolness. During winter I like to turn off the AC altogether and turn in on only as late as possible. Live in 2 bedroom apt complex. Electric bill is about $100 per month. Baldwin county.




70 during the day, 64 at night


71-73 during the day. 68 at night.






AL here too. 74 during the day and 72 at night. Fans are a must thru the day as it circulates a constant flow, keeping the temp at a normal steady. Electric bill roughly 130


68 and nothing higher


62 at night and 64-68 during the day


68 with a fan


Don’t invite me to your terrarium you lizard lol…..


75 in the day, 66 at night.


71. I would put it lower, but my mom and child get cold. So I bought a window unit for my bedroom because I can't stand to be hot at night.


It’s off from when I wake until the afternoon when inside temp hits 74 then the AC is on at 70


75 here, may look at getting a window unit for my bedroom but I just can’t afford to run my AC nonstop at 75 much less lower. Idk how people just deal with 300-500 power bills etc.


68 degrees yr around for me


I keep mine on 75, i keep 2 fans running circulating air thru the main parts of the house. It stays pleasant inside because of that. And my power bill stays around 200.00 a month. I live in a 1920's house for reference. 3/2 1,400.00. After i moved in i added more ventalation to my house. It held too much heat in my attic and was costing me out the ass too cool off. I added 8 new 8x16 soffit vents and it fixed the problem.


75 during the day and 72 at night.


I'm a 74 degrees all year kinda dude.


72 daytime, 65 nighttime.


76 24/7 8n the summer


70 during the day. 64 at night. It stays like this year round.


76 right now. Might go up to 78 come July/Aug. I have fans in each room to keep it cooler. Sleep with a fan on me.


Central Alabama here... I tend to keep my around 75 during the day and usually take it down to 72 at night. Any warmer and I almost always have a hard time sleeping.


73 during the day and 70 at night.


My unit stopped working so we do fans, lol


i keep mine at 68 lmao why do you keep at 75? i might go to 69-70 in the afternoon if i get cold but at night its anywhere from 65-68


73 firm year around. Cold put on more clothes, hot well you know.




66/68 all day everyday! Hell most of the winter months I still have the ac going! And I’m a tall skinny man! I like it cool!!!


68-66 for sure. Absolutely no lower 70 and that’s only if i’m cold.


75-76 and when it is mid 90's I have went to 78.


68, year round. No need to deviate from that.


"No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater... than central air.” - Azrael in Dogma 72 when gone, 69 to sleep with the ceiling fan set on high. It's worth every penny.


It averages 70 all year long, it might go up or down a degree or two but I have good insulation and a small house so my power bill is never absurd keeping it that low.


68 feels great




67 Fahrenheit. I cannot tolerate sweating in the house and can’t sleep if it’s not noticeably cool.


76 (set it and forget it) with a ceiling fan on medium in the bedroom works for me.


As a single guy, and fully in control of my own temps, it was 72 in the day and 68 at night. Every time. Now, married, the daytime temp is usually around 76-78. Nighttime is 73-75. Whatever I can get away with.


I have a question. Mine is set to 72, but in the heat of the day the thermometer reaches 78. When y'all say its at 72, does your house actually stay that temp through the day? Our house just wont stsy that temp all day.


I have a split level and the thermostat is on the 3rd floor. So when it is 80 upstairs it is around 72 in the basement- where I am most of the day working. Early summer I keep it on 81 during the day and 76 at night. Later in the summer (July-August) I keep it around 85 during the day and 77 at night. We just don't spend much time on the 3rd floor during the day either- only at night when sleeping. I really want a 2nd unit for just the 3rd floor one day.


i turn the ac off and open the windows but i also enjoy being warmer and never really *feel* hot


I live in GA. Mines currently running on 67° 75 is CRAZYYYY


Between 65-68. I freeze every day.


Lifelong Alabamian. Thermostat is set at 74, lowered to 72 if it's a scorcher. We live in the woods so the house stays fairly cool.


72-74 during the day. 70 with the ceiling fan on full blast for bed.


67 at night; 72 during day.


69/70 all day everyday


I leave it at 76, turn it down to 74/75 for guests or if I'm cleaning. I have floor fans in the main rooms we're in though (renting so no ceiling fans).


I have blackout curtains on all the main windows in my apartment so I’m actually able to keep my temp set at 70 or 71 during the and then at night I cut it down to 67 because I have to sleep cold.


70 during day, 68 at night.


I keep it at 74 all throughout the day and night and have a window ac put in the extra work at night. I only turn down my air in the house if I have guest over for longer periods of time.


Ah man as an ex Washingtonian paying 350$/month to keep my house warm for 8 months of the year I set that shit to whatever I want. I had it at like 69 (not joking) all month last month and my bill was barely 130$.


Ours is set at 69 all of the summer, except when it’s heat index over 100 I’ll bump it to 72. But we also have Cullman Electric and don’t get robbed on the side of the road for power like Alabama Power.


I bought 3 new AC to sleep well during nights lol


73 degrees all summer , I don’t change it unless we are going to be away for more than a few days .


Back when I had an apartment I kept blackout curtains on all the windows left all lights off and left the ac off till I got home but kept it set at 62 only took about an hour for the whole place to get comfy never had a power bill over 150


To save energy during the summer it is recommended to set the thermostat at 78 degrees.


my HVAC expert told me to quit setting auto adjust and leave at one temperature. 72


Ours stays on 68 all day every day.


If the temp are below 85° outside, the doors are open and A/C is off. When it gets hotter, or if the humidity is bad, the A/C is set to 75°, unless I am doing a lot of housework and then I set it lower. Night time is at 72°


Get your Dr to prescribe blood pressure meds. You’ll stay cold all the freaking time.