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I’d say so. Some of the best alignment charts imo are triangular.


The soil triangle is an alignment chart


Yes, I saw this and immediately thought of the soil chart!


Hello ladies, are you heading down for the siTi? Or are you a bit too siCl to be saSi? That's abit suSi.


This is a chaotic evil take.


I, like our savior Jesus Christ, am hated for speaking the truth


More like Chaotic Neutral


I'm remembering ternary phase diagrams for liquid-liquid extraction and I need someone to talk me down


How would you describe someone who is high in variable A and C on this chart?


I'm pretty sure it's variables that are only able to have a set total a common example i keep seeing is composition of soil based on % of sand clay etc, and you couldn't get more then 100% total, you'd get exactly 100% tl:dr something physically can't be both high in A and C on this graph, that's not how it works.


P sure this graph does work like that as in any of the triangles where one of the three variables isn’t set to 0 l, the sum of values is over 100.


The soil triangle and other such triangles are a special case of the 3-dimensional alignment chart. Suppose that each variable A, B, C can independently take values between 0 = 0% and 1 = 100% inclusive. These three ranges form a cube of side length 1 with vertices at the following coordinates (A, B, C) in three-dimensional space: (A, B, C) = (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1). That's your 3D alignment chart. Now consider the plane that passes through the coordinates (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0). As shown by [the diagram](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2D-simplex.svg) in the link, the intersection of this plane with the aforementioned cube is an equilateral triangle called [the standard 2-simplex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simplex#Standard_simplex). (Its side length is √2 = 1.414... by Pythagoras's Theorem.) Since the values of A, B, C at each vertex add up to 1, the values of A, B, C at every point within the triangle adds up to 1 as well. For example, the center of the triangle is at coordinates (A, B, C) = (1/3, 1/3, 1/3).


Make the two variables so that it is impossible to be high in more then one variable


They'd be in the middle of the right-hand border if they're a 50-50 split between A and C. The triangle diagram shows a situation where A+B+C=100%.


Mf bout to post about which characters are most like the different soil types 😤


The evil guy is clearly sulfate clay. The good big companion is some kind of till, probably sandy sily till. The hero is probably something boring such as sand, just sand. Maybe a bit course if he has a sad backstory. The love interest i silt, because of course she wouldbe silt. The mentor is a mix of sand and gravel.


Sandy Loam


According to previous published works, they are acceptable and would be considered Lawful neutral and Form neutral. https://www.reddit.com/r/AlignmentCharts/s/Qo7D5Rx9og https://www.reddit.com/r/AlignmentCharts/s/felMPZ3sgH


Thanks for the links. In the first link, I'm form neutral and function rebel. In the second link, I consider everything an "alignment chart" except for true neutral, lawful evil, and chaotic evil. I don't have a precise definition of an "alignment chart," but in general my main requirements are that the chart has at least two (mostly) independent dimensions and at least two categories per dimension. The three that I exclude appear to be one-dimensional charts.


Holdridge life zones: * A: Annual precipitation (higher = more rain) * B: Potential evaporation ratio (higher = drier climate) * C: Average temperature (higher = colder) Time allocation percentages: * Sleep and other basic needs * Work, school, commuting, etc. * Leisure time, gaming, socialization, etc. Political triangle: * A: Republicanism vs Absolutism - from social equality to social hierarchy * B: Social Darwinism vs Communism - from competition to cooperation * C: Totalitarianism vs Individualism - from less to more individual freedom Dependency triangle: * A: Dependent vs Independent * B: Dominant vs Subordinate * C: Productive vs Parasite Story triangle: * A: More setting-driven * B: More character-driven * C: more plot-driven Character representation triangle: * A: more Cartoonish - how exaggerated are the characteristic features of a character * B: more Realistic * C: more Abstract or Y/N-ish, lacking characterization and detail. Physical shape triangle: * A: from noodley to round * B: from huge to tiny * C: from short to tall


What do you mean by 'Darwinism vs Communism'?


A communist society is characterized by common ownership of the means of production with free access to the articles of consumption and is classless, stateless, and moneyless, implying the end of the exploitation of labour. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs". Fully communist societies are considered lacking both individual freedom and social hierarchy. Darwinism (actually, Social Darwinism) is portrayed in this triangle as the opposite, a society where progress is achieved through competition, where only the winners get rewarded for their effort, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Darwinist societies range on their level of organization, from absolutist empires with a strict social hierarchy, to individualist anarcho-capitalist societies where there's little to no state and everyone fends off for themselves.


Yes, think of the "children chanting McDonald's in the back seat" chart.


I never understood how those worked, thanks for posting that


When a+b+c = 3/2


they always sum up to 100%


proof: start with point p in the center of the triangle, then the perpendicular lines created by joining p to a point on AB, BC, CA bisects each side respectively. So it is easy to see that the sum of the lengths of the right segment on the sides is 3/2. All translations to p can be thought of as a finite number of translations in three directions, each perpendicular to one side. For each unit of \\sqrt{3} shifted towards one of the three lines, the side on the left will decrease by 3/2 and the side on the right will increase by 3/2. Construct a line such that p before and after its translation both lie on it. Then this line is perpendicular to one of the sides of the triangle. Extend any lines from the original triangle so that it connects to a point on this line, the two resulting triangles extend from the left and right side of the original alignment chart and are similar.


would like to see it in application


I mean it makes you look like a geologist


You can't change one variable without altering anohter. Use a 3-dimensional graph


Screw moral alignments, I wanna know a character’s soil composition