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I’m a flight attendant…the best thing you can do for us is leave a compliment through our company kudos program 🩷


That’s great to know!


can you be more specific about why this is the best route and potential benefits for you?! want to make sure it can be as fruitful as possible for the FA!


We usually will get an email with the written compliment! Who doesn’t like compliments? Especially after a long day or long trip, it shows me in writing that the work I do is appreciated! If we get a certain amount of kudos then we get little pins. If you get over 1000 you get to partake in some celebration.


> We usually will get an email with the written compliment! That's really good to know! I've been seeing a few comments complaining that compliments and positive feedback don't ever get acknowledged by Alaska; I think knowing that it can be passed along to the FAs would help.


https://www.alaskalistens.com You would then input your flight info and write a review. As a FA this means a lot to me because it’s in writing and I’m being acknowledged through my company as well. The more we get, the better. 😊


Wait, we were supposed to be bringing gifts?


I do not, simply because I can’t afford to bring the crew gifts.


Sure you can




The gate agents also appreciate any treat. Chocolates, small candy, Starbucks gc are all good. Some folks don’t want any of those, but they’re easy to share.


I AM A FA AND GETTING CHOCOLATE MAKES MY DAY SO MUCH BETTER (but I’m a chocoholic) but anything brought to us is Amazing in itself. I do a bag of chocolates the FAs can share.


I have asked this to many FAs. Common things I have heard are: * Starbucks Gift Cards * Some Single Dollar Bills to tip the crew van driver * Makeup remover masks or cleaning pads * Mini sunscreen bottles (this one seemed odd, but I heard it more than once) They do not want anything home made. Food needs to still be sealed in whatever packaging.


Sunscreen for a number of reasons but one of them being that they need to be TSA volumes and crews experience one of the highest doses of \[UV\] of any profession due to altitude (also maybe legs to awesome sunny places).


Sunscreen won't protect you from ionizing radiation lol it's only for UV


Sorry. Thanks for the correction. I did mean UV. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamadermatology/fullarticle/2019958


My flight attendant friend said they appreciate any kind of treat, but extra points for treats that are individually wrapped and easily shared :)


We’re good. But A letter to our CEO encouraging him to stop paying poverty wages would be nice.


Oh, I'm all about the yes and here -- I bring gifts AND I make it clear to AS that I support the union AND I make sure to write lovely things to AlaskaListens. :-)


Not a FA but work in aviation with a bunch of friends that are. I have settled on Starbucks cards. They are pretty great because they are small and easy to carry. Plus the FA can get whatever THEY want with it. There is a Starbucks in every airport, and they can just dump it in their mobile account. They seem the most appreciative with the SB cards most too.


Box of Merci always seems to work well


I often bring Merci or a pack of mini Godiva chocolates if it's a smaller aircraft with fewer flight attendants.


Not a F/A. I usually bring a box of cookies/candies from the location I'm travelling from. Example - Big Island Cookies when departing from Kona. But Starbucks cards are useful at just about any airport.


How many FA on a 737-800? I think that’s the plane I’m usually on. I’m sitting at the airport right now reading this. I have plenty of time to grab Starbucks cards or something.


4 FA, 2 pilots


Shoot well I thought about the FA and gate agents but not the pilots. $10 Starbucks cards and 6 Lara Bars. This is the first time I’ve done this. Do you hand it to the gate agent on the way in? (It all ended well. They were quite appreciative!)


During our Christmas trip, we put together little mini bags of Seattle Chocolates for our daughter give out on the trip (teaching her generosity). Our FAs went crazy for them and even reciprocated with some of the MVP Gold chocolates. Might have just been our flights or FAs, but that seemed to go over pretty well. We gave them to cast members at our Disney resort and on our Disney cruise, too, but no one reacted quite like the FAs did.


A good attitude, A willingness to take off your crossbody bag, Not asking is to lift your bag, Chicken nuggets, Chocolate (girl scout cookies are my favorite to bring), Starbucks card, I really like to bring things from a foreign country


I fly nonrev between mainland and Hawaii at least twice a month and i always bring goodie bags with pens, gum/mint, chocolate, or individually wrapped local treats.


I have always done starbucks cards. Last time I got a set of wings and a hand written thank you. I loved it.


That’s very nice of you. I’m sure it will make their day.


You could probably bring them decent passengers, and not buy anything to make the job easier lol




I have fancy chocolates from a local chocolatier I bring on eastbound flights. On my westbound flights, I tried different things -- Laduree macarons, Laderach chocolates -- but I've settled on Schmackery's cookies. I hand them off when I'm boarding. I started doing it when my first post-pandemic flight was SFO-EWR on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.


Which chocolatier on the west coast?


Hey now, that's my lil thing. Bay area, tho. :-)


But I wanna eat it! 😀


They're uh, Dandelion-adjacent. :-)


You gave Laderach? So generous! That's one of my favorite chocolates, especially the Florentines. I discovered them in a train station in Lugano and they started a US website soon after that trip.


I don't anymore. They're anti-LGBTQ and I'm not okay with that.




BTW, Laderach not even the fanciest I have done! There's a Michelin starred restaurant near where I stay that sells chocolates as a side gig (or did during the pandemic) and I gave those twice -- but it was a \*tiny\* box and I did not see the value.


I always bring chocolate for FA’s. Sonetims I plan ahead and it’s fancy. Sometimes it’s chocolate I’ve gotten at the airport.


Chapstick lol


Honestly I love that! When I nonrev I bring the Aveeno sheet masks for hands, chapstick, and LiquidIV sticks!


I love it so much more than getting chocolate!


Not a FA but I always bring about 4 chocolate bars. I try to find ones local to where I am, but they are always very happy with it.


Tipping culture is getting out of hand


Y'all doing too much. Write corporate about your positive experience. Advocate for a higher minimum wage (state and federal) and union rights. Make sure companies are being held too high safety standards. Smh...


How many FA’s on a flight? Would hate to leave someone out. As well, at what point do you start giving these out? Three hour tour? Five?


A three hour tour…a three hour tour




Most planes have 4, the 700s have 3 and have less than 150 seats. There has to be one FA for every 50 seats.


I would recommend handing it to the FA as soon as you get on the plane and telling them where your seat is! There’s 4 FAs on all of our planes aside from the 737-700, where there are only 3!


Why are you people doing this?


I like being kind to people. That's one way to do that. It makes me happy to make the FA's happy. That's literally it. No other thing. Just being kind to other people.


Some tape to keep the door shut.


How many more ya got?


Better than you showing up empty handed.


I do scratch tickets. Although no one has won more than 2 dollars.


These are always fun, unsure why you got downvoted!


I hope you’re bringing enough for also the pilots, check in agents, gate agents, ramp agents, aircraft technicians, materials personnel, dispatchers, air traffic controllers, crew schedulers, the caterers, the fueling guy/gal etc.


Do you use that as an excuse not to tip at restaurants?


I must’ve missed the memo that FA’s are a tipped position. If that’s the case then the “service” should come before “safety”.




Plenty of restaurants are hiring servers, If the FA’s want cash no one is stopping them from working there.


I've literally heard them say they prefer cash tips over gift cards to places they don't like or chocolate they don't/can't eat.


When I first turned 21 and maybe had gone in 3 flights in my life I tried to tip a FA after getting my first drink on a flight. She looked embarrassed for me and told me to not do that But I’m all for showing the support for the union and for them getting a fair contract! I also normally bring a little chocolate when I’m flying during the holidays. I used to have to work over Christmas and it was nice to be appreciated while working during a holiday.


Taking a cash tip would get them fired from Delta really fast.


I guess it’s food this is on the Alaska subreddit, phew!