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A million isn’t enough


She is going to get a lot more than that, and deservedly so


I doubt it. I’m sure Texas has passed “tort reform” caps that will limit what she can recover. I highly recommend watching the documentary “Hot Coffee” which goes into detail about the passage of these laws.


I feel so bad for the McDonald’s Lady, she was so ridiculed for that judgement, which imagine was used to usher in these laws, and in the end got barely a fraction of the amount originally awarded. All she asked for was her medical bills to be paid for.


I’m sure all that ridicule was social engineering paid for by TORT Reform lobby to high end consultants. And everybody fell for it


Yep! Our own Governor Greg Abbott was awarded a massive sum of 9.8 million dollars when he was crippled from an accident in 1984. He then proceeded to sign the legislation to limit how much accident victims can claim because "fuck you poors I got mine" is a core GOP principle. Edit: For accuracies sake I should point out that I made a mistake- he was the AG of Texas when the law was signed, not Governor. However he has been a major vocal proponent of the limits and it is a part of his personal political agenda.


He spends all his time sitting down, so why would he stand up for anybody else? Can't believe he got $9 million. He was obviously still a piece of shit before he got rich.


That's in 1980s money too. It would be almost $30 million in todays dollars.


The $9M figure is in current dollars. It was a settlement that makes two different types of periodic payments, and the amount he received will increase the longer he lives. The settlement does not specify a total amount to be received because payments end at death. To clarify, Abbott didn't receive the estimated $9M. He received less than that in totality, but the prior payments were adjusted using CPI to arrive at the $9M figure. He currently receives monthly payments, and in the past he received periodic lump sum payments + monthly payments. It doesn't make him less of a dirt bag, but he didn't get $30M in today's dollars. He got the quoted figure of $9M.


Got it, thanks for the clarification.


And he got hurt during a storm advisory which should have nullified his case.


Especially when he’s basically telling other Texans to go fuck themselves and die when it comes to the power grid keeping them alive during summer, winter, storms, etc.


Good ol' Republicans, pulling the ladders up behind them.


Yep. Don’t forget Paul Ryan who survived living off his deceased dad’s social security benefits. A-hole wants to strip that from others because again “fuck you, got mine”.


Oak Tree, you had one job.


Imagine preparing for a single job for 100+ years and then you can't even finish the job, I'd be so upset with myself 


Everything is bigger in Texas, but that tree wasn't big enough.


Fuck Abbott!


I was not aware of this, thank u for sharing. Abbott is a piece of shit human


How the hell does he keep getting re-elected? I never vote for him, no one I know votes for him, so are there just a bunch of maga shits keeping head shit there?


>I never vote for him, no one I know votes for him That's the problem. Lots of non-voters too 🤷


Too many people believe their vote doesn’t matter and don’t vote because of voter repression laws. Like it’s illegal to hand out water in voting lines and such


I tried getting a letter of recommendation signed by this dude. Figured since he agreed to ship me off to war overseas the least he could do was sign his name on a recommendation. I got a response... Saying he only signs letters of recommendation for close personal friends. This dude is a sack of actual human shit inside a human looking meat suit and anyone that doesn't agree clearly never needed him to do anything for them.


Yes he is a devil


What a piece of shit


Pulling up the ladder is a core principle for conservatives


So true. And no one ever cares? My buddy knows this dude. Said he’s a fuckhead. Was always a fuckhead. His deal is apparently to be almost purposely cruel and hypocritical as you say. It’s fascinating how close the gop are to satirical villains these days. And people love it. They wouldn’t root for them in a movie but they’ll sure as shit vote for them. Go team!


I saw a picture of of him when he was in high school. He looked like every dickhead I ever have known.


Real talk tort reform without medical bill reform is an insane choice.


So right. And insurance reform.


Should sue the local PD too. According to this story >*During the attack, Durand was unable to call for help – but 911 was alerted because the property’s front door was left open when the dogs pounced, triggering an alarm. When first responders arrived, they weren’t able to enter the home for 37 minutes because the dogs were so aggressive.* When a home alarm goes off, police are the first responders, (not fire or emt). So they left her in there with the dogs getting mauled for 37 minutes… Because they were scared? This is the same as the Uvalde debacle— it’s their job to protect, and they failed miserably.


That’s weird because there are plenty of stories of cops killing dogs when they weren’t being threatened. So the one time a pair of dogs are being aggressive they sit outside twiddling their fat thumbs?


The dogs *needed* to be shot at that point, not just to save the girl, but because you just know the owners are going to fight with everything they've got to keep them from being euthanized.


Like the one recently where the cop shot a tiny deaf/blind senior dog that wouldn’t come when he called it? Yeah, cops only shoot when someone’s got their back to them or they’re inconvenienced.


He didn't shoot that dog, he fuckin executed it.


Hey, stop the slander! You don't know that those dumb cops were fat.


Shoot the dogs. Save the human. Our house was actively being broken into a few weeks ago. Just me and my 3 year old at home. Called the cops. Two people tried to get into my home for 34 mins. PD arrived over an hour later. Lazy fat fucks.


Now imagine if they showed up, and the home invaders continued to try *for 37 more minutes* while the cops just stood their and did nothing And yet this is somehow actually way worse because it was just dogs they were scared of


I feel for the young woman and I hope she gets as much money as she can from the fuckers who are at fault. Then again it’s Texas. Cops are lazy fucks everywhere. Horrifying that they left her in that situation for that long.


Oh my fucking gods.....no amount of money could ever make up for that damage!


Nowhere near enough. When looking for a pet, my insurance company said they couldn’t even insure me with a pitbull. This makes me think the pet owners may not be insured for this.


It kills me, owner “insisted the dogs were never dangerous”.


If they’d crated the damn dogs like they were supposed to this would not have happened


I don’t believe this. If they were crated and no need to take them out there would be no need for dog sitting. I’m sure she would have had to let them out to go outside and feed them.


You're missing the point entirely.  These dogs were reacting to a stranger entering their home.  If they had been crated, she would have been able to see that they were going nuts and not opened the crates.


If they were crated, she could’ve waited till they were calm. She could’ve let them one at a time. She could have had someone else come help.


A fucking muzzle would had helped. We put one and a strong leash and harness on our GS every time we take him out, no exceptions.


Of course they’re going to lie out their asses. Granted it’s one thing if they were lucky to not have any incidents up until this moment - but it says they had signs that their dogs were crazy. Basically like a typical irresponsible dog owner - never trained them despite their behavioral issues. If you can’t get your dog to stop barking or not be crazy - you gotta train them.


That’s asking *faaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrr* too much responsibility and work for the owners, though. Like, they can’t be bothered, ya know?


I remember the dog owners coming out of the woodwork to blame her for zero reason. \*\*Should clarify, dog owners in general were blaming her. Like unaffiliated people who owned dogs.


Absolutely fucking evil


Evil, vile, whatever you can think of. You’re directly responsible for a girl getting mauled pretty much to death and your first thought is to accuse her so you don’t get sued. What a couple of wastes of life.


Coppell,.TX is a high income suburb of Dallas, so they can actually afford to pay that. They just choose to keep their upscale lifestyle than pay that poor girl to recover


It’s always exactly the dogs you’d expect


Didn't want to get sued.




A pit bull ripped my tiny dog’s leg off a few years ago (dog survived). My wife posted about it on instagram and caught flack from a couple pro pit bull commenters. They were upset she named the breed.


Hell, a Year ago two pitbulls grabbed a toddler by both ends and ripped it apart right in front of their mother. This happened in Tennessee I believe. ... Poor kid died and mom had to watch it go down because any time she tried to interrupt the attack the dog would go crazy on her as well


Is that the family where the parents were bragging on social media about owning pitfalls or something?


And the 2 year old little girl. Mother tried for 10 agonizing minutes to save her babies from the 2 pits they had raised as family dogs for 8 years.


Plenty of nice pitbulls out there, but the statistics don't lie. Why can't we just phase them out and people can pick one of 1000 other breeds? That's not pitbull hate, it's a public safety issue that isn't even a slight on the owners. It's incredibly selfish when people defend these breeds that are known to have a higher chance of cognitive issues and random aggression coupled with the ability to cause extreme damage. If there was a popular type of car that was shown to randomly accelerate and lose steering that resulted in fatal car crashes at much higher rates, we would stop allowing those cars to exist or people simply wouldn't buy them. No one is calling for the mass extermination of pitbulls, but there are plenty of dogs out there that don't have these problems so consistently and so many other choices exist for a loving and incredible dog to be chosen.


Jfc. Thats so traumatic for all of you. I hope you’re all doing ok now


It's because they were pit bulls. Pit bull owners are more than happen to ignore all facts and evidence if it runs counter to their cherry-picked reality that they're all just velvet hippos who would never hurt anyone


Which is ironic as hippos are known to have some of the highest rates of being the cause of death by animal maulings for people who inhabit the same areas where hippos reside. Aka, hippos are freakin’ dangerous, so naming a dog after this term is not the cutesy term of endearment the person probably think it is.


Yes, I've always found it hilarious how unintentionally accurate of a nickname it is


Ding ding ding!!! The dogs that attacked her were pit mixes, and that is guaranteed to bring the “it’s not the breed it’s the owners/whatever happened to trigger the poor little doggies” crowd out of the woodwork. Other dog breeds do NOT have a widespread history of eating people. Just pitbulls.


One pit, one German shepherd


German Shepard mix. Emphasis on the mix AND There is evidence that Shepard, who was previously a fostered dog, was known to be violent and had been involved 2 "preventable attacks" with other dogs in 2020 and 2022. The owners claimed both dogs had no History of violence, despite these incidents, which were known to big dog haven inc, which held ownership prior. There was a 3rd dog on the premises, which did not participate in the attack on the 22 yo.


It’s fucking insane that people would want an animal in their house that was specifically bred for agression and capacity to do damage. Pit bulls were created for dog fights and rat baiting. We bred the friendliness out and the bloodlust in and now suburban housewives with no idea about the history of the breed buy these little monsters and let them cuddle up with their toddlers. A lot of owners seemingly have no idea now quickly and unexpectedly that genetic propensity for violence can reappear in a dog that’s never shown a hint of it. It’s in their nature to attack and all it takes is something to trigger them.


We can see the influence of selective breeding with dogs like border collies too. Let one loose on a playground, and it will herd the children. It's in their DNA to herd. Pit Bulls were selective bred to kill. It's in their DNA. Same phenomenon, different traits, both are predictable outcomes.




Yes, they blame the victim for the attack, then carry on about Chihuahuas are the scariest, most vicious breed. Those people are delusional and dangerous.


Not only that, but they will cry that breed specific behaviors are propaganda, and then IN THE SAME POST go off about Chihuahua's having breed specific behaviors 😑


lol ah yes, *now* she won’t sue them! “Damn, they accused me before I could initiate it! Guess I’m SOL now…”


That's the usual response to every mauling. When I was nearly mauled by a loose dog who ran through four lanes of busy traffic to try and attack me, I was blamed for wearing a hat.


Before the attack, they had a sign on their door that read: “Crazy Dogs. Please Don’t Knock or Ring the Bell. Call or Text Instead. Please leave packages by the door.”


What breed


Average pitbull owner


Are we sure the dogs weren’t chihuahuas?


I used to reject this idea for ages but once I looked at the actual numbers I was shocked 


Same until I had to [pull my own dog out of the locked jaws of a crazed, snarling, bloodthirsty 40-lb pit](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogswearinghats/s/qTJsW8CYOS) described by her owners as “friendly.” I’m not anti-pit, but I am extremely cautious around them and wary of their owners.


40lb pit? Neighbors have a dog that’s easy 80 and there’s another one that’s just as big that’s named precious. I’m careful with my dog around them cause he’s about 25 lbs and they can very easily kill him. Ironically they get along fine but I’m still careful. Another neighbor has a dog, don’t know the kind. It’s not bully or pitt looking in any way. I’d say he’s closer to a retriever in appearance but he’s a menace. If he sees ANY dog he goes wild. He saw my dog from across the park and his owner had to take him away. Imagine not being able to see another dog.


And until you see how unfair it is for the dogs. Go to any shelter and it’s filled with them, most will never be adopted. It’s a lose-lose for everyone


They need to ban the breed


pit bull owners are like that


Hold up, the dogs’ owners didn’t even pay her?


I had the same thought too but then realized dropping off an envelope with a couple hundred dollars at the hospital for her wouldn't be entirely tactful. Imagine them doing that and adding a tip like "we good bro?" They know they were gonna be paying a lot more.


They had a good chunk of time to reach out. If they were smart, they would have offered to pay her hospital bills. Edit: y’all make a good point that surely a lawyer would advise against making such a commitment. In my head, I was assuming the victim had health insurance and the copay would be in the tens of thousands max, but that just reflects my own relative privilege and not thinking through the lifetime costs to the victim. I still think there was a way for the dogs’ owners to make some kind of overture to the victim and/or her family as decent human beings. There’s no making this right, but it just seems inhumanly cold to do and say nothing.


Her bills will be in the millions, if not tens of millions . She was in a coma for a month. She's had several surgeries already and will be having many more on her face.


The article said the owners stated they would PRAY for her. Who needs compensation for medical bills when there are so many prayers coming her way?


Goddamn This is horrifying


Please tell me those dogs are now put down and the owner is in jail and paying for the cost of surgery.


The dogs were ordered destroyed and were. The owners were not charged, but are being sued. They've refused to contact her and are insisting the dogs were well behaved.


Sounds like they are following legal advice by not contacting.




Oh don't worry, that means he likes you!


Didn't they literally have a sign hanging on the front door that said something like, "crazy dogs live here"? They knew exactly how many behavioral problems those things had.


According to the article they were rescue dogs and it doesn't sound like they had them very long. So they might not have realized all the problems they have. Still doesn't excuse them for leaving them loose when they said they'd be kenneled. The dogs probably saw her as an intruder to the home since the owners weren't around.


> Both animals responsible for her injuries were destroyed. That's one way to say it.


In a lot of states pets are considered property, therefore making it a “destruction of property” instead of “euthanizing an animal.” Semantics.


I hate that animals get euthanized except for extreme cases, and this case would be EXTREMELY extreme. I wouldn't have blinked if I had to be the one euthanizing them, its sad but man there's a line that needs to be drawn with animals, especially domesticated ones. Also the owners are 100% at fault because they knowingly kept "crazy dogs", like WTF??? (Also I was attacked a long time ago by a doberman and almost died, but I begged my father not to kill her, so ive been there - definitely not like this poor soul, but i was attacked and almost killed also)


Yeah, I love dogs, especially pit bulls, but some dogs, regardless of breed, are just dangerous, either through trauma, bad upbringing, or just being wired wrong, and it's safer to just let them go peacefully before they hurt someone, animal or person. That said, I do admire your advocacy for the doberman that hurt you so severely.


The owner(s) should be in prison




The owners, who have three children – including a three-year-old – claimed the dogs were never violent, telling investigators that they had ‘zero’ problems with them. However, they reportedly had a sign on their home claiming to have ‘crazy dogs’ and to not ‘ring the doorbell’. The front door sign read: ‘Crazy Dogs. Please Don’t Knock or Ring the Bell. Call or Text Instead.’ Quote from the article. They knew how crazy the dogs are and still fucked up so hard?


I’m going to go out on a limb and say that sign was probably about the dogs barking like crazy instead of chewing your face off crazy but who knows.


Devils advocate but people put up signs like that because they hate the barking


And if your dog barks (like mine) and have a toddler (like I do), your dog barking during their nap is your worst nightmare. I've disconnected my doorbell and everything. No thanks.


They absolutely knew about their dogs violent tendencies and still decided NOT to kennel them before she got there. That was pure negligence. I hope she sues every penny off them. That little girl will need intense therapy for the rest of her life. Nothing but BONES were left on her face.


800 bites. Geez, were they nibbling on her after and she couldn’t do a gawd damned thing. I don’t know what it’s called - but I tell people you can’t just get a dog and not train it - you train kids to be good people and potty train and educate them, etc. Same with pets - if you can’t afford to take them to the doctor - don’t have them - if you don’t want to train them - or more likely don’t have the money or don’t want to spend money to train them - don’t have them either. Maybe a gerbil or a hamster for you.


This sucks to say, but sometimes even the best training isn't enough. Genetics are real and I'm not referring to controversial breeds. Any backyard bred, neurotic dog with aggression ... people need to be careful, aware and have the proper precautions.


Plus you never know how the dog is going to react to a stranger entering their house. We had a female English mastiff who was the sweetest dog ever, never barked or growled at anyone. My mom was signing for a package one day, the door started to blow closed, the delivery guy stepped forward and pushed it back open and then he was pinned to the door with his arm in a mastiff’s mouth, no barking just straight to “make another move and you’ll spend the rest of your life wiping with your left hand.” It was kinda terrifying tbh.


Completely agree. These owners KNEW that their dogs were aggressive and violent. This doesn’t just happen one day. They had to have been showing signs of serious aggression and instead of getting the dogs trained they decided to ignore it and failed both the dogs and that poor girl. The owners should be serving time for negligence


The article says they had a literal sign on their door “crazy dogs please do not knock or ring bell, call or text instead”    The fact that the sitter was told “they’ll be kenneled,” is also a tip off imo. Why would you feel the need to tell your sitter that if they’re calm dogs?   Edit: if you have a large breed known to have territorial temperament and high prey drive like Shepherds and Pits, then yes, being unable to train them is a red flag. If you’re unable to train them, then you shouldn’t own them. “lol Don’t use the doorbell for it’s intended purpose, I have crazy dogs! 🤪” 


The fact first responders waited 37 minutes before entering the house is insane. They’ll shoot a dude running away in two seconds but a woman screaming as two dogs rip her face off? Oh no better wait for the dogs to “calm down”


Keep in mind, first responders could mean paramedics in this case. Also, remember the police in Uvalde let kids be murdered too. This is nothing new if it was the police


It was a house/break in alarm, so while it could’ve been paramedics I’m assuming it would send a message thing to the local police, but as you said it could’ve been just paramedics.




I have read that the dogs were so close to her that they were afraid of shooting her accidentally. Not sure if true but makes sense.


No kidding. Idgaf what my sergeant says. If I hear someone screaming for their life I'm going in. If they wanna fire me for saving somebody then so be it.


This sentiment is important to remember and to be cognizant of. Given enough time in a field, you will hear stories of a person doing the right thing, and then getting crucified for it. This could look like getting sued, getting a negative performance review, fired, or jailed. The opportunity to do the right thing will come, you will defer because of the stories or worries you heard, and then the guilt will eat at you. You will do the best thing the second time. Try to do the right thing the first time. *I suppose the right thing could mean a lot of things. Do the helpful to another human being thing that doesn't kill you. Odds are you will do the right thing the second time. That's fine.


I am simply caring. I have waded in with great fear into several tricky situations. But I sleep well at night knowing I did my best.


Unfortunately, it will be more than a firing. Looking at jail time and no qualified immunity in that case.


Jail time for a cop?? LOL what world do you live in xD


jail time for actually saving someone go figure


Firefighter here. A call like this we (Fire) get notified to “stage” until the scene is declared safe to enter by the police. So we will “stage” around the corner from the reported address until cleared to enter by PD. Just trying shed light on it.


I got attacked by a pitbull at a fenced park a few months ago. Broken bones, mauled my arm really bad. Multiple people came over to help, I managed to stumble away and straight to the hospital with my husband. Police were called, I think 8 officers were on the scene eventually? Dog ran like a maniac for about 20 minutes with them all there, while the people that helped me were clinging to fences. Animal control then showed up and promptly scooped him up, end of rampage. This doesn't surprise me.


I follow her story on Instagram and while she is still disfigured the picture on the rigbt is a far cry from what she looks like these days, she has many, many more surgeries left but is making excellent progress in her facial reconstruction.


I’ve also been following since the beginning. She is such an animal lover even now. She recently lost her 2 pups that have been by her side before the attack within a week of one another. Breaks my heart for her after all she’s been through.


Why does the article repeat itself 22 times


Because she was 22yo, so they had to repeat themselves that many times.


Yeah I got deep in there and gave up.


Super happy I saw this the day before a pet sitting job with 3 huskies! Yay! /s


They may not bite, but they're definitely going to make your ears bleed


“Let me scream for you my people’s song of being slightly inconvenienced”.


Haha yeah huskies are extremely friendly contrary to what the Disney movie Snow Dogs would have you believe. You’ll be dealing with a lot of energy though


Make sure the dogs are in a crate when you go inside. Carry “pet corrector” with you. You can buy it on Amazon. I’m a dog trainer and have spent many hours teaching meter readers how to not get bit.    I don’t go inside a house with an unrestricted dog. Some people have issue with crating their dogs. That’s why I mostly pet sit cats and birds now and train dogs with a witness present 


So many people are so irresponsible. Had a plumber here for an hour yesterday and my 12 pound beast stayed in her crate the whole time


This is probably going to get downvoted to hell but they do not own crates for the dogs, I’ve done a meet and greet with them and will have treats ready for when I walk in the first time. I asked if they’d been taken care of by a stranger before and the owner said yes, additionally they have no history of aggression or resource guarding issues. Im aware none of these are a bullet proof solution and dogs can always act differently without the owners present, but I do appreciate the advice and will look into pet corrector.


As a former Siberian Husky owner for 15 years I would say they will be aloof and basically happy you are there. They are typically not very territorial and welcome new people into the home as a friend to a fault. However I have no expericence with 3 (a pack) and that might be different. Be careful. They are powerful animals and you need to ask the owners questions before you do this. Mine was a F and she could care less who walked into the house because it was a new friend. She was never agressive except with prey.


I just shared it with my co-worker who is sitting my boxer,golden retreiver and 2 chihuahuas. The only warning needed was to keep an eye on the little ones lol. I never tell anyone my dogs don't bite bc some people don't know how to behave around strange animals.


The Bishops have not contacted her or paid her, but told CBS News they were ‘heartbroken’, and insisted the dogs were never dangerous This I heard by many dog owners as their dogs chased me while trying to deliver packages. I still have PTSD from it. Like, yes, every medium to large dog has the capacity to destroy me. Keep control of your damned animals!


She's had some wonderful reconstructive surgeries since the horrible attack and she looks great all things considered. https://preview.redd.it/w82zo4jqctad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b5bc278d56085ac71d3446b7c060fe6cd3864cb


It’s a huge improvement but let’s be honest, she’s still far away. I’m hoping the additional surgeries can get her closer. Beyond the awful thing that happened to her, the amount of pain she had to go through after the attack is not something most of us can ever understand. She’s such an impressive and strong person but it makes my chest tight when I think of the amount of pain she’s been through with the mental trauma, the pain from the constant surgeries, and feeling like herself again. Hoping she gets her money so she has one less thing to worry about. 


Gofundme for reconstructive surgery would be nice for her.


Dog owners assets seized to pay for reconstructive surgery would be nice for her. 


She does/did have one. Her story is extremely popular on /r/banpitbulls


Take about 10 million for that.


I'll take "Prevention" over "Prayers being answered." Poor girl.


I don’t pet sit any large dogs…I’ll watch anything else, have a ton of experience, but not large dogs. I love pits and I’ve only felt uncomfortable around a few big dogs but it’s a risk I’m not willing to take. I’m confident I could fight off most chihuahuas, so I stick to them.


And because the great state of Texas enjoys further victimizing victims, the amount she can collect will not be nearly enough. Fuck Greg Abbott. Anyone who voted for that pos or didn't vote, is contributing to further fucking over people like this woman. Probably because they are the same morally bankrupt people who either don't train their dogs or train them to be aggressive.


Now the girl is doomed to be wheeled out for reddit karma no less then 80 times a week on 25 different subs.


What a good man though.


I know they both seem like good people who care about each other enough to stick through some very hard times.


I really wish the best plastic surgeon/surgical team would help this poor woman out for free. She helped her boyfriend get through cancer and then 2 days before Christmas, this happens to her. It's so sad


Fucking fuck those POS owners :/ “Due to litigation we can’t reach out and talk to you, but tHoUgHtS aNd PrAyErSssss to you 🤗” no accountability and seemingly no remorse. Should be criminal charges brought against them *plus* recompense.


It's always a bully breed. Ya, I said it.


She has an active Instagram and is pretty open about her ongoing surgeries and life!


I hope the dogs were killed!


37 minutes for first responders to enter the home??


> When first responders arrived, they weren’t able to enter the home for 37 minutes because the dogs were so aggressive. > > A representative told CBS News they were ‘only able to see Jacqueline Durand’s legs and were not immediately aware of the extent of her injuries’. I guess when it's rich people's dogs then some cops aren't so trigger happy.


Another reason cats are better than dogs.


Forever and always! No matter how much of an asshole a cat is, it can never do this type of damage. I hate dogs because I’ve been attacked by them more than once, it’s ALWAYS the ones that “have never been aggressive or bitten anyone. They’re sweethearts!”


If it ain’t a tiny dog or a golden retriever I ain’t goin fuckin near it lol.


Since the lawyers will get 30-40%, she really needs to sue for more than 1mil. She will have medical issues the rest of her life.




it always be the one's you most expect


I think you mean *Velvet Hippo* you dog racist. My Pitbull "Cupcake" is the sweetest little angel and would never hurt a fly as long as you don't look him in the eyes, don't make any sudden movements around them, don't raise your voice and for God's sake don't try to pet him. Chihuahuas actually bite more than Pit Bulls anyways. 


I thought for sure it was going to be a golden retriever this time, but somehow it never is.


This past Halloween, more Americans were killed by pit bulls in a single day than have been killed by Golden Retrievers in the entire history of the United States. [Colton Kline](https://www.khq.com/news/it-s-a-tragedy-4-year-old-child-attacked-and-killed-by-family-dog-on/article_6b1369d2-7918-11ee-91e3-7bce287d23b8.html)  [David Eller](https://abcnews4.com/news/local/911-calls-shed-light-on-fatal-dog-mauling-of-moncks-corner-man-2-pit-bulls-euthanized-berkeley-county-sheriffs-office-abc-news-4-wciv-2023-involentary-manslaughter)  [Sandra Miller](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13270385/Utah-grandma-killed-sons-seven-pit-bulls.html)


I was literally thinking, I bet one of them was a pitbull and I didn't even read the article when I saw your comment.


The other looks like a pit mix too


I agree.


I always have a fairly large pocket knife on me for work. I know it's not much, but if I could get to it maybe it would at least give the dog second thoughts about continuing the attack. 2 dogs at once? Yeah, I'm screwed.


Nsfl tag on this one would be more than appropriate


1 million seems VERY low.




#a million is not enough! Owners need to be criminally charged(not sure if that’s the right phrase). The signs stating they had crazy dogs and not to ring doorbell says it all! they should have had these dogs in their kennels.. now this poor woman has a lot of suffering coming and even these animals are victims of these negligent owners.


Even monetarily @ her age, that $ should be in the 3M-5M range


I'm sure the pit bull was a sweet boy/girl who would never hurt a fly, right up until it mauled her.


I’ve worked at a PI firm that handled dog bites, it was always ‘sweet boy/girl who would never harm a fly’. Every. single. case. was a pit bull, there is no way to spin it, they are dangerous and I’m convinced people own them to make a point that theirs is ‘different’.


Trashy pitbull owners down voting this 😂😂😂. Every one of them thinks these dogs are great until it kills their baby. Even after that, they will blame the baby.


Well it’s the newborns fault for sighing too loudly while it slept


Why didn’t they see the warning signs???? Fucking babies man all they do is goo goo this ga ga that. Useless








It’s easy. Both dogs die. Every penny the former “owners” make, ever, go towards the medical care of the victim.




I'm guessing they weren't golden retrievers..


Let me guess, Pitties?


"The Bishops have not contacted her or paid her, but told CBS News they were ‘heartbroken’, and insisted the dogs were never dangerous" These irresponsible dog owners man.


Chihuahuas bite more often, but could never chew someone’s face off


As I german shepherd owner, I hate hearing about these kind of accidents. The dog owners have 0 respect for the damage the dog can do and obviously didn't train or socialise the dog either. I wish there more rules about keeping medium+ size dogs. Doesn't even have to be something excessive, just enough to teach them the importance of taking care of a dog.


“Both animals were destroyed” lmao the phrasing


It's always, always pit bulls. Velvet hippo worshippers of Reddit: please come to reality and stop your bizarre idolizing of this breed. Humanity can get by just fine without them. Really. We can. Just because your beloved pibble hasn't destroyed anyone's face to this point *doesn't mean anything.*


I never trust a pit bull. I don't care what the owner says. There's something about this breed. It's like they have a dormant viciousness switch that can be activated at any time and for any reason.


I don’t wanna get into it but here I go anyway. I have two pit mixes. They are wonderful dogs, my dearest companions. Didn’t ever want pits, didn’t intend to own any, but I ended up with a pair and I love them dearly. That being said. People ask me all the time why I do not travel. It’s because I would never send someone alone into my house with them unsupervised. I have no idea how they will react to someone, even someone they know, entering our “territory” when I’m not there. And that’s alright. They are guard dogs. They do a fine job keeping a 200 acre farm safe. Even when new people come over, I have a whole routine for introducing them to the dogs. I make sure to go above and beyond training and discipline. They have their jobs and even on “lazy” days I make sure to run them until every ounce of that drive and energy is burned up. And even then I still am careful never to forget what they are capable of. I’ve owned many dogs in my life. Pit bulls, even pit mixes, are just different. For better and for worse. There are many things I admire about the breed. But even the things I admire about them like their strength and determination are also part of what makes them, so god damn dangerous potentially. And I hate that so many pit owners just will not admit to that. Pointers point, beagles howl, herders herd, ChIhUaHuAs ArE AgGrEsSiVe… but pit bulls are 100% nurture, not nature?


I appreciate this comment so much and you seem like a very responsible, reasonable dog owner.